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Heavy US Demand Delays iPad's Worldwide Release 314

Dave Knott writes "The international launch of the iPad has been delayed until late May, a one month setback from the original launch window of late April. Citing Apple's press release: 'Although we have delivered more than 500,000 iPads during its first week, demand is far higher than we predicted and will likely continue to exceed our supply over the next several weeks as more people see and touch an iPad. We have also taken a large number of pre-orders for iPad 3G models for delivery by the end of April.' International pricing will be announced on May 10, at which time international pre-orders are expected to begin."
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Heavy US Demand Delays iPad's Worldwide Release

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  • Thank god! (Score:2, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Another iCrap stories. Don't ever stop.
    • Re:Thank god! (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Petrushka ( 815171 ) on Wednesday April 14, 2010 @10:03PM (#31853346)

      I note that at this moment, the front page has

      • two iPhone stories
      • three iPad stories

      -- all separate, i.e. five stories.

      FUCK THIS SHIT, and fuck all the Apple astroturfers like Paska just below [slashdot.org].

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by Anonymous Coward

        I note that at this moment, the front page has

        • two iPhone stories
        • three iPad stories

        -- all separate, i.e. five stories.

        FUCK THIS SHIT, and fuck all the Apple astroturfers like Paska just below [slashdot.org].

        And there's generally several stories that are pro piracy and file sharing each day. Welcome to Slashdot. If you want balanced reporting you've come to the wrong place. iPhones/iPad ARE tech stories. You might not be interested but half a million people already disagree with you the first week. Will I get one? Probably not but I'm still interested in following the product. Hopefully they'll add some of the missing elements, they already are slated to add multi-tasking. It's a media/game player that can run

      • Re:Thank god! (Score:4, Interesting)

        by Paska ( 801395 ) on Wednesday April 14, 2010 @11:15PM (#31853818) Homepage

        I note that at this moment, the front page has

        • two iPhone stories
        • three iPad stories

        -- all separate, i.e. five stories.

        FUCK THIS SHIT, and fuck all the Apple astroturfers like Paska just below [slashdot.org].

        What has Slashdot editors posting Apple stories got to do with my opinion based in a market that I actively work in?

        My opinion isn't some by-the-edge-of-my-seat observation, I work in the Apple industry for a company that is *not* Apple. We sell Linux, Windows, OS X, and push the right solution for the job.

        The simple fact is the Apple solution is now becoming a lot more relevant then ever before, people want their products, and to ignore this (and if you want, fight it with a better/more open product) is just plain ignorance.

      • by feepness ( 543479 ) on Wednesday April 14, 2010 @11:43PM (#31853960)

        -- all separate, i.e. five stories.

        Someone needs to submit a story about this.

      • FUCK THIS SHIT, and fuck all the Apple astroturfers like Paska just below.

        Blame the haters, too. 670+ comments in the last 5 iPhone/iPad related stories. 1,470 if you go back only two more. Slashdot is ad driven and ads are served even if you post just to complain.

        It reminds me of a friend I had that'd corner people in their cubicles and endlessly complain about how he never had time to get any work done.

      • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

        by Anonymous Coward

        Paska is Finnish and means Shit if translated to English.

  • by Paska ( 801395 ) on Wednesday April 14, 2010 @09:58PM (#31853308) Homepage
    I work for a predominate Apple authorised reseller in Australia in an engineering role, as a result I get to hear feedback from every corner of the landscape. From consumer sales, small business, big business, government and educational.

    The iPad, and just the talk around it, I have never experienced in my 7+ years in the I.T. industry, and 3+ years in the Apple industry.

    I have no hesitation in saying that the iPad has a huge chance of being the game changer, it's launch officially brings the "PC" into being a commodity device that anyone can use.

    Hell, just today with my desk behind our retail sales floor. I've had an old lady come in enquiring about pre-ordering it, just so she can check her email in Cambodia. Schools are talking about it, business is talking about it, but the most surprising thing is that the older generation, the type of folk who see computers as these big, ugly, hard machines to use are not just wanting them, they are consistently calling us each and every day to find out the latest news on them.

    Apple will sell these things like absolute hot cakes, and the rest of the I.T. industry is going to be left scratching their heads as to why they didn't come up with this idea sooner.
    • Apple will sell these things like absolute hot cakes, and the rest of the I.T. industry is going to be left scratching their heads as to why they didn't come up with this idea sooner.

      Yes - because nobody else ever thought about a pad device before. Nobody.

      Sure - Apple may have gotten it right. Form factor is important. You can look at the iPod as an example (and for all the mocking - CmdrTaco's analysis was dead-on... at least on the points it touched). You can also look at Apple's Newton vs. the Palm Pilot. And so Apple may have managed to do it right. But please - let's not get too carried away. This is evolution, not revolution.

    • by phantomfive ( 622387 ) on Wednesday April 14, 2010 @11:01PM (#31853742) Journal

      it's launch officially brings the "PC" into being a commodity device that anyone can use.

      You do realize that a PC *is* a commodity device that anyone can use, right? Grandma's all over the world are already using them. In fact, if you know what a commodity actually is, the iPad is less of a commodity than a standard PC.

      • by node 3 ( 115640 )

        While your critique is valid, it's fairly obvious he meant "appliance".

      • Not it is not (Score:5, Insightful)

        by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Thursday April 15, 2010 @01:53AM (#31854654)

        You do realize that a PC *is* a commodity device that anyone can use, right?

        Your definition is basically: anyone can have one and type into it. That's what you MEANT.

        But what you SAID is - "anyone can USE".

        And that is simply wrong. Not just ANYONE can USE a Windows computer, certainly not a Windows tablet which takes an extra level of geekery to grok the oddnesses of.

        The key is USE. For many years the industry has failed on the front despite things like WebTV and Windows Home Edition and Bob, which generations now of computer geeks have had to help maintain or set up.

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by SilverJets ( 131916 )

      Meh. All the hype around this useless toy device reminds me of the hype around the Segway. "It will revolutionize urban transportation." "It will change the way engineers plan cities." Blah, blah, blah.

  • by 93 Escort Wagon ( 326346 ) on Wednesday April 14, 2010 @09:59PM (#31853316)

    But... Slashdot has already declared the iPad a failure!

    • by Shivetya ( 243324 ) on Thursday April 15, 2010 @05:38AM (#31855548) Homepage Journal

      because the iPhone sold like hotcakes the fist few months and then sales went flat till Apple corrected the price. Of course after outcry they refunded some money to early buyers.

      I think the iPad is a great idea with some serious setbacks, like not being viewable in sunlight easily... but the price turns me off completely. $500? Get real. Make a 16 at 299, and +100 for each doubling.

      oh... and can we have a version which works outdoors in bright light please!

  • by LibertineR ( 591918 ) on Wednesday April 14, 2010 @10:21PM (#31853486)
    "We at Apple continue to be amazed at the number of people in the U.S. who will buy just about anything we put in front of them. We never expected the number of these doofus morons to grow, but hey, whose counting? We are simply THRILLED that we can slap a camera on this thing, and the same nuts will buy another one, throwing the old one on Ebay for the credit challenged wannabes who couldn't hack Round 1."

    Suffice to say, we can probably get 3-4 rounds from these same people....maybe a USB port for the 3rd go round? Boy, will they lap THAT up...."

    " For round 4.....we'll rumor Flash compatibility, but not deliver it, of course.....we'll please the masses with a custom Steve Jobs signature edition, complete with virtual-arrogance, and disdain for all things with pre-emptive multitasking! "

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by amiga3D ( 567632 )
      They shouldn't be amazed at all. Look at all the millions that buy Windows. It's obvious that the majority are ignorant.
  • I went to the Apple Store at Park Meadows, CO on Saturday to have my iPhone repaired, and while I waited at the Genius bar I observed one guy selling (upselling really to the 64Gb unit) an iPad to an older couple.

    He sold them Applecare, and then the Genius returned having repaired my iPhone (some cables were loose and yes it has worked perfectly since the repair (I was skeptical)) gave me back my iPhone.

    I went and tried out the iPad. I did not leave with one. However, the young hipster couple to my left did

  • by paimin ( 656338 ) on Wednesday April 14, 2010 @10:41PM (#31853620)
    This reminds me of when GUI's were new in the mid 80's, all the elitist jerks who fancied themselves to be high-caliber nerds loudly proclaiming that it was all a gay bullshit fad, etc., ad nauseum. Lemme ask you guys, any chance we'll get a humble redaction if it turns out you are completely and utterly wrong about this?
    • by SuperBanana ( 662181 ) on Wednesday April 14, 2010 @11:06PM (#31853774)

      This reminds me of when GUI's were new in the mid 80's, all the elitist jerks who fancied themselves to be high-caliber nerds loudly proclaiming that it was all a gay bullshit fad, etc., ad nauseum. Lemme ask you guys, any chance we'll get a humble redaction if it turns out you are completely and utterly wrong about this?

      Hmm. *Looks at the 6 terminal windows open to all the various departmental servers*.

      Every tool has its use. GUI may be king for the dekstop, but CLI is king for much server administration.

      Mature people argue about the best tool for a job or function. Childish people declare a particular tool "the best." Most platform argument-wars can be described in this way.

      • by blueg3 ( 192743 )

        Mature people will use any tool that works well, knowing full well that these are few and far between.

      • by Splab ( 574204 )

        No, mature people accept there are tools for the job and they get the job done.

      • by node 3 ( 115640 ) on Thursday April 15, 2010 @12:44AM (#31854320)

        Hmm. *Looks at the 6 terminal windows open to all the various departmental servers*.

        All residing in a GUI.

        Mature people argue about the best tool for a job or function. Childish people declare a particular tool "the best."

        Ah yes, the "everyone who agrees with me is mature, everyone who disagrees with me is childish" argument.

        He didn't say GUIs where "the best", he said that those CLI-ers of the day that put down the GUI for being a toy or a gimmick, etc., were wrong, and tied that into the topic at hand. I didn't see any childishness in his post.

    • by lennier ( 44736 )

      This reminds me of when GUI's were new in the mid 80's, all the elitist jerks who fancied themselves to be high-caliber nerds loudly proclaiming that it was all a gay bullshit fad, etc., ad nauseum.

      Lemme ask you guys, any chance we'll get a humble redaction if it turns out you are completely and utterly wrong about this?

      I still think most GUIs are fundamentally wrongly engineered. Not only is there no text interface to them, there's often no interface to the event stream at all. It all has to be done with compiled OO languages, hugely platform-specific binary interfaces, and callbacks, which compared to the scripting power of a good CLI - or even to the original Smalltalk/Dynabook vision - is just... wrong is the only word for it. The whole messy overcomplicated paradigm 'works', but only in very limited cases and in spite

  • iPad Hype (Score:3, Interesting)

    by foo fighter ( 151863 ) on Wednesday April 14, 2010 @11:27PM (#31853876) Homepage

    I brought my iPad to D&D Encounters tonight because my daughter had to come with due to my wife's previous commitment.

    My daughter loves the Adobe Ideas app (she just knows it's the blue pencil icon) because it's easier to draw with and choose colors with than the other two drawing/sketching apps I have on there. She kept going back to listen to the book apps she'd already listened to a couple times that evening (Toy Story and Dr. Seuss ABCs and Alice). Her favorite is Diner Dash even though she keeps losing at the last level I mastered.

    The entire D&D session was almost derailed by uber nerds wanting to use and/or talk about my iPad instead of playing D&D.

    After that encounter and after my wife picked up my daughter after my wife's salon appointment (I know! what a fucking cliche, right?) I ended up having a long conversation about Apple and why I pre-ordered an iPad.

    My takeaway was the only people buying and using netbooks, and the people who most want an iPad, are people who are a most perfect fit for either an iPad or a MacBook.

    As someone who uses OpenBSD from a command line for most of my professional life and who turns to Apple as soon as my time is my own, I have to say I think most of the Apple hate amongst the fellow nerds here is just jealousy.

    • Re:iPad Hype (Score:4, Interesting)

      by bnenning ( 58349 ) on Thursday April 15, 2010 @12:25AM (#31854190)

      I have to say I think most of the Apple hate amongst the fellow nerds here is just jealousy.

      Can you not understand the concern that Apple's strategy if successful will leave them with more of a stranglehold on mobile computing than Microsoft ever had on the desktop? You may not believe that's a significant possibility, and that's fine, but the idea that opposition to the iPad is primarily "jealousy" is silly. Most geeks like Mac OS X exactly because it's a solid Unix that grandparents can use.

      • by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Thursday April 15, 2010 @01:48AM (#31854616)

        Can you not understand the concern that Apple's strategy if successful will leave them with more of a stranglehold on mobile computing than Microsoft ever had on the desktop?

        Nope. Not even a little.

        Because you have not thought through what happens if it's not Apple with the "stranglehold" you predict.

        Apple may lock down products. BUT they do not are about hackers (they could thwart jailbreaking if they really wanted to). And they build a lot of things atop a lot of open standards - they have one of the better HTML 5 supporting mobile browsers (which they support to everyone's benefit by helping out Webkit), they have strong support for GCC and now future compiling technologies like llvm, and of course there's the BSD kernel stuff they use of the fact they ship full computers with Apache and perl and ruby and bash included.

        So that's worst case, that that company has a "stranglehold" and demand the market use open standards to interoperate.

        What is the alternative? Microsoft. Microsoft and more Microsoft, with Microsoft only twists on standards you have to adopt. Boo to that, I say.

        You fantasy world where we boil away Microsoft and Apple cannot exist. So I choose to support giving a company an upper hand that actually supports open standards for real.

        The benefit of that is, that it's very unlikely we'll see a true "stranglehold" the way Microsoft was able to execute things. Because when you are competing in a standards based world you tend to end up with at least a few viable competitors at any given moment.

        As for the iPad/iPhone in particular, inside it's still UNIX as I can see from programming for it. Heck, I'm using GDB daily to debug it... and being a geek, that likes UNIX, at any moment I have the power to use UNIX tools directly on the device if I so choose. What's so bad about a world where everything works pretty well for people that don't care about the internals, but that truly technical people can get deep inside of of they choose?

        the idea that opposition to the iPad is primarily "jealousy" is silly

        Not from reading the plethora of extremely childish (and churlish) comments on Slashdot for just about any Apple story. For people that don't like Apple they sure do like to talk about how they don't like Apple.

    • As someone who uses OpenBSD from a command line for most of my professional life and who turns to Apple as soon as my time is my own, I have to say I think most of the Apple hate amongst the fellow nerds here is just jealousy.

      I hate Apple because I have to administer them, and locking them down is a pain. Default settings are nothing like OpenBSD in terms of software security, and physical security is a joke (You can't lock the RAM cover on an iMac, a RAM reseat erases the nvram password, and then you're owned by a CD boot or you've had RAM stolen).

  • Orders to be taken from May 10, sales in second half of May. A month later than expected.

  • No surprise (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Trogre ( 513942 ) on Thursday April 15, 2010 @01:12AM (#31854418) Homepage

    PR stunts aside, I'm not surprised by this at all. Living as I do in New Zealand I can get PC hardware no problems, but if I have to buy a Mac for someone it's like pulling teeth. There's plenty of Apple resellers about touting the latest wares, but try actually buying say a MacBook Pro and you'll be lucky to see it before two weeks. If it's a recent-release you're looking at closer to six weeks. Not that it bothers me since I don't personally use nor encourage Apple products, but occasionally I have to do purchasing for work.

    I'm pretty sure we're near the bottom of the distribution chain, with the US at the top. Does anyone know of the official distribution hierarchy?

  • by S3D ( 745318 ) on Thursday April 15, 2010 @02:28AM (#31854822)
    In bizarre move Israel Ministry of Truth... err Communications banned iPad. Custom officials already confiscating iPads at airport. Incompatibility with Wi-Fi standard given as the reason. http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1162992.html [haaretz.com]
  • by VShael ( 62735 ) on Thursday April 15, 2010 @03:13AM (#31854996) Journal

    As it invents the extra "caché" of owning an iPad.

    There's no way the demand exceeded their expectations. Maybe with the iPhone or iPod, they could have argued this. But not now.

"Live or die, I'll make a million." -- Reebus Kneebus, before his jump to the center of the earth, Firesign Theater
