OpenOffice Beta for Jaguar/X11 Released 37
kaldari writes "After great work by the development contributors and astounding help from the new testing team, the X11 build is now stable enough for beta testing to begin! This build can run both on DarwinPPC 6.0 and higher and also Mac OS X 10.2 and higher with help from other open source projects. For more info, check out the OpenOffice site."
so what? (Score:2, Informative)
One Step at a Time (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:One Step at a Time (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:One Step at a Time (Score:1)
Re:One Step at a Time (Score:1, Troll)
What is "average"? (Score:5, Interesting)
From this point of view, it is a great thing that I can now use OpenOffice.org on all my platforms!
That depends... (Just A Troll) (Score:1, Informative)
Well, um . . that's great and all . . . (Score:3, Insightful)
I've seen that there is a alpha w/ Aqua support, but I have yet to see a download for it -- is it anywhere?
Re:Well, um . . that's great and all . . . (Score:1)
Re:Well, um . . that's great and all . . . (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Well, um . . that's great and all . . . (Score:2)
Why go to the trouble of implementing your own widgets (drawing everything manually in quartz)? Surely it would be easier to go directly from X11 to Aqua? Drawing your own widgets is the very last thing you should do.
Unless of course they mean to put everything into Quartz windows, but also have it running (hidden) under X11 and blit to the Quartz windows. Which seems almost as stupid.
Re:Well, um . . that's great and all . . . (Score:1)
What about porting the MODEL to Cocoa instead? You can currently import html into your richtext document, if I could do the same with Microsoft documents all Cocoa apps could easily benefit.
Re:Well, um . . that's great and all . . . (Score:1)
The result will be an app which is even worse than Qt/OSX or Swing/OSX apps!
Nothing is worse than the combination of the Aqua appearance without the Mac behavior.
Widgets do not make an interface!
Re:Well, um . . that's great and all . . . (Score:1)
No, simply using Aqua buttons does not a Mac application make. But what's the sense of having a Mac-like UI if it is drawing Windoze buttons, toolbars, and menus?
Re:Well, um . . that's great and all . . . (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Well, um . . that's great and all . . . (Score:3, Informative)
Somewhat of a troll, but... (Score:1)
I know the point is not looks, it is to get work done. But my god, are you guys *trying* to make it have the ugliest most combersome interface possible? If so, mission accomplished.
Again, sorry for the troll, but that just had to be said.
Re:Somewhat of a troll, but... (Score:5, Funny)
Well, it is trying to compete with Office, so you're probably not far off the mark
Re:Somewhat of a troll, but... (Score:1)
(or maybe, just maybe, you really do think Office X is fugly... in which case you merely have bad taste)
Re:Somewhat of a troll, but... (Score:2)
Personally? Office on the PC is fugly. Office X, *slightly* less so. Man, does it piss me off that I can't do cmd-shift-s in word to do "Save As", which is standard for the platform...
Re:Somewhat of a troll, but... (Score:2, Insightful)
Nothing is more true than the fact Sun has NO CLUE when it comes to human interface design!
What they should do is port the MODEL to Cocoa then let others write the views and controllers.
There are plenty of good Sun applications... (Score:2)
There's um....wait, no, that's SunOne, which is really iPlanet, which was the Sun/Netscape Alliance, which was Netscape...
um.... well, the OS installer doesn't suck that bad...assuming you're working from a jumpstart server, and don't need to work interactively.
[Oh...from experience...you're still better off trying to install it yourself than letting Sun Professional Services do it for you... installed all the applications in
Sun's plan SUCKS and here's why... (Score:2, Insightful)
C'mon people, this is Sun Microsystems we're talking about! Doesn't anybody remember CDE?
Sun has NO CLUE WHATSOEVER when it comes to human interface design. I mean look at their Swing apps for crissakes! All they do is try to copy current designs, and they aren't even as good at that as Microsoft is!
The current plan SUCKS and nobody should waste their time propping up these pieces of poop AKA OpenOffice's views, controllers, and 'design' (if you can call it that without offending developers who have actually designed interfaces).
What we REALLY want are not the views and controllers which are poop, but rather Open Office's MODEL which can import/export Microsoft formats! Port THIS to Cocoa and then create native views and controllers!
This in turn could be ported back to GNUStep so people trying to use this piece of poop on other platforms don't have to suffer as much.
Re:Sun's plan SUCKS and here's why... (Score:1)
This is slashdot. You can say "shit". You're not going to get in trouble.
Re:Sun's plan SUCKS and here's why... (Score:1)
My G4 broke some time ago so I'm not in a position to develop anything ATM. A bit frustrated right now. Not that I don't have a long enough dev to-do list as it is.
Re:Sun's plan SUCKS and here's why... (Score:1)
Frankly, I've been trying hard to repress that memory - and you had to go and bring it up again. Thanks a lot! Now it's back to the therapist's couch for me...
Chimera for OpenOffice? File formats are the key (Score:2, Interesting)
When it's free from X11, that will be a good step, but it's probably true that it will always feel like a port, even if it's got native drawn widgets.
What we dream about is a Chimera for OpenOffice. To spell it out: Mozilla has brilliant ideas (maybe too many of them), but the key is that the engine decodes most HTML/Jscript found in the wild. However, for Mac users it looks and feels like a port, even with the beautiful Navzilla skin. So, Chimera jumps in, keeping the standards-loving Gecko engine, but adding a beautiful Cocoa front-end.
But I think this is only a fantasy for OO. The OO.org folks explain their choice of porting strategy by saying there isn't good separation between the display code and the rest of it, so we can't hope to bolt on a sweet Cocoa/Aqua front-end.
Maybe in the short term the best we can hope for is a damned good Cocoa MS Office file translator based on OO. After all, the most important thing about OO is that it reads and saves MS Office documents. The only reason I need Office is to read other people's files. I don't use 99% of the bloaty features they have. I wish I could use a simpler word processor, like Mariner Write or Nisus (is it still alive?).
Maybe seamless translation to MS Office is possible a lot sooner than 2004 (OO's native widget due date). Let me dream...
Re:Chimera for OpenOffice? File formats are the ke (Score:2, Interesting)
Can you realize the work? (Score:1)
Try to help!!! not just crying to tell what you need or just something like: "I will continue to use M$ Office because this one is good!"