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Quartz Extreme Demo Movie 97

Anonymous Coward writes "The Swedish web site MacNytt has a QuickTime demo of Quartz Extreme (the graphics acceleration technology in the upcoming Mac OS X "Jaguar" release). It is impressive footage, truly impressive. Now I can watch DVDs at a microscopic level!"
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Quartz Extreme Demo Movie

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  • I'd really like to see this, I don't suppose there's a version available using a standard, cross-platform codec anywhere?
    • Just get Crossover. :)
    • It's much easier on a Mac user than RealMedia format, which only works in Classic mode, or WMP for X, which only work with half the WMP media that I've downloaded. Still, MPEG should be viewable by everyone, and should have been used.
  • either that, or my adsl connection just went down. something tells me it's the former.

    great, we're /. sites from the subcategories now (like apple.slashdot.org). I think we need a /. mirror of every page that gets linked or something :)

    -- james
  • ..manage to mirror it before it went kaput?
  • Quartz Extreme looks absolutely incredible.The rendering and compositing is fast as hell. Though I as of yet can't think of any practical reason for the zoom function other than as a "look at what my operating system can do that yours cannot!" type of feature. Can't wait to get my hands on a copy.
    • Re:/.'d already (Score:3, Insightful)

      by BeenaBerry ( 173104 )
      Don't you think users with poor vision might appreciate being able to zoom their screen?
    • Man, what I wouldn't give to have Zoom on my iBook. The resolution is just too darn high, I keep finding myself slouching to get a better look at the screen. Does zoom require Quartz Extreme hardware goodness? Given that the whole Quartz system is supposedly PDF based there would be no technical justification for that--I was kind of shocked when I discovered original 10.0 OS X didn't have a zooming feature--without zoom, what's the point of having everything in PDF?!
  • aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh me want
    i cant wait for X.II (10.2)

    ok this lameness filter is a pain in the ass
  • Downloaded the movie (Score:3, Informative)

    by Craig Maloney ( 1104 ) on Thursday May 23, 2002 @09:07AM (#3572161) Homepage
    I downloaded the movie, and you can too! Just go through the main page and select the Swedish equivalent of "Films". It's accessable from there.

    It's pretty damn impressive. I think we've seen yet another advance in GUI technology from Apple.

  • for pr0n!

    but otherwise that waw a little annoying.

    Are they going to "fix" Perl, that's what I want to know.
  • Mirrors (Score:5, Informative)

    by rgraham ( 199829 ) on Thursday May 23, 2002 @09:14AM (#3572208) Homepage
    http://members.cox.net/ronin4701/QuartzExtremeTest riktigfil.mov

    http://clem.mscd.edu/~grahamry/QuartzExtremeTest ri ktigfil.mov
  • Zoom Feature (Score:1, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward
    The zoom feature is actually one of the new accessabiltiy options for persons with poor eyesight. It is not really related to Quartz Extreme except that its part of the same system update. Jaguar has a whole bunch of neat features for people with impairments
  • by Lally Singh ( 3427 ) on Thursday May 23, 2002 @11:23AM (#3573240) Journal
    Yes, Quartz Extreme requires a 32MB AGPx2 video card. That's because everything is now rendered to OpenGL and then the card takes care of the drawing from there. So, it simply _can't_ work on older graphics cards that don't do much 3D optimization, like the Rage128.

    So, you can't do lots of cool little tricks. Jaguar does have plenty of other graphics optimizations. I've seen it fly on iBooks. It's simply faster. OS X has up until now been worked on for functionality, not speed. Now Apple's optimizing it, and it is crazy fast. CRAZY FAST.

    • Quartz Extreme doesn't require 32mb of Ram on the vidcard. its just recommended. I read somewhere that a radeon or better was needed because the rage128 and lower can't accept textures whose sizes aren't a power (or maybe multiple I can't remember) of 2. Makes me wonder if the AGP slot is needed, or if its just the chip.
    • All I want to know is, will 10.2 finally give me instantaneous scrolling and window resizing on my iBook in Finder, OmniWeb, Explorer, etc.? It is so frustrating to have the window lag a second or two behind my mouse during scroll and resize operations -- it feels like I'm working through molasses, and makes the system "feel" kludgy. This is my biggest gripe about OS X.

      I get immediate window-drawing on a 300 MHz Pentium II running Windows 98, so why don't I on my 600 MHz iBook? (especially since my iBook smokes the Windows machine on other graphics-intensive tasks, like QuickTime playback)

      I know the Quartz window resize is more sophisticated and complex than the Windows window resize, but it still seems like Apple should be able to make this work. Does anyone know if it will on 10.2?
  • Here's a better one. It's 20mb. Someone please MIRROR it as I don't want to be slashdotted. [] (right click and save is probably wise).

    I made that a few days ago (posted the link on macrumors), to see if that QE video was for real. It was, but there are some issues with sound. My footage has sound, so you can hear when it cuts out. QE is not as wonderful as the original video made it seem, but it isn't bad either. There's also a comparision at the end trying to do the same things under 10.1.4.

    Again, please be kind and mirror that video.
    • What machine are you running on for this demo? Its possible that the machine in the other video was a top of the line machine or so.

      • The other machine was a g4 400 or 450. Mine is an 867 with 640 mb of ram. So actually my box is the faster of the two. In any case, QE is still a huge improvement, even if it isn't "perfect."

        As someone else commented the link is now dead. It was killing my T1. I left it up as long as I could stand it! :-)

        There was a guy who had a mirror but I just checked and it wasn't responding. That was at:

        http://calnet.sdsu.edu/jaguardemo.mov [sdsu.edu] ... YMMV.

        If anyone has a copy (a LOT of people downloaded the file) please mirror it.


        P.S. I'm SO dissapointed that I posted this nifty video and didn't even get modded up! :-) Oh well.
    • Mirrors anyone?
  • Is there any project to bring an equivalent feature to linux ?

    links anybody ...
  • This sounds very similar to what Enlightenment [enlightenment.org] is doing with Evas [enlightenment.org].

    Maybe some opportunities for worlds to meet?


  • I have seen many people say they have tried Jaguar, but I can't seem to find out where these people are getting it. I checked apple's developer site and it wasn't obvious. Do you have to pay for it, be a journalist who writes about computers or what?
  • I was thinking, How likly would it be for apple for intergrate the graphics co-processor with the CPU, nforce style, although most likly with radeon?.

    Everything I've seen seems to point towards this direction, espically the SGI merger rumour, and now I see that the windows manger is being implemented in Open GL full time, You have to start woundering.

GREAT MOMENTS IN HISTORY (#7): April 2, 1751 Issac Newton becomes discouraged when he falls up a flight of stairs.
