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Roll Your Own iPod Stand 47

An anonymous reader writes "Everybody seems to enjoy accessorizing their iPods, most of all coming up with ways for it to stand up on its on feet. Unstatisfied with commerical offerings, some intrepid souls are making their own iPod stands, using everything from foam core, to LEGO bricks, to a simple CD case, to a converted picture frame!"
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Roll Your Own iPod Stand

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  • by dunar ( 575371 ) on Friday December 13, 2002 @06:54PM (#4884427)
    Being an iPod owner I see the need for a stand, but none of thesse creations (or commercial offerings that I've seen, for that matter) come close to matching the the iPod aesthetically. Why is it the modders can cut holes and put windows in cases (and even hard drives), but we can't come up with anything remotely good looking or cool for our iPods... as I re-read this I guess I don't want windows anywhere near my iPod
    • What more do you want than the first commercial offering linked? That thing is disturbingly sexy... wish I had the dough.

      • Absolutely right...looks like the hot ticket, taking nothing away from the homebrew stands. But why must the price be out in the stratosphere? Sure, the iPod isn't cheap [the bang:buck ratio has improved] but $100? For half that I'd be there but not a full C-note.

        • Well, half that ($60) will get you an aluminum one.. which'll probably cost them $40 to make, so they'll actually make a profit. They say the titanium one costs more than $100 to make, and I really believe them... I've done a bit of titanium machining, and $150-$200 to manufacture that wouldn't surprise me. The aluminum one looks just as sexy as the titanium (both nickel-plated, I think), it's just not titanium and not a numbered edition.

    • by Anonymous Coward
      What you need is PodHolder from PodShop ( This thing is gorgeous and a great price ($15.95), not to mention free shipping through Christmas. This thing is designed as the perfect companion to iPod. Check it out! I have one for home and my office desk, and they work perfect!

  • by djupedal ( 584558 ) on Friday December 13, 2002 @08:49PM (#4884923)
    iPod--->shirt pocket...duh!

    Only Windows iPod owners use stands......might as well make a cardboard sign that says "I own the most expensive mp3 player on the market!!! - Look at me!!

    I own one, but I don't slog it around like a piece of jewelry...
  • by cioxx ( 456323 ) on Saturday December 14, 2002 @08:11AM (#4886606) Homepage
    But how is Modpod [] inferior to homemade stands? This thing is awesome. My friend has one, and it simply rocks. For $29.99 this is a bargain.

    So no. I don't see a good reason to cut up foam or picture frames, when there is something so cheap on the market already. I'm ordering one for Xmas.

    Oh yeah, iPod is the single greatest thing I've ever purchased. It even beats my Radeon 9700 Pro in terms of satisfaction.
  • by paploo ( 238300 ) on Saturday December 14, 2002 @07:11PM (#4889305)
    I primarily use my iPod when on the go, and so it became most important for me to have a stand of some sort in my car.

    When I first got it, the only good place to put it was in a slightly wider than iPod space between the driver and passenger seats (next to the e-brake lever). Unfortunately, it would often slide under the e-brake lever and be hard to get to. The sliding was also scuffing up the back.

    So, I decided to make a stand that is custom molded to the odd shape of this place between the seats, and also hold my iPod at a reasonable viewing angle. (Although, I do tend to pick it up and hold it in front of me when manipulating, so one eye can be on the road!).

    After a some thought, I decided to make my stand out of (of all things) a Cheerio's box. This was mostly because I considered it a prototype, and was planning on using 1/8" thick plastic for the real thing.

    Now you would think that the cardboard, being so thin, would break. However with an X shaped support in the interior (and properly located to give some support to the middle of the iPod mating surface), I found that the thing is very surprisingly strong. I've had the stand for almost a year now, and it is still in wonderful shape. I guess I never will get around to making a plastic version -- no need to.

  • by mick129 ( 126225 ) on Sunday December 15, 2002 @02:19AM (#4890748)

    I like mine. Looks a little nicer than the cd case. Not as expensive as any of the other stands I've seen sold.
  • Linking a 'limited edition' 1000 run stand as an example of the "comercial offerings" is intersting. afaik this is the ONLY commecrial stand out there and is aimed at the kind of poser who'd use it in the first-place.

    me? I keep mine in my pocket where it belongs.

When you don't know what to do, walk fast and look worried.
