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Ants Invade iBook 558

xkranda writes "Seriously ... this is off the Apple Discussions site. Apparently some poor sap's iBook became infested with ants. All I have to say is ew! Ew! Ew! Ew!!!"
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Ants Invade iBook

Comments Filter:
  • by Mahtar ( 324436 ) <> on Friday November 15, 2002 @11:24PM (#4683501)
    Funny because a colony of Ants is kind of like Mother Nature's Beowulf Cluster.

    Also, please don't mod me into oblivion for making a lame joke =)
  • by slantyyz ( 196624 ) on Friday November 15, 2002 @11:24PM (#4683504)
    OS X is full of bugs.
  • by NeuroManson ( 214835 ) on Friday November 15, 2002 @11:26PM (#4683518) Homepage
    iAnts? *rimshot*
  • It seams that the server is infested also or is it /.

  • by digital_milo ( 212475 ) on Friday November 15, 2002 @11:27PM (#4683525)
    I looked down and saw the ants on my computer.

    I was like... hnuh...

    The ants de-voured my computer.

    It was a really good computer.


    Ellen, once you feel the ants crawling on your skin, darling, it's time to seek help.
  • Ants and electronics (Score:4, Interesting)

    by erik umenhofer ( 782 ) on Friday November 15, 2002 @11:28PM (#4683534) Homepage
    Ants are supposed to have a strange sense of magnetic fields and electric fields. Electronics give off a lot of stuff, animals are especially attuned to it. They have been known to short out traffic lights etc., by crawling inside and bridging connections. They use these fields for navigation and stuff. They are pretty precise.
    • by NeuroManson ( 214835 ) on Friday November 15, 2002 @11:41PM (#4683631) Homepage
      Not to mention that to some insects, the materials used to laminate circuit boards and some plastics that compose the electronics, are amazingly tasty... There was/is a lot of problems, for example, with cockroaches eating the plastic in wiring and circuitry...
      • by baryon351 ( 626717 ) on Saturday November 16, 2002 @04:23AM (#4684584)
        From time to time I've found myself chewing on anything I can find. Pen lids and pencils are one thing, and I caught myself nibbling the corner of a NIC a few months ago. I can't exactly describe the flavour. It wasn't offensive, more "interesting". "Interesting" might just be enough to sucker ants in. -b.
    • by inyercells ( 626695 ) on Saturday November 16, 2002 @01:04AM (#4684008)
      Never open a burglar alarm panel box in any food establishment if you're the slightest bit squeamish.
    • by goon america ( 536413 ) on Saturday November 16, 2002 @02:06AM (#4684220) Homepage Journal
      I have a hub that apparently runs at the ideal temperature for incubating ant eggs. At least 3 times ants have come in and tried to build an ant-nursery underneath this hub, which is just sitting on the floor.

      Maybe they were feeding the babies my lost packets?

    • by cervo ( 626632 ) on Saturday November 16, 2002 @02:27AM (#4684298) Journal
      Report [] Has a report from the department of Engineering Technology at Texas Tech about ways to stop fire ant damage. The first few pages discuss the problem: Basically it says that the alternating magnetic fields generated by and within the electronic equipment attract the ants from short distances. When the ant dies the electricity causes strange reactions, including the release of pheromones which attract other ants. And it seems that in some places this is a serious problem as was said with some figures quoted. However this report is about fire ants and I am too lazy to research more to see if it generalizes to all aunt species so good luck :)
  • ants are seekers (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Servo ( 9177 ) <dstringf@tutanota. c o m> on Friday November 15, 2002 @11:29PM (#4683543) Journal
    Now.. I want to know what they were seeking that they ended up in this guy's laptop.

    uhhh.. maybe not, come to think of it.
  • by CyberSlugGump ( 609485 ) on Friday November 15, 2002 @11:30PM (#4683550)
    big deal. What's next in the news: Birds fly into Windows server?
  • by PDHoss ( 141657 ) on Friday November 15, 2002 @11:32PM (#4683562)
    Come on, editors, watch those duplicate posts [].
  • (At least, it is when it's full of ants.)

    (Spooky voice)"Wait, Captain--these are no ordinary ants. Your iBook has... Java ANTS!".

    Well, that's okay then.

  • by cicatrix1 ( 123440 ) <cicatrix1 AT gmail DOT com> on Friday November 15, 2002 @11:32PM (#4683565) Homepage
    All I have to say is ew! Ew! Ew! Ew!!!

    It's ok, you can get down off of the chair now, Daisy.
  • by Myco ( 473173 ) on Friday November 15, 2002 @11:33PM (#4683571) Homepage
    Maybe the iBook was just on acid.
  • damn (Score:4, Funny)

    by imsirovic5 ( 542929 ) on Friday November 15, 2002 @11:33PM (#4683572)
    Thats one rotten apple!
  • Beats roaches (Score:4, Interesting)

    by MacAndrew ( 463832 ) on Friday November 15, 2002 @11:35PM (#4683582) Homepage
    True story -- I remember a report a dozen years ago of a person who took in her buggy Macintosh SE. It was full of cockroaches, eggs and everything. I have no idea how that could happen, or what the owner's concept of hygeine was. Maybe she left too many muffins sitting on top to warm.
    • by hype7 ( 239530 ) <u3295110@anu.e[ ]au ['du.' in gap]> on Saturday November 16, 2002 @12:21AM (#4683839) Journal
      I once had a Beige G3 300, and a spider of some description decided that the ethernet port seemed like a pretty attractive living space.

      One day, I could not for the life of me figure out why the ethernet port wasn't working. I got round the back of the computer, and noticed a little bit of what appeared to be plastic thread hanging out. I pulled, and pulled and pulled, and I swear I pulled out the longest fucking piece of spider web you'll ever see.

      -- james
  • by Brigadoon ( 520066 ) on Friday November 15, 2002 @11:35PM (#4683584)
    I heard once about a problem like this before. A few cities in the southern US were having. Apparently, red ants would get into traffic lights' circuitry and completely destroy the stuff, costing a great deal of money.

    It turns out that a few ants had got in there and fried. Upon their deaths, their bodies released pheremones, attracted more ants, who promptly got fried, releasing even more pheremones, attracting more ants... You get the idea.
  • Killed my pentium. (Score:5, Interesting)

    by uberstool ( 470348 ) on Friday November 15, 2002 @11:35PM (#4683585)
    I use to keep a P133 out in the garage workbench. I One day, I went out and the screen was black. I powered down for a hard reboot and got a few odd beeps and nothing else. I live in the middle of the Arizona desert and expected dust would eventually kill the machine. Turns out a fat ass black widow spider decided to melt her fat self on my processor.
  • The original post (Score:5, Informative)

    by DarkSkiesAhead ( 562955 ) on Friday November 15, 2002 @11:35PM (#4683588)
    from the apple discussion board:
    Has anyone had this problem? I hope not . . . After the first rain of the year, the ants outside were restless (and homeless). My wife had left her ibook on the mantle charging overnight. The next morning we noticed a large number of ants milling around it. Upon inspection we discovered ants crawling in and out of every hole in the computer. I grabbed my can of compressed air and started blowing! To my horror hundreds of ants started pouring out carrying eggs! I knew this was bad. I took the computer out to the garage and completely disassembled the thing layer by layer . My stomach turned when I exposed the main circuit board and saw thousand of ant and eggs (and a queen or two), writhing across every inch! Argh! After several hours with a vacuum and a can of air I finally got the thing clean. I put it back together (only a few extra screws) and luckily it works fine. Any theories on why ants would decide to move an entire colony into an ibook? Warmth? Sweet circuit boards? I think they were attempting to colonize the ultimate frontier: cyberspace.
    • I dunno, but for what it's worth, there's a green plastic $3 chair I got at Target that I keep out on my back deck. It's clean (plus I've cleaned it several times just in case) but for whatever reason, it has ALWAYS got ants running all over it. It's like they're attracted to the plastic or something, and it's really weird. I've always got a few ants on me after I sit in it. It's not like they're trying to set up shop there (it is, after all, a plastic molded chair and there's nowhere to hide)--- it's more like they just like to cruise around on the stuff. Weird.
      • Re:Plastics? (Score:5, Informative)

        by TrinSF ( 183901 ) on Saturday November 16, 2002 @01:11AM (#4684027)
        Oooo! I know the answer to this one, because it happens to some kinds of dolls, too.

        The answer many common plastics make use of "food" components, including corn solids and syrup. Here's a list []of things made with corn, including plastics.

        Plastics "separate" over time, with components migrating to the surface. It's the organic parts of plastic that cause problems like mold/fungus on plastics, as well as make them tasty for bugs.
        • Re:Plastics? (Score:4, Informative)

          by Reziac ( 43301 ) on Saturday November 16, 2002 @10:33AM (#4685410) Homepage Journal
          Mice are also attracted to aging plastics, probably for the same reason -- after a certain stage, the plastic smells like "food" again.

          One guy on the Apple forum was wondering if he should remove the ants or just kill 'em in place (by freezing or whatever) -- definitely remove them. Ants are quite acidic, and a pile of dead decomposing ants WILL corrode susceptible components. I've also seen computer cases pretty well rusted from accumulations of dead cockroaches.

    • Does anyone find the irony of this and Pixar producing "A Bug's Life"

      I can see it now...

      "A Bug's FRIED Life"

    • Disclaimer(s): Okay, maybe this is a little offtopic, but I'm not trying to sidetrack the discussion of the story, just want to drop my two cents on an issue. DarkSkiesAhead, I have nothing against you. I hope it doesn't sound otherwise.

      If people are going to just copy and paste the original article into /., I think it should be practice to only mod up when it's posted anonymously. I just think that in general, it's not especially fair for people to get karma just for posting what someone else originally wrote.

  • by darco ( 514434 ) on Friday November 15, 2002 @11:37PM (#4683601) Homepage Journal
    Heh, I was browsing the apple discussion boards when things slowed down to a halt... So I thought, hell, I'll just read slashdot while I'm waiting for this to clear up... Lo and behold, I found the reason. ;)
  • by macsox ( 236590 ) on Friday November 15, 2002 @11:41PM (#4683633) Journal
    i used to have a 7200/120 that housed a roach family. that was pretty fucking gross.

    i eventually had to take everything in my house and shake it out over a plastic tarp that i ringed with roach killer. some stuff had to be submerged.

    moral of the story: never pay $180 a month in rent, anywhere.
  • by isomeme ( 177414 ) <> on Friday November 15, 2002 @11:42PM (#4683641) Journal
    Imagine if it were infested with nmake!
  • Seen it before... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by breser ( 16790 ) on Friday November 15, 2002 @11:44PM (#4683653) Homepage
    I had something like this happen once before to me to a cordless phone charging stand that was in my kitchen. Something with sugar in it got underneath the charger and the ants made the charger their home. I'd guess someone left something sweet was around the computer. I haven't seen the comment since Apple's site isn't responding.

    I just take the charger apart. Sprayed it with Lysol (yes this will kill ants). Put it in a plastic bag and left it. Next morning lots of dead ants. Then came cleanup followed by lots of drying. I also had to keep spraying for ants
    until eventually they quit coming back.

    However the charger is still working nicely for me. :)
  • by NeuroManson ( 214835 ) on Friday November 15, 2002 @11:47PM (#4683672) Homepage
    I just remembered, the second (or was it third?) big game released by Maxis on the Mac, long before the PC, was "Sim Ant"...

    Revenge is a dish best served with mandibles and insect appendages...
    • Re:Instant Karma! (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Dude, that was the greatest game! I remember ganging up and taking out much larger spiders and centipedes, and the ultimate goal was to take over the house by driving the people out. You could end up spending a lot of time digging out elaborate tunnels underground for your colony. I played it all the time on the old Macs (ironically) they had in the school computer lab.

      Here are some screenshots [].

      And, it has its own (albeit small) category [] in the Google Directory.

  • A theory! (Score:3, Funny)

    by Cyph ( 240321 ) <> on Friday November 15, 2002 @11:48PM (#4683676)
    Maybe the ants were in fact PC enthusiasts, set out to destroy every Mac in sight. Thank god this guy was able to stop the invasion in time, or this would have been the end of Apple.

  • why "ew"? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by g4dget ( 579145 )
    I don't see why this kind of thing should cause revulsion. Ants are extremely useful and interesting and they are usually harmless. If there is anything disturbing about this it's that such useful critters needed to be destroyed.
    • The ants outside my house measure in inches, they're red and they bite like a mother fucker. Did I mention they number in the trillions? On a hot day in september you can't see the ground.

      Hippies in the 60's and 70's often recal tripping quite hard on the "moving ground" that happened to take their picnic away with them.

      Mybe you like an ant farm. Sure they are cool to look at when they are a little 12x12 inch plastic picture frame type farm. However it's a very different thing when your entire 10 acres of land are swarmed by the fuckers who eat your horses alive.
  • Most disgusting tech support job I've ever done was cleaning ants out of an Epson ink-jet printer. This lady ate a lot of meals at her computer. Some food crumbs, like bits of jelly from her PB&J sandwiches, had fallen under the printer. The ants found this nice, warm place with a ready food source and moved in. And I had to get them out. Bleagh!

  • by cuteduo ( 136947 ) on Friday November 15, 2002 @11:52PM (#4683701) Homepage
    Anybody see the independent movie PI? The mathematician's "super computer" gets infested with ants in the beginning and prompts him to make a deal with someone for the best chip out there in return for research into the magic number (sort of like the unified theory but different).
  • Pi? (Score:3, Funny)

    by [null] ( 4156 ) on Friday November 15, 2002 @11:54PM (#4683714)
    Was this guy looking for order in chaos? Did it spit out a 216-digit number before the ants infested it? Does he have intense migraine headaches?
  • But it does sound like some of the people in tech support. Between the human Bio-Hazards and the Goth's walking through the support department is quite an experience. customers are lucky it phone support.
  • by PortWineBoy ( 587071 ) on Friday November 15, 2002 @11:59PM (#4683748)
    the ants saw the Switch ads.

    and I was building a new colony in this Thinkpad, and, uh, like someone put a floppy disk in and it was like, beep boop bop, and our colony was, like, gone...

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by mtec ( 572168 ) on Saturday November 16, 2002 @12:03AM (#4683763)
    they're features.
  • by Eros ( 6631 ) on Saturday November 16, 2002 @12:06AM (#4683779)
    Better than finding a worm in your Apple.

    Or half a worm for that matter.

    Ba bum bump
  • ... about 10 or 11 years ago I was working for a large hotel chain. And I recall there being an ant infestation in not one telephone but most of the telephones on a particular floor it was something like 25 of the 30 or so rooms on that level that we affected.

    The interesting thing was they must have been using them for quite a while because many of the phones had damaged circuit boards in them which caused the phones to stop working, this is how the infestations were discovered initially. We had recieved no reports of ants in guests rooms from guests or housekeeping staff prior to the failures. A coincidence, perhaps. But very strange just the same.

  • They should have taken over a Graphite iMac. Then the owners would have had a combination computer / ant farm.
  • A first (Score:3, Funny)

    by droopus ( 33472 ) on Saturday November 16, 2002 @12:16AM (#4683822)
    Probably the first time a bug-induced crash was fixed just by turning on the Raid, rather than vice versa.

    Come on, it's funny. I hear you snurfling...
  • by vandelais ( 164490 ) on Saturday November 16, 2002 @12:21AM (#4683838)
    Another Steve Jobs company attacked by Antz.

    Is Dreamworks responsible?

    What are the odds?
  • xbox roaches (Score:3, Interesting)

    by paradesign ( 561561 ) on Saturday November 16, 2002 @12:30AM (#4683861) Homepage
    the first shippments of xboxes had roaches in them. my girlfriend works at funcoland, and when they cut into the boxes to unpack them roaches came skittering out and scared the shit out of them.
  • there is an easy explanation:

    read Ruckers Book: "The Hacker and the ants"
    see also
  • by Derg ( 557233 ) <> on Saturday November 16, 2002 @12:31AM (#4683872) Journal
    I had a buddy of mine ask me to take a look at his computer. It had begun to make thumping/ticking noises when he would turn it on, and would not stop till he turned it off. I cracked the case, to find a quite dead and petrified rat inside his case, that thumped against his cpu fan. fuckin sick.. how it got in, and died in such a way to not stink to high heaven, I will never know, though I suspect someone put it there..
  • by vandelais ( 164490 ) on Saturday November 16, 2002 @12:32AM (#4683873)
    Mike Myers was introducing another segment of "Germany's most disturbing home videos" when his computer was found inoperable, lying on the ground. He turned it over to find....Ants!

  • by antdude ( 79039 ) on Saturday November 16, 2002 @12:40AM (#4683914) Homepage Journal
    Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 09:07:26 -0800
    From: TechSupp
    To: ...
    Subject: RE: ants in omniview switchboxes

    Thanks for the feedback. This is a new one to us. If you have any problems
    down the road let us know and we will replace them. I have forwarded this
    info to the President of Belkin and the Product Managers.

    Technical Support Manager
    Belkin Components

    -----Original Message-----
    From: ...
    Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 10:24 AM
    Subject: ants in omniview switchboxes

    came back to work from the holiday weekend. noticed a stream of ants
    going up the cables in the back of a rack in the server room. oddly, this
    stream of ants was carring larva up the omniview cables, and appeared to
    be entering the omniview via the dip switch hole, and then exiting withot
    the larve. I traced the stream out of the building, then traced a smaller
    stream down a hallway and to another room with another system with an
    omniview. here as well ants were streaming in from outside with larve,
    depositing them in the omniview, and exiting. I took both omniviews
    outside and opened them. hundreds of ants and hundreds of tiny white ant
    larve were in each omniview, apparently storing and guarding the ants
    under the bottom circut board. nothing was hurt, so I shook/knocked/blew
    the ants out, dissasembled the omniview, coated the case with ant spray,
    let dry, reassembled, reinstalled, everything works fine.

    it dosen't appear the ants were after food in either case. I think
    something about the omniview gave them a home they felt compelled to store
    their larva in. I just can't explain why they would pick those, and how
    the so effectivley found the only two omniviews on that side of our
    building. the omniviews involved are both SE 4 port, and are still
    working fine.

    • Ant prevention (Score:3, Informative)

      by Reziac ( 43301 )
      For those being invaded by streams of ants (who most often enter a building looking for water):

      Ants will NOT cross a swath of diazinon granules (corncob-base *only* -- the newsprint-base type like Ortho doesn't work) and the few that try it won't survive the attempt. Also, two tablespoons of diazinon granules dribbled around the entrance to a hill is enough to kill the ENTIRE colony overnight -- and this even works with those aggressive mound-building fire ants. You can also use it to block their path thru cracks in concrete floors, etc. (Not recommended for any unventilated spaces where warmblooded creatures sleep, tho the weird smell goes away after a day or two.)

      Borax is also reported to work, tho I can't attest to that one personally.

      I like ants.. fried or in chocolate or anywhere OUTDOORS!!

  • Not exactly the same thing.

    I had stopped using my Kenwood portable CD player for a few weeks, and a rather large spider made its home just inside of the CD viewing window.
    I remember thinking, "What a terrible place to hunt for insects," but apparently I was wrong.

    The spider was quite surprised when I pressed the play button...
  • by drowsy ( 4335 ) on Saturday November 16, 2002 @12:50AM (#4683951)
    Back when I was a Mac hardware repair guy, this person came in with an SE30 that would fail "only in the mornings". We thought it might be an odd time-sensitive extension like an anti-virus app, but we opened it up, and it had some big bug habitat in there. Even though the bugs seemed absent, their nests would collect the morning dew and short out the board.
  • Ive had worse... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by rosewood ( 99925 ) <> on Saturday November 16, 2002 @12:56AM (#4683969) Homepage Journal
    So, I was doing my time, paying my dues and doing what I could to bring quality to the lifeless void that is a Best Buy black shirt technician (well, we became black shirts while I worked there). Anyhoo, this "woman" brought in a very old packard bell that was covered in yellow dust. A smoker. Some of the worse shit comes from smokers. As soon as she walked in the door, the AV tech told me to tell her to go away. My manager heard this and got pissy. She later recanted.

    She brought her computer up and slapped down her PSP that had 20 or so days left and demanded a new computer because this one would no longer turn on. So I said okay, checked it in and put it in the back. When we opened it, a whole cock-a-roach family came running out. I almost vommited right then and there. It took WEEKs to get rid of those fuckers, adn even then we knew they were not gone.

    Aparently about two months earlier this same nasty lady came in to the av area with a vcr for a "cleaning." When the AV tech opened it he found a dead mouse and silverfish. To this day you can find silver fish in that best buy :
  • by ttyp0 ( 33384 ) on Saturday November 16, 2002 @12:57AM (#4683979) Homepage
    when you leave an apple laying around.
  • by akiy ( 56302 ) on Saturday November 16, 2002 @01:23AM (#4684067) Homepage
    This reminds me of the November 4th [] entry (scroll down a bit) on Paul Lujan's site entitled, "Ants Ate My Hub!". Pretty funny(?)...
  • by Alu3205 ( 615870 ) on Saturday November 16, 2002 @01:25AM (#4684078)
    1) Power on laptop
    2) Wait for smoke and insect screams to die down
    3) Ventilate Area
  • by 1019 ( 262204 ) on Saturday November 16, 2002 @02:31AM (#4684310) Homepage
    I fix iBooks in the computer store for Brown Uni and we had someone bring in an iBook that apparently had been vomited on copiously at some party. ALL over the keyboard, and inside the circuits. For some reason, it wasn't working! And they brought it in about 3 days after it happened....

  • by Hardwyred ( 71704 ) on Saturday November 16, 2002 @02:57AM (#4684395) Homepage
    When I was doing my time as a bench tech, a guy brought in his IBM desktop, complaining that it had turned itself on, smoked and will not work anymore. We figured lightening. When he brought it in, it had the yellow staines of a smoker, but nothing else to tip us off. I opened the box and dozens of roaches came pooring out. We had to bag it up and call the guy, telling him that we couldn't work on his PC under warranty because IBM refused to pay for bug bomb! The roaches had curled up in his power supply, nested there and started eating the cables. To this day my skin still crawls when I see one of those IBM desktops.
  • by timeOday ( 582209 ) on Saturday November 16, 2002 @12:28PM (#4685944)
    When you ask a Mac user to set up a "honeypot" machine.
  • by Infirmo ( 449121 ) on Saturday November 16, 2002 @07:51PM (#4688044)
    A friend's old Powerbook (500 series) became a hive. They didn't know it, but all of the ants that had been infesting their kitchen were roosting in their laptop set up on the kitchen counter. When the machine finally died from the generations of life that had lived in their machine, they had another friend open it up and discovered that it was packed full of ant-hive. The ants themselves had moved on by the time they had the machine looked at, as it had been turned off since it began to malfunction.

    Further, I myself have a power supply for my speaker system that from time to time becomes infested with the tenacious little bastards. This thing is packed with them, I tell you. To get rid of them, I always just unplug the power supply for a few days.
  • by jbuhler ( 489 ) on Saturday November 16, 2002 @08:42PM (#4688260) Homepage
    [Cmdr Taco] The next posting was sent in by Lucas Bamberger of Mac-baden. Here he has come across an Apple Powerbook, which in itself is not so disturbing. Until it is turned over to reveal... ANTS! ANTS! ANTS!

    [Cowboy Neal] []
    Now that's an ant farm of a different color!

To be or not to be, that is the bottom line.
