Wilfredo Sanchez Leaves Apple 80
An unnamed correspondent writes: "At least, that's the rumor on the street. Wonder what this will
mean for Apple's Darwin project?" The rumor is confirmed, boys and girls, Wilfredo Sanchez has indeed left Apple. A statement is on his Advogato page; apparently he has gone to KnowNow. Sanchez says on that page too that he'll still be involved with Darwin maintaining Apache and Perl for that platform.
Re:Sure enough (Score:1)
Re:ummm.... (Score:1)
I was an engineer at Apple (yeah, IL5, 4th floor) at this time and I can tell you what you have written is complete and utter BULLSHIT. Sorry, you're not allowed to argue after spewing this billious crap, just apologize. And think before you post on a subject about which you are completely ignorant.
Re:Sure enough (Score:1)
Know-Now's 2-way web (Score:1)
I'm hoping Know-Now is going to make good use of him.
The question is... (Score:1)
Re:Make that "Rohit Khare". (Score:1)
totally expected (Score:1)
Re:Know-Now's 2-way web (Score:1)
Re:Sure enough (Score:1)
Re:Apple got what they wanted... (Score:1)
It could change, but with the APSL changing towards being less encumbering rather than more encumbring, with more projects added to Darwin, and with all the publicity so far, I find it hard to believe that it would change in the near future.
Russell Ahrens
Re:My eyes (-1, Offtopic) (Score:1)
Especially since this isn't even really *about* MOSX. Whatever.
Why doesn't /. have a "Free Software Personality" category? That way, when Alan Cox drinks a glass of orange juice in the morning, we'll have an appropriate topic to place the story under.
Re:Is OS X taking off? (Score:1)
C'mon Tom, you worked there with me and your login is "AIXadmin." Gimme a break. Last I heard you were at Apple.
Besides, you knew at the time that I *preferred* MacOS X Server - I just realized it was only a pragmatic choice for one hardware platform.
I still love Linux, work with it every day. But it doesn't have the warm fuzzy appeal that MacOS X has -- and I doubt it ever will.
Re:Is OS X taking off? (Score:1)
Re:Sure enough (Score:1)
Re:Is OS X taking off? (Score:1)
Re:Sure enough (Score:1)
Re:Know-Now's 2-way web (Score:1)
Re:ApacheCon in London ? (Score:1)
You left out... (Score:1)
A tearful departure.... (Score:1)
Re:Sure enough (Score:1)
Re: (Score:1)
Re:Calm down, guys! (Score:1)
Re:Sure enough (Score:1)
Re:Sure enough (Score:1)
partake of "a scenario where politics doesn't
get in the way of getting Real Work done", from:
was this goal added post-apple but pre-knownow?
What he said.... (Score:1)
Date: Mon Feb 12, 2001 11:55:52 PM US/Eastern
To: Darwin Development
Subject: In case you haven't heard
You may have noticed that my email now tends to come from MIT instead of Apple.
I no longer work at Apple. I now work for a company called KnowNow. My last day at Apple was Friday 2/2.
You may also have noticed that I've since then helped Chuck import cscope, fixed a nasty in mod_perl, fixed up libtool some because I'm porting (Apache) APRlib to Darwin and tweak flex to install libfl.a as a link to libl.a. You might therefore come to the conclusion that my involvement with Darwin is not exactly over, and you would be correct.
For what it's worth, I've left those things I can no longer reach in good and capable hands; I couldn't have left them otherwise. As the one guy on "Dark Angel" says: "It's all good, all the time."
Pleasant hacking,
Wilfredo Sanchez - wsanchez@mit.edu
darwin-development mailing list
Re:Waitaminute (Score:1)
And gave patched back to OpenBSD also.
ApacheCon in London ? (Score:1)
Re:Information about KnowNow (Score:1)
<!-- You're persistent!
We like that. -->
Re:Sure enough (Score:1)
This has to be the shortest - on topic first post ever.
Re:Is OS X taking off? (Score:1)
Isn't that because the X box is made by Microsoft?
KnowNow (Score:1)
it's my guess that they've either got something that finally implements the ideals of the web well enough that they can think they can make lots of money from their implementation of open technology and use of open standards (after all, Sanchez is still "Open Source Manager" or something) or...
but i know nothing.
Re:Apple got what they wanted... (Score:1)
Not that this is really all that bad. I can see something happening where Apple needs to integrate some secret code into the OS X kernel that they can't release into Darwin. It will enable some feature that everyone will want or some people in the industry will demand (e.g., a digital rights management module that can't be tampered with). Of course, anyone who's running the Darwin open-source kernel will be out of luck.
Now, you could say "they could release it as a binary loadable kernel module that would work with Darwin". But they wouldn't, probably, since if it ran in the open source Darwin kernel, then someone could write a module that could intercept and override the DRM module.
It's what will happen, probably.
ummm.... (Score:1)
you obviously werent an apple user during those dark years. I almost wasnt as well
In another note, can I get an article at SlashDote when I leave my company?
Re:Alfredo's post to the darwin dev list (Score:1)
Listen up (Score:1)
I'm giving up my ability to moderate this thread by posting, so listen up! For those of you who don't understand why this got modded up, go read the end of the FreeBSD FAQ. It has a whole segment on "How many FreeBSD Programmers does it take to change a Lightbulb?". The AC is doing a cheap impression of this joke. Go check it out at www.freebsd.org [freebsd.org].
His Resume (Score:1)
Re:Alfredo's post to the darwin dev list (Score:1)
Ok, with hard feeling, we acknowledge your departure and accept the fact.
But we still want to know the reason behind your guys' departure. Is there a dark-hand behind all these?
Re:Know-Now's 2-way web (Score:1)
No, you can watch the pages from both sides. Up to now, I just see the monitor back and cables if I try this. But that's going to change soon.
My eyes (-1, Offtopic) (Score:1)
Oh, wait, it *is* the BSD color scheme. Hah bloody hah.
Re:Apple got what they wanted... (Score:1)
Apple got what they wanted... (Score:1)
Re:Apple got what they wanted... (Score:1)
Although it may have a parallel development to OSX they are not completely seperate. Darwin will run fine without OSX but OSX is tied to Darwin it IS the core. The entire OS revolves around Darwin and the MAch kernel. Aqua is a pretty GUI so that non-geeks don't have to know they are running a BSD variant or see the terminal.
Re: Loser (Score:1)
Re:The question is... (Score:1)
Impersonation (Score:1)
Re:*BSD is dying (Score:1)
A BSD discussion just isn't complete without one of these, keep up the good work! (sarc).
Re:I CAN SEE THE FUTURE - it has M@X coverage (Score:1)
2. 1/40 So now fix the shitty one button mouse
3. 1/20 Now maybe they'll oem their hardware and port OSX to Intel
4. 1/10 BSD doesn't go well with peanut butter
5. Not in (14) - who's rich enuff to use Apple anyway?
6. Not in 10-30 - Are they advertising the job?
7. 1/1 - how can they ever ship another product, I for one will be using my Lisa for landfill
Is OS X taking off? (Score:1)
Re:Sure enough (Score:1)
Re:Sure enough (Score:1)
Re:Sure enough (Score:2)
what a horrible breach of protocol. And with a sub-100000 user number, you should know better. Appropriate first post comments would be:
best of luck.
Re:Sure enough (Score:2)
Apple had some great UI people, but the ideology there was that the 1984 Way was the best Way, but sometimes to get a new shiny thing on the shelf that people will migrate to (not "upgrade to"), you have to break some eggs.
The irony of your flame is that most of the UI bitching I've seen is from the NeXT crowd, not the Mac users. (The biggest Mac user bitch seems to be the lack of a Control Strip, and that could be emulated with the Dock without much effort.)
A sub-100 000 UID is cool? (Score:2)
Re:Apple got what they wanted... (Score:2)
Duh! You dont know what you're talking about.
Darwin is the core of Mac OS X. It has not yet served it's purpose. I'ts futur is to start on march 24th.
Inform yourself, THEN criticize.
Karma karma karma karma karmeleon: it comes and goes, it comes and goes.
Re:developmental (Score:2)
Re:Is OS X taking off? (Score:2)
i tried the Public Beta when it came out, and it was alright. i have a G3/350 at home, and it was pretty sluggish, especially with classic. i think i used the Public Beta for all of about four days before i gave up on it.
i got really curious recently however, and "procured" a copy of a more recent beta, build 4k33. the difference is like night and day: it now runs very efficiently on my G3, classic actually works like a charm, and despite a few little bugs here and there i've had absolutely no problems with it. about 90% of my issues with the interface have been fixed, and i've been using it as my primary OS for a few weeks now.
i've tried a lot of operating systems at the beta level over the years, but OS X is by far the most solid of any supposedly "beta" release i've ever seen; i think Apple finally got it right. OS X is well on its way to being the best operating system i've ever used.
- j
You dissin' Tiger Beat? (Score:2)
Re:Sure enough (Score:2)
Re:Sure enough (Score:2)
Re:ummm.... (Score:2)
Amelio screwed up, but he also cut the crap out of Apple and basically did all the dirty work, and then, before he had a chance to actually move the company forward, Steve had him kicked out. Jobs came back and "saved" the company. If Amelio hadn't done what he had done there wouldn't of been an Apple for Steve to come back to, or there wouldn't have been one for very long after his return.
Re:developmental (Score:2)
Apple actually did a hell of a lot better after he wasn't there to screw things up anymore.
Re:Calm down, guys! (Score:2)
The story doesn't matter much to Mac users, because Darwin is a "fringe" product from their perspective. One Darwin engineer leaving Apple's payroll does not impact the future of OS X very much.
The story is of interest to the Linux-ish crowd because Darwin is YAFUC (Yet Another Free Unix Clone). Once OS X ships, it will probably become the most-used BSD-based OS in the world within a matter of months, and since Darwin is a Free-Beer-Free-Speech spin-off built with the same kernel, a lot of BSD hackers are going to be interested in it.
Smart move. (Score:2)
developmental (Score:2)
Developers who leave may hinder a faster progress date but they would not jeapordize a project. Think about it you have a team of developers who work on a project and any company who would be moronic enough to have a sole person in charge of the whole thing would be ludicrous. People come and go daily in Sillycone Valley, yet you don't see companies falling as fast.
Awesome buzzword desnity (Score:3)
Good job they went stealth, buzzwords this dense could easily have ripped space-time.
Re:Is OS X taking off? (Score:3)
I've had two issues with it:
1) Connecting from an old Mac to the X box using FileSharing over TCP/IP caused the Mach kernel's AFP layer to harf. To get the service going again, I had to restart (kernel services being a bummer that way). This was a known limitation; I just didn't know it.
2) There was some issue where it wouldn't create additional terminal windows and, when pushed, it eventually wound up with a kernel panic. I sent in the backtrace. This was apparently also a known problem with some kind of memory leak.
Minor stuff really, not problems I'd have in everyday use.
But for using, hard, a beta OS for a couple months, not a bad track record. It will replace Linux as my home desktop OS (already has for the most part); it has more creature comforts to offer and, with open source under the hood, little of the prior MacOS's disadvantages.
Re:Calm down, guys! (Score:3)
Advocates of Freehand and Illustrator have some nasty flame wars, but you don't see them dropping developers' names like fashion slaves talking about designers.
Alfredo's post to the darwin dev list (Score:4)
Subject: In case you haven't heard
You may have noticed that my email now tends to come from MIT instead of Apple.
I no longer work at Apple. I now work for a company called KnowNow.
My last day at Apple was Friday 2/2.
You may also have noticed that I've since then helped Chuck import cscope, fixed a nasty in mod_perl, fixed up libtool some because I'm porting (Apache) APRlib to Darwin and tweak flex to install libfl.a as a link to libl.a. You might therefore come to the conclusion that my involvement with Darwin is not exactly over, and you would be correct.
For what it's worth, I've left those things I can no longer reach in good and capable hands; I couldn't have left them otherwise. As the one guy on "Dark Angel" says: "It's all good, all the time."
Pleasant hacking,
Wilfredo Sanchez - wsanchez@mit.edu
Information about KnowNow (Score:4)
Sure enough (Score:4)
Waitaminute (Score:5)
Provided that FreeBSD remains as popular in the server market, and provided that Apple continues to integrate improvments in Darwin into their commercial release of OsX, then I expect we'll be seeing more work from Wilfredo Sanchez in the products we use.
No cause for alarm.
A host is a host from coast to coast, but no one uses a host that's close
Calm down, guys! (Score:5)
The free software world has this habit of latching on to whichever developer brings himself to their attention. Just try to explain to people that Jamie Zawinski didn't singlehandedly write Navigator or that Jason Haas isn't doing PowerPC Linux entirely on his own.
Again, no disrespect to Wilfredo (or JWZ or Jason, for that matter). I know he was extremely important in OS X development. But this sort of "Stop the presses! RASTER QUIT HIS JOB AT RED HAT!" mentality strikes me as more appropriate for Tiger Beat.