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Apple iPhoto 1.1.1 Released 36

xWeston writes "Apple accidentally released this online about a week ago, but now this is the official deal. iPhoto 1.1.1 is released! Apparently some of the new features are being able to adjust brightness, contrast, set as the desktop pattern, and my personal favorite. 'Email photos via mail.' I'm not too sure how emailing through the normal mail works but I'll give it a try." I also like that exporting QuickTime includes fades and music, so it looks just like the slide show.
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Apple iPhoto 1.1.1 Released

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  • mail (Score:3, Informative)

    by cheezus ( 95036 ) on Wednesday May 08, 2002 @01:43PM (#3485621) Homepage
    my personal favorite. 'Email photos via mail.' I'm not too sure how emailing through the normal mail works but I'll give it a try.

    I would imagine they mean mail.app, apple's email client

  • This is just a wild guess here...but I bet they mean that those pictures will be emailed via Apple's very own "Hello from Cupertino" Mail.app. Otherwise known as Mail, minus extension.

    • According to the iPhoto site, they say, "Apple Mail", not just "mail". That makes sense since "Apple Mail" is the official name for the application.
      • I admit that I didn't look at the iPhoto site because I don't have a digital camera, or at least won't until I get home :)

        But as far as "Apple Mail" being the "official" name...the actual file is called Mail.app (Mail when you aren't viewing all extensions). When you hold your mouse over the icon in the dock, it says "Mail." For all your normal, everyday intents and purposes, it is called "Mail."

    • by Anonymous Coward
      The coordination with Mail.app is done via an AppleScript (Mail.scpt) included in the application bundle, so it should be possible to make iPhoto use any e-mail client by replacing the stock AppleScript. One developer has already released a patch that does just that for Entourage (the patch is available on VersionTracker).
  • Has anyone tried the new iPhoto yet? It mentions that it can separate photos imported from a folder into different rolls, but what about segmenting existing rolls?

    I imported my pictures with iPhoto 1.0, and now I've got rolls with 280-something pictures in it. It would be nice if I could separate those out into smaller, more manageable rolls.

    Anyone played with it yet?
  • I have been importing my PhotoCDs. Very glad that they are finally supported to some extent (iPhoto) under OS X. I may be the only one who used this excellent (if becoming obsolete) technology, but it is very nice to be able to access these images again.
    • Re:PhotoCD (Score:3, Interesting)

      by saintlupus ( 227599 )
      I have been importing my PhotoCDs... I may be the only one who used this excellent (if becoming obsolete) technology

      You were.

      My father worked at Kodak, and PhotoCD sales were so low that they started giving away the players to employees who worked overtime. So it's been sitting on the stereo cabinet, playing nothing but audio discs, ever since.

      It's going to find the same niche in history that the Disk Camera and the Instamatic did. And George Eastman will continue spinning like a drill bit in his grave, watching the hash people have made of his company.

    • I've got a whole stack of photo cd's I had done before I bought my slide/negative scanner. I haven't tried them with iPhoto yet though.
      • I scanned in my 15 PhotoCDs. I found that if I tried to just scan them all that iPhoto would fail to import somewhere in CD 3, it would then crash. I would relaunch iPhoto and it would load them fine. After a couple times I decided to just quit iPhoto and relaunch it after doing 2 CDs and I had no additional problems.
        Good Luck.
  • I'm not seeing anything new in Software Update.
    I wonder what the usual length of delay between "download" release and "software update" release is.
    Why don't they do both at the same time, anyway?
    I've been clicking Update twice daily since this came out the first time - and I'll probably keep doing it until it works.
    • And another thing - how do I know if this is even going to show up in Software Update? The AppleWorks update didn't - how was I supposed to know it wouldn't?
    • Not available via Software Update because you don't get Apps from that utility, only System updates. Try www.apple.com/iphoto for 1.1.1
  • Email photos via mail.
    Send the photos to an online photo printer and have the pics sent to the address you chose?
  • by rjrjr ( 28310 ) <rjrjr@@@pobox...com> on Wednesday May 08, 2002 @09:01PM (#3488031) Homepage
    I still don't see any way to get iPhoto to index images that you already have on disk. It insists on copying them into its mysterious ~/Pictures/iPhoto Library hierarchy.

    Has anyone seen a way to make it act like iTunes, and index without copying?

    • I have since switched to iView Media Pro. It is awesome for organizing large collections of digital media (photos + videos). It even handles the RAW file formats of Nikon and Canon cameras.

      I threw 2000 pictures at it and it handled it beautifully. Those guys who are looking into more serious digital photography or those with a large collection of pictures should look into iView Media Pro. It is worth the $49 you will have to spend after the trial.

      • I second that on iView. I threw 8000+ pictures at it and it handled it fine. The import didn't try to make copies of the 2+GB of files, and the catalog preserved the heirarchy of the files in the filesystem. All in all, just what I was looking for when looking for a tool to manage my photos.

        One problem I ran into last night was that printing groups of photos on a page at a specific size didn't seem to be supported. I'm dying for a simple and fast application which will let me throw a bunch of images at it and then resize, crop, and layout the photos for printing on one or more pages.
  • I thought the big excitement was support for EXIF data. (Kind of like ID3 tags for photos.) That seems more like the kind of thing that would excite slashdotters than an apple script to email a photo.

    What I still don't understand, is why iPhoto has to copy my photos into it's own special directory. Wouldn't it make more sense to treat photos the same way that iTunes treats mp3s, as in leaving them where they sit in the filesystem.

  • The stability of X just never ceases to amaze me. I'm currently downloading and installing iPhoto 1.1.1 in the background while I type this post. I never thought I'd be able to install a 25 MB app while simultaneously surfing the net. And if I wanted, I could also be applying a photoshop filter, even playing a game at the same time. Just incredible.

    Now if only iPhoto would allow me to rotate my slighly crooked pix, I'd die a happy man. Oh well, I'll probably end up forking over the big bucks for Photoshop 7, anyway.

    • You must be new to computers. Since the early days of computers they've been multitasking and reliable. For a couple of decades they went downhill with MS and Apple OSes. Right now Unix is probably a little way off being as reliable as a good old VM/CMS or VMS setup (which could quite happily handle hundreds of simultaneous users) and MacOS X is probably below par as Unices go. You shouldn't be getting too excited about being able to do two things at the same time - people have been doing it for decades.
      • It's okay to get excited because they(home consumers) haven't been doing it for all that long.
      • Wow! I just saw your response to my post! (Being a "Newbee" and all, I forgot how to spell "slashdot"!) :-)

        Gee whillakers, it sure is swell to learn about what computers were like in the old days! I guess they just don't make things like they used too! ;-)

        I guess I just got excited because Macs haven't had this stable a multitasking environment since I bought my first Mac 512 in 1986. If only I had bought a good old server running good old VM/CMS, I could have run 150 copies of MacPaint at once! :------)

  • Do not move the .app (Score:3, Interesting)

    by gqgreg ( 84354 ) on Thursday May 09, 2002 @05:45PM (#3493369) Homepage
    Be sure you leave the installed .app in the Applications folder. I tried to move it to a subfolder and File > Export stopped working!

    Creating web-ready collections for your website is an absolute joy with BetterHTMLExport 1.6 [versiontracker.com].

    My only remaining gripe about iPhoto is that its so damn slow. I was hoping they'd iron out that 'implementing the mouse click you made 20 seconds ago' problem.

  • I was dissapointed too with the lack of cross fades in iphoto exports to quicktime.

    However I did the cross fading with imovie. although it is a pain a musical background and titlescan also be added. There is a lot more control over everything.

    I'm thinking malbe this movie creation might be applescripted..? Is that even possible in OS X?

All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
