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EU Apple

Developers Now Required To Share Phone Number and Address On EU App Store (macrumors.com) 33

An anonymous reader quotes a report from MacRumors: Apple today reminded developers that the EU trader requirement in the European Union is now being enforced. Developers who distribute apps in the EU will now need to share information that includes address, phone number, and email address on the EU App Store. Submitting updates for apps on the App Store in the European Union now requires trader information that's added via App Store Connect, with those details shared on each developer's App Store page. App updates can no longer be submitted without trader information, and starting on February 17, 2025, apps that do not have a trader status set will be removed from the App Store in the EU until trader status is provided and verified.

The Digital Services Act (DSA) in the European Union requires Apple to verify and display trader contact information for all "traders" who are distributing apps on the App Store in the European Union. Developers who make money from the App Store through either an upfront purchase price or through in-app purchases are considered traders, regardless of size. Contact information for each developer that is considered a trader will be publicly available, and there will undoubtedly be some developers that are unhappy with the requirement. Independent developers and small companies may not have dedicated business addresses and phone numbers to provide, and will likely be reluctant to provide their personal contact information.
You can learn more about the requirements on Apple's website.

Developers Now Required To Share Phone Number and Address On EU App Store

Comments Filter:
  • by Hank21 ( 6290732 ) on Thursday October 17, 2024 @05:51PM (#64873059)
    Shocked that it was not already a requirement. Most of the apps I used know everything about me - my phone number, name location etc.. It's about time the tables are evened out a little and there is a name tied to who exactly is getting my personal data.
  • by gweihir ( 88907 ) on Thursday October 17, 2024 @05:52PM (#64873061)

    That way malicious and grossly negligent developers can actually be identified.

  • Burner app phone number(s), online po boxes, and plenty of places to stand up and abandon such an email address. Effectively useless law.

    • I assume that a trader doesn't get to decide which information that Apple should make public but instead that if you meet the criteria of a trader that Apple will publish the information that THEY have on you which is the one they use to contact you (app certificate renewals, payments and so on).
    • Another use for that 1-800-EAT-SHIT number.

  • This is not true, at least not under EU rules. Personal data may not be shared publicly, so if a developer doesn't have a business phonenumber or address, it may not be publicly available.
    • If they don't have business contact details, how are they in business?

      Presumably you don't need to provide this information if your app is free and have no in-app purchasing.

    • The EU Directive requires all earning revenue on a digital service, via the Digital Services Act.
      The developer must " notify the name, postal address, email address and telephone number of their legal representative to the Digital Services Coordinator in the Member State where that legal representative resides or is established."

      Failure to provide full information is subject to fines, for failing to provide adequate direct contact to reach the developer.

      Failure to provide verified name, address, and phone n

  • by Bert64 ( 520050 ) <bert AT slashdot DOT firenzee DOT com> on Thursday October 17, 2024 @06:59PM (#64873177) Homepage

    Wasn't it the EU that basically forced whois records to hide the address and phone number of the registrant, even when a domain is owned by a business?

    I find it extremely shady when a company uses a domain privacy service, a legitimate business should be contactable and locatable, so it makes sense for this information to be available before you acquire any monetized app. They should require that business domains display such information too, and only allow hiding that information for personally owned domains.

    • Not really, it was ICANN themselves that decided to hide those details in fear that they would otherwise violate the GDPR. However GDPR only covers personal information and not commercial/business information so if they removed also info to businesses then ICANN removed more than they had to.
      • by PPH ( 736903 )

        Does ICANN (or various registrars) have a personal/business field in their DNS data?

  • These rules seem mostly to benefit assholes who want to doxx and harass random small time app/game devs. Beyond a contact email, there's not really much need for a platform to post devs address and phone. We don't need to empower the swatters.

A rock store eventually closed down; they were taking too much for granite.
