Steve Jobs Gives The Bird on Xserve Video 52
opaquewhite writes "In the recent 'Apple Introduces Xserve' video, an audience member asks two questions, the first regarding Apple's plans for licensing WebObjects, and the second a slam on Apple -- and a poorly aimed one, considering it focuses on slamming Apple's choice several years ago to license AIX for some of their early server offerings.
Steve's response while the man is answering his question had me rolling on the floor practically in tears. To see it for yourself, take a look at the video and skip ahead to about 01:28:30 and watch from there. At 01:29:02, Steve makes a familiar gesture to push up his glasses -- glasses which by any account needed no adjustment.
A video capture is available."
Hehe (Score:2)
New headline: (Score:2, Funny)
No account? (Score:5, Interesting)
If by "any account needed no adjustment" you don't include the fact that moments previous he rubbed his eye, thereby dislodging his glasses, you might have a point.
I think the funnier part of that dialogue is when Jobs explains that "that was before I came back to Apple, which I consider a dream, like Apple was in a coma". It raises the issue again: what would Apple be like if Jobs never left?
One thing's for sure--nothing like it is now. Whether that means "more successful", "more successful like Microsoft" or "more like Be" I'll leave to future posters.
Re:No account? (Score:5, Interesting)
Actually, if Jobs hadn't left and learned many valuable lessons by more or less falling on his face with NeXT (amazing technology, but let's face it a financial disaster) Apple would have probably crashed and burned.
Jobs learned from his mistakes at NeXT and used the experience to bring Apple back from the brink.
Re:No account? (Score:1)
Hah... (Score:1)
Jobs is key for Apples Sucess (Score:2)
Thats jobs attitude, and if he doesnt like a question, he gives the finger.
Apple - technology with attitude
(slogan from rebel.com, the now defunct makers of the netwinder)
How is this news? (Score:1)
As was mentioned, the first time this video was posted here, the day it was released, one of the Besides, how is that part of the video news?
Re:Remember when X was X? (Score:2, Insightful)
Personally I say "oh ess ex" but Apple says it's OS Ten. OS 10,10.0.4? No. I don't buy it either. But I guess one day we will have an XI...
I don't know what Apple's motovation was for using a roman numeral, but I'll bet you anything MS put an X in the new Windows to confuse it with Mac OS X, same reason they have a "Luna" interface that sort of sounds and looks like "Aqua"
Re:Remember when X was X? (Score:1)
aix - Advanced Interactive Executive - aka Unix
VAX - Virtual Address eXtender - whatever.
Oh well. Guess what OS the Apple XServe runs? OS X Server. Maybe it is an X Server.
I was there first! (Score:1)
No, He Doesn't (Score:2, Insightful)
About half of glasses wearers use their middle finger to adjust their glasses. Nothing sinister about it.
In short, not news.
Re:No, He Doesn't (Score:1)
There's a clip later with the fifteen year old, but it's a different person.
Re:No, He Doesn't (Score:1)
Re:No, He Doesn't (Score:1)
note to self: reading between the words is bad.
A relevant piece of art... (Score:1)
Re:A relevant piece of art... (Score:2)
Re:A relevant piece of art... (Score:1)
There wasn't a slam or a bird. (Score:2, Interesting)
Edit job? (Score:2)
If you watch the video, the guy is asking a quesiton for about a minute or so. Then they cut to Jobs, who rubs his eyes, and then "adjusts his glasses." Then they immediately cut back to the questioner, who is still asking the quesiton.
I have read a lot about Jobs and have seen that a lot of times he takes things personally. I can only guess that he did not want to answer the question, had decided what he was goign to say, and the guy was still asking the "idiotic" question.
As my wife put it ... (Score:4, Informative)
I have to so speak to press and analysts a lot because of my job, and before one does anything like that, there's an incredible amount of preparation where you practice questions for any contingency.
Apple (and specifically, whoever the Xserve product manager is) is understandably very concerned about Xserve failing because of bad connotations with Apple's earlier server efforts, as sort of guilty by association. There's another example of this: if you watch the beginning, Jobs is talking about Jaguar, and when he mentions the handwriting recognition part called InkWell, he said it was from a well-known product, but he wouldn't mention the Newton by name. They don't want any "Eat up, Martha" jokes before the product is out.
So I think Jobs had been anticipating the question, but he wasn't happy it came up, particularly from that annoying guy who took 10 minutes to spit out his question. He could have asked his question without specifically mentioning Apple's failed earlier server effort.
Even if Jobs didn't mean it, I'm pretty sure the person who edited together the QuickTime footage did mean it. Something like that usually doesn't happen by accident. We're just lucky they didn't superimpose a "Moron" label above geekboy's head as he asked the question!
Re:As my wife put it ... (Score:1)
Re:As my wife put it ... (Score:1)
Re:As my wife put it ... (Score:1)
Pronunciation: 'ja-"gwär, -gy&-"wär, -gw&r, esp British 'ja-gy&-w&r
Re:As my wife put it ... (Score:2)
It's a Jaguler
(Jag' U' ler)
Hooo hoo hoo hooooOO
/end tigger
Re:As my wife put it ... (Score:1)
Re:As my wife put it ... (Score:1)
They seem to have taken the video away (Score:1)
Unfortunately the video has been removed.
Anybody have a copy for everybody else?
He has given us...His finger! (Score:2)
This reminds me of Life Of Brian. Fanatical devotees of obscure causes and people tend to take anything for a sign. Sure, Steve is flipping off a rabid Apple fan. Whatever.
Petulent Steve (Score:1)
Terminology? (Score:1)
I think a better case could be made if someone could show that Jobs usually uses a different finger to adjust his glasses. Pulling a frame out of context isn't enough to, well, point fingers.
Then again, Jobs has been known to get his feathers ruffled..
Have you heard the word? (Score:1)
Bird bird bird, bird's the word...