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iCal World Offers iCal, iCal, and More iCal 22

Ken Moulton writes in that "iCal World combines news, tips, help, applications; public, private, pay, and secure calendar hosting; and an extensive iCal calendar library."
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iCal World Offers iCal, iCal, and More iCal

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  • ... but I don't want any iCal!
  • Wow! (Score:2, Funny)

    by Otter ( 3800 )
    I'm one of the people who complains about inaccurate, inflammatory or simply false story submissions, but Pudge and Ken certainly got this one right.

    It's a site about iCal. Boy, is it a site about iCal! If you like iCal, this is the site for you.

    /me goes to try out iCal, having deleted it from the dock upon upgrade to 10.2 without ever bothering to see what it does...

    • Re:Wow! (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Otter ( 3800 )
      Since I got a Flamebait mod, better clarify:

      The site is a thorough, clear, comprehensive one stop shop for iCal resources. Comment was meant in complete sincerity.
    • Re:Wow! (Score:3, Interesting)

      by WatertonMan ( 550706 )
      iCal has the opportunity to really offer very nice calender services for all OSX applications. The downside is that the iCal application itself is rather slow and definitely an initial release. Further it, along with the Address application, have many questionable limitations. Both cry out for a 2.0 release.

      One big thing I'd like to see reconciled is some sort of Office integration with Outlook on the PC. If Apple could do that then they'd really have a very compelling argument for PC users to switch. (Minus their hardware problems)

      • I'm curious: which version of Address Book are you running and what are it's "questionable limitations"? this is a legit query I'm not poking fun, but since the version that shipped with 10.2 (v3.0.1) I've found any issues I had with Address Book have been more than addressed. It's probably the best contact management software out there imho.

        iCal on the other hand certainly drags its heels a bit, but then it *is* v.1 and a rushed-to-market v.1 at that. I look forward to it and iSync catching up with the rest of the iApps...
  • Oh yeah, what happened to the [PAID ADVERTISEMENT] disclaimer that should have bordered this article top and bottom?
  • by Polo ( 30659 ) on Monday November 25, 2002 @04:44PM (#4753755) Homepage
    Reminds me of that fake advertisement during the wierd al movie "UHF"...


    Nothing but spatulas!

  • by Alex Thorpe ( 575736 ) <alphax @ m a c . com> on Monday November 25, 2002 @05:59PM (#4754337) Homepage
    They're got sharing, hosting(for those who didn't pay for .mac), even private hosting for secret corporate schedules. Plus an iPod giveaway for those who share! I've got one already, but a second wouldn't hurt. I've already given them my schedule for the local MUG.

  • Gatta love it... (Score:4, Informative)

    by JelloG3 ( 621113 ) on Monday November 25, 2002 @06:00PM (#4754341)

    iCal is great if you have a t68i Sony Ericsson [sonyerisson.com] phone, and use the bluetooth to sync the devices using isync (i know that isync is in beta) but its worth the risk when you have tons of appointments to remember, and tryin to enter them into your phone calandar.... for example to get letter "c" hit the number 1 key 3 times etc etc.... take forever

    And now with this new site, i can even have my phone remind me when star trek enterprise is going to show!! (Found under the "New Calendar Section on the iCal page)

  • But what about some compatibility with other vendors? We run a different calendaring solution corporate wide where I work (no, not exchange). The only way to tie into iCal on my Mac is to do a daily dump of my entries in standard format(forget what it is offhand), and then an import into an iCal server. I suppose I could live with it, except that when you the import it just doubles up any entries you have existing already, and doesn't do any checks for duped entries and what not. Seems very shoddy. I guess iCal is fine if you only have iCal, but what about tying it into other Calendaring products? I know, I know. Apple and coexistence with other vendors are mutually exclusive. I'll take it elsewhere. BAH!
    • Re:iCal is oookkk... (Score:2, Informative)

      by daemonjon ( 612262 )
      ok first off:
      Apple and coexistence with other vendors are mutually exclusive? Not that iCal is _the_ best example but that line is getting quickly outdated.
      About tying iCal into another calendar, well im not exactly sure what your trying to do but it seems to at least halfway work (and thats always a good sign). the one thing i can recommend that worked for me before the magic of iSync (please apple get this out of beta) is writing or recording an applescript to do it all. Yes applescript (R) the most gosh darned useful thing about the mac that no one ever uses. Recording your actions doing it "the hard way" turns it into a double click operation tomorrow (or no-click activate on login if your anal-retentive like me ;)

      Can GWAR save the world long enough to destroy it themselves?
  • Another Sharing Site (Score:1, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Check out dotmac.info as well. Calendar sharing, plus movies, photo albums, slide shows, and anything else on a .Mac account.

    dotmac.info [dotmac.info]
  • Hey, I believe this name had been taken (maybe not in a legal sense) for a similar application that I've had on linux for a long time: [ensta.fr]
    http://www.ensta.fr/internet/unix/utilities/ical .h tml

    I don't think Apple had "iCal" back in 1995.
    • by Kiwi ( 5214 )
      That was my first impression; isn't "ical" the name of that old Tk calander application.

      This was the first decent calandar application that Linux had, back in the mid-90s.

      These days, of course, we have Korganizer.

      - Sam

  • iPrefer iCalShare (Score:4, Informative)

    by droleary ( 47999 ) on Tuesday November 26, 2002 @05:08AM (#4757429) Homepage
    Links to (in addition to various other iCal sites) about 700 calendars, including a calendar of its own new calendars! Worth a look: iCalShare [icalshare.com].
  • by Kalak ( 260968 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @12:28AM (#4765046) Homepage Journal
    The iCal format is compatible with the Mozilla Calendar [mozilla.org] format, so this is site can potentially be useful to nearly all /.

Nobody said computers were going to be polite.
