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Mac OS X 10.2.1 Released 111

benh57 writes "Via Software Update: 'The 10.2.1 Update delivers enhancements and improvements to the following applications, technologies and components: Mail, Image Capture, Help Viewer, graphics, printing, networking, Rendezvous, Kerberos, USB, FireWire, SCSI device compatibility and includes additional Digital Hub peripheral device support.' Full details available in the KB Article that was previously leaked (not yet back up, currently)." Also separately available via Software Update is iTunes 3.0.1.
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Mac OS X 10.2.1 Released

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  • by PaxTech ( 103481 ) on Wednesday September 18, 2002 @05:11PM (#4284546) Homepage
    The readme still isn't available, but Mac OS Rumors [] has the KB article that was previously available :

    Enhancements Delivered with this update

    Disc Burning Enhancements

    * Improves compatibility of burned CDs with Microsoft Windows.
    * Addresses a situation that could result in a failure when burning a disc using iTunes 3 and a high burn speed.
    * Addresses an issue in which Disk Utility could inaccurately report "problems" when scanning a disc that was burned with iTunes or in the Finder.
    * Adds support for various third-party disc burners, including: TDK VeloCD 241032FP and 241040F, MCE Technologies Lucid-24 24x10x24x Portable FireWire CDRW Drive, LaCie PocketCDRW 24x10x24 U&I, EZQuest Boa CDR/w 48x12x48 FireWire, Formac cdrw 40x10x40 and cdrw 48x10x40.

    Digital Hub and Peripheral Device Enhancements

    * Decreases the amount of time Final Cut Pro takes to open, and improves iMovie compatibility when a Sony DVMC-DA1 media converter is connected to the computer.
    * Improves iMovie compatibility with Canopus ADVC-100 media converter. * Improves compatibility with certain (SCSI-based) scanners.
    * Improves compatibility of Image Capture with Epson DS (TWAIN).
    * Improves results when scanning in grayscale or black-and-white with Image Capture and Epson UI.
    * Enhances reliability when hot-swapping a FireWire-based camera on certain iMacs using Final Cut Pro.
    * Addresses a potential issue in which a USB keyboard or mouse is not recognized or able to wake the computer after having been connected to or disconnected from an external USB hub while the computer is in sleep.

    Networking and Mail Enhancements

    * Addresses a situation in which certain Internet service providers (ISPs) may not accept outgoing email (SMTP) from computers using NAT and a ".local" hostname (which may be assigned by Rendezvous).
    * Addresses a situation in which, if the connection fails when transferring email to your computer via your network or an Internet connection, all mail not transferred is lost.
    * Improves Mac OS X Server performance in heavy AFP client load situations.
    * Improves Mac OS X Server reliability when a Mac OS 9 client attempts a scheduled AFP connection.
    * Resolves a potential issue in which Mail could fail to import mail messages from Eudora as expected.

    Printing Enhancements

    * Addresses a potential situation in which Print Center would unexpectedly quit when using St. Claire Software's Default Folder X.
    * Improves compatibility with HP LaserJet 4V and HP LaserJet 4MV printers.
    * Reduces occurrences of a potential "busy; source EIO (ATALK)" alert message when printing using AppleTalk via CUPS.
    * Addresses an issue when printing via CUPS in which the second queued print job would automatically start if the first print job was stopped.
    * Addresses a potential "error -1" message in Print Center when adding a third-party USB printer.
    * Includes various other CUPS-related printing enhancements.

    Other Enhancements

    * Improves potential situations in which a Web page's graphics could take an unexpectedly long time to appear in a browser window.
    * Improves compatibility with Microsoft Entourage.
    * Reduces likelihood of a potential "ticking hard drive" symptom that could be caused by IOAudio errors regularly being written to the system.log file.
    * Addresses a potential issue in which Mac Help may not be available following an erase-installation.
    * Improves compatibility of the Universal Access Zoom feature with some iBook computers.
    * Addresses a potential situation in which no video may appear after waking certain iBook computers that are connected to an external display or presentation device.
    * Addresses a situation in which a Classic application may fail to produce sound after waking from sleep.
    * Addresses a potential situation in which AppleTalk may not be available in the Classic environment after waking from sleep.
    * Addresses various potential kernel panic situations.
    • Wow! Something from Mac OS Rumors that is genuinely informative :)
    • * Addresses various potential kernel panic situations.

      Now all the users won't get to see the nifty "You need to reboot your computer" image....
      • Now all the users won't get to see the nifty "You need to reboot your computer" image....

        I never got to see one of those dammit!

        I did have a total lockup earlier after installing the new iTunes, but before the 10.2.1 update.

        The system seems perkier now.

      • I got one of those after logging out. It was the damndest thing. I thought it generated an error message, but then I noticed that it was my MAC ID.
      • I command-option-escaped out of the installer so I could reboot "later". About 15 minutes later, just after I had plugged a new scanner into the USB, I got this wierd thing where the screen grays out, and a window with a power button icon in back comes up saying "you must restart your computer". Huh? I guess this is Apple's new version of the Blue Screen of Death. It took me 10 minutes to reboot because it had to double-fsck.

        If it really was a kernel panic, how and where do I find the traceback info? I've heard they now save to NVRAM to be picked up after reboot.

        This update still didn't fix the problem on my Pismo where plugged into the wall with a full battery it still doesn't display the "plugged battery" icon and is "calculating" the charge time. And then I had one of those "Pismo hangs when going to sleep" problems (which I hadn't seen once with 10.2.0) and had to reboot again.

        • It should be in /Library/Logs/panic.log (unless it's /var/log/panic.log, can't remember).
          It'll only get written if the panic didn't mess up the filesystem code in the kernel.
        • I command-option-escaped out of the installer so I could reboot "later"...

          where do I find the traceback info?

          The problem can be easily traced back to you not following instructions and rebooting when you were supposed to. If it wasn't a good time to reboot, you shouldn't have tried to install an update that requires one.
  • by jbm ( 17264 ) on Wednesday September 18, 2002 @05:48PM (#4284875)
    I installed that puppy right away, instead of after the usual cautious waiting period, because I've been having such troubling difficulties with 10.2 (far fewer panics than 10.1.x, but a tendency for USB-connected outboard-DAC audio from iTunes to lose sync and get into a chronic stuttering mode, and uselessness of 39160-connected SCSI drives).

    I haven't had a chance yet to test for the previous difficulties, but a brand-new booboo emerged when I rebooted after the upgrade: a volume I have on an ACARD 6880M (a two-disk hardware mirror) is being mounted twice. It looks (on very preliminary investigation) as if maybe one volume being seen is the mirror, and the other is one of the underlying disks of the mirror; but maybe I'm seeing both underlying disks and not the mirror. Either way, it kind of bites, and I think I'm going to have to run explicitly on a single disk until this is resolved.

    Maybe it's my fault -- somewhere in there I loaded up the version 1.3 kext from ACARD in place of the (dated earlier, but numbered later) 1.4 version which came with Jagwire. Or maybe nobody ever tests mirroring, because all the kids want to do is stripe. Sigh.
    • I haven't installed 10.2 yet and they already have a patch! Now that's fast. I wonder when the G5's are coming out? lol...
  • its good to see apple updating their OS. maybe 10.2 wont have as many problems as 10.1 had.
  • Anyone else experience this? New mail is a generic-iconed app, doesn't do anything when double-clicked. To add another level of dumb, Apple doesn't seem to have a standalone installer .pkg for Mail. Smart.
    • Can you say 'sendmail'....check it out via WebMin.
    • You probably didn't have the Mail application at the root level of the Applications folder (/Applications/ before installing the update. Never move Apple installed applications from their original path!
      • Not very Mac-like, is it?

        I know Mac OS since system 4.3, and until those badly ported DOS/Win Apps appeared, an Application was one file that could easily be moved around (your floppy disk ;>) and would still function perfectly.

        Up until X that became more and more of no-no. You installed and app and better not moved any part of it afterwords.

        Finally, Mac OS X reintroduced the nice one-app-is-one-file feature in the NeXTish way which I really like. But for Woz' sake, why on earth do the apps have to be in the Applications folder to be found? Apple even ships a locate db with the system, so don't tell me they wouldn't have an idea how to find their stuff after I moved it...
      • can anybody confirm this is what's causing the hoo-ha? i'm at work right now and am on a windows machine so i can't figure out if this is the case. i'm eager to put my mind at rest.
      • I had this problem too, and it was because I had moved Mail. I actually appear to have been able to correct it by hand by opening the new package under Applications and my old package that was under Applications/network, and dragging things from the new one into the old one by hand. YMMV.

    • i'm right there with you. i can't start mail, and when i try to, a generic icon appears in the dock and starts bouncing, but nothign comes of it. fantastic.
  • I know whenever someone claims "it just feels faster", people jump on them saying it's merely the pre-binding, the cleared RAM, whatever. But let me tell you, this update really does make things faster. How do I know? I just bought this dual 1GHz g4, and everything was just pre-bound, and I've been adding new software, so my RAM gets cleared plenty.

    Window moving, web pages loading, even photoshop. This computer is even quicker than before. I swear.
  • I swear it. It's bleeding fast. Even on slashdot! Especially on image-heavy pages. It renders like a champ, or even *shrug* the windows-version.

    Thank you Apple! Jaguar is even more impressive now!

    Now go fix the finder FTP-implementation.
  • My XDarwin no longer works with the 10.2.1 update. It doesn't report any problems via the console log (sure would be nice if I could turn on verbose or debug [or maybe I mean it would be nice if the option would spit out from -help]), just the usual startup followed by 'Quitting XDarwin'.

    I reinstalled XFree86 + the 10.2 patch. No joy...
    Anyone else?
  • Did anyone else notice this?

    It seems that all of a sudden my Intellimouse Explorer magically became functional; back and forward buttons that I had pretty much forgotten about are now actively doing their jobs. :)

    Thanks, Apple. I was getting tired of waiting for MS to get their act together.

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