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Steinberg Cubase SX Release for Mac OS X 23

RemiT writes "Steinberg plans to release a Mac OS X version of Cubase SX, their next generation of professional digital music production software. Indicated release date is after the end of Q2 2002, finally making good on Steinberg's commitment to support Mac OS X. (I wonder how long it will be before Mac stalwarts like Moby are using Mac OS X in concert...)"
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Steinberg Cubase SX Release for Mac OS X

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  • I'll just about be able to afford it by then. I've started to assemble the parts to build my home studio and I really didn't want to be stuck using a wintel box for that. Now, all I need is a mixer, a high end audio card, some nearfield speakers, mic stands for my guitars, a drum kit, a midi controller for my valveFX, a midi keyboard... Ya know, I'm starting to think this will be just a little bit more expensive than just being a gamer dude. sigh... Does anyone have any good Cubase tutorials online?
  • It's a silly icon, an image of just one product from a great company - and while it may be the coolest one at the moment, especially if you like music, it doesn't represent the company even as well as their logo.

    It's kinda like using an all-blue icon for the 'microsoft' topic.

    Back to topic, since this software is not available for Our Favorite Operating System (hereafter known as OFOS), what similar software packages are available?
  • Logic - OS X compatibility was apparently originally scheduled for September 2001. Now version 5 is shipping, and it still isn't compatible. Does anyone have any inside information on this?

    Also, does anyone know of an OS X compatible USB audio interface? I have the iLamp, so I can't install a card.
    • Also, does anyone know of an OS X compatible USB audio interface? I have the iLamp, so I can't install a card.

      Depends on what you're looking for. The Griffin Technologies iMic adapter is fine if you just need stereo audio. Edirol makes some decent all-purpose USB audio interfaces (many of them have MIDI).

      But if you're looking for many more channels than two, go firewire. It's about at generation 1.5, so you might want to wait a bit, but the Mark of the Unicorn 896 is what I'm trying to save up for right now... ASIO drivers exist for most of these products, so they should work with most audio software.
    • Re USB interfaces: I'm using a couple of different boxes from Edirol (Roland subsidiary) and I can recommend them. UA-30 (no longer sold, but replaced by UA-3 [edirol.com]) and UA-5 [edirol.com]. These are more than bare basic units since they have digital (S/PDIF) I/O as well as line, mike, and guitar analog, and the UA-5 will digitize 24 bit 96 kHz audio, as well as 44/48 kHz 16 bit. They also have cheaper, bare basic units, as well as high-end professional stuff, including MIDI, synths, and video systems

      The USB and MIDI products work with OS X, and also come with Win drivers.

      BTW, I submitted a story about these interfaces with my Cubase item, but the Powers That Be rejected them...

      From what I've read, they want to migrate people from the Cubase 5 line (there is an ugrade policy for existing Cubase users),and this may be their final idea of Cubase (and Nuendo) OS X support.
    • Addendum: This from the Cubase SX FAQ:
      "What happens to Cubase 5.1? Are you going to continue developing Cubase VST 32? Cubase VST? Cubase VST Score?
      We will continue to fix outstanding issues within Cubase 5.1 and you will see an upgrade including VST System Link functionality however, you will not see any other new major feature updates. This is true for all three versions of Cubase 5.1 and the reason is simple: Cubase SX is based on a completely new code base which allows us to do things we cannot do with the older code used in Cubase 5.1. It also marks the beginning of a new era/product line for Steinberg. SX is not a continuation of an older product; it is the start of something new!"
  • I've been using Cubase for years and I've been aching to use OS X on my music only G4, unforunately it's probably going to be a long time before i convert over to Cubase SX.

    The best part about Cubase is the VST plug in standard. There are dozens of freeware VST plug-ins and VST virtual instruments that may never get ported over to OS X. Untill they build up their plug in collection for SX, I'm sticking to 9.2 and Cubase 5.1

    I do have to give them praise for their new System Link standard -
    http://www.steinberg.net/products/up/vstsl/index.p html?sid=06424873&id=1003
    Now now of my old hardware will go to waste because i can link everything up as one system..sort of a Cubase "Beowulf" cluster...
    Which leads us to paraphrase the popular /. addage... "Imagine a System Link cluster of these!"

    • Thankfully, the situation regarding VST plugins and Cubase SX is not as dire as you think. (I also have a sh!tload of VSTs from 4.0 days I want to use...)
      This is what Steinberg's Cubase SX FAQ says about that (read to the bottom where it says existing VST plugins are supported):

      How many PlugIns are included within Cubase SX?
      There is a huge number of audio and MIDI plug-ins included in SX to cover possibly every demand in your music making and production process such as: Audio Plug-Ins: Flanger, Phaser, Overdrive, Chorus, Symphonic, Reverb B, Reverb A, QuadraFuzz, DeEsser, DoubleDelay, ModulationDelay, Dynamics, Chopper, Transformer, Metalizer, Rotary, Vocoder, StepFilter, Bitcrusher, Ringmodulator, SMPTE Generator, Grungalizer, Mix 6to2, Datube, etc. MIDI Plug-Ins: Arpache 1, Chorder, Microtune, Quantize, Auto Panner, Control, MIDI compressor, Echo Processor, Notes 2 Volume, Track Controls, Track Para FX and Transformer.
      In addition, you will of course also be able to continue to use any current Cubase VST Plug-Ins within Cubase SX."
    • Check out the /Library/Audio/Plugins folder.
  • I hope they emulated the blue screens of death from the Windows version. Cubase would rock if it didn't crash every 10 minutes. I end up using Logic Audio myself.

All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
