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First Google Voice App Hits the App Store 95

silverpig writes "The first Google Voice app has hit the app store, and it's called GV Connect. Providing a front end to the Google Voice service, GV Connect allows users of devices running Apple iOS platform to have a native app with which to interact with Google Voice. What will be interesting to note is the order that these apps are approved in. I know Sean Kovacs was first out with GV Mobile back before Apple banned Google Voice, and while he is in the approval pipeline, this other app has some first mover advantage. I wonder what it means when Google gets their app officially approved, as surely it'll be free."
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First Google Voice App Hits the App Store

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  • Fail (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Kickboy12 ( 913888 ) on Friday September 17, 2010 @09:17PM (#33616914) Homepage

    No Push Notifications = Fail
    Basically just a front-end for the web interface. Not worth the money.

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by rickyb ( 898092 )
      No, this [] is a front-end to the web interface. At least it has all the other Google Apps as well.
    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Sean has said he wants to implement push notifications ASAP... Look for it in the future I'm sure.

    • by MogNuts ( 97512 )

      Google's mobile version of GV is so elegant I'd rather use it. This app however does 1 thing the web app can't: using your GV phone device & not only your cell.

      The only way I've found to work around this is load the desktop version on Safari via the older interface, & initiate the call that way.

    • by MogNuts ( 97512 )

      Are you sure you want push notifications? The way the IPhone interrupts you, lately the less notifications I get, the better. :)

    • by socsoc ( 1116769 )
      I haven't tried this one and I really don't enjoy GV Mobile, so I'll likely continue using the web interface. Notifications about SMS and voice to my Google number get sent to my gmail and then I see them. I don't see how it is that different than push, unless your phone is silent or you ignore e-mail. The only time it has caused problems for me was a conference in Berkley, but it was cause AT&T had little service, so I was screwed whether folks had my Google number or my AT&T number.
    • Considering how long it took Apple to approve this app, push notifications won't come via an update any time soon. At least this settles the FCC inquiry. I was worried when Apple reviewed my app for three days, I couldn't imagine the anxiety of waiting on Apple to finish a year long "In Review" status update.

      • Should have read at least the /. summary before posting. I got excited and thought Apple was trying to play nice with Google again. Well, nothing to see here. Everyone back to work and/or batin'

    • The app will be more worth it when it supports VOIP
    • Absolutely right. I'll wait until Google makes one available, probably free
    • use gvmax together with prowl and you get push notifications
  • Can people quit saying "the app store" when they mean "the Apple app store"? This usage bothers me because it assumes there are no other app stores (or at least none worth mentioning). Android Market is the notable rub here and there are at least ruminations plenty more popping up all the time. On top of this, and probably more importantly, it's confusing and ambiguous until you get half way through the summary and realize they're talking about something else entirely.
    • by socsoc ( 1116769 ) on Friday September 17, 2010 @10:40PM (#33617232)
      There is no other "app store" worth mentioning. You are speaking of "Android Market"
      • What about Cydia?
        Just because it isn't official doesn't mean it isn't worth mentioning. I got my google voice app from Cydia a long time ago.
        • Re: (Score:1, Interesting)

          by Anonymous Coward

          What about Cydia? Just because it isn't official doesn't mean it isn't worth mentioning. I got my google voice app from Cydia a long time ago.

          Yeah, and from now on, in articles about eBay, can everybody be sure to mention ? It is an auction site too, you know.

          • Right. If the article stated that for the first time ever you could purchase widgets online at Ebay, when in fact I got a widget online from Bidz about a year ago, wouldn't it be worth mentioning?
            • Why would it be worth mentioning? The story is about the first Google Voice app to hit the App Store, not about "the first time a Google Voice app is available!"

              The Cydia version of the GV app wasn't the first time GV was available, either, was it? So why does Cydia deserve special mention?

            • by socsoc ( 1116769 )

              Right. If the article stated that for the first time ever you could purchase widgets online at Ebay, when in fact I got a widget online from Bidz about a year ago, wouldn't it be worth mentioning?

              Ummm no? I once bought a burrito at Taco Bell, but it still would be worth mentioning if Subway started selling them.

        • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

          by Americano ( 920576 )

          What about Cydia?

          Like the man said... "There is no other app store worth mentioning."

    • by rickyb ( 898092 ) on Friday September 17, 2010 @10:42PM (#33617246)
      Probably has something to do with the fact that it's the only one with "App Store" it its name. Notice that "App Store" is capitalized?
      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by Anonymous Coward

        Notice that "App Store" is capitalized?

        So is "First", "Google", "Voice", "App", and "Hits".

        This is kind of a nitpicky who-gives-a-crap thing, but I agree. I initially thought they were talking about the Android Market too and was like..uh, yeah, we've had that for like a year an a half...

    • by govenar ( 835665 )
      The title in my browser for this page is "Slashdot Apple Story : First Google...", the title above the summary says "Apple: First Google...", and the URL of this page starts with
  • Not first (Score:3, Interesting)

    by mr100percent ( 57156 ) on Friday September 17, 2010 @11:48PM (#33617466) Homepage Journal

    Technically this isn't the first Google Voice app in the app store. There were GV apps years ago, then Apple yanked them in short order. This marks the return of GV apps, not a new arrival of the kind.

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