Apple Releases JavaScriptCore Framework 60
ace writes "Apple has released the source to
JavaScriptCore, a JavaScript framework based on KDE's kjs JavaScript engine. 'JavaScriptCore is a private API which may be used by future Mac OS X applications such as Sherlock, and is provided as Open Source as part of our partnership with the KDE community. JavaScriptCore will be used by Sherlock in an upcoming OS release, and possibly by other Apple software in the future. Apple chose kjs as the basis of its JavaScript technology for its simple and efficient code.'"
Kinda reptitive. (Score:1)
I am very happy this occurred. If KDE is going to have a commercial partner working on/with its source base I am glad it is Apple. Apple has said that they will commit changes back to KDE. At least that's what the opendarwin.org email said when we got this announcement 3 or 4 days ago.
Re:Kinda [sic] reptitive. (Score:1)
Re:Kinda reptitive. (Score:2)
Yeah, hopefully it will continue a long history of companies contributing back. The last major company to work with/on KDE source I beleive was Corel.
so... um? (Score:1)
Re:so... um? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:so... um? (Score:1, Insightful)
(/me misses good ol' FindFile)
I'm glad to see apple working with the KDE guys, but I think Sherlock needs scripting about as much as an email client does (hint: not at all). Web services, web schmervices. Even if we needed web services in sherlock, we wouldn't need them to use javascript.
Re:so... um? (Score:1)
Intersting (Score:4, Interesting)
The interesting thing for me is that it shows a good trend, i.e that OS X is converging with other Unixes not only at low level (Jaguar should sync with a more recent version of BSD) but also at the component/framework level: beside this Javascript component, CUPS [cups.org] is scheduled to be included in Jaguar.
An interesting question would be, what other open source components/framework would be good additions to Mac OS X? I suppose one obvious answer is a native version of GTK [sourceforge.net]
Offtopic about GTK-Quartz (Score:2)
What does this mean to the rest of us? (Score:2, Interesting)
FWIW, I've used ordinary javascript, and also the OSA [google.com]. Any relation?
Re:What does this mean to the rest of us? (Score:2, Informative)
KJS is the code that supplies JavaScript support the
KDE [kde.org] desktop environment. The good part is that it is opensource (gpl) and works pretty well to boot.
Re:What does this mean to the rest of us? (Score:2)
There is a little (outdated) bit of information on http://www.konqueror.org/konq-browser.html [konqueror.org]. Konqueror uses kjs for it's javascript/ecmascript support.
Re:What does this mean to the rest of us? (Score:1, Informative)
Re:What does this mean to the rest of us? (Score:1)
That's exactly what Javascript OSA already does. This new thing clearly has to do somethine more than that, or it would be redundant. But apparently no one who understands it wants to bother explaining the "what else" part.
Needs Developer Tools Beta (Score:3, Informative)
This framework needs the Mac OS X Developer Tools Beta to compile available from connect.apple.com [apple.com].
Interesting to see this library wrapped in a Framework despite Apple's recommendations for developers not to put 'legacy' unix code in a Framework.
Re:Needs Developer Tools Beta (Score:1)
Why do you consider a JavaScript library 'legacy' unix code?
Re:Needs Developer Tools Beta (Score:1)
Legacy because it didn't already come bundled in a Framework. Apple is recommending that developers don't bundle code up in a Framework just for the sake of it. They've gone and ignored their own recommendations before - OpenGL.framework being a prime example.
In fact OpenGL.framework is a really good example of why not to wrap things up in bundles - now all files that would include now have to be modified to include - annoying.
Re:Needs Developer Tools Beta (Score:1)
They don't want developers to make frameworks for their individual applications. Instead of putting your code in a framework for Quicken, look at other means of code reuse. Why? Then you don't have a framework that only one application can use. It's like adding a million DLLs to Windows for a single application. Will anyone else use the DLL code? If not, why introduce the complexity.
Re:Needs Developer Tools Beta (Score:2, Informative)
Offtopic question about GTK-Quartz (Score:2)
What's it for... (Score:3, Insightful)
My guess is that over time Apple wil make Javascript an equal MacOS X scripting system, alongside Applescript - and thus it's potential for us in other apps as well...
Re:What's it for... (Score:1)
you can download it from Late Night Software [latenightsw.com].
O'Reilly Net had a tutorial [oreillynet.com] on scripting applications with JavaScript.
Apple contributes, but what about Redhat? (Score:2, Flamebait)
They were not satified with X Windows so they created Aqua, which works quite well. And they also implemented a nice admin system which allows a regular Joe to maintain what is a a Unix system under the sheets.
And now they are putting back a nice Javascript engine and releasing it as Open Source. I really hope all the IPO rich Linux companies would learn a lesson from this behavior. To improve Linux and to get it to take hold they need to polish several pieces and produce quality packages, not tons of RPMs of beta software.
But will this happen?
Re:Apple contributes, but what about Redhat? (Score:3, Informative)
The KDE Java Script engine was developed by the KDE people not Apple, they are just saying that if they happen to improve it, they will make the changes available to KDE people. So they are not contributing a nice JScript engine.
Can someone explain how Aqua contributes to the OSS community? I believe that that's as proprietary as it get.
Re:Apple contributes, but what about Redhat? (Score:1)
WordNet (r) 1.7 [wn]
adj 1: characterized by often poignant difference or incongruity between what is expected and what actually is; "madness, an ironic fate for such a clear thinker";
"it was ironical that the well-planned scheme failed so completely" [syn: ironic]
2: humorously sarcastic or mocking; "dry humor"; "an ironic remark often conveys an intended meaning obliquely"; "an ironic novel"; "an ironical smile"; "with a wry Scottish wit" [syn: dry, ironic, wry]
ever heard of RPM? (Score:1)
Re:ever heard of RPM? (Score:1, Insightful)
Hmm. you must mean the package system that doesn't automatically do dependencies unless you use the restricted closed-source redhat up2date software...
(free for one system, pay them money if you want more...)
i'll take apt-get over that any day, thankyouverymuch
(i use it through fink)
Re:GNOME? (Score:2)
Which explains what RedHat developers are giving back to the community.
Re:Apple contributes, but what about Redhat? (Score:1)
Or maybe you meant Linuxcare
Aqua, which works quite well?? On a G4 with 32 MB video card maybe. Whereas X-windows works on a PowerMac 7500 with its original video card juuust fine.
Honestly, when you said 'big Linux companies' I immediately thought of IBM. That's how funny it is.
Why is Microsoft scared of open source, Apple not? (Score:2, Interesting)
Both companies produce mostly closed source stuff. So why does Microsoft feel threatened by open source, while Apple obviously does not?
Apple is not a software company. (Score:2, Informative)
Microsoft = software
On top of that, Apple produces quality products, Microsoft does not.
Re:Why is Microsoft scared of open source, Apple n (Score:2, Informative)
On that note, apple sells the big chunks of it's software for $$$, these little widgets like a JavaScript engine do make a good showing to the OS comunity though.
Sounds good (Score:2)
Re:Sounds good (Score:1)
Re:Sounds good (Score:1)
Re:Sounds good (Score:1)
Macworld covered editing them a while back, as you could have your IT make a standard Helpfile with what extension to call if you need help, then putting it in MacOS help.
Re:Sounds good (Score:1)
scripting exploits / execution realms (Score:2)
Let's call those "scriptlets", should be identified by the operating system and to the user as full-blown application, which, when run, have just as much access to the system as the user does. I'm thinking obvious file extensions such as ".app" for scripts. After all they're interpreted apps.
Realms of executions of such scripts should be clearly identified and separated, as in a "scriptlet" should never be allowed to run within a browser nor e-mail client context. If a scriptlet is to extend an application's functionality, it should only be executed via direct user interaction and possibly proper warning. Whatever solution is chosen in the end, it should be clear to the user that installing such a scriptlet onto their system is just like installing any other application which could have malicious effects. Every distinction should be made to make it clear to the user that "hey this thing is not something that slightly extends a web page's functionality, it runs straight out of your OS and could seriously fuck your shit up, just like any full-blown application out there".
The nice thing about running OS X though is that even if a user inadvertently runs a malicious script, that script could in theory, provided every user was smart enuff to not use root, or admin user as their default, everyday user, (okay i can dream no?), only have access to a fairly restricted part of the system.
If i was an IT director, i would mandate all corporate LAN machines to be iMacs running OS X. I would create a standard operating system installation script, with various additional scripts geared towards geeks, non-geeks, dumbasses, to allow various levels of protections against themselves. I for one would restrict users to only be able to write to their home directory, while the rest of the system would be restricted to root/admin users. I would have a central, networked /Users mount served off of an xserve with bazillion gigs of storage space.
In fact, any network administrator who is not seriously considering progressively migrating all corporate machines to OS X boxes has got to be living in a hole.
It is my firm belief OS X has an amazing potential to make the world a better place.
from the i-thought-java-was-dead dept. (Score:2)
Java and Javascript are unrelated... Microsoft atually paid for ECMAScript (aka JavaScript) to be standardized, something that Netscape (initial developers of it) refused to do.