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Woz Misquoted About Android Dominating iOS 251

bonch writes "Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak's quote that Android would dominate over iOS was widely covered by the tech press, but after seeking clarification, Engadget reports that Wozniak was misquoted by Dutch paper De Telegraaf. 'Almost every app that I have is better on the iPhone,' says Woz, claiming that he would never say that Android was better than iOS. 'I'm not trying to put Android down, but I'm not suggesting it's better than iOS by any stretch of the imagination. But it can get greater marketshare and still be crappy.' Woz has an Engadget account and has posted further comments to the linked article."
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Woz Misquoted About Android Dominating iOS

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  • News at 11 (Score:5, Funny)

    by unity100 ( 970058 ) on Thursday November 18, 2010 @09:16PM (#34277704) Homepage Journal
    Steve Wozniak may or may not have been saying Android or any other os would or would not dominate IOS or other OSES in any potential platform that has been and will be invented in future. This may, or may not be a news broadcast.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    This is proven daily by Microsoft.

    In fact, I suspect that could be applied to an incredible number of consumer products and politicians.

    • by zonker ( 1158 ) on Thursday November 18, 2010 @09:55PM (#34277976) Homepage Journal

      Indeed. BTW, this Slashdot story misquotes Woz too. He did say that Android would likely dominate. What he was misquoted about was the quality of Android vs. iOS. He said he prefers iOS apps over Android apps but he thinks Android as an OS will likely dominate over time.

      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        by Anonymous Coward

        Indeed. BTW, this Slashdot story misquotes Woz too. He did say that Android would likely dominate. What he was misquoted about was the quality of Android vs. iOS. He said he prefers iOS apps over Android apps but he thinks Android as an OS will likely dominate over time.

        You're sugar coating it. He said
        "Android phones have more features,"
        "Almost every app I have is better on the iPhone."
        and he expects Android
        "to be a lot like Windows... I'm not trying to put Android down, but I'm not suggesting it's better than iOS by any stretch of the imagination. But it can get greater marketshare and still be crappy."

    • Starbucks, GM, AT&T + Verizon, etc, etc. Majority share != quality products.
      • by ppanon ( 16583 )
        I believe that these days Toyota is the number 1 car manufacturer in the world. Of course, even if their brake problems have been overblown in some cases by people looking for an excuse for their bad driving skills, their recent quality record is not exactly spotless.
        • by Chrisq ( 894406 )

          I believe that these days Toyota is the number 1 car manufacturer in the world. Of course, even if their brake problems have been overblown in some cases by people looking for an excuse for their bad driving skills, their recent quality record is not exactly spotless.

          You might say they are a runaway success.

  • Isn't that a synonym for crapper? Where Symbian's market share seems to be headed?
  • Ha (Score:5, Insightful)

    by mr100percent ( 57156 ) on Thursday November 18, 2010 @10:29PM (#34278176) Homepage Journal

    "I'm not trying to put Android down, but... it can get greater marketshare and still be crappy."

    • Did he say anything else the first time he was quoted? It's true, he NEVER said that Android was or ever would be better, just that it would become dominant.

      Windows is dominant in PC OS market share, but is it better than OS X? For me personally, yes (just like Android is much better than iOS for my taste), but it's definitely not a question that can be answered objectively.

      Same thing here - Wozzy admits that openness and variety will always trump a closed off controlled system, but is still of the opinion

  • If the original reporter has the recording of the interview, he could prove his point. Or use it to make an apology for mistranscribing something.
  • Apple vs. Android. (Score:5, Interesting)

    by crhylove ( 205956 ) <> on Thursday November 18, 2010 @11:39PM (#34278544) Homepage Journal

    Is exactly the same battle as Apple vs. Microsoft a decade ago. And Apple will lose again for the same reasons: Inflated price, locked platform, and developer exclusion. Woz sees the obvious. Jobs apparently does not.

    • by tlhIngan ( 30335 ) <slashdot.worf@net> on Friday November 19, 2010 @12:37AM (#34278758)

      Is exactly the same battle as Apple vs. Microsoft a decade ago. And Apple will lose again for the same reasons: Inflated price, locked platform, and developer exclusion. Woz sees the obvious. Jobs apparently does not.

      Is Apple losing? Apple's in a really great spot - they're raking in cash. So is Microsoft, except that Apple is moving far less units than Dell, HP, Acer and other hardware manufacturers, so their actual costs per sale is lower and margins are higher.

      They also only have 2 iPhone models out that's outselling individual Android phones out there. The only reason Android phones are "winning" is the sheer number of models of Android phones out there. They also rake in close to 50% of mobile industry profits, despite only having anywhere from 1-2% total mobile marketshare. All the other bigger companies (LG, Samsung, Nokia, RIM) are scrapping over the remaining half, despite accounting for over 90% of units shipped.

      Yeah, Apple is losing. Apple's not participating in the race to the bottom, instead letting Dell, HP, Acer, HTC, Samsung, LG, Nokia compete against each other driving their margins and profits down.

      Apple in 10 years? Well, I don't know. Just like I don't know where Microsoft willb e in 10 years. Or what Android will be in 10 years. Hell, in the past 10 years, we saw the rise and fall of PalmOS, and the rise and fall of Windows Mobile. Symbian's a bit longer lived. Android and iOS may not even exist in the next 5 years.

    • by Jartan ( 219704 ) on Friday November 19, 2010 @01:05AM (#34278840)

      Apple's mistake the first time around was sacrificing software sales to spur high margin hardware sales. That was a huge mistake because as Microsoft proved the real money was in the software. This time though the opponent is giving away their software for free and there's no way iOS can beat that for market share. Even if Apple did open iOS to other phones it wouldn't help. The whole locked platform/developer exclusion is just pure idiocy though. That part isn't making them any money at all.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      And Apple will lose again...

      If Apple is losing, please sign me up to be a loser like them...

      Hint: "Winning" isn't necessarily measured by market share.

  • Who cares, really, whether a phone is running Android or iOS or Symbian or Wee-Go or whatever embedded OS?

    The underlying OS is irrelevant.

    It's the user interface that counts. That and only that. The underlying OS just has to be good enough, that's all. That's what made Windows win over other OSes. And that's what's making iOS so popular at the moment in the phone world.

    Most people don't care which OS it's really running. They care what you can do with it, and how easy this can be done. That's it, and tha

  • Android of course is not crappy but it is no competitor yet to the iphone. The device fragmentation is horrific yet, hopefully at some point that will work itself out. My roommate has a droid myself the iphone she is constantly fighting the more difficult to navigate interface. She is not a techno junkie and finds it much more difficult to work with due to the additional flexibility in the interface. The other issue is performance, the performance is just not there running mainly jvm code. Hopefully at some

  • by SharpFang ( 651121 ) on Friday November 19, 2010 @02:19AM (#34279096) Homepage Journal

    I believe the apps you have may be better than their Android counterparts. But it's all about apps you don't have.

    I'm typing this on a tram from a netbook tethered to my Android phone. How good is your tethering app?
    When I browse from the phone, I see clean web due to adblock. How good is your adblock?
    If I want my phone to last over a week, I downclock the CPU to 1/4 the original speed and disable all peripherials except GSM radio. It's still usable as a phone. How good is your overclocking/downclocking app?
    Oh, and I have some shell scripts to do some work-related calculations. Good luck with your programming languages on your phone.

    • by khchung ( 462899 ) on Friday November 19, 2010 @05:17AM (#34279684) Journal

      I'm typing this on a tram from a netbook tethered to my Android phone. How good is your tethering app?

      I am typing this directly on my iPhone, why do I need to carry another computer with me? Without carrying a PC, why should I care how good/bad is my tethering app?

      I don't see any flash ads at all, why do I need another ad-block app? I have no intention of writing programs on my phone, why should I care why programming tools are there? I have an external battery to carry, and I have iPhone charger in my car, why would I want to mess with my phone's clock speed? You sounded just like the Linux fans of old who keep telling windows users how great it is that he can compile the kernel while doing other things! Yeah, but why do we need to keep recompiling the kernel?

      This is the problem with you Android fans, you guys keep insisting that iPhone users are missing out this feature and that function, when in fact, this are what iPhone users have already looked and determined that we do not want or do not need them!

      Is it so hard to understand that not everyone uses their phone like you do? Nor will we ever want to?

      How about you guys learn to respect the choice other people made and stop evangelize your platform whenever iPhones are mentioned?

  • by Barryke ( 772876 ) on Friday November 19, 2010 @02:29AM (#34279136) Homepage

    "De Telegraaf" interviewed him? No wonder.. they are not thrustworthy in my oppinion.

    De Telegraaf is a glossy magazine in newspaper format. Its mostly about what A said about B, what B thinks about this, and what the newspaper speculates C has to do with it.
    It also recently bought, the dutch Not sure why.
    It has the worst page layout i've ever seen in a newspaper. I recon each issue contains every font known to man, in all font sizes upto 3cm, and tries to apply every font style and linespacing imaginable.
    It often posts bullshit stories only to rectify them the day after -with another huge headline- as if its the news itself. Just like American newschannels do.

Anyone can do any amount of work provided it isn't the work he is supposed to be doing at the moment. -- Robert Benchley
