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Apple Bows To Kremlin Pressure To Remove Leading VPNs From Russian App Store ( 346

An anonymous reader shares a report: Apple has removed several apps offering virtual private network services from the Russian App Store, following a request from Roskomnadzor, Russia's media regulator, independent news outlet Mediazona reported on Thursday.

The VPN services removed by Apple include leading services such as ProtonVPN, Red Shield VPN, NordVPN and Le VPN. Those living in Russia will no longer be able to download the services, while users who already have them on their phones can continue using them, but will be unable to update them. Red Shield VPN posted a notice from Apple on X, which said that their app would be removed following a request from Roskomnadzor, "because it includes content that is illegal in Russia."

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Apple Bows To Kremlin Pressure To Remove Leading VPNs From Russian App Store

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  • really need side loading so they can keep them and say not under our control.

    • by alvinrod ( 889928 ) on Thursday July 04, 2024 @12:09PM (#64600629)
      That's a double edged sword in the case of a country like Russia who could now require everyone to side load state approved software that makes sure they aren't doing anything that might be of concern to the government. North Korea has their own Linux distribution. Surely being FOSS must make it a much safer alternative than something closed like Windows of MacOS. A walled garden is rather nice if their are tyrants prowling around.
      • by dgatwood ( 11270 )

        That's a double edged sword in the case of a country like Russia who could now require everyone to side load state approved software that makes sure they aren't doing anything that might be of concern to the government.

        Not inherently, no. Sideloading doesn't necessarily give you carte blanche access. The operating system can still provide access control limits through sandboxing, etc.; the code isn't running as root.

      • That's a double edged sword in the case of a country like Russia who could now require everyone to side load state approved software ...

        Right. Before starting with this kind of *ahem* creative defensive explanations, a quick question. I know it's looking over the wall, so kinda verboten in Apple-land, but does anyone have any information about Russia requiring such side-loading on phones using that other mobile OS who happens to have the option to allow sideloading?

        • That's a double edged sword in the case of a country like Russia who could now require everyone to side load state approved software ...

          Right. Before starting with this kind of *ahem* creative defensive explanations, a quick question. I know it's looking over the wall, so kinda verboten in Apple-land, but does anyone have any information about Russia requiring such side-loading on phones using that other mobile OS who happens to have the option to allow sideloading?

          You do realize unapproved VPN service itself is illegal there now right?

          I don't understand the squabbling over sideloading, if you run those apps, you will get arrested. It's not about what site you visit anymore, because they're banning VPNs altogether, and that much is very easy to detect. You can't software your way out of a dictatorship.

          By all means, don't stop thinking up clever ways to get the truth to Russian citizens, but that's not one of them.

      • That's a double edged sword in the case of a country like Russia who could now require everyone to side load state approved software that makes sure they aren't doing anything that might be of concern to the government. North Korea has their own Linux distribution. Surely being FOSS must make it a much safer alternative than something closed like Windows of MacOS. A walled garden is rather nice if their are tyrants prowling around.

        Oh so much safer! When the FSB stops you, have a totally custom Linux smartphone on your person. The one you bought to run prohibited VPN software. Tyrants hate this one simple trick.

        In NK, if you own a computer you die. That Linux is safer for the state is a ... peculiar observation.

        No offense, but this is like complaining about the double edge while sitting on it. The whole country is a walled garden, and if you think there's an easy channel the government isn't monitoring good luck, but be smart. Calling

      • Said this in another thread, all side load apps install via source code and compile locally. Linux gets this right. And then put the user through dependency hell.
    • The biggest bank there already sideload their app on to your phone there as it was removed from the appstore when you bring your iphone in to the bank.
  • If I Were Apple (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Bahbus ( 1180627 ) on Thursday July 04, 2024 @12:15PM (#64600639) Homepage

    I would just brick all the iPhones in Russia. What's Russia gunna do? Sue Apple? *insert jerk off motion here*
    It's not like Russia is providing a decent amount of revenue. And I'm willing to bet that if they did it, people from other countries would probably buy more iPhones, more than offsetting any losses of Russia.

    • Re:If I Were Apple (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Baron_Yam ( 643147 ) on Thursday July 04, 2024 @12:21PM (#64600649)

      This is the real story here - Apple isn't just bowing to a criminal regime... They're doing business within its borders in the first place.

      • by Bahbus ( 1180627 )

        Precisely. And "making money" is not their reason for continuing to do so.

        • Hey, if they're working with the CIA or whatever to spy on Russia and any of the resulting intercepted information helps Ukraine... Go Apple!

          But it'll be about money.

          • by Bahbus ( 1180627 )

            If only this were an 80s movie. :/

          • by saloomy ( 2817221 )
            There are millions in Russia who dont support the current Regime. Also, shared economic exchange spreads freedom over the course of time everywhere it was tried. Free trade stops wars.
            • by WaffleMonster ( 969671 ) on Thursday July 04, 2024 @01:35PM (#64600797)

              There are millions in Russia who dont support the current Regime.

              They "support" the current regime by continuing to participate in the Russian economy. Their taxes go fuel Putler's war machine and the fruits of their labor enables it.

              Also, shared economic exchange spreads freedom over the course of time everywhere it was tried. Free trade stops wars.

              Is freedom or oppression spreading in China?

            • by Rei ( 128717 ) on Thursday July 04, 2024 @06:25PM (#64601327) Homepage

              Free trade stops wars.

              Putin deliberately exploited the west's stupid semi-religious belief in "Wandel und Handel" to gain the upper hand over it. The fact that there are still people chanting this mantra today is amazing.

              Autocrats use trade as *leverage*. To get foreign governments to bow to their will, knowing that the west won't take nearly as dramatic steps as they will (and preemptively preparing for sanctions as needed, while the west foolishly holds onto the belief that because you're currently trading, that means you'll continue to be at peace)

              When the current round of war broke out, I dug up the EU's planning document for how to deal with natural gas interruptions. There were dozens of scenarios in there. Not a single one was 'Russia decides to shut off all gas flows'. They didn't even consider it in planning. Meanwhile, from the Russian side, arranging the gas sales was as much for the purpose of getting the west critically dependent on it with a poorly diversified energy grid, as it was for the revenue itself. The west saw it as "peace-inducing trade". Russia saw it as a weapon.

              Free trade does NOT stop wars. Trade is seen by dictators as just another tool of hybrid warfare.

              • This is a very well thought out comment, atypical for /. these days. And persuasive, but it ignores another factor affected by trade-lifestyle. For better or worse, the western lifestyle is appealing to much of the rest of the world. Trade induces cultural permeability and that moves populations in the direction of that western lifestyle. This desire on the part of the population slows, and maybe prevents (sometimes?) autocrats from all the moves they might make in its absence.

          • For this to be true, Apple would have to have some ethical or moral essence.

            I wish it were true, but that's not the Apple I've come to know.

            • Nah, when it comes down to it, if certain parts of the government knock on your door and 'request' your assistance, you assist.

              Sometimes you're not even allowed to take that to court - at least not anything the average person would call a court - or mention you were even asked.

              I think I'd call my lawyer and ask if there were lawyers they could recommend for such situations. If the answer is yes, you have somewhere to go, if the answer is no, you grab your ankles and hope the government isn't too rough with

      • Re:If I Were Apple (Score:5, Interesting)

        by v1 ( 525388 ) on Thursday July 04, 2024 @12:50PM (#64600705) Homepage Journal

        They're also "obeying the law". Don't hate on the ones following thel law, hate the law, and hate those that passed and enforce it.

        And I'd be willing to bet you'd be very upset to hear about a Russian company operating illegally in the USA.

        You can't have it both ways.

        • You seem to have missed the point of my post entirely.

        • by Ichijo ( 607641 )

          Don't hate on the ones following thel law...hate those that...enforce it.

          Are you trolling or do you truly believe that we should hate police officers?

        • They're also "obeying the law". Don't hate on the ones following thel law, hate the law, and hate those that passed and enforce it.

          And I'd be willing to bet you'd be very upset to hear about a Russian company operating illegally in the USA.

          You can't have it both ways.

          There's an extra element of hate in this case though. They aren't just obeying the law, they are obeying the law passed by a terrible regime who started an unprovoked war whose leader is wanted by the ICC under charges of war crimes.

          It's one thing to say gotta follow the law (e.g. doing business with China), but with many countries actually making a moral choice to exit Russia entirely there's extra shit to heap on Apple in this case.

        • I think they should "obey the law" and stop doing any business with a terrorist state.

        • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

          It's a choice to do business there. Google pulled out of Russia, and never entered China. Apple is in both.

          And to be fair both operate in Israel.

          It's not about being law abiding, it's about operating in countries that don't respect human rights, for profit. That's not a moral way to make money.

          The real question is where do you draw the line. The US and parts of Europe have a pretty poor track record. Not as bad as Russia, but far from great either.

        • by mjwx ( 966435 )

          They're also "obeying the law". Don't hate on the ones following thel law, hate the law, and hate those that passed and enforce it.

          And I'd be willing to bet you'd be very upset to hear about a Russian company operating illegally in the USA.

          You can't have it both ways.

          The thing with that is,

          The Apple fanboys from their ivory towers are constantly telling us how much more better, honest and holier-than-thou Apple are than the rest of us and how they never do the douchy things that other companies do... It seems all of that is a bit of a lie and a fantasy now isn't is.

          The schadenfreude here isn't from Apple obeying the law... Its from all the Apple fanboys who laughed and whined "but Apple would never do something like that" whenever Google, Amazon, Mozilla, et al. w

      • Yes, I agree that Russia is a criminal regime. But let's focus on what's really at stake here.

        Access to VPNs is not an inalienable human right. If Apple were to stop doing business inside countries that had laws they disagree with, they wouldn't be able to do business in ANY country. Every single country in the world has some laws that deprive people of things they shouldn't deprive them of.

        Second, the people who would be hurt by Apple pulling out of Russia, wouldn't be Putin and his cronies. It would be re

        • by Bahbus ( 1180627 )

          No. The regular people will be fine. They don't need Apple's "help". They can pick up a waaaay cheaper Android that can do all the same things, but easier.

        • If Apple has any balls they would force the issue by informing all the millions of Russians wealthy enough to afford an iPhone, about the horrendous losses Russia is taking right now. And continue to take.

          Over 400k dead, ~500k KWIA with a ratio roughly 1:1 K:W due to insufficient medical care. Plus 150k dead from suicide / malnutrition / disease.

          But nope, profits makes right ðY(TM)

        • Access to VPNs is not an inalienable human right.

          Apparently the only inalienable human right in Russia these days is the right to go die in Ukraine.

          If Apple were to stop doing business inside countries that had laws they disagree with, they wouldn't be able to do business in ANY country.

          They shouldn't be doing business in Russia in the first place.

          Every single country in the world has some laws that deprive people of things they shouldn't deprive them of.

          The next time you are pulled over for speeding tell the officer or better still the Judge everyone else does it too and see where that gets you.

          Second, the people who would be hurt by Apple pulling out of Russia, wouldn't be Putin and his cronies. It would be regular people who are just trying to get by under difficult circumstances. How about let's find ways to combat the real criminals, not the people who are victimized by those criminals.

          Apple already pulled out. Apple phones have not been officially sold in country for years and are only available at all because they are smuggled in from other countries at an exorbitant markup above Apples

          • I don't disagree with your opinion of Putin and his cronies. But what does that have to do with Apple providing service to regular citizens, who are under an oppressive regime?

            • I don't disagree with your opinion of Putin and his cronies. But what does that have to do with Apple providing service to regular citizens, who are under an oppressive regime?

              Who do you think enables Putler's regime to wage bloody wars that already costs hundreds of thousands of lives?

              Is Russia not the product of its society? By all accounts most Russians support Putler's bloody wars. If you have evidence to the contrary I would love to hear it. The few who care have fled and or are fighting against Russia in Ukraine. The millions who don't support Putler and choose to do nothing are contributing through their taxes and labor to a war machine hell bent on genocide so no they

              • Putin is a master deceiver. Unlike in the US, he decides what is said on TV and the internet. People's support for him is built on his lies, just as in the US, people's support for a certain Presidential candidate is built on lies. These people know that if they *don't* support their dictator, things will not go well for them. So they shut their mouths because most of them are not martyrs, they just want to be left alone. Counter-productive, yes. Deserving of punishment? No. They are already suffering the n

                • Putin is a master deceiver. Unlike in the US, he decides what is said on TV and the internet. People's support for him is built on his lies, just as in the US, people's support for a certain Presidential candidate is built on lies. These people know that if they *don't* support their dictator, things will not go well for them. So they shut their mouths because most of them are not martyrs, they just want to be left alone. Counter-productive, yes.

                  What else is new? There are always lame ass excuses that can be employed to justify literally anything. In the real world all that matters is action not sob stories.

                  Make no mistake, the US isn't so far from becoming a similar dictatorship. If that happens, should Apple stop doing business in the US too?

                  The genocidal war of conquest is the only relevant issue here not systems of governance.

                  While the US is waging genocidal wars of conquest then fuck yes Apple should stop doing business in the US. The whole world should follow suit. If we all starve to death as a result it would be exactly what we deserve.

                  Deserving of punishment? No.

                  If withholding iPhones from countries

                  • Putin, having control of the media as he does, has convinced the Russian people that he is waging a righteous war against Nazi forces in Ukraine. It's not fair to blame "the people" for being duped by a crafty salesman who controls all media outlets. That's like blaming a political prisoner for succumbing to Stockholm syndrome.

        • Apple doing any business in Russia means they are paying tax and that tax money is financing the war and state terrorism. Paying taxes to Russia is criminal.

          Regular people in Russia support the regime, otherwise it won't be in power any more. Ordinary Russians are not victims, they are accomplices. Victims are those like Navalny.

    • If you ran Apple you'd be a billionaire, and you could care less what Russia does as long as you kept making money.

      Apple doesn't care about you or your rights or your privacy. They care about money. Pandering to privacy & rights happens to be advantageous to them at the moment. If (when? it's getting scary over here in America) that changes they will throw us all under the bus for a buck fiddy.
      • by Bahbus ( 1180627 )

        They care about money.

        Yeah, and like I said, they would easily make even more money by doing it. Sales in countries that hate Russia would increase significantly more than offsetting their Russian losses.

        So, bottom line, they aren't doing business with Russia because of the money. Russia is an insignificant source of revenue for Apple.

        • Why else would they be doing it then? If they were really trying to do Russians any favors, they'd do one of two things:

          1) Allow sideloading
          2) Stop doing business there, and block russians from accessing ALL of their cloud services (including the app store) to encourage them to switch to another platform that allows the above

          • by Bahbus ( 1180627 )

            Because Apple is short-sighted, evil, and stupid company. It literally impossible for them to see long-term reality.

    • Re:If I Were Apple (Score:5, Insightful)

      by DrXym ( 126579 ) on Thursday July 04, 2024 @12:49PM (#64600703)

      Yes but the time for Apple to demonstrate any backbone was immediately after Russia launched an unprovoked war in Ukraine, or when Russia started committing atrocities. And I bet their "footprint" in Russia is basically minimal - the users of their phone, a couple of stores and maybe some local support & advertising teams. How much would that even amount to in terms of sales? Pocket change for Apple.

      But they didn't because they don't have a backbone. They love to virtue signal but when it comes down to actually taking a firm moral stand on something they just whistled and hoped nobody would notice. And now Russia turns the screws and they'll kowtow. And when Russia turn the screws more they'll kowtow again. Because they're moral cowards. Doesn't matter what a dictatorship orders them to do, they'll do it.

    • Re:If I Were Apple (Score:5, Interesting)

      by WankerWeasel ( 875277 ) on Thursday July 04, 2024 @12:56PM (#64600717)

      Sounds like a good idea until you consider people that have a real need for some of these things. Journalists and even those fighting communists from inside the country. You'd be cutting off their access to apps that allow them to continue their work safely.

      In recent years, Apple has added features to iOS for these type of folks, allowing them to remain better protected when working in a hostile environment. And providing them access to things like VPN apps and others like encrypted messaging such as Signal, is critical to them. It can literally mean life or death for them.

      It's also how their citizens can access information outside the country. It's how they can bypass the state-run propaganda. Without it, they're far more limited to the narrative that the Russian government is feeding them. These apps often provide a critical lifeline to millions and connection with the realities of what their country is doing.

      • Sounds like a good idea until you consider people that have a real need for some of these things. Journalists and even those fighting communists from inside the country. You'd be cutting off their access to apps that allow them to continue their work safely.

        If Apple gave a damn, they would have said "we won't carry VPN apps in the App Store, but we can't help it if the EU-required sideloading also means that users can go to and install the downloadable .ipk file...".

        That Apple isn't tying VPN removals with the ability to sideload them sends a pretty clear message: "if your safety hinges on a VPN, get an Android phone".

      • Sounds like a good idea until you consider people that have a real need for some of these things. Journalists and even those fighting communists from inside the country. You'd be cutting off their access to apps that allow them to continue their work safely.

        If that were really the case, and Apple's motives really were altruistic, then they'd simply allow sideloading. By not doing so, Apple is in effect doing exactly what you say: cutting off their access to apps that allow them to continue their work safely.

        In recent years, Apple has added features to iOS for these type of folks, allowing them to remain better protected when working in a hostile environment. And providing them access to things like VPN apps and others like encrypted messaging such as Signal, is critical to them. It can literally mean life or death for them.

        And these features are only accessible if Apple explicitly permits it. In the case of Russia, Apple does not explicitly permit any of that. As you say, sideloading can literally mean life or death for them. But Apple won't allow it.

        It's also how their citizens can access information outside the country. It's how they can bypass the state-run propaganda. Without it, they're far more limited to the narrative that the Russian government is feeding them. These apps often provide a critical lifeline to millions and connection with the realities of what their country is doing.

        Exactly, and because Appl

      • Those people would be better served by Android devices where they can sideload apps that really respect their privacy, perhaps FOSS apps, so they can be sure they aren't spied on.

    • It's not like Russia is providing a decent amount of revenue.

      Right now. The question is are they playing a long game or not. Apple's profits in Russia prior to the war sanctions were 85bn rubbles which is close to $1bn USD in today's exchange rate. Currently they are hovering over $10m but much like many western countries who refuse to pull out of Russia, they are likely doing so in the hopes that in a year or two they still retain market share.

      Hell maybe they are hoping other companies pull out. Did you know Heineken make a heavy stout that is very similar to Guinne

      • No matter how the war ends, after it Russian population will be poor enough that very few will afford Apple products.

  • Apple bows to Kremlin pressure. You know it won't stop here.

    • Re: Or, put simply: (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Midnight Thunder ( 17205 ) on Thursday July 04, 2024 @12:44PM (#64600689) Homepage Journal

      How is this any different from removing apps that may be incompatible with US law in the US? Consider gambling apps for example.

      • by Bahbus ( 1180627 )

        Not even the same ballpark, let alone sport.

        • Actually it is the same sport. It's following the laws of the land in which you operate. Now you may suggest that Apple should pull out of the sport entirely and not be part of the Russian market, but suggesting that a company should unilaterally choose to simply not follow the law of the land because you don't like said law is dangerous.

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        How is this any different from removing apps that may be incompatible with US law in the US? Consider gambling apps for example.

        How is this any different than IBM selling Hollerith machines to Hitler? What is Apple even doing continuing to do business in Russia in the first place let alone capitulating to the demands of the Russian government?

      • Russia is a terrorist state, US isn't one yet.

    • Over a 1bn people in China cant get certain apps or services ... lets move on with life.
  • If there's money to be made, they're all fascists

  • Privacy unprotects you.
  • Since alot of Russia is under some form of sanctions by the US and it's allies, I assume Apple can't sell IDevices there.

    With that being the case, why are they following instructions from a Russian agency to remove apps from the store? Let alone operating the app store in Russia in the first place.....

  • If they pull iphone from Russia they will loose part if USA spying ability.

"Everyone's head is a cheap movie show." -- Jeff G. Bone
