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Apple Hawks Madonna iPods 350

danamania writes "Apple's latest promotion is a gimmick with Madonna, Tony Hawk or Beck's signature, or a No Doubt logo, on an iPod. It seems Apple's really pushing the iPod as a too-cool fashion accessory as much as a too-cooler MP3 player... is Maddie's signature worth an extra USD49 over the standard iPod?" Instead of $50 for the engraved signature, you can spend $20 to print "Madonna's Signature" in beautiful Helvetica.
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Apple Hawks Madonna iPods

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  • by Nogami_Saeko ( 466595 ) on Wednesday December 11, 2002 @05:12PM (#4866186)
    Could it not argue that having Madonna's signature on your iPod would decrease the value?
    • by UnixRevolution ( 597440 ) on Wednesday December 11, 2002 @05:19PM (#4866275) Homepage Journal
      The Iron Maiden iPod... The Metallica iPod (just the irony makes it worth $50 more), the Devo iPod, and of course...

      The artist formerly known as the artist formerly known as Prince iPod.
    • This didn't work for Palm and it won't work for apple because it's a stupid idea. I'm just waiting for the clip on colored face plates -- that managed to eek a few extra years out of the Gameboy franchise that way.

    • Yep, it might reduce the price to nothing... for example would playing "Die Another Day" incite hardware failure? Either by the iPod developing a taste for music (in which case it self destructs) or the listener throws the iPod into a wall? (when users friend has got a waaaay cooler "Q" department issue iPod/iBond with a laser light show or something).

      So in the end it is rather worthless, being in little pieces and all, unless Apple develops a special Terminator edition called the iT2000 (for when the film comes out) that can morph back together?

    • Re:Increased value? (Score:3, Interesting)

      by tangledweb ( 134818 )
      I would not mind an iPod, but this is a stupid idea. Most of the people stupid enough to want a pointless celebrity endorsement on their purchases are too young for an iPod.

      Star Wars lunch boxes sell well to the to young to know any better, but I don't think many in this demographic have the spending power for consumer electonics.

      The only positive side I see is that surely some or all of the people they pick will turn out really unpopular. There has to be an iPod equivalent of the Jar Jar Binks lunch box.

      I picture the price list this way:
      Madonna iPod $349
      Regular iPod $299
      Mariah Carey iPod $149 (with bonus laser/bubblejet printable sticker slightly larger than signature)
  • by binaryDigit ( 557647 ) on Wednesday December 11, 2002 @05:13PM (#4866195)
    The Cowboy Neal autographed iPod (really just a big X marked in crayon).
  • by User 956 ( 568564 ) on Wednesday December 11, 2002 @05:13PM (#4866198) Homepage
    But then I realized, of course, that we're living in a Material World.

    Does this mean Steve Jobs is a Material Girl?
  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 11, 2002 @05:13PM (#4866205)
    RED AND YELLOW, brutha! Whatcha gonna do when Hulkamania runs wild on you! Say your prayers, eat your vitamins, and use your Mac.
  • How Much... (Score:3, Funny)

    by GeneralEmergency ( 240687 ) on Wednesday December 11, 2002 @05:14PM (#4866211) Journal

    ...for one molested by Madonna's dog?

    No. Seriously.

  • why? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by neo8750 ( 566137 ) <zepski.zepski@net> on Wednesday December 11, 2002 @05:14PM (#4866213) Homepage
    why would anyone do this? if they are a die hard fan they will mostlikely try for the real thing not just cheap engraved fake. I don't see why a person would waste 50 dollars more on this.
    • Re:why? (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward
      It's actually an extra $30, as the engraving itself costs $20. In fact, the engraving used to cost $50 only a few months ago.
    • Re:why? (Score:5, Funny)

      by MQBS ( 264470 ) on Wednesday December 11, 2002 @05:58PM (#4866616)
      Err, the real thing? Since when does Madonna carry around a laser-engraver with her? Maybe Beck has one. I wouldn't put it past him.
    • why would anyone do this?

      Why do they sell "Eddie Bauer" Ford Explorers?

      *shrug* I have no idea why, but they seem popular.
  • Devo (Score:5, Funny)

    by jgalun ( 8930 ) on Wednesday December 11, 2002 @05:14PM (#4866215) Homepage
    I am holding out for the limited edition Devo iPod.

    Whip it! Whip it good!
  • Including Music (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Fubar ( 1615 ) on Wednesday December 11, 2002 @05:14PM (#4866220)
    I wouldn't be surprised to see Apple start shipping iPods with 'special tracks' from artists.

    I bet the RIAA wold love that.
  • Wow. (Score:2, Insightful)

    by mkg ( 40510 )
    All I can say is....ewwww! I love my iPod and all, but this is a little too cute for my tastes. I'm sure they'll sell. People are so awestruck by celebrity that they will purchase just about anything to identify themselves in some manner or another.
    • I don't think so. The cretins might watch Entertainment Tonight and read the National Inquirer, but when was the last time you saw someone wearing a Madonna t-shirt?
  • But (Score:2, Troll)

    "too-cool fashion accessory as much as a too-cooler MP3 player"

    Two years from now, will it still be cool?
    Two years from now, my Nomad Jukebox 5gb (c. 1956) will still nice-looking due to it's timeless design.
    But, soon enough the "clean" look will be "out", and iPod sales will drop. Mark my words.
    • Re:But (Score:5, Funny)

      by ipjohnson ( 580042 ) on Wednesday December 11, 2002 @05:22PM (#4866310)
      I don't think the clean look ever really goes out it just becomes less of a fad. Besides I'm sure apple will come out with a "hippie" version soon that comes in a multi colored cases and a roach clip on the back ;-)
    • Re:But (Score:3, Insightful)

      by nfotxn ( 519715 )

      No, your Nomad will look just as pleebian as ever and Apple will sell new iPods with more features and new avant guarde styling.

      And people will buy them. That's the powerful combination of technology and fashion which Apple's more recent success is almost entirely due to.

    • Re:But (Score:3, Insightful)

      Two years from now, my Nomad Jukebox 5gb (c. 1956) will still nice-looking due to it's timeless design.

      Industrial design is a funny thing. I'm not sure I agree that the "brushed-metal-look-plastic and primary colour bezel" look is any more valid (in the long run) than any other choice out there. It may depend on how one defines "timeless", but I'm not sure the current Creative or Panasonic designs are necessarily timeless. Of course, only time will tell.

      Both are relatively recent takes on a look that has been around for some time. My first personal cassette player was a tiny Toshiba that was rounded-rectangular, brushed silver with black trim. Very iPod like for the time. That was close to 20 years ago.

      Not to mention the creative also offers the NOMAD Jukebox Zen, which is aimed directly at the value-oriented would-be iPod buyer.

      Creative is doing what most companies do: creating brand-recognition through design and style, while offering enough of a departure (read: copying other successful styles) to pick up the margin customers.

  • by binaryDigit ( 557647 ) on Wednesday December 11, 2002 @05:15PM (#4866229)
    Beware the Madonna iPod, every time you turn around it will shed its outer cover. Plus instead of a blank pause, it will insist on playing "Material Girl" and/or "Like A Virgin" between all your tracks.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 11, 2002 @05:16PM (#4866240)
    Apple will engrave Anonymous Coward for only $19.95!
  • I was hopping it came with the music she pirated!

    If it did there'd be some Whilliam Orbit in there it bet!
  • by sweetooth ( 21075 ) on Wednesday December 11, 2002 @05:17PM (#4866250) Homepage
    Why would anyone want an iPod with a printed signature or logo. I understand branding etc, but with signatures most people don't care unless it is real. Also, for the price you could get it engraved with your own custom item makeing the iPod unique. That seems much more practical to me. Then at a later date when you happen to be at a coffee shop in London and Madonna forgets her purse again you can get her to autograph her iPod when she asks to borrow two pounds for that cake she is buying for her kid. m/103366/115819
    • Why does anybody buy Nikes when there are higher quality shoes out there? Why do you buy the "name brand" vegetables in a can when the store brand taste the same? Why do the masses want Clariton when the generic does the same thing?

      People like branded things - people like to think their "version" of an item is somehow better. The fact that Woz signed my IIgs doens't mean it ran any faster, but it was still cool to have. It's just a function of society to want something we view as "unique".
  • RIAA and such (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 11, 2002 @05:18PM (#4866265)
    Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't some of Madonna's newest CD's made with one of the new copy protection schemes? Doesn't it seem strange for her to be supporting the ipod while her music can't be played on it?
  • My Opinion (Score:3, Insightful)

    by OverlordQ ( 264228 ) on Wednesday December 11, 2002 @05:18PM (#4866267) Journal
    Personally, I dont really see what's wrong with this. It's just like having a <insert object here> signed by <insert somebody famous you like>. Hardcore fans pay good money for 'autographed' items.
  • by johnkeyes ( 627357 ) on Wednesday December 11, 2002 @05:20PM (#4866279) Homepage
    This would make more sense if the iPod came preloaded with a bunch of music from the artist whose name is engraved.
  • by Xerithane ( 13482 ) <xerithane.nerdfarm@org> on Wednesday December 11, 2002 @05:20PM (#4866286) Homepage Journal
    From the iPod site:

    Display your favorite contacts and appointments.

    Anybody else find that a bit strange, I'd prefer it to show all of my contacts and appointments.
  • by galego ( 110613 ) <(jsnsotheracct) (at) (> on Wednesday December 11, 2002 @05:21PM (#4866287)
    fell on Madonna in the forest and someone recorded the audio, could I get that preloaded on my iPod instead?
  • by smd4985 ( 203677 ) on Wednesday December 11, 2002 @05:21PM (#4866288) Homepage
    because i'm sure all these artists understand that the iPod is often used to store illegally obtained music files. can this be construed as tacit approval? what would hilary rosen say?

    or perhaps musicians realize that like the VCR the iPod MAY encourage piracy but it has plenty of non-infringing uses. just like gnutella....
  • by yroJJory ( 559141 ) <me@[ ] ['jor' in gap]> on Wednesday December 11, 2002 @05:21PM (#4866299) Homepage
    I've got a slew of Mac Plusses with Steve Jobs' signature engraved inside and it didn't cost me $50 on top of the original $4000.
  • by Yoje ( 140707 ) on Wednesday December 11, 2002 @05:23PM (#4866326)
    First the RIAA will sue me for attempting to put MP3s on my iPod; then Madonna, No Doubt, and Beck will sue me for attempting to steal their iPods. "Why yes officer, that is my iPod, see, that's my signature right there."
  • by Quixadhal ( 45024 ) on Wednesday December 11, 2002 @05:28PM (#4866374) Homepage Journal
    before we can get our favourite pr0n image engraved on it? No, I'm not nescessarily suggesting that Madonna be involved...
  • Nerd iPods (Score:4, Funny)

    by binaryDigit ( 557647 ) on Wednesday December 11, 2002 @05:29PM (#4866381)
    /.Pod - slashdots any computer that you hook up to it. Keeps on wanting to be "beowoulf clustered" with iPods of the opposite gender (but of course is lucky to even get them to acknowledge it).

    K&RPod - Trse UsrIntFace, very flexible though

    GPLPod - If you sing along, you must record your singing and distribute the original song along with your singing.

    M$Pod/SonyPod/RIAAPod - You hate it because you have to.

    CaseModPod - iPod with glear plastic case, neon kit, chipped cpu w/water cooling
  • She's always been one of those Pod People!
  • by MonTemplar ( 174120 ) on Wednesday December 11, 2002 @05:31PM (#4866393) Homepage Journal
    I'd have one of the following :

    Kevin Mitnick edition iPod (plays music, DOSes your iMac).

    Hillary Rosen edition iPod (plays nothing, shops you to the Feds for file-sharing)

    Nick Cave edition iPod (plays music, but you hear only silence)

    Satan edition iPod (plays music in reverse, you hear voices telling you to 'do it! do it!')


  • Eddie Bauer
    Kathy Ireland
    Martha Stweart
    Tommy whatshisname
    Ad infinitum

    Celebrity connection sells. Real signature or just a logo.
  • Who will do this? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by teamhasnoi ( 554944 ) <> on Wednesday December 11, 2002 @05:31PM (#4866400) Journal
    Bland trust-fund kids?

    How about ipods in *different colors*?? It worked for the iMac, and is a better choice than the signature of the 'flavor of the month'. Cmon, THINK DIFFERENT, indeed.

    Better yet, a clear, removable face plate that can cover photos or art of your OWN MAKING.

    That sounds more like Apple to me...

    • How about ipods in *different colors*?? [...]That sounds more like Apple to me...

      It all sounds like Apple to me -- much of their innovation has been centered around what are really superficial visual design changes.

      Some wags may argue that some of the design changes made the machine easier to work on (some aspects of the B&W G3 case design) or easier to use (the new iMac's screen adjustability) or made them more productive because they made them feel better looking at a "good" design.

      I think overall that the design changes were designed more around grabbing people's attention than material improvements in the basic function of the device.

      I think Apple rather lays bare the superficiality of some of their design motivations and cheapens the actual design ground they laid by doing this with the iPod. But I bought a Tivo instead of an iPod with my mad money, so what do I know..
  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 11, 2002 @05:33PM (#4866418)
    I'm posting this anonymously to protect my job. Not that they'll fire me or anything, but why risk it?

    For several years, we (Apple) have been working on ways of customizing computers and electronics. It all started back in the Power Mac Cube days, when we were looking into new injection molding processes. That worked okay, but we got a lot of flak from customers who thought the mold lines in the plastic looked like cracks.

    Now we're looking at custom laser engraving, trying to figure out ways to get the cost down to less than a dollar per square inch. The idea is that you will be able to order your laptop with anything at all engraved on the surface: your name, a logo, a picture of your kids, whatever.

    This little promo is just some of the runoff from that work.

    Oh, and incidentally, Apple isn't doing this for the money. I don't want to say anything else too specific, but there's more going on between Apple and these artists than just this. Expect to see more interesting things in the coming months.
    • Oh, and incidentally, Apple isn't doing this for the money. I don't want to say anything else too specific, but there's more going on between Apple and these artists than just this. Expect to see more interesting things in the coming months.

      There has to be something more to this -- just selling Madonna or No Doubt-branded cases is schlocky, and Jobs would never agree to schlocky to sell a few more units.

    • Well, now that I do, I still think that this is a stoooooopid product idea specifically designed to troll for morons.

      But I'm sure you're really a nice person in real life.

  • Only $20 (Score:4, Informative)

    by mattvd ( 44096 ) on Wednesday December 11, 2002 @05:34PM (#4866428) Homepage Journal
    Actually, it looks [] like you get $30 off at checkout.
  • It was cool when the iPod was the first easily usable MP3 player with a hard drive that fit in a small space. It was cool when they got linux support. It might've been cool if it was engraved with RMS' signature or CowboyNeal's, or even maybe Steve Jobs'. But remind me one more time why I, a geek/nerd/this/that/whatever, care about this? IANATroll, but this has gone a little too far with the 'slashvertisements'.

    Ah well. I can see my karma dropping now. Mods, do your worst...

  • by uucee ( 621916 ) on Wednesday December 11, 2002 @05:36PM (#4866448)
    This could be cool (rather, worth the money) if Apple and the artists' labels got together and offered unique and compelling content only available for the signature-series iPods. Instead of pushing this as a logo gimmick, maybe selling "a year-long subscription to content only available to these iPods" would make the offer appealing.
  • Why? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by greymond ( 539980 )
    I don't want to get flaimed for this - but honestly - this idea of of a Pop-Star, Skater guy, Loner, and Indy group signing an Ipod baffles me.

    I'm all for people who want to get an Ipod - i'm sure it's a cool toy - as well as i'm sure it like all other toys has its +'s and -'s

    But WHY? would you be more incligned to buy a Palm Pilot or a Zaurus if it had any of these signatures on it?
  • 1. Pour plaster or some other softer substance over the signature section of your engraved iPod. Let harden and remove.
    2. Buy all the old Madonna albums from the used section of your local music store.
    3. Put ink on the tip of your plaster mold.
    4. Stamp album covers.
    5. Ebay some autographed Madonna albums.
    (you knew it was coming)
    6. PROFIT!

  • She has one name all her professional life and now she has a nickname too? What's next, we call her "M"? Isn't that just a little ridiculous?

    Ah... I mean more ridiculous than Madonna as a conceptual whole.


    • She has one name all her professional life and now she has a nickname too? ...Isn't that just a little ridiculous?

      and your real name is "Wee"?

      • and your real name is "Wee"?

        No, but that's what everyone calls me. My dad gave me the nickname a long time ago and it stuck. In my signature (the real, on-paper kind), my first name appears as "Wm". Giving Madonna another, shorter name is like calling me "W". That was my point.


    • What's next, we call her "M"?

      Too late, already taken by a French singer []

  • Makes no sense (Score:2, Insightful)

    by zecg ( 521666 )
    It seems like a really bad move from a marketing strategy viewpoint. I am just not able to see how people who buy portable hardware for playing digital music (even the user-friendly Mac flavor) are the same people who would enjoy having something signed by a pop-star. But let us say that they are - I still don't see why you need to advertise a solid hi-tech product with a cheap gimmick. It is not just simple endorsement.
  • Why is a Madonna/No Doubt/Cowboy Neal - branded iPod Slashdot-worthy, but this [] article isn't? Apple is filing a lawsuit against a former contactor for theft of trade secrets. It seems that this contractor posted schematics of new apple hardware onto the internet...

    Moderators, punish me if you must, but I think this bears mentioning on /. *way* more than a Madonna iPod does... Especially since I'm more of a KISS fan myself... ;)
  • No no no! (Score:4, Funny)

    by mao che minh ( 611166 ) on Wednesday December 11, 2002 @05:57PM (#4866608) Journal
    They need an Ellen Fiess edition!
  • Old technology (Score:3, Interesting)

    by El ( 94934 ) on Wednesday December 11, 2002 @05:57PM (#4866610)
    Wouldn't it a heckova lot cooler to use flexible displays or electronic paper wrapped around the iPod so you could customize the external appearance yourself? Skins for physical devices -- now THAT is cool!
  • A better, more profitable idea would be to make a cheap-o, 2 GB iPod for $99. Here is the price list: iPod prices []. Customer engraving is $19.95.
  • When will Metallica/Lars Ulrich iPods be available? :)
  • How many have she got?!

    And what when they are all sold - how is she going to listen to music?

    And where did she get all those mp3s anyway - did she download them from the net? Eh? Eh? Eh?
  • They had to drop that, it had been taken!
  • a Woz [] signature, of course.
  • by phong3d ( 61297 ) <phong3d&gmail,com> on Wednesday December 11, 2002 @08:26PM (#4867442) Homepage
    It would be pretty interesting to be able to upload a black-and-white GIF or perhaps some similarly colored vector graphics to have engraved on the back. That sounds like the next obvious step after this pre-made designs and text customization.
  • by orpheus2000 ( 166384 ) on Wednesday December 11, 2002 @08:55PM (#4867675) Journal
    I had a friend who asked Apple if they would take a custom TrueTypeFont to engrave. Namely, a TTF for Quenya, and have it engraved in the language of Mordor:

    Ash iPod durbatulúk, ash iPod gimbatul,
    ash iPod thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul

    Apple said no; a pity. I would have liked to have seen The One iPod
  • by Rai ( 524476 ) on Wednesday December 11, 2002 @08:57PM (#4867695) Homepage
    Or a portable DivX player with a picture of Jack Valenti on it.
  • by Aqua OS X ( 458522 ) on Thursday December 12, 2002 @12:20AM (#4868436)
    What if I lost my iPod and someone found it and returned it to Tony Hawk?
  • by Ilan Volow ( 539597 ) on Thursday December 12, 2002 @01:51AM (#4868845) Homepage
    • Madonna iPod--changes the style of its interface every year and half just for shock value
    • Tony Hawk iPod--comes with wheels and requires elbow pads and helmet
    • No Doubt iPod--plays nothing but funky ska/reggae and constantly inserts references to your ex's in songs
    • Beck iPod--error messages that say "You're a loser baby, so why don't you kill me."
    • Milli Vanilli iPod--claims to be an iPod, but really is only a 32MB Diamond rio.
    • Britney Spears iPod--the sound quality only is only good if you're under twelve, and has buttons so big you'd swear they weren't real.
    • P Diddy iPid--We all know it's really just the Puff Daddy iPod. Who are they trying to fool?
    • J Lo iPod--useful as a wedding gift for a couple you know will last less than a year.
    • George Michael iPod--has special ports for jacking into public restrooms.

If I have not seen so far it is because I stood in giant's footsteps.
