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Mac OS X Desktop and GUI Design 348

Khelder sent us a nifty little bit about the MacOS X Desktop. It talks quite a bit about UI Design (mirror) from a Mac-Centric but also a general perspective. It's quite interesting stuff for anyone into MacOS-X, but also it has lots of practical stuff for anyone who's ever tried to create a usable theme for one of today's modern window managers.
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The Mac OS X Desktop and GUI design

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  • One of the most disappointing things I find with UI design in Linux in general, is that it has so much potential to be better, yet this is not used. Even though KDE etc. is appealing to newbies it still remains 'by hackers, for hackers'. In most situations, if Linux developers aren't sure of what they should be doing in terms of UI design, they copy Microsoft.

    The open source development model of KDE/Gnome allows for some *real* innovation to take place on the UI front, yet it is being neglected. Look at most WMs, and count how many of them use taskbars, or start menu-ish controls. I don't think we can count on MS or Apple to break out of the mind set that "this is what a GUI looks like". Of course to attract users UIs have to be intuitive and natural to use for people experienced with win/mac UIs, but that can not be used as an excuse to halt UI development at the stage it is now.

    I really have faith in projects such as KDE to break out of non-sensical conventions, as is the trend with OSS, and I hope that as well as doing a great programming job, the developers put some research into UI design as well. Remember that computers are slaves to us, not vice-versa.
  • I love the transparent/translucent dialog and menus - this is a feature that I would really like in a window-manager/theme (i.e.: it doesn't just look cool, it is useful). It would be helpful to be able to see behind a contect menu or dialog - even behind some program toolbars and such.

    My question is this: can this be done in X? Would enlightenment be able to do this through a theme? I would think, to get menu and specific programs to display transparently, you would need to use something like a GTK theme, yes? So maybe the Gnome themes this could be done?

    I don't know very much about X and Gnome, but I would be interested if this can be done in X. If anyone has and ideas, please let me know.

  • It occurs to the that there's an extension that lets you do that with option-arrows... damned if I can remember what it's called...
  • Just wanna remind you that their main site is (although I think it sucks compared to :)

    ls: .sig: File not found.
  • The ammount of memory that the finder takes up is irrelevent.... in the context of Quake 3. Mac treats Finder just like any other program, an therefore it is possible to exit out of it. I used this trick a lot when i had an old LCII (15mhz i think) so that i could run a single program and not use memory on the others. For mac 7.1 (which is what i had) all i needed to do was download finderquitter or something that sounded like that, I think i got it from the whacked mac archives, but i am really not sure anymore, if you search for it you should be able to find it, and if it doesn't work in OS/X you can bet that it will be created soon.

    On the other hand though, when running actual productive apps (i know this doesn't apply to most of you :) the finder is important as well as its memory consumption.

  • While my friend and I read the article, we both thought the same thing: GNOME (and to a lesser extent KDE) are both flexible enough to allow you to create a desktop with most of the ideas that the author had about the perfect desktop.

    For instance, you could put any gnome-panel on any of the sides of the screen and have any buttons or taskbars or menus or documents or anything on them you darn well please. You could make them any size, and have them autohide at any speed.

    With both QT and GTK, I know that you can "rip" toolbars out of their default position and move them into a vertical position on the right or left, just as the author suggested. As far as the round menus go, I just don't know what he was talking about. But, with differnt themes of the respective toolkit, one cold put thick borders on buttons.

    In short, I agree with you as far as UI designers knowing UI and learning about it. That's obvious, it could always help. But I feel that the inherent flexibility that GNOME and KDE provide go a long way to making the UI usable, no matter what you preferences or prejudices or habits or preconcievied notions of what a UI should be.

    While GNOME and KDE can be improved (what can't be improved?), they also deserve a high-five for their work so far.

  • Hey Saxton,

    I read recently on AppleInsider ( that Apple has increased the stated memory requirements from 32 MB to 64MB of physical RAM. Here is a quote from the article AppleInsider (

    Mac OS X Hardware Requirements
    The iMac will be the ideal machine to run Mac OS X. Apple is telling customers with questions on Mac OS X hardware requirements to look at the iMac.
    * 233 MHz Apple Power Macintosh G3 System or Greater
    * 64MB of Pyysical RAM (up from 32 MB)
    * 1-2 GByte Hard Disk (though anything over a GByte should do)
    * CD-ROM Drive
    * 15" Monitor (this does not apply to Apple PowerBooks)
    Please Note: These requirements were taken directly from Apple in early '99. Whether they have decided to change them since then is unknown.

    I searched around Apple's pages on Mac OS X ( and couldn't find any specific information on memory requirements. This isn't really surprising, as the OS is still in early development and the requirements could change drastically. There is this little blurb on the new Virtual Memory manager, though.

    We Didn't Forget Virtual Memory
    Along with the protected memory mechanism, Darwin provides a super-efficient virtual memory manager to handle that protected memory space. So you no longer have to worry about how much memory an application like Photoshop needs to open large files. When an applications needs memory, the virtual memory manager automatically allocates precisely the amount of memory needed by the application--no more, and no less. The result? Out-of-memory messages are out of here.

    Hope this helps.

  • I'm sorry if I'm taking up too much space with this offtopic question, but could you point me to a good resource(s) for a programmer wanting to learn LISP? I've tried to comprehend the stuff in the emacs-lisp-tutorial, but just can't quite grab a solid foundation from it. Any great starters or tutorials would be appreciated; send URLs to, or flames/spam to (cat /dev/zero > /dev/hda)
  • Where are you buying mice and keyboards that cost a couple hundred dollars? o.o
  • Hey, can I buy one of them leftover keyboards from you? I want an external kbd for my powerbook, but blowing $70 on that damn iKey [] is looney. Any USB kbd will supposedly work now with a Mac, but "any" kbd doesn't come with the power button on the keyboard.
  • Oh sure, I started using Greg's Buttons on my Mac II in 92 (what a great machine..). I think the scope of the Appearance Manager is much more than just what Kaleidoscope allows you to manipulate, it probably just exposes, say, 20% of what the Appearance Mgr allows for, but in a nice easy way so as to integrate nicely with the default appearance, Platinum. In other words, Kaleidoscope just acts as an interface for the most easily customizable parts of the Appearance Manager.

    In Aqua, for instance the open/save dialog, all the drawing routines and graphic resources have changed so that it takes advantage of the new graphics layer. Kaleidoscope for OSX probably wouldn't want to take on allowing users to customize that, it will just allow changing the graphic resources (but maybe in a vector based format rather than a pixel based format). If people really want to change the graphic routines, they can write directly to the Appearance Manager, but I'm guessing they have to write an entirely new appearance.

    But I probably won't use anything like that, I think the Aqua interface looks splendid as is.

  • But the power button on PowerBooks is inside the computer, meaning there is no way to use the "hook up a monitor, mouse, and keyboard and keep the screen closed" feature of the powerbook unless you have a kbd with a power button on it... ah well. I don't have an extra monitor laying around anyway.
  • Aqua is implimented as an appearance in MacOSX. Whether one will be able to change the appearance remains to be seen, but part of the Carbon API is GetTheme, and SetTheme, so people might be able to write an appearance switcher for OSX fairly easily.
  • I completely trust Apple to make it right.

    UI-wise, Apple has never pulled the rug under users and developers. The only reason that Apple survived through the bad times in 1996-97 is that there were fanatical users who knew the UI by heart. Changing the UI experience too much will alienate the old-timers and Apple knows that it can't survive on trying to ensnare first-time computer buyers.

    --Bud, a non-active Apple fan

  • He formed the HI Group at Apple after the Mac shipped, and helped document and dogmatise the Mac UI.

    Jobs was a lot closer to the Mac UI design than Tog ever was.
  • I'd say the argument here is whether you want a PL to be "user-friendly" in the same way as a GUI. For me, the sole purpose of the interface (graphical or not) is to get out of my way when I know what I'm doing and help me otherwise. I would regard the primary purpose of the PL to be allowing me to write a working program in the least amount of time. In a lot of ways, these are similar goals.

    I just want the window to go away when I'm done using it. I don't care how it does that, as long as it doesn't go away when I don't want it to. In a PL I don't really care what the syntax looks like as long as I can write my program correctly. Thus I want things like type checking (and in SML, all the wonderful other things that it checks, like making sure my if statements make sense) and don't really care about how much it looks like English.

    In both, I want to get my task done quickly above all else, but in a PL the intuitiveness of the interface is not so much a concern due to the higher level of knowledge required to use it anyway. However, for those of us who are programmers, we understand programming and syntax, etc., and thus we want our interfaces to act like programming languages. For us, it's honestly easier that way. Now, when I'm using, say, WebTV, I don't want to bother with total control, I'd just rather surf. I'm not sure what this has to do with Aqua, but I do think it speaks to the disagreement between the text and GUI folks.

  • Well, there once was a theme named WinAqua up at Now they have something similar at Aqua&area=wb .

    This is intented to be used with the rather nice shareware WindowBlinds offered by Stardock at load.html

    For several X-Windowmanagers there are Aqua-like themes available at For example Aquatic for WindowMaker...

  • by Zurk ( 37028 )
    i think this was covered a bit in the mac os x rollout story. anyway in case someone missed it here's the real place to look for critiques on apple's UI and the OS in general. see: ubb/Forum2/HTML/001104.html []
  • by cei ( 107343 ) on Wednesday January 26, 2000 @03:44PM (#1332918) Homepage Journal
    It's worth noting that Tog, who wrote the article that's linked to, was one of the (if not the only) designers of the original Mac OS GUI. If anyone has a foundation for constructive criticism of a GUI, this man does. If I were Jobs, or anyone else at Apple for that matter, I'd pay attention to what Tog has to say.
    WWhhaatt ddooeess dduupplleexx mmeeaann??
  • Both NeWS(Network extensible Window System) and OpenLook predate Tog's tenure at Sun by several years.

    You may not like them, but NeWS was James Gosling's creation and was arguably ahead of its time - Java bears more than a passing resemblance to NeWS in a number of respects. (Remember that NeWS was more than a windowing system - it provided network extensibility and transparency to applications as well, and was arguably the first serious attempt at writing a viable OO network-aware GUI.)

    Personally, I think both OpenLook and NeWS were great to work with: I still haven't found scrollbars anywhere else that work that well, and the pushpin/tearoff menu metaphor that's so common now is from OL/NeWS. NeWS in particular had some very cool capabilities: several years ago it did a lot of what we're just now getting around to reinventing in KDE and GNOME. Unfortunately for NeWS in particular, it overestimated the cycles available under Moore's law, and so it was based on Display PostScript (quite cool, really) at a time when it would be several years befoer the horsepower was present to run DPS quickly. As a result (much like GNOME today?), it got a reputation for being dog-slow, and there was little interest in writing apps for it as a result.

    Remember that Xerox was the other half of the OpenLook team. OL/NeWS looks a bit dated by today's standards, but it was arguably the most advanced GUI in the insustry when it was released, and broke new ground in important ways, some of which were even picked up by the Mac! It was a quantum leap improvement in Unix GUIs and was light years ahead of SunWin and the original SGI and IBM GUIs, which in their early days were hardly worthy of the name. (something as simple as TWM is a HUGE improvement on SGI's orginal windowing system...)

    FYI, Tog's major project at Sun was to play movie producer and make a video short titled "Starfire", which demonstrated a vision of future UI technology in a badly acted setting of corporate politics and intrigue surrounding the near cancellation of a low-pollution car.

    (For the car guys in the /. crowd, the car used was a Consulier GT, a composite ultralight, but kinda ugly [] car that absolutely demolished it's competition on the racetrack in the late 80's and early 90's. They tried really hard to make it look good for the film, but it was too big a challenge...)
  • the clipboard was originally intended to create a short-term copy of selected data. since that's what it does with the text of selected filenames, i'm afraid calling it 'totally inconsistent' is putting things a bit strongly. cut-and-paste for filenames is totally consistent with cutting and pasting text in any other context. the fact that you're pleased to define the metaphor a different way doesn't mean that the existing product has none.

    on top of that, your own metaphor isn't as consistent as you might think. what would happen, for instance, if you cut one file, then cut another before pasting the first one into a new folder? under the standard clipboard metaphor, that would be a silent and irrevocable deletion of the file, which violates the principle of clarity.. a biggie in the mac os. for that matter, what should happen if you cut one file, select another, and paste? by default, the thing selected is replaced by the thing in the clipboard, so does that mean we should delete the selected file and replace it with the one just cut?

    assuming we did manage to work around the difficulties, there's still another problem to consider: overloading the interface. if cut-and-paste does one thing when you've selected the text of a filename, and something else when you've selected the icon, the interface contains a modality that's likely to breed mistakes. the two types of selection are visually similar, and i don't think anyone believes that the average user would always get the distinction right on the fly. interface designers don't have as much license to blame their problems on stupid users who couldn't find a clue with both hands and a flashlight as other programmers, because the whole point of the game is to find something that makes sense to those very users.

    BTW - your assertion that cut-and-paste normally copies everything, not some specific object property, is incorrect. the clipboard can actually carry several parallel versions of the copied information, and is designed to paste the version most compatible with the context of the target environment. if you cut a piece of text that's in 12-point Times New Roman, right justified, etc, all that style information is a property of what was copied. you can still paste that selection into a window that doesn't support all your style properties, though. the clipboard just strips off any information that isn't appropriate to the new context.

    by that light, the fact that only the filename appears in the new context when you cut-and-paste from the Finder is *entirely* consistent with the overall metaphor.

  • 3rd generation my butt. NeWS, Display PostScript, etc. have been primarily vector-based for a long time. And transparencies and mouse-overs aren't new technology either.

    I prefer vector-based interfaces in general, but don't believe the hype when they claim it's great new next-generation stuff. It's really just what the motorcycle crowd call the BNG models (where the only real change is Bold New Graphics). It still works the same, just prettier.

  • Gnome-panel is really flexible except for one blatant violation of Fitts's Law, which doesn't appear to be changeable. The edge of the screen doesn't do a damn thing. You have to move your mouse at least one pixel in to click a button.
  • He did explain the menu thing, kinda. If the menu's at the top of the screen, you can move the mouse there really fast without worrying about overshooting it. Tog describes it as being "infinitely deep".
  • There are two texts that should be read before considering much of what this article has to say and they are:

    About Face and
    The Inmates are Running the Asylum

    Both of these texts are written by a man named Alan Cooper, and go into details of how a good UI should work and why. This background is needed not only to truly understand the issues of UI design but also allows a good standpoint for defending and argueing the views of the author. Overall his article is very well written, and holds a much more open view than your typical Mac OS design piece. (Which usually sum up that: All GUIs are poor imitations of Mac) While I do not completely agree with the author there is little need to critcize it. I think some extra view points would be more benefical so here are some other view points.

    One consideration I see overlooked time and time again in all GUI designs is object placement. The human eye normally moves from the upper left hand corner to the lower left hand corner. diagnally. This leaves the lower left and upper right hand corner mostly ignored. This makes them ideal for placement of say menu's because you tend to need to use a menu less frequently than applications and is defensable as why they were chosen in many enviroments as menu locations.

    There are reasons to advocate the design of most interfaces but what would be more beneficial to all of us is a well researched and well implented UI. Much of this research has been done, and is discussed in Cooper's books. And envirments such as X give us the freedom to evaluate new ideas and concepts.

    This is why enviroments like Entlightenment and Sawmill are so powerful. They provide the ablity to take a good easily and continously improve on the windowing provided by a GUI. And with KDE and Gnome moving along nicely the entire feel should soon allow for this concept to be putforth across entire enviroments.

    So again if you are truly interested in all the aspects of UI design please read Cooper's books, they are some of the best references on the topic.

    Oh, and don't let the fact that he works for M$ sway you, I'm fairly convinced no one listens to him there. :)

  • A GUI should not be Sexy, Exciting, Amusing, Animated, and especially not Cool.

    It should be boring.

    I do not want to be entertained by my UI, i want toget work done in a quite neutral environment.

    Richard Feynman said rightly:
    For a sucessful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled.

  • Pie menus are not what they're cracked up to be. Imagine trying to epresent more than 6 or so menu items at once. There's also no ordering where the most common items are listed first, no way to order a MRU list -- which may have maybe a dozen items. Imagine the zig-zagging one must do to implement a hierarchical menu.

    Pie menus may be useful for some operations, but aren't universally useful. And when you start having to mix navigation metaphors, that inconsistency is worse than having no pie menus at all.
  • I can see your point in being critical of Tog, and while I tend to agree more with him than disagree with him, here's something I just thought of to spur debate:

    You say programming languages are also a form of HCI. I agree with this, and I also agree that Tog isn't properly treating the subject by saying that, in effect, "BASIC rules all".

    Perhaps there's a cognitive dissonance going on here. A programming language is an HCI that imposes a "schema" on the user, meaning that a user has to accomodate this new interface into his mental processes. The focus is on taking a mental model and sticking with it, in order to concentrate on the application of that language. Examples of this trend are evident in Functional vs. Object oriented vs. Imperative vs. Declarative vs. Logic programming.

    Contrast this to a non-instructional HCI like a GUI, which most HCI literature aims at making "intuitive", or in other words, an interface that is easy to "assimilate" into one's mental processes. The focus here is for the user interface designer to do the "accomodating", not the user him or herself.

    From this latter perspective, I think it's quite easy to see why Tog can claim that "BASIC rules all". It is the most English-like language available, and hence the most intuitive.

    However, programming language theory has advanced to a point that we know that what is intuitive isn't always the best language: there are trade-offs with performance, expressibility and power when designing languages. So, in effect, Tog is wrong from the PL point of view.

  • I think the current HCI work has some serious conceptual problems. Much of it is driven by the needs of naive users and by what is easily measurable in an experimental setting. But being able to push a button a fraction of a second faster may lead to an incremental improvement in user satisfaction, but it doesn't make for any signficant interesting changes to the way people interact with computers.

    I think imitating Windows/MacOS and applying current HCI principles in systems like KDE and Gnome will be nice in that it makes Linux accessible and comparable to those other desktop platforms.

    But I hope that in the medium term, Linux will serve as a platform for more interesting and more important UI breakthroughs, including UIs geared towards expert users. Linux is probably in the best position for that because it seems a lot more flexible and extensible than those other systems. And, more importantly, Linux has expert users that can often themselves modify and improve the UI and share those modifications.

  • Hrm, okay, he's terribly misinformed, ignorant, illogical, etc.

    That's all well and good, but could you explain what specifically you thought was so completely wrong?

    What was wrong with the topic/problem? A lot of people have had criticisms of the Aqua GUI - even (perhaps especially) veteran Mac users.

    What was wrong with the conclusion? It didn't sound to me like he laid a death sentence on Apple, he simply said it could become their 'New Coke'. Seems possible to me, whether or not it is likely.

    So, what's the problem?

    - Jeff A. Campbell
    - VelociNews ( [])
  • They're not so bad, since they're color coded. Too bad if you're color blind though. You want real mystery, check out the "halos" in the morphic interface of squeak smalltalk []

    Gotta admit though, it's absolutely the most flexible GUI around, even if it is dog slow. THAT is an interface that's way behind the Moore curve. But boy is is something. Lets you drag, resize, and rotate every window and every widget in them.
  • One consideration I see overlooked time and time again in all GUI designs is object placement. The human eye normally moves from the upper left hand corner to the lower left hand corner. diagnally.

    Curious. Has any research been done to see if this is also true of people who read right-to-left languages like Hebrew and Arabic?

  • Also, Macs can't have the colon (:) in a filename. So URLs as filenames look like:


    which is dumb.

    That's pretty amusing, considering the unix world can have the colons but not the slashes. You have to have something as your path separator if you want a unified path and filename (it doesn't have to be like that, but then you make shells damn near impossible).
  • > As far as the round menus go, I just don't know what he was talking about. But, with differnt themes of the respective toolkit, one cold put thick borders on buttons.

    I'm not sure, but what I think he's talking about here is an application of Fitt's Law that he mentioned in his "A test to give you fitts" article.

    Rather than have your menu arranged vertically (or horizontally) as is the case with 99% of menus today, you have the items arranged in a circle, around the cursor.

    This works best with popup menus, where you click the button, and come up with something like the following (where the asterisk is the cursor point):

    _--| --_
    -Menu|Menu -

    The idea here is that (1)the distance the mouse has to move to the menu item is drastically reduced, and (2) each option is associated with both a distance and a direction, amking them easier to remember, even if the user isn't looking at the screen.

    It's a neat idea, and one that I don't think either GNOME or KDE are capable of, without a lot of kludging.

    The only desktop environment I know of that does this is UDE [] but that suffers from other problems, notably that it's nowhere near being complete, not to mention the fact that development on it seems to be all but nonexistent these days.

    It's a fine line between trolling and karma-whoring... and I think you just crossed it.
    - Sean
  • > Be has its own reasons for switching to Intel, and shifted the blame elsewhere for their own convenience

    I won't defend Gasse's incessant whining about it, but Apple wanted Be to pay up to develop for their hardware, if such specs could even be bought for any price. Intel paid Be millions to develop for their hardware. Which would you choose?
  • While my friend and I read the article, we both thought the same thing: GNOME (and to a lesser extent KDE) are both flexible enough to allow you to create a desktop with most of the ideas that the author had about the perfect desktop.
    Consistency? If the two gnome applicatons run on different hosts, what decides the appearance? (and how is it made uniform across the two applications?). GNOME doesn't do this at present, and the CORBA system won't help, since it isn't possible to move binaries across incompatible processors (i.e. you cannot just copy any style files needed from one machine to the other, and the screen-end of the UI (aka X) is powerless to help since all it knows about are the rectangles)
    For instance, you could put any gnome-panel on any of the sides of the screen and have any buttons or taskbars or menus or documents or anything on them you darn well please. You could make them any size, and have them autohide at any speed.
    content -- How, for example, can you have one of the bars correspond to open applications (i.e. GIMP, netscape, etc.) and another to open documents? you must remember that the GUI upon which the panel rests knows virtually nothing about what is on the screen.
    With both QT and GTK, I know that you can "rip" toolbars out of their default position and move them into a vertical position on the right or left, just as the author suggested.
    At present only possible at a per-window level. How do I put the 'main toolbar' for the 'currently focused document' on the left (such that it updates as I focus a different document)?
    How do I put the menu for the current application at the top of the screen? How do I add some global options to the menus?
    As far as the round menus go, I just don't know what he was talking about.
    Also known as 'Pie menus' think of a circle appearing at where the mouse was clicked, subdivided like a pie chart, such that you, say, go left for formatting details, right for copy.
    But, with differnt themes of the respective toolkit, one cold put thick borders on buttons.
    Thats eye-candy, nothing more. You can't change the feel or logical arrangement of a GNOME or KDE application with the theme alone.
    In short, I agree with you as far as UI designers knowing UI and learning about it. That's obvious, it could always help. But I feel that the inherent flexibility that GNOME and KDE provide go a long way to making the UI usable,
    Pardon?? (All I've ended up using is Sawmill, wterm and Xemacs.) There is NO global scriptability for GNOME applications, and similarly for KDE in 1.x. KDE 2.x may be different, I hope so.
    There is little flexibility at the application level (like you get with various Windows applications -- GNOME and KDE applications aren't mature/bloated enough for that, and wouldn't get sufficient development anyhow)
    no matter what you preferences or prejudices or habits or preconcievied notions of what a UI should be.
    If your preferences or prejudices relate to simplicity of design, overall thought of design, plans for future, etc. then I'm afraid that that just isn't the case. what needs to be stressed, and isn't is Flexibility, Reuseability, possiblities for Customisation/Integration at the component level -- currently KDE 1.x and GNOME 1.x have no real concept of a component level.
    While GNOME and KDE can be improved (what can't be improved?), they also deserve a high-five for their work so far.
    True, but it is all too often that the people in charge see the cosmetic factors in their competition, and go all out to emulate those and only those without the thought that has gone in to the rest of the design of what they aspire to copy. The moral of this story is: Think, Think and Think again before you code something that you want to put out (TAI -- Linus didn't think about global users when starting Linux, and didn't distribute it until it was going somewhere, and he's stuck to his aims ever since.)
  • According to the keynote, the old view styles will be present. You're not limited to a NeXT-style Miller column, and you can have multiple windows open at any given time.

    - Jeff A. Campbell
    - VelociNews ( [])
  • As for the round mouse - it takes a while to get used to (and the way of holding it is different), but I prefer it.

    That difference is in holding the mouse is probably the biggest problem people have with it. We've all become used to resting the heel of our hand and the back end of the mouse.

    As for the Keyboard - It's shit. It doesn't have all the keys on it and should never ship on high end models.

    I agree with that. I think they screwed up there.

    Alternative viewpoint: Apple has done quite a bit to support the mouse/trackball/keyboard aftermarket here. Hundreds of thousands of people replacing input devices means millions of dollars to companies like Kensington and MacAlly. R&D money for new and better products flows from there.

    I have a Kensington Orbit trackball (2 buttons.) I love it.


  • by Darchmare ( 5387 ) on Wednesday January 26, 2000 @08:23PM (#1333011)
    Re: #1, blame Be. LinuxPPC, Yellow Dog Linux, etc. didn't have much trouble. If Apple is so afraid of the competition, they'd have never released Darwin. They probably wouldn't have moved to ROM in RAM either.

    Be has its own reasons for switching to Intel, and shifted the blame elsewhere for their own convenience. If they were expecting free R&D from Apple they should have expected otherwise. Not to mention their investment by Intel - Be's recent (ie. within this month) announcements seem to indicate that they are at the mercy of their shareholders.

    Seriously though, why would Apple care? BeOS running on Apple hardware doesn't lose them any money. You're assuming a murder when there wasn't even a motive.

    Re: #2, current share prices, increasing marketshare, and sales numbers indicate otherwise.

    Re: #3, it's subjective. Nobody in the public has even used it, anyhow.

    Re: #4, hard to say. Refer to #3.

    ...if you want to point out mistakes, try not carefully introducing cloning in '88 or '89 (you can blame Jean-Louis Gasee of Be for that one). How about Copland? How about over-pricing?

    - Jeff A. Campbell
    - VelociNews ( [])
  • but since aqua is supposed to have some open-source parts

    It is? The "core OS" (Darwin) may be open source (or will be open source if they release a Darwin that's the same as the core of MacOS X), but, as far as I know, none of the GUI stuff is going to be open source, either in whole or in part.

  • by Darchmare ( 5387 ) on Wednesday January 26, 2000 @03:50PM (#1333022)
    Actually, there are a large number of Mac users (myself included) who have some reservations with the new UI. It's hard to tell until we actually get to sit down with it, though.

    I'm cautiously optimistic, but there are a number of people who have had major issues with what Apple has shown so far. Tog, who worked at Apple for 14 years, is one of them. I personally think Apple threw the screenshots out for public consumption as a sort of trial balloon - they've done this before. Given that there are 5-6 months until release, they've got time to make the kind of minor changes people are advocating.

    Anyhow, please don't stereotype Mac users. We don't all agree with everything Apple does, and aren't nearly as blind/conformist as you think we are (witness the deafening roar of bitching Mac users erupted in when QuickTime 4 was released).

    - Jeff A. Campbell
    - VelociNews ( [])
  • by oneirine ( 4191 ) on Thursday January 27, 2000 @05:07AM (#1333023)
    I'm not sure I like the new UI terribly much myself, but there is a hell of a lot of impressive technology behind it. I'd have to actually use it to know for sure, but it looks like too much gaudy eye candy for my taste. I'm hoping there's a Platinum Appearance that one can switch to if one desires.

    There's an article [] on ars technica [] that another poster provided a link to, which goes into all of the swank new technology behind the eye candy. It says that PDF is a superset of PostScript, which isn't exactly true. PDF is a subset of PostScript with some new onscreen features added like forms and hyperlinks. Eventually PostScript and PDF are going to be pretty close to merged - Adobe's PostScript Extreme engine is a PDF RIP (PDF to print, with no PostScript in between) and a PostScript to PDF converter.

    There are a couple things about Display PDF that aren't mentioned in the article that are extremely cool. GDI and QuickDraw are the current systems for onscreen display on Windows and the Mac OS, respectively. On Windows or the Mac, if you copy anything other than text from one app to another, you are copying not the original file, but GDI or QuickDraw commands. And most non-desktop publishing apps use GDI or QuickDraw to print, which causes a couple of problems. GDI and QuickDraw are both RGB, which throws color off completely if you copy a CMYK TIFF from Photoshop into Quark or copy an EPS with spot colors from FreeHand into PageMaker. And GDI (and to a lesser extent, QuickDraw) is not at all friendly to PostScript printers.

    PDF (as of version 1.2) understands CMYK and it understands spot color channels. PDF is friendly to non-PostScript and PostScript printers alike. Which means that non-desktop publishing apps will suddenly print much nicer to PostScript printers, and it means that copying and pasting from one desktop publishing app to another just may stop being the Extremely Bad Thing that it is now.

    Oh, and because Mac OS X is based on NeXTStep is based on BSD, for the first time I'll be able to do my desktop publishing on a real OS. No more stopping to allocate more RAM to FreeHand or less to Quark; no more crash and reboot.

    In the same way that I tolerate the bright gaudy blue of the G3 on my desk at work, I'll probably learn to tolerate the jelly bean buttons and the jewel-bright scrollbars of Mac OS X.
  • by crayz ( 1056 ) on Wednesday January 26, 2000 @03:51PM (#1333025) Homepage
    I can't believe this guy didn't know to hold option to close windows behind you. That for me is one of the most important time saving features, but it gives the user the flexibility to leave open the windows he wants open also.

    In addition, in the MacOS the command he didn't know is just that, the command key. Hold it and you can move or windowshade(minimize) background windows without switching to them.

    Apple tells users shortcuts very clearly in it's help system, just go in there and search, you'd be surprised how many things you can do just by holding a button.

    But anyway, he definitely raises some valid criticisms of OS X, and I definitely don't want to have a "Finder/Browser" type file navigation system. I also think Apple will be total idiots if they don't include a way to use something that is almost exactly like the current platinum look, or at least have a theme system that would let a third party do that. There are some bitter arguments going on in the MacOS community right now( about the OS X interface, and no matter what Apple does it is going to piss off a whole ton of people.

    Oh, BTW:

    system folder: 5,138 files
    total on main HD partition: 29,957 files

  • Well, if you want quality, the new MS Intellimouse Explorers are $70 retail. We've been getting the Intellimouse w/ Intellieye too, those are somewhat cheaper. A good keyboard can easily run ~$70 or so, I have yet to see a USB Mac keyboard that I'm impressed with, our Adesso ergonomic keyboards failed en masse and we shipped them back. The iKey boards work, but their not ergonomic at all, and they're all ugly as sin. Right now I'm leaning toward getting a Kinesis keyboard to preserve my wrists, since there don't seem to be many viable economical models.
  • A less than 50MhZ Sun IPX with 32MB of RAM ran NeWS just fine. A 70MhZ Sun SPARCstation 5 ran Display PostScript well. Vector graphics and transparencies just don't consume a lot of CPU power unless implemented badly.

  • Every programmer knows that computer languages are one form of human-computer interface.

    No, that's not true except in a trivial sense. A programming language is not an interface, it it rather a framework and a set of tools for structuring the problem and the solution. That's a very big difference and probably the one that confused Tog.

    Programming languages are not (and should not be) designed to provide a better interface to the machine. They are designed to make problem solving easy, or at least easier. Good languages, essentially, provide a useful framework for thinking about the problem domain and supply you with proper tools to express the solution you have found. None of this has anything to do with human-computer interface.

  • 255 character filenames in MacOS? Sorry, I don't think you've ever used any MacOS if you think that. MacOS 8.6 has a 31 character limit for filenames, as did all MacOSes back through, at least, 8.0, and I'm sure all the way back to 6. And if you're refering to the NeXT file browser, no, the Mac has never had anything like that.

    I don't think you're thinking of the MacOS.
  • Reread the statement. It doesn't say that Apple emulated it right off (you're right - Windows was unleashed later). I think what he means is the 'Platinum' appearance that came along with MacOS 8, which is definately more 'gray' than the old System 7 version. The menubar turned gray as well.

    I don't necessarily think that the Mac version is really 'ponderously-heavy 3d chrome', though. There is a lot less gray, fewer bevels, etc. You have to admit that they both moved in that same general direction.

    - Jeff A. Campbell
    - VelociNews ( [])
  • Probably the best place to talk to knowledgeable users is here:

    http://www.omnigroup.c om/community/mailinglists/macosx-talk/ [] has a pretty distinct OpenStep/NeXTStep focus, but there are some classic MacOS users there as well. Overall there are a lot of good ideas being floated around there, as well as a few bad ones, but the people are generally intelligent enough to avoid 'MacOS X rulez/sucks' messages.

    Much better than Apple Insider [], which appears to be more or less frequented by bored 14 year olds (the site itself is pretty decent though).

    - Jeff A. Campbell
    - VelociNews ( [])
  • by ywwg ( 20925 ) on Wednesday January 26, 2000 @03:57PM (#1333044) Homepage
    Do _you_ know Fitts's law?

    GUI design has been well researched by Apple and others, and the developers of the new desktops should actually read this stuff. It seems that most of the features included in both desktop environments seem to be added because they are "cool" or they are what a particular developer thinks is best. If everyone makes sure that they are playing by these rules, we can ensure that both environments are superior in speed and ease-of-use to both windows and mac.
  • D'oh. Bad link. Sorry about that.

    Try this instead.

    http://www.omnigroup.c om/community/mailinglists/macosx-talk/ []

    - Jeff A. Campbell
    - VelociNews ( [])
  • Oh, and don't let the fact that he works for M$ sway you, I'm fairly convinced no one listens to him there. :)

    Besides, that should perhaps be "worked for"; he works for Cooper Interaction Design [] (although, as the name of the company suggests, "works for" probably understates the case :-)). The book says that he was the designer of the visual programming interface for Visual Basic - but don't let that sway you, either; in About Face, he's perfectly willing to thump Microsoft for things he considers bogus (such as excessively-deep cascading menu on, for example, the Start bar; of course, excessively-deep cascading menus are hardly unique to Windows).

  • Especially about the Fitts zones and what Apple seems to have done to the taskbar. Although a lot of times it seems like Tog says things like,

    5. Should not hold the trash can. (The trash can should be on the desktop, where it belongs.)


    It has a far higher access time than the foolish location Windows uses...

    and you have to wonder why, because he doesn't tell you what's going on. I always appreciate Tog's work but he shouldn't assume we know why he thinks things, especially in a field as relatively obscure as GUI design. (Most of the geeks I know, including myself, tend to adapt no matter how irritating the system, and while we do bitch about it, we also have little trouble adapting. Also, some of Tog's comments indicate that he is thinking more in terms of professional use, not everyday use by the masses. Still, he's definitely better at this than I am.)

  • Unfortunatly, I don't have any prereleases of OS/X client... and I know the latest developer release doesn't have the Aqua GUI... but if anyone has their hands on GUI, or heard and rumours...

    Does anyone know how much memory the GUI eats?

    To the looks of it... perhaps running Quake 3 as your Finder may take less memory.

    Any answers?


  • Apple wanted Be to pay to develop on the hardware? I'm kind of curious where you heard that.

    I could see why Apple may have wanted some cash to help Be out. Engineer time isn't free, after all, and there's no telling how much Be needed/wanted.

    In the end though, I think it came down to marketshare. I can't blame Be for that, although it may not have been the smartest move (Macs are very common in Be's target market - err, old target market). In the end, they were seduced by the large raw marketshare of the Intel market.

    I think it may have hurt them though - their move to IA's may have been due to the inability to keep up with driver development on the PC platform.

    What I *am* pissed about is Be's wishy-washy attitude about it. When they first added X86 support, they were saying that they were dual platform, that it was one of their core stengths, etc. Since then they have kept the PPC version very stagnant, and haven't evangelized it at all. I just wish they'd get around to officially dropping support and the charade that goes along with it.

    - Jeff A. Campbell
    - VelociNews ( [])
  • Perhaps he didn't want to provide a link to every single window manager in existance, and simply linked to the most visible?

    Note the 's' at the end of 'modern window managers'. I think he knows that there are more than one.

    - Jeff A. Campbell
    - VelociNews ( [])
  • by smileyy ( 11535 ) <> on Wednesday January 26, 2000 @04:00PM (#1333078)

    The Mac OS has always been limited to 31 character filenames. This is, I believe, derived from a limitation in HFS, the Mac OS file system. HFS+, which debuted with Mac OS 8.1 offers support for 255 character file names. However, the OS has not been updated to support 255 characters, due to legacy OS and application issues.

    The collapsible directories *have* been there -- I suspect he's talking more about this method being the default, rather than the freeform/gridded icon layout that is currently the default with the Mac OS.

    Where Tog I believe missed the mark (or perhaps he did mention this, I don't recall) and the Salon article [] certainly did, is that the old-style Finder is still present in Mac OS. The NeXT-style browser is simply the default, and offers a new option. From what I can tell, the NeXT-style is oriented at newer users.

  • FWIW, Apple licensed usage of what they saw at PARC for 100,000 shares of Apple stock. Not quite the 10,000,000 that Mr. Jobs just got optioned, but still, an apparently fair amount of money.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday January 26, 2000 @04:02PM (#1333091)
    I have, I think, created the most accurate random dice throw simulator ever known to the computer world. It is held inside a tiny black box, with a serial connection and an Ethernet port.

    Questions please?

    Q: How does it work?

    A: It is sent signals from the programmer that set the method used to determine the result, and to get a new throw.

    Q: What do I have to do to use it in program X?

    A: Sending it a zero over the serial port will get a new random throw. Sending it any other number from 1 to 11 will set the method it uses.

    Q: What methods does it use?

    A: The number sets it, and it increases in randomness with the number; i.e. 1 just does a fairly simple random generator, while 10 takes a minute to mathematically simulate the dice on an atomic scale as it flies through the air!

    Q: Why does it need Ethernet then?

    A: That's for when you send it the signal 11, the most random mode. It posts a comment to Slashdot, enters a wait state for two hours, then comes back, takes the moderation score and adds 1.
  • What I ended up doing with MP3s is making a folder with the artist's name, then you can use the entire 31 chars for the songname... but yeah, 31 chars sucks. I really hope they increase it to 255 (or more, or whatever) with X. I haven't seen anything mentioning long filenames. If they don't have long filename support in OSX, I will lose any and all respect for Apple. Also, Macs can't have the colon (:) in a filename. So URLs as filenames look like:


    which is dumb.
  • "Still limited" as in still limited in MacOS X? Still a 31 char filename limit?! Please tell me that's not what you meant.
  • by Darchmare ( 5387 ) on Wednesday January 26, 2000 @04:06PM (#1333103)
    Actually, he's partially right. Within the last few years - around the release of MacOS 8.1 I believe - Apple began transitioning people over to the HFS Extended (HFS+) file system. HFS+ does indeed support long (at least 255 character) file names.

    However, the functionality is not apparent in the current MacOS. I guess Apple figured poorly coded apps might break, and there isn't really a good way to display filenames in the Finder with that long of names (it looks a bit unwieldly).

    My understanding is that long filenames work just fine in OSX.

    - Jeff A. Campbell
    - VelociNews ( [])
  • by Foogle ( 35117 ) on Wednesday January 26, 2000 @04:08PM (#1333104) Homepage
    I have to say that, for all the focus it gets here in Linux-world, themeable windows management is about the last thing in the world that matters. You might think that Apple - King of the UI - should be more concerned with this sort of thing than other people, but I feel quite otherwise. Let me explain.

    Themes (as they stand on our desktops today) are nothing more than eye-candy. Eye candy is nice (that's why people obsess over wallpaper), but it's hardly the end-all of UI. It's the actual *interface* that is the bell-ringer for a UI. It doesn't really matter what it looks like (provided it isn't visually distracting), so much as how it works.

    Take your average E-theme for example. Most of them just change a few pixmaps here and there. Nothing fundamentally different about your Desktop, changes when you alter a theme. Maybe you click somewhere else to close a window. BFD. Themes don't change how the layout of my application looks. Themes don't control what my filemanager looks like. Themes don't tuck me in a night...

    Okay, forget that last one (I've heard that some of the new Sawmmill themes do just that). What's my point? I'd rather Apple/Englightenment/KDE spent their energy in developing a more usable *interface* than a prettier one. And, actually, I think Apple has done (and will continue doing) just that.


    "You can't shake the Devil's hand and say you're only kidding."

  • by Darchmare ( 5387 ) on Wednesday January 26, 2000 @04:10PM (#1333110)
    Xerox was paid by Apple in the form of stock options for what Apple gained by visiting their office.

    Here's an account [] by Jef Raskin, one of the original Mac developers (much of the Mac's concepts came from his research from much earlier).

    - Jeff A. Campbell
    - VelociNews ( [])
  • You do realize that Tog was an Apple employee for 14 years, right?

    - Jeff A. Campbell
    - VelociNews ( [])
  • by Evro ( 18923 )
    The "Dock," which is being touted as so revolutionary -- that doesn't strike you as a ripoff of the Windows "taskbar?" I realize other operating systems have similar systems, but the taskbar sure is handy. I don't particularly like "The Dock," and the "genie" effect [] looks like a staggering waste of cycles. Hopefully it can be disabled.
  • I don't get why Apple doesn't incorporate themes into OS X, since they've become such a popular feature of Enlightenment et al. I understand their desire to maintain a consistent interface (that idea is strongly stressed by the very useful
    Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines [], but they could do so by at least offering various Apple-made or -approved themes, if not user-created themes. But apparently they're going to stick everyone with Aqua, which some people will like and others won't. Personally, I like Aqua, but I like being able to change my themes.
  • For a good overview of what's available, try this page [].

    (although it seems to be down at the moment...?)
  • The dock is actually from NeXTStep/OpenStep, which Apple owns the rights to outright. If anyone is ripping anyone off, it's Windows ripping off NeXTStep (not a farfetched idea when you consider who made Windows).

    As for the cycles, we'll see. Supposedly Quartz is very very fast, but we'll have to wait and see.

    - Jeff A. Campbell
    - VelociNews ( [])
  • by ~k.lee ( 36552 ) on Wednesday January 26, 2000 @04:16PM (#1333123) Homepage

    I used to respect Tognazzini a great deal. However, close reading of his writing, over an extended period of time, has led me to believe that he has questionable judgment about many issues. Just examine his article, How Programmers Stole the Web [], where he claims that:

    • BASIC is the paragon of computer programming languages, because it uses a "simple" state-machine paradigm (I can only assume he means programs composed of global variables and GOTOs, like a finite-state automaton).
    • JavaScript is counterintuitive because it (a) resembles C++ instead of BASIC and (b) the code must be enclosed in comments (he thinks an XML-based inline programming language would have been the better choice, apparently ignorant of how bulky and clumsy pure XML-syntax programming languages like ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML) [] have turned out.)
    • Tognazzini calls it "inexplicable" that VBScript is not cross-browser and cross-platform, and seems to imply that this is due to engineers' habits of "enforced illogic" (which leads engineers to hate BASIC)---not on the Microsoft attempt to turn the Web into their proprietary fiefdom.

    These are only a sample of the glaring Deep Wrongness in the article I link to above.

    In addition, Tog is a relentless Apple partisan, despite his objections to the new Aqua interface. This clouds his perception of all Apple-related issues. For example, among other things, he says in the Aqua/OS X interface article that "Apple could argue, and few would deny it, that Apple was first and Microsoft is the one who made things difficult by failing to accurately copy the Mac interface." Ignoring, of course, the fact that Microsoft would have been perfectly happy to copy the Apple interface exactly, except that Apple is one of the most litigious companies in the IT industry (have you seen Microsoft threaten to sue KDE over their Windows98 theme?).

    IMHO, Tognazzini has suffered from a lesser form of the same brain rot that has affected Jon Katz since becoming published on the web: free to spout off without an editor, never forced to confront dissenting opinions before publication, he has become something of an autodidact. This may seem a bit harsh, but I urge the programmers in the audience to read the "How Programmers Stole the Web" article. It reveals a great deal about the didacticism of Tognazzini's thought habits, and will probably cast a very different light on his supposedly authoritative interface design ideas.

    I once respected Tog. Occasionally, he comes up with some good insights. However, don't let his impressive resume blind you to his often misled assertions.

  • Can anybody tell me, will MacOS X use a two-button mouse? I have a MS IntelliPoint Explorer Mouse (which I think is great, btw) so I get some right-click functionality through MS's mouse software, but I want them to SHIP the computer with a NORMAL-SIZED/SHAPED TWO-BUTTON SCROLLING MOUSE. The iMac hockeypuck HURTS my hand. If MacOS X is based on a UNIX variant, and if UNIX is so heavily reliant on multiple mouse buttons, I would hope they would get the hint and include multibutton mouse support. One thing I like about Windows is the right-click copy/paste menu that can be used in almost every application. That alone would be worth rewriting the OS!
  • by Evro ( 18923 )
    Out of curiosity, have you used any DPs of OSX? I'm wondering how well it will perform on my new... well, new this past summer... PowerBook G3 (333). They say it will supposedly work on any G3, but somehow I doubt things will look pretty on a 233 iMac or a PowerBook G3 233 with 0k L2 Cache.

    I read this article a while ago, so I don't remember if this was addressed, but Apple better make sure all these bells and whistles are optional.
  • by John Siracusa ( 4209 ) on Wednesday January 26, 2000 @04:28PM (#1333135) Homepage
    He talks about the QT4 player, Mac OS X, and GUIs in general. Listen in [].
  • Sure, I understand your gripe with no colons, but maybe the content information shouldn't go in the title. I really like the BeOS's filesystem and how it allows for multiple arbitrary file attributes, so you can have a bookmark with the date as the filename, and the URL in an attribute. Maybe another one for the last time visited, etc.

    Putting a URL in the title is sort of akin to putting txt or doc in the title (oh, the 8.3), but you're not to blame for that..

  • Unfortunately I have yet to use any of the DP's, but will probably work with DP3 at some point after its release.

    I'm on a G3/Lombard myself, which isn't the fastest thing around, but not the slowest either. Hopefully it'll be okay.

    I can't imagine Apple putting those things in there without them being disableable. If they don't, someone will - it didn't take long for someone to hack out the zoom rects in the current MacOS.

    It's supposed to be released late this month. I'm not too confident about that, but we'll see. From there, I think we'll have a better idea. It ran very very fast at the keynote, but Jobs was probably using a top of the line G4...

    - Jeff A. Campbell
    - VelociNews ( [])
  • Are you sure it's just a theme? I tend to think so given the speed Apple 'dropped' the new appearance in at the last moment, but they have not commented on this publically as far a I know, and Apple's previous position on themes in the past has been somewhat negative (ie. we were supposed to have theme support in 8.5, but they pulled back).

    Usability is the big concern, I think. The look of the classic Mac UI isn't what set it apart from the crowd, it's the usability factors.

    - Jeff A. Campbell
    - VelociNews ( [])
  • Apple's gumdrop button look like a bad case of "Mystery Meat Navigation". Check out this website... it's pretty funny (check out the mouseover-based streetsign), and interesting: []
  • by NII Link ( 45533 ) on Wednesday January 26, 2000 @04:38PM (#1333144)
    It's quite a coincidence that this article should appear on /. today (and no, I'm not talking about how late it is). Today, I did a little experiment: I downloaded an Aqua-like theme for Kaliedoscope (a theme switcher for Mac OS) and this program called "Greg's Browser," which is a NeXT/Mac OS X - like file browser. For several hours I used the theme and the file browser as I went about my usual business, just to approximate what it would be like to use the OS X GUI.

    My first impression upon activating the theme was the expected "that looks cool," and I also noticed that it was a bit brighter looking than the current "platinum" look of OS 9. Not that it was a bad thing, it wasn't blindingly bright, just a little unfamiliar at first. That soon changed however, as I began to actually use it. The theme isn't the most accurate representation of Aqua, for example it doesn't have the slowly throbbing default buttons, but it did have the same "traffic light" buttons on the windows. Some have expressed concern that the buttons are too close together and that someone could miss and accidently close a window, but that did not happen to me once. I got used to the new setup very quickly (to contrast, I never seem to get used to it when I have to use Windows). In fact, I took a liking to the buttons and that pinstripe background. They aren't noticable while doing work, but when you want them you know exactly where to look.

    The other main thing that the theme altered was the icons. Even without Quartz and 128x128 (scalable) icons, the new icons look great! That's not one of the things anyone has really been arguing over though...

    Unfortunately, the theme cannot simulate translucency, shadows or the "sheet" dialogs - although from the pictures the sheets look really good. The tranclucency might need some playing with, but again I could not try it in person. So on to the browser...

    I found the browser useful for quickly navigating a heirarchy of folders - just move the arrow keys towards where you want to go. On the other hand, it wasn't so great for copying/moving files to other places - in most cases a new browser window must be opened. Of course the limitations of this browser might not be the same as Apple's, and the browser view is just an addition to the traditional icon, list, and button views. I'll probably end up using a combination them all, much like I do now.

    Keeping all this in mind, it's imporant to remember that Aqua is still in development. Mac OS X is scheduled to be released this summer (not next year as Tog said, that's when it will be preinstalled on all shipping Macs), so there's still time to make any criticisms you might have heard - that is probably one of the reasons for showing Aqua so far in advance.

  • well, I don't usually type a colon into a title, but when I drag a URL to the desktop (as a shortcut) it gets the http-//... sometimes I think it actually just chops off the http:// altogether, which is really a nice feature.
  • by Darchmare ( 5387 ) on Wednesday January 26, 2000 @04:45PM (#1333150)
    It's not hard, if the OS is designed with a single button in mind. You just weren't used to it.

    I agree 100% with the round mouse thing. I think Apple was aiming toward little kids (which seem to be able to use it, due to its size), but they should never have shipped it with their higher end systems. Same with the keyboard.

    For the record, I prefer 2 button mice, which work just fine on the Mac (you can simulate a second button on later revs of the OS by holding down control and clicking on the a file - contextual menus). On the other hand, I have been forced to support Windows users confused by the second button, so they may have a point.

    In the end, it doesn't cost much to buy a better mouse. Apple should make it a build to order option, and support both equally.

    - Jeff A. Campbell
    - VelociNews ( [])
  • IIRC, the kernel is Mach but the UI will still be decidedly Mac. The kernel doesn't care how many buttons you have (nor should the user care that the kernel doesn't care), it's all about the UI.
  • she throws on 5 pounds of makeup and winds up looking like a dirty whore.

    I think about it this way--I want PMT, SMP, Protected Memory, and all the other buzzwords. I'd pay $99-$149 just to get it with the existing GUI (which I really like, BTW).

    But Apple needs to generate some serious volume from the iMac consumer base to make enough money, so they iMacified it.

    I'm not a big fan of Aqua the way it looks now, but if it enables Apple to ship my buzzword-enabled OS, then so be it!

    So she puts on five pounds of makeup so that my brother will agree to take her out on the double date, and I get to go out with the cool sexy one who understands PMT, SMP, PM, S&M, etc.

  • Whatever he has to say about BASIC is completely irrelevant, because that is simply not his field of expertise. He is first and foremost a human factors engineer. He has done HCI research at Apple for many years, he founded the Human Interface Group, he played a major part in the Lisa project, which later served as the scientific foundation for the MacOS.

    What have YOU done that qualifies you to make disparaging remarks about the man who helped define the Graphical User Interface as we know it?
  • by rambone ( 135825 ) on Wednesday January 26, 2000 @04:50PM (#1333155)
    I once attended a lecture by the brilliant Edward Tufte (who was lecturing on his three great visual design books), and the one point that was hammered in again and again was to "inline" information. Instead of using a silly icon or shape that users must "follow" to find the information they want, put the information right there, inlined.

    It appears that is what TOG is discussing here as well. He seems to be pointing out that Aqua places too much emphasis on the usefulness of graphical representations (which look gorgeous but do not relay much information).

    That is why I have always found primitive interfaces such as TWM so useful - more often than not, informative text takes the palce of a pretty (but useless) graphic.

    By the way, anyone who has the chance to see Edward Tufte speak should do so. For $500 you get all his books and a great lecture that was really worth $500, as hard as that might be to swallow. I can actually say that I learned a great deal about interface design.

  • by deeny ( 10239 ) on Wednesday January 26, 2000 @04:51PM (#1333157) Homepage
    MacOS X Server (in an earlier incarnation) was the first Unix I used on my desktop. It got me really aware that there were Unixes with good GUIs. Unfortunately, Linux lags WAY behind in the seamless integration that even buggy betas of Rhapsody had.

    I came to Linux from MacOS X and I suspect a lot of other people will too.

    Be patient little penguins. MacOS X is no threat to Linux.

  • I remember reading on Steve Wozniak []'s page that Zerox got paid plenty by Apple to be able to use its GUI technology.

    ('Course Microsoft never paid anybody.)
  • by John Whitley ( 6067 ) on Wednesday January 26, 2000 @05:14PM (#1333164) Homepage
    Better yet, how about the GNOME/KDE developers get someone on board with real, hard-core HCI design experience who can do a comprehensive analysis of usability issues within these environments? Then follow it up by writing a professional-grade book documenting User Interface programmer's guidelines, ala the similar documents from Apple, (the defunct) Go Corp., and so on.

    Realistically, those involved in designing user interfaces for Open Source projects should take it upon themselves to invest in some good UI books. Ben Shneiderman's Designing the User Interface, 3rd Ed. is a good starting point. Harold Thimbleby's User Interface Design, out of print, is a good book for the quantitative side of HCI, e.g. Fitt's Law and other known metrics relating to user interfaces, if you can find it. Wander through the HCI stacks of your local university library, raid graduate level HCI professors' web sites for other suggested papers and books to read. Shell out for a membership to the ACM SIGCHI -- surf through the CHI conference proceedings for good UI nuggets and broad-based UI design principles.

    I also find it amusing how these great Linux user environment projects got started off -- with noone seemingly having any understanding of UI design at the helm. What sort of user experience are we really building for Linux? The problem is that no one really knows. This business of "built by hackers, for hackers" doesn't wash, as few hackers I've known have any clue whatsoever about user interface design issues. This is a substantial field, with many solved problems, yet instead of Using The Source (i.e. doing the readily available background reading) many Open Source projects continue to reinvent the UI wheel -- badly.

    That said, there have been some successes, but mostly in individual isolated projects. Nothing on the scale of providing a comprehensive, flexible, yet unified user experience..

  • Does anyone know how much memory the GUI eats?

    I've heard reports from a semi-trusted source that Aqua has run comfortably on a NeXT box with 32 MB of RAM. Of course, this is due to the vastly improved VM scheme which Apple is implementing in Mac OS X.

    I long for real modern memory management in Mac OS, and it looks like my wish has been granted:).

  • As I have said before []....

    If you have ever used a SGI Indy running Irix paired with that amazingly *ahem* interesting 4DWM desktop windowing environment [] the dynamic resizing of icons should be familiar to you.

    I used to have access to one back in the mid 90's... whoa... that sounds cool.

    I know when I took people by the lab to see it they would immediately go "COOL!!!" when they saw the scrolly thingie make the folder icons look bigger then smaller then bigger then... you get the i dea.

    It's no wonder SGI's never caught on... it must have been the amazing easy to install no issues approach [] to software they have always used. I know I am not alone [] in feeling this way. []

  • : is used as a seperator for path names.

    On the plus side, this allows you to use just about any other character. Backslashes, forward slashes, dashes, asterisks, spaces, percent signs, etc.

    Before URLs became commonplace, colons weren't terribly common when you think about it.

    - Jeff A. Campbell
    - VelociNews ( [])
  • Tognazzini calls it "inexplicable" that VBScript is not cross-browser and cross-platform, and seems to imply that this is due to engineers' habits of "enforced illogic" (which leads engineers to hate BASIC)

    Without directly addressing Microsoft's motivation for VBScript, I would just like to vote for an "ActiveScript"-like interface in Mozilla that would allow developers to add additional scripting languages via plug-ins.

    I've yet to see a real argument that JavaScript is the One True Language for web scripting, it would seem that Microsoft's approach of supporting an extendable script architecture is probably the right idea. After all, you can now write IE-specific script in PERLScript, not that you would, and it would be nice to see other alternatives like AppleScript or PascalScript (for the Borland folk) supported in a cross-platform manner. (At least when you can afford to stop supporting Netscape 4.x.)

  • I too have some reservations about the Aqua. Yes, the screen shots look neat, but that isn't the same as actual interaction. Most of the time when trying to explain why I still like the Mac to someone who doesn't use one, the conversation tends to gravitate to minute details (the handling of hierarchical menus for example, or the location of the menu bar)

    The problem is the advantages of the old UI aren't single momentous features. (Unfortunatly, the disadvantages are.) Most people can't explain them ("Hey that menu went away when I wasn't expecting it to."); It is just an uneasy feeling that things aren't right. But some thought went into those special cases, and its those pieces that I'm not usre that Apple put into OS X.

    Its easy to make something pretty. Its easy to make something that is logical to explain. Its hard to make something that feels natural.
  • While interesting, I think the perspective of the OS-X GUI treated pretty superficial in this story. Ars Technica [] carried an excellent in-depth look at not just the interface, but the underlying technologies that make OS-X an attractive proposition for even die-hard Mac haters like myself. Something like the Quartz technology described needs to start being implemented under Linux to stay competitive over the next few years.


  • by nutty ( 70104 ) on Wednesday January 26, 2000 @04:59PM (#1333177) Homepage

    I must say, i learned a lot from the report the Arsificial Intelligentia over at [] put up.

    Check it here [].

    Its got a great deal of info on how MacOS X and Quartz are a 3rd generation GUI, relying on vectors, and a great deal of pdf technology to speed things up. This decreases the amount of power needed to run a transformation like the genie effect by great amounts.

    Good stuff.
  • Not only poorly-coded apps would break, but pretty much any app that deals with files. The 31-character file name limit is very, very entrenched, and filenames are represented as 32-byte pascal strings nearly everywhere they are used, including in many official Apple data structures.
  • I tend to think that if Apple doesn't do it themselves, there will be a Kaleidoscope clone (or native Kaleidoscope [] itself) for OSX. Greg Landweber has an enormous amount of energy...

    - Jeff A. Campbell
    - VelociNews ( [])
  • by Enahs ( 1606 )
    Apple's biggest mistakes were:

    1. dumping BeOS
    2. Bringing back Steve Jobs as Lord and Savior (erm, CEO :^)
    3. Putting that butt-ugly interface on top of OpenStep
    4. Apparently not going to beta-testing, or even testing at all, on anyone other than developers that stood around slack-jawed saying, "coooool."

    Sorry, but that's how I feel about the subject. My extreme hope is that GNUstep doesn't go to themeing toolkits just because OpenStep is themed might be nice, but, c'mon, the NeXT toolkit is nice, usable, and fairly intuitive. The only improvement I could see is making menus either Mac-style or Windows-style, with the additional option of "traditional" NeXT-style menus.
  • I don't have a problem with buying another mouse and another keyboard to go with each Apple system we buy, but I want Apple to allow me to NOT order the ones I don't want. We've got a closet full of Blueberry keyboards and the stupid hockey puck mice. It's fine if Apple wants to ship them with iMacs, but if I shell out the big bucks for a new G4, I don't want to shell out another couple hundred for a usuable mouse and keyboard on top of what Apple charges for their crappy ones.
  • by Darchmare ( 5387 ) on Wednesday January 26, 2000 @05:08PM (#1333195)
    Actually, it's more like this:

    1. Pay Xerox in the form of Apple stock.
    2. Take a few notes on what Xerox has done. No code.
    3. Mix in a large number of ideas by Jef Raskin and others.
    4. Develop the Lisa/Mac.
    5. Bill Gates takes a look, and...
    6. The rest is history.

    Hope that clears things up a little more.

    - Jeff A. Campbell
    - VelociNews ( [])
  • Actually, you raise an interesting query with no appropriate answer. The Apple-Tab in 8.5 and above (I'm running 9.0, so it's the same here) switches Applications because that's the _only_ thing the MacOS has rights over. It's like the MDI (Multiple Document Interface) in Windows - for example, try Microsoft Word, or Visual Basic, or anything like that. Alt-Tab and you pop out of Microsoft Word, which is why I often open many Words and quickly run out of memory.

    Windows also allows the option of an SDI interface, a Single Document Interface. This seems to have become the de facto standard, but imho, it's far more complicated and becomes nastily disorganized very quickly. There is no homougeny between programs, etc. It becomes a smorgasbord (sp).

    So, imho, I'd like to stick with the command-tab that's in MacOS. It works. What you're asking for isn't a feature, it's a fundamental OS change. If Aqua is based on X, it'll probably happen. I hope not. I like the feel of MacOS, and yes, I started using computers back in DOS 2.1, so I've been around both worlds plenty of times. I'm a Windows programmer at work, but when I come home my G4 feels a lot cleaner and sharper than anything I've encountered under Wintel.

    And that's not a flame, that's my opinion.

    ls: .sig: File not found.

Ignorance is bliss. -- Thomas Gray Fortune updates the great quotes, #42: BLISS is ignorance.
