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Apple Adds Samsung Galaxy SIII To Its Ban List 553

After its big win against Samsung, Apple named 8 Samsung products it wanted an injunction to ban from sale in the U.S. Apple wasn't content with that, though; USA Today reports on the state of the expanded list: "The new list of 21 products includes Samsung's flagship smartphone Galaxy S III as well as the Galaxy Note, another popular Android phone. If the court finds those devices are infringing Apple's patents and irreparably harming the U.S. company, it could temporarily halt sales in the U.S. market even before the trial begins."
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Apple Adds Samsung Galaxy SIII To Its Ban List

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  • Do it yourself (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday September 01, 2012 @03:17PM (#41201263)
    Add all Apple devices to you own ban list today !
    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Yeah I'm sure having all of slashdot avoid apple products will be a totally effective boycott.

      • Re:Do it yourself (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Nerdfest ( 867930 ) on Saturday September 01, 2012 @03:54PM (#41201543)

        I keep saying this; it does have an effect. It's not just those of us that keep up to date about all of the bad corporate behaviour of Apple, Sony, etc, it's all the other people that come to us for opinions. It matters. The world is a much smaller place than it used to be as well.

        • Re:Do it yourself (Score:5, Insightful)

          by Tough Love ( 215404 ) on Saturday September 01, 2012 @07:43PM (#41202811)

          I've been responsible for converting more than a dozen people from Apple to Android now, and Apple's bad acting is all the encouragement I need to redouble my efforts. Not that it takes much convincing. Basically, demonstrate the Google connectivity, show the hardware features (standard usb is a big deal for just about everybody) compare the free and open Android app scene [] to Apple [] and it's a done deal. Oh and the price of course, especially the Nexus 7.The bottom line is, a Google logo is just a lot more sought after these days than a half eaten apple.

          Another way to seal the deal, bring along a couple of Nexus tablets and demo a video chat using Google Talk, which is based on free-and-open Jabber/XMPP. A pair of magic videochat devices for $200 each, how can you beat that?

          • Apple didn't even come close to "inventing the smart phone" as if it were a complete thing unto itself. They didn't invent the touchscreen, the computer processor, they didn't invent operating systems, they didn't invent wireless data transfer or cellular communications.

            What they did was take existing tech and combine it in a new way. Not to denigrate apple's achievements; they're phenomenal. But the things they're claiming to "own" aren't really the things that allowed the smartphone revolution to occur

        • by StripedCow ( 776465 ) on Saturday September 01, 2012 @07:56PM (#41202879)

          Perhaps Slashdot can start by changing the Apple icon, just like we had the Borg icon for Microsoft.
          For Apple, I'd say something with a snake will do.

          • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

            Just an insane worms and a rotten core visible from the outside and your done. Everyone knows exactly what this is all about Apple use corruption of the court system and patents to squeeze out an inflated profit margins from a spoilt brat fashion product, for as long as psychopathically possible. Not that Google should be given free reign, those privacy invasive buggers also need to kept a very close watch on. Who would have thunk it, Apple worse than M$, even with Uncle Fester at the helm, makes you reall

          • For Apple, I'd say something with a snake will do.

            I was thinking more along the lines of a certain feminine hygiene product.

        • A bad recommendation might be enough to convince someone not to buy a Sony product, particularly when adequate substitutes are readily available as they are for most of the products that Sony markets. However, in the case of Apple products, which are fast approaching a state of mania in the consumer market, even that my not be effective. Even people who can barely use them or don't need them seem to have no problem forking over thousands of dollars on a mobile contract that includes data and service charges
      • Re:Do it yourself (Score:5, Insightful)

        by betterunixthanunix ( 980855 ) on Saturday September 01, 2012 @04:43PM (#41201803)
        Having all Slashdot tell everyone they know to avoid Apple products might have more of an impact than you expect. People often come to me (and I suspect most other Slashdot readers) asking for advice about computers. If I say, "Stay away from Apple," at least a large fraction of those people will do so.

        The real question is, how many Slashdot readers actually will stay away from Apple? A pretty large number of IT, CS, and other technically-minded folks seem to like Apple's products (and they are generally apathetic when it comes to Apple's tactics, licenses, or how Apple is pushing for the destruction of PCs), and quite a few Slashdot readers are big supporters of Apple. If the world's technical communities were united on this issue, there would be no problem -- Apple would be facing mass resistance (see e.g. SOPA/PIPA). Unfortunately, we are not united; a lot of people in these communities like Apple's products and are going to deride people who boycott Apple.
        • Re:Do it yourself (Score:5, Insightful)

          by shutdown -p now ( 807394 ) on Saturday September 01, 2012 @06:42PM (#41202487) Journal

          I do avoid Apple products. However, if someone comes to me and asks for advice, I cannot in good conscience tell them to say away from Apple without also explaining why I feel that way; and, let's face it, these kinds of ethical issues are far from universally agreed upon. It's something that everyone must decide for themselves. Sure, you can provide them with context, but making the choice for them would be immoral.

          • Re:Do it yourself (Score:5, Insightful)

            by andydread ( 758754 ) on Saturday September 01, 2012 @06:54PM (#41202531)
            I too have recently started to advise against purchasing Apple products since their litigious behaviour and will continue to do so until they end this anti-competitive behaviour in the marketplace. I simply explain that Apple is Anti-Free market and anti-consumer-choice, Purchasing Apple IOS products is like purchasing a 5 bedroom house with only access to 3 rooms. The bulder of course has access to all 5 rooms. They get it then.
        • Re:Do it yourself (Score:5, Informative)

          by hherb ( 229558 ) <horst@dTEAorrigo ... m minus caffeine> on Saturday September 01, 2012 @06:58PM (#41202569) Homepage

          A pretty large number of IT, CS, and other technically-minded folks seem to like Apple's products (and they are generally apathetic when it comes to Apple's tactics, licenses, or how Apple is pushing for the destruction of PCs), and quite a few Slashdot readers are big supporters of Apple.

          It is changing. In our clinic we were in the process of transitioning towards an "all Apple" environment (iphones, ipads, Macbooks, imacs and mac minis). However, witnessing with great concern Apple's customer hostile approach worsening rapidly over the last couple of years we decided to reverse the process. In phones it was easy - the Galaxy S3 is a vastly better device. In laptops it is not easy, we still find Macbooks unrivaled in build quality and features, and there is nothing on the market we could find that would come close to the desirable specs of a mac mini.

          As a result, we are now transitioning to a mix of generic PC hardware and Mac hardware mostly running Linux (some desktops still running OSX), and Galaxy S3 phones and soon the new Galaxy note tablet too. While it is a slow transition, I can see many like minded people in my area making a similar transition - the walled garden walls have become far too high for many, the sun is not coming through any more.

          Only two years ago I probably would have still praised the advantages of the OSX ecosystem. Nowadays, they have become as disgusting as Microsoft had 10 years ago - and that was the last time I used any Microsoft products. The writing is on the wall for Apple too - instead of keeping innovating they merely try to maximize their profit through litigating any competition and locking their existing customers completely in. When corporates become intolerably arrogant it is only a matter of time before people turn their back.

    • Re:Do it yourself (Score:5, Informative)

      by Ice Station Zebra ( 18124 ) on Saturday September 01, 2012 @04:36PM (#41201761) Homepage Journal

      Already done. Will NEVER buy an apple product and actively work to undermine their market share.

      • I've been doing this as well. It has been working. I've convinced no less than 5 people in the last 3 months to seek anything that is non-apple.

        Apple's prices on their notebooks does the rest.

    • Re:Do it yourself (Score:4, Insightful)

      by girlintraining ( 1395911 ) on Saturday September 01, 2012 @05:25PM (#41202069)

      Add all Apple devices to you own ban list today !

      That solves nothing. Companies will continue to abuse intellectual property law and ideology to limit consumer choice. Every company has to -- that's how the game is played. Singling out Apple for being the most successful player doesn't change the fact that its the game that's fucking you, the consumer.

      You can ban, cry, shout, scream, boycott -- but it's not the players that are the problem, it's the game. If you really want to make a difference, stop buying products designed or produced in the United States, and only buy from companies based in countries that do not buy into intellectual property (like China). It seems strange to advocate purchasing from a communist country with a long list of human rights issues and no labor rights to speak of -- but I'm of the opinion that supporting slave labor is superior to supporting intellectual property.

      It's simple, really: We all learn by copying each other. This is neurological and hardwired. When you see someone performing an activity, you may be unaware of this but the same muscles they are using to do it will tense very slightly. These clusters of 'mirror' neurons, along with their connection to the limbic system, form the basis for learning. Intellectual property is a barrier interposed between ourselves and the environment which limits and manipulates that natural process so that industrialists can profit off of it.

      It has to be stopped, or it'll stall out human progress for centuries to come -- our technological progress which up until now could be plotted exponentially upwards is rapidly flattening and we're going to have another Dark Ages on our hands if we don't stop this, and our children will live in some dystopic world where they are materially better off, but intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, and psychologically enslaved. Our bodies will be comfortable, but our souls won't.

      • Re:Do it yourself (Score:5, Informative)

        by shutdown -p now ( 807394 ) on Saturday September 01, 2012 @06:46PM (#41202501) Journal

        Just because the rules of the game allow you to play in a certain way, does not mean that everyone must actually do so. IRL we have laws, and then we have conventions. When people don't follow those conventions, we call them assholes and shun them, but we don't lock them up and don't rewrite the laws.

        Similarly here. Not saying that patent reform isn't needed, but hey: of all the companies on the mobile device market today, Apple is the only one engaging in blanket bans on their competitor products and refusing to license some of their patents outright, forcing others to remove features from their phones (including even those already sold, as was the case with S3 and Nexus). So, as far as limiting my choice as a customer goes, they are the worst offender by a large margin. Of course I'm going to bash them more.

  • Thanks Apple (Score:5, Interesting)

    by zerodl ( 817292 ) on Saturday September 01, 2012 @03:23PM (#41201315)
    For limiting my choices on (good or bad) products. I could rant endlessly about this but I'd be preaching to the choir. But wow, I don't like Apple at all now because of this.
  • A small thought (Score:5, Interesting)

    by jareth-0205 ( 525594 ) on Saturday September 01, 2012 @03:24PM (#41201319) Homepage

    In the long term, would the best outcome here be for Apple to *succeed*? I mean, if they manage to get their main competitor banned in the States, they look like a unbridled predator competing not with quality, but lawyers. (I know generally /. thinks that already, but general public perception is more important) If the reaction for those wanting a Galaxy III is going to be something along the lines of "why can't I have the shiney thing?" and turn their ire on Apple / lawmakers.

    Apple might want to be careful what they wish for... the rest of the world will steam ahead unrestricted, and the case for software patents being harmful will get stronger.

    • Re:A small thought (Score:5, Informative)

      by dotHectate ( 975458 ) on Saturday September 01, 2012 @03:51PM (#41201523) Journal
      I've a friend that's flip-flopped from telling me I needed an iPhone (when I got a Galaxy SII) to telling me how wonderful his wife's Galaxy SIII is. He's not even a tech-type guy and he's talked about the Apple vs. Samsung trial specifically because he wants to get a Galaxy SIII for himself soon.
      Customers are fickle (outside of the the fanboy spectrum) and will jump on whatever is "hot" at the time. That's the whole purpose of the "walled garden" that Apple - and yes, Google "Play Store" also - encourages. It's an attempt to lock people into a specific set of devices (ones that you profit from) by discouraging change. Who wants to lose music, games, etc just because there's a new device out that is a little better? The better they can convince people to stay, the more money they can extract.

      So yes, outside of the walling of the gardens, I suspect people want those choices. I would find it really interesting to see people genuinely upset that they're getting taken away from them.
      • Re:A small thought (Score:5, Interesting)

        by VortexCortex ( 1117377 ) <VortexCortexNO@S ...> on Saturday September 01, 2012 @04:48PM (#41201851)

        That's the whole purpose of the "walled garden" that Apple - and yes, Google "Play Store" also - encourages. It's an attempt to lock people into a specific set of devices (ones that you profit from) by discouraging change. Who wants to lose music, games, etc just because there's a new device out that is a little better?

        Uhm, no. There's nothing stopping Apple from installing Android on the iPhone 5. Hell, Apple could have a dual boot phone and offer some real choice. Google Play Store doesn't prevent you from buying or installing software from other sources. However, Apple will not let anyone install iOS on a Non Apple device, and actively works to prevent others from selling software to people who own iPhones.

        I get what you're trying to say, but maybe you've never used Linux? I can add multiple "App Stores" (PPA's) to my OS, then get all the benefit of having trusted sources of software, and the choice of deciding who to trust for that software... There is a way to do "Walled Gardens" that allow you to unlock the gate, and visit other gardens, and even make your own garden. Android .APKs are cross platform bytecode, you can take the .APK from the repository, and install it on multiple devices... even a new one you just got. I do fault Google with not giving us easier file system access to the Android devices to make such software migration issues simple. One of the issues is that Davlik VM modifies the bytecode on installation to fix byte order, and static linking on a per machine basis, and you don't really want to keep an extra installation .APK on the system for every program you install. Side loaded apps don't have this problem, but it's not a failure of the "walled garden" / Software Repository System itself -- I frequently mirror my package cache to multiple machines on Linux so public facing bandwidth for updates is only consumed once.

        DRM and 3rd party Streaming are what creates the planned obsolescence and vendor locking you're speaking of with songs and software no longer being available. However, My own DRM system is merely PKI that allows the User to accept or deny game mods made from others -- That type of DRM that puts the User in control is Good. I use a streaming system on my desktop machines that lets me stream all my media to any device -- That type of streaming where the user is in control is Good.

        It's when the User is not in control of the systems they personally use and rely on that you have problems. I encourage you to read up about Free Software: RMS may be fucking weird but he's damn right.

        TL;DR: You just need more control over your software -- Can you access the location where the files are and copy them to another device? If not then that's Treacherous Computing, not a "Walled Garden".

  • by pla ( 258480 ) on Saturday September 01, 2012 @03:28PM (#41201351) Journal
    Just got mine - Thanks for giving me the push to beat your lawyers to market, Apple!
    • by xaoslaad ( 590527 ) on Saturday September 01, 2012 @03:45PM (#41201481)
      Amen, when my contract was up, I didn't even think twice to ditch Apple last month after their latest round of litigation. Nice new S3. I'm sorry I ever gave them money. I, along with everyone else, have created a monster, and I am immensely sorry for that.
  • Dear Apple: (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday September 01, 2012 @03:32PM (#41201383)
    Get fucked. Seriously. You got what you wanted thanks to an incompetent judge and a jury with conflicts of interest. You can't go about trying to use that as a cudgel to ban things that weren't even in the original case.

    It's funny how Jobs once said Apple has always been "shameless in stealing great ideas." Yet when you think someone else has done the same thing to you (regardless of evidence or prior art), you clowns get your panties in a bunch and start stamping your feet, crying to the courts, and whining about "going thermonuclear" on Android. Well, guess what, idiots. You can't shamelessly copy ideas then cry foul when you believe you're the one being copied. It doesn't work that way.

    To close, Jobs was a great businessman. But he was also a COLOSSAL douchebag with no sense of perspective or grip on reality. I thought when he died that rational heads would prevail in Cupertino. Apparently I was wrong. This fucker's cult of personality is so strong that even now people worship him like he was some sort of deity.

    So yes, Apple. You can go fuck yourself with a rusty chainsaw, because you're pissing away whatever good-will you may have had left. One day, the drooling iZealots will wake up and get off of the trend-whore treadmill.

    --Pretentious signature about what device I'm posting from. In this case, my Galaxy S3
  • Good? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by taxman_10m ( 41083 ) on Saturday September 01, 2012 @03:32PM (#41201387)

    This is partly because of Samsung's stuff they stuck on top of vanilla android, right? I have an HTC phone and hate the Sense stuff. It would be great if this prompts phone manufacturer's to ditch their own UI "enhancements" for vanilla android, thus leaving any UI patent problems on Google's lap.

  • by Progman3K ( 515744 ) on Saturday September 01, 2012 @03:35PM (#41201409)

    What happens when the level of ridiculous goes above 100% ?

    Do smartphone lawsuits instantly get replaced by something even funnier?

  • by blind biker ( 1066130 ) on Saturday September 01, 2012 @03:57PM (#41201559) Journal

    You got Apple dictating what is and what isn't acceptable to be sold in the US. Now you'll have to smuggle the goods from the rest of the world.

    Fucking pathetic!

  • by amRadioHed ( 463061 ) on Saturday September 01, 2012 @03:57PM (#41201563)

    It seems it would be a hard argument to make that anything was doing irreparable harm to Apple when they are currently the largest publicly traded company in the world.

  • by PolygamousRanchKid ( 1290638 ) on Saturday September 01, 2012 @04:06PM (#41201609)

    Flaunting something not available for sale in the US definitely has a lot of "bling" value. Just like banning songs from radio broadcast in the UK would increase the sales of records. Hollywood stars, rappers and such will flash them around.

    So it might be illegal in the US to sell them. Will it also be illegal to posses one? Will the folks smuggling drugs in a tunnel under the kids on my front lawn, switch to smuggling banned phones?

    If I was a South Korean diplomat in the US, I would smugly hand Samsung phones out as diplomatic gifts.

  • by knarf ( 34928 ) on Saturday September 01, 2012 @04:07PM (#41201615)

    Remember what the press was saying when Samsung debuted the SIII?

    The Samsung Galaxy S III: The First Smartphone Designed Entirely By Lawyers []

    And now Fruit wants to ban this lawyer-designed phone? Well smoke me a kipper, either the reality distortion field seems to cause lasting damage or they are communicating with St. Steve through an Ouija board. In any case it does not make sense. And they think they can gain what by doing this? Respect? Money? Time? What, exactly?

    As far as I can see all they earn by going on a sueing spree is ridicule, contempt and hatred. For some reason many people seem to get almost religiously attached to their mobile gadgets, and Fruit now acts as if they are the Church of Scientology. Bad fruit. Soon anonymous will start staking out their sales churches.

  • by symbolset ( 646467 ) * on Saturday September 01, 2012 @04:12PM (#41201641) Journal

    The trial is almost over. The evidence was presented, the lawyers rested their case. The jury deliberated and returned a verdict. And they found that the Galaxy Tab did not infringe Apple's patents. The judge hasn't completed post-verdict processes and issued a final judgment, but it's late in the day for Apple to be adding devices to this case. Maybe we're talking about another case?

  • SIII != iphone (Score:5, Interesting)

    by sl4shd0rk ( 755837 ) on Saturday September 01, 2012 @08:05PM (#41202925)

    The SIII is like twice the size of an iphone. Nobody would ever confuse the two, no matter how rectangular or rounded or rows of icons. Microsoft never even took douchebaggery to this level.

  • by Yahma ( 1004476 ) on Saturday September 01, 2012 @08:24PM (#41202995) Journal
    Back in April 2011, Apple's trade dress infringement claims against Samsung went like this:
    • a rectangular product shape with all four corners uniformly rounded;
    • the front surface of the product dominated by a screen surface with black borders;
    • as to the iPhone and iPod touch products, substantial black borders above and below the screen having roughly equal width and narrower black borders on either side of the screen having roughly equal width;
    • as to the iPad product, substantial black borders on all sides being roughly equal in width;
    • a metallic surround framing the perimeter of the top surface;
    • a display of a grid of colorful square icons with uniformly rounded corners; and
    • a bottom row of square icons (the "Springboard") set off from the other icons and that do not change as the other pages of the user interface are viewed.
    • That is basically a list of things you aren't allowed to do. Now, individually, those traits aren't worthy of a lawsuit. It's the combination of those things that will send Apple Legal over to kick down your door. The Galaxy SIII was designed from the start to not infringe on any of the above; yet Apple, in their continuing douche-baggery, has now brought up more ridiculous patents to use against the SIII.

      Fuck You Apple!

Torque is cheap.
