P2P Software for the Mac? 92
NeptalTim asks: "I've recently started using the Mac as my primary computer again after a hiatus of several years. All 'switch' jokes aside, I'm liking it very much, except for the decided lack of good P2P software. I always used Kazaa on Windows, but the best app I've found for the Mac is Limewire, which is a tad slow to say the least. What do Slashdot readers in the Mac community use for P2P?" I've been using iSwipe for a short amount of time and have found it useful. It's no WinMX, but it works. What other P2P programs have you found that you like?
Give Fern a try? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Give Fern a try? (Score:2)
V 0.1 was written in Java Bridge
Re:Don't steal music (Score:2, Offtopic)
So there.
Re:Don't steal music (Score:3, Insightful)
Just because he asked about guns doesn't mean he's going to go out and shoot people.
Re:Don't steal music (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Don't steal music (Score:5, Funny)
Nevermind.....Yeah, we are stealing music....
Re:Don't steal music (Score:5, Insightful)
Hell, man, I would *LOVE* it if my band started getting traded on P2P software. We're an underexposed, underbooked multi-genre band from Delaware, and we just want an audience beyond our friends and friends' friends...
(fz.os.us.eu.org [eu.org] if you're curious)
Re:Don't steal music (Score:2)
Here's some MP3's: http://fz.os.us.eu.org/songs.htm [eu.org]
Sorry, Fraser's been a little busy, most of the new site is ready but he probably hasn't had time to touch it... It was only supposed to display that message while he was uploading the new files, but I don't think he ever finished =)
The REAL reason your band is not traded P2P (Score:2)
So why is your music not wanted? Because there is no need created for it by marketing, my airplay, my feature stories, by high profile touring. And why dont you have these things? because they cost money
that's right, slash dotters, it costs money to create valuable marketing. So maybe you don t like marketing or the music industry telling you what to listen to. Here is what you do.
First ask your self why do I want to download this piece of music, why do I feel the need for it, and why am upset that they want to charge me 17$ for the CD in the store? Its because you feel the need for it. You dont feel the need for this poor no-name band that wants you to steel their music. You feel the meed for that metallica Cd, an Metallica wants you to to pay not steal.
So the bottom line is this, there is lots of free music from bands that want you to take trade P2P. But you dont want it. THe music you do want cost money. Since you wan tit has value, and they are entitled to sell it you for as much as they like. You dont have to pay, but it is stealing to just take it.
So dont steal, just take the music bands want for free. If you haven't heard of them by marketing well that's tought, that's part of what you were paying for when you bought the CD.
But please dont say you are trying to crush and oppressive music industry. That's crap. if you really wanted to crush them then trade P2p with this unknow bands work. if you aren't then your just a hypocrite. No better than a looter in a riot. You cant get caught but it does not make it right. Stop listening to bands that use marketing and charge money and you will have made your point ethically.
Re:The REAL reason your band is not traded P2P (Score:1)
Also they own our pasts. It's not likely you lost your virginity listening to snotglobs from Iowa, you were more likely listening to a song distributed through old fashioned channels. And as such whenever you want to feel sentimental you have to either pay the Riaa to kill your future or steal the music.
If a network could be developed to introduce random independent music into one's home based on demographical responses and previous preferences one could develope a new kind of marketing. People want to create and share and it's a sad world to live in that people don't think music is worthwhile unless it is marketed heavily and obtrusively forced into your mind.
STEAL SOFTWARE instead (Score:2)
No I'm not trying to be a troll. I just find it absurd that people dont think it costs money to produce music, and that file trading is not stealing someone elses copyright. While many slashdot readers do infact want you to share their open source software, many many others earn their living making software and would be hurt if people just shared it.
Re:Don't steal music (Score:1)
This should read:
Its wrong and it hurts musicians and people in the music theft industry.
Let me explain. The musician makes music with revenue potential. The crafty music theft industry executive provides incentives to the musician to sign on the bottom line (or merely fools the musician into signing without fullfilling said incentives). The musician no longer owns the noteworthy music, nor governs how it is used.
Now, due to file sharing, the scenario can change. Let me explain. The musician makes music with revenue potential. The crafty geeks of the net develop distribution technology such as P2P. The musician no longer governs how the music is used but *does* still own said music. Fewer barriers between musician and listener increases the rate and volume of distribution of said music to the public. Listener discovers and aquires new music 10x faster than when music was controlled by the music theft industry e.g. controlled radio playlists. Listener becomes very interested in hearing newly discovered music live. Musician makes money touring.
Is the new scenario better? Definitely for the listener. Definitely not for the record theft industry. And for the musician...? If the musician was previously discovered and getting fat on music theft industry incentives, then probably not better. If the musician is not on the inside track to the music theft industry (ie. does not have enough revenue potential or has undiscovered revenue potential or is not even interested in revenue) then the new scenario is much better. This latter group of musicians represents the larger of the two groups by far.
Record companies are a thing of the past. No one has record players anymore. (DJ's please dont flame, you represent a niche...some might say fad.)
Phex (Score:2)
Gtk Gnutella is my favorite and I believe you can compile it for MacosX. If not the there will be a proper version of GTK for macos very soon. to let you
Gtk Gnutella (Score:1)
I think it can be run on OS X. The www page says some people have it running on Xdarwin. What exactly does that mean? What are peoples experiences with this client? Does Gtk use the same network as WinMX? If not, is there an OS X WinMX client?
My solution (Score:3, Insightful)
All my media content (all copyright free, naturally) is centrally held on the server.
Does it matter what platform ones software runs on so long as it works? You use the best tool for the job. The Mac isn't it when it comes to P2P.
iSwipe (Score:5, Funny)
Acquisition (Score:5, Informative)
Neo [purdue.edu] is a shadow client to Kazaa. It unfortunately doesn't actually log you into Kazaa, but rather is used to query ranges of IP's looking for Kazaa clients. It then sends searches to these clients directly, rather than to the nodes. Still, it can be very useful.
Re:Acquisition (Score:5, Informative)
Also, there is a Hotline Client for OS X, and Carracho is exclusively Mac (but similar to Hotline), and there is now a NeoModus Direct Connect client for OS X--if you prefer this model of sharing.
Re:Acquisition (Score:1)
Try Neo, a kazaa shadow client (Score:3, Informative)
What exactly is Neo? Neo is a Cocoa shadow client for the Kazaa network, written exclusively for MacOS X. Neo is not a real Kazaa client, and never will be; the company in charge of the FastTrack (Kazaa) network won't allow third parties access to their encrypted protocol. So what is a shadow client then? Instead of connecting to the nextwork, Neo scans through IP ranges looking for Kazaa hosts, indexes their file list, and stores them locally on your hard drive. Then, when you search for files, only the files that you have indexed on your hard drive will be searched.
I've used it a couple of times and it seems to work well once you download a sufficiently large number of host from the master list.
MacSlash just asked the same question (Score:5, Informative)
For legal to own and trade music, try Furthurnet (Score:3, Informative)
Furthurnet's UI and search protocol (borrowed originally from Gnutella, I believe) could use a little spiffing up, but it's a GPL'd, ad-free application that works great once you're used to it. I haven't gotten online yet and failed to find at least one show within a few minutes of searching for whatever artist strikes my fancy (though admittedly Doc Watson is about as esoteric as I get).
Course if you're just looking for warez, I haven't helped at all, but if you want some great tunes for free via your new-found love of the Mac, you can't get any better than Furthurnet.
"PS" If Limewire is running too slowly, it might be a "Java problem". Make sure your app has an Aqua look & feel to take advantage of Apple's JVM's hardware accelerated GUI widgets. Having a video card that supports Quartz Extreme would help a bit as well.
"PPSS" In what little spare time I find I have (when I'm not writing this post), I've been trying to port Furthurnet to Mac OS 9-. Had some luck, but nothing to release just yet. So if you're not using OS X, upgrade.
Re:For legal to own and trade music, try Furthurne (Score:1)
Well, I just drew a blank on Slightly Stoopid, but do have a pair of Bela Fleck shows downloading now. This is a great network -- thanks for pointing it out!
Re:For legal to own and trade music, try Furthurne (Score:1)
Google (Score:5, Funny)
Winmx - Downloading unauthorized files is illegal.
www.MusicUnited.org Find Legal Digital Music Services HERE!
Thought that was kinda interesting.
Re:WinMX (Score:2)
They don't want to have to change the name. Especially not to "OSX MX."
So many to choose from... (Score:5, Informative)
Acquisition is a neat idea, but it doesn't work too well. Not much of an interface, either.
MacPhex is cool, and I like its interface. It crashes on me whenever I try to change the port that it listens on, and it hasn't been able to hold a connection well.
iSwipe is okay if you're searching, but I wasn't able to download some songs from OpenNap when I tried--I don't think it has a very good grasp of the protocol. It also limits you to sharing only 100 files on Gnutella.
I do like Drumbeat X, although that's OpenNap-only, and you have to pay for it. It's kind of slow (only when you're sharing many files), but it works well.
Direct Connect (Score:5, Informative)
It seems like this one has been out on the windows side of the computing world for quite some time. The OSX client is pretty new, but it is really nice. You connect to a chat room or hub and can then search download from the other participants in that room. There are not to many mac rooms at the moment, but media content is plattform agnostic anyway. Get it at www.neo-modus.com [neo-modus.com]
And I know that you shouldn't steal music. Up until now I never did. But I happen to own an iPod and it really pisses me off, when I can't put the music from a legally obtained cd on it just because some record companies think that they are funny. Copy protection won't stop me from stealing music - it will me get started.
Re:Direct Connect (Score:1)
the Official DirectConnect software from NeoModus. It's a Cocoa Application, nice to use but some features are missing. Sometimes it opens my browser to open a pop up on NeoModus Website. I don't like that.
The Java Direct Connect project from Sourceforge works well on mac, has more features but it's somewhat
Re:Direct Connect (Score:1)
I disabled pop-ups on my browser, so all it does is usually open another empty browser window, which doesn't bother me too much. I never tried the java client, but I have to say, that infrequent pop-ups are a small price to pay for a really nice file sharing environement. Plus I have found that the people on the mac hubs are really helpfull if someone should choose to actually take advantage of the chat feature.
Xnap (Score:4, Informative)
Written in Java, and Fast, But not the most stable.
You can find it here:
Re:Xnap (Score:4, Informative)
I recently tried out the (new?) edonkey client for OS X called mldonkey. Check it out at http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/mldonkey/. There are some mac specific things for edonkey at http://homepage.mac.com/michelmoreau.
good luck.
Re:Ever heard of standardised protocols? (Score:1)
or they will be!
There's a thread on this at Mac Achaia (Score:3, Informative)
mldonkey is very good (Score:2, Informative)
It has a lot of files that are not on limewire and it downloads very reliably. It downloads from multiple clients at the same time. If the remote side disconnects it saves state and picks up later when the file reappears somewhere else - this is perhaps it's best feature.
Sometimes (if a large/rare file) it takes a long time to download, like days, but after seeing this work you get used to it and consider it as a real background activity. Check back in a couple days, it's magically there.
There are several interfaces. I'm using the web interface, which is fine but took some figuring out.
It also requires a bit of unix skills to install (first install fink, then symbolically link
Re:mldonkey is very good (Score:3, Informative)
DirectConnect. (Score:1, Redundant)
mutella (Score:1)
Mutella [sourceforge.net] is one of them. It has a fast commandline interface and can download stuff as it finds them, i often will have about 10 autogets running. It accesses only the gnutella network but i think it works fine.
Very useful! (Score:3, Interesting)
There really should be more topics of this kind for other spheres of Mac tools. Finding good software isn't always easy, even with Versiontracker, especially since a lot of OS X software is open-source and isn't particularly well promoted.
Re:Very useful! (Score:2)
By comparison, it takes ages to start up under NT/XP, but moves along fine once it's done with the initialization thingies.
Mac P2P Software List (Score:5, Informative)
Gnutella Clients: MacPhex, Mactella, Limewire, Fern, Acquisition (one of my favorites). iSwipe
Kazaa client: Neo (not a full client but it works)
Napster/OpenNap clients: XNap, also iSwipe
Hotline Clients: Frogblast, HotCocoa, Pitbull Pro, Zombie, FineLine, Heidrun, iSwipe(again), Ripcord.
KDX (a new and really very nice Mac/Win compatible P2P server/client. Great if you can ignore the immaturity of it's developers.
Carracho: A Mac only P2P client/server. Works very well.
Direct Connect: DirectConnect, Java DirectConnect
There are a ton of other options that I'm not listing but to be honest I could be here for a lot longer and "It's a Wonderful Life" is on....so Happy Holidays and happy downloading.
Re:Mac P2P Software List (Score:1)
Gnutella Clients: MacPhex, Mactella, Limewire, Fern, Acquisition (one of my favorites). iSwipe
Kazaa client: Neo (not a full client but it works)
Napster/OpenNap clients: XNap, also iSwipe
Hotline Clients: Frogblast, HotCocoa, Pitbull Pro, Zombie, FineLine, Heidrun, iSwipe(again), Ripcord.
KDX (a new and really very nice Mac/Win compatible P2P server/client. Great if you can ignore the immaturity of it's developers.
Carracho: A Mac only P2P client/server. Works very well.
Direct Connect: DirectConnect, Java DirectConnect
There are a ton of other options that I'm not listing but to be honest I could be here for a lot longer and "It's a Wonderful Life" is on....so Happy Holidays and happy downloading."
I forgot to mention that all of these programs can be found at:
Re:Mac P2P Software List (Score:1)
Most of those apps could be found at google without much effort. And if all fails this [hyperjeff.net] page has sorted lists with all Software that runs under Mac OS X.
Re:Mac P2P Software List (Score:1)
Not everything is P2P! (Score:1)
Carracho, Hotline and KDX are NOT p2p. They are client/server. I wish people would STOP using "p2p" as a catchall term, it's wholly innacurate and only manages to confuse people looking for certain solutions.
Re:Not everything is P2P! (Score:1)
Re:Not everything is P2P! (Score:2)
Best Mac P2P Software. (Score:1)
Can you run wine under osx? (Score:1)
Re:Can you run wine under osx? (Score:1)
VIRTUAL PC (Score:1)
Don't count LimeWire out just yet (Score:2)
I have heard Kazaa is making an OS X client, but then again, I have also heard things about Kazaa "spyware" etc. Don't know if either rumor is true.
a good alternative to P2P (Score:1)
Unfortunately, Charter (at least when I stopped using them) both throttles and limits Usenet connections (IIRC, 2 connections totalling ~20k); on Roadrunner I can have unlimited connections and speeds totalling 200-300k.
Since I'm one of those weirdos who doesn't like to steal (what can I say-the RIAA and MPAA stink nearly as much as most of the crud they release, but I wouldn't want some guy to drive off in my car because he doesn't approve of used car salesmen), I particularly like the availability of groups dedicated to bootlegs/promo-only material. You can also investigate Old-Time Radio, which is great for commutes/long trips.
soulseek (Score:1)
Gnutella - really this bad? (Score:1)
Also, isn't it the case that P2P is much monitored by the entertainment industry these days, or have the news media been presenting a false picture of its level of intrusion/intimidation?
SoulSeek via python & wxwindows (Score:2)
It's got most of the features I desire. It's much faster than other clients, but I can't tell if it does swarm downloading. Since most of the users seem to rip their own full albums, swarm downloading might be difficult anyway.
It also has a really interesting business model. If you "donate" $5 per month to SoulSeek [slsk.org], you get to skip to the front of queues. It makes it very tempting to give them money, but it doesn't threaten to kill the community by closing it to non-paying users.
Overnet (Score:2, Informative)
Direct Connect 's good (Score:1)
Yes, there's P2P software for Mac, but... (Score:2, Interesting)
Myster (Score:1)