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California Wants To End Cupertino's Tax Deal With Apple ( 82

William Gallagher reports via Appleinsider: In a move similar in principle to how the EU retrospectively sought to fine Apple over its tax agreement with Ireland, the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) is changing the company's arrangement with Cupertino. Since 1998, Apple has declared all of its online sales made in California as having taken place in Cupertino. As first spotted by the San Jose Spotlight, this means that of Apple's 7.25% sales tax, the local 1% portion goes to the city. Then under the same deal, Cupertino actually returns approximately one third of this revenue to Apple. Consequently the benefit to Apple is clear, but also Cupertino profits because it sees significantly greater sales tax revenue than it otherwise might.

"The CDTFA has done an audit of one of our big taxpayers and has identified that there are dollars being allocated improperly," Cupertino Assistant City Manager Matt Morley told the publication, "and through that audit they are asking for that process to be corrected." "The city obviously isn't happy with this and we don't believe the CDTFA is on base," continued Morley. Reportedly, the CDTFA's state tax officials have concluded that the city of Cupertino owes it $56.5 million. This is for the period from April 2021 to June 2023, though it's not clear how those dates were determined. At the same time, the tax officials are said to have decided that Apple must reimburse the state $20 million. This figure would then be reallocated to other areas of the state.

The impact on Cupertino could be significant, but the city is appealing the ruling -- and the appeal could take anywhere from seven to ten years. Even so, the Cupertino City Council has agreed to set aside the $56.5 million to prepare for the potential future loss. Should the CDTFA prevail, Cupertino's Morley said non-essential city services could be reduced or even cut. Annually, Cupertino would see a 73% drop in sales tax revenues, and would face having to cut almost a quarter of its operational costs.

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California Wants To End Cupertino's Tax Deal With Apple

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  • Jeez, they can find that much in the couch cushions.

    • by MacMann ( 7518492 ) on Tuesday November 07, 2023 @03:26AM (#63986512)

      No, Apple should not pay these taxes, they should fight this to SCOTUS if they must.

      Setting up the ability to impose a tax retroactively could be disastrous for the USA economy. Large international corporations don't have to do business in the USA to survive, they can do business elsewhere. If it is established that it is possible to impose a tax retroactively then expect states to routinely go back in time to look for things to tax. What is the limiting factor on how far back in time this can go? If there is no limit then what keeps California from imposing a tax on Apple going back to when the company was first incorporated?

      I expect Apple to fight this even if the legal costs exceed whatever the tax bill would cost them. That is because if they don't kill this now then there is no telling if California would go back again to tax prior sales. With Apple being worth more than a trillion dollars they are going to be a huge target for states to try squeezing taxes from. Having so much in assets this also puts them in a good position to fight this in the courts, they can find the money to pay lawyers in their couch cushions.

      • by pjt33 ( 739471 ) on Tuesday November 07, 2023 @04:52AM (#63986606)

        My reading of TFS is that it's not imposing a tax retroactively but auditing the tax paid and saying "You've deliberately messed up your accounting and you need to fix it".

      • Every single time something not favorable to corporations is introduced, there are always some people to claim that it will be disastrous for the nation. It never is. Never.
        • Except for all the times it is actually disastrous.

          Will ending this be disastrous? No. But there are disastrous policies out there. Rent control, for example, ends up being disastrous to total housing and therefore prices over time.

          When it comes to corporations, I believe that you need to have a balanced approach. Well, that's for pretty much everything, the question is where the exact balance should lay.

  • Gives Back? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by bill_mcgonigle ( 4333 ) * on Monday November 06, 2023 @09:36PM (#63986094) Homepage Journal

    > The city in turn gives back about a third of that tax revenue to Apple.

    Really? That's not normal.

    What legal structure could authorize that?

    • Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)

      by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Monday November 06, 2023 @09:56PM (#63986140)
      Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • It's not always the case others are paying. Sometimes the infrastructure is just left to rot. Don't think that's the case in Cupertino, though.

      • it's more normal than you think.

        Using a sports analogy, this is ballpark economics []. If City B buys Team X a new, modern stadium then Team X will leave City A and its old stadium. The cities pay large sums of money to billionaire team owners, (i.e. corporate welfare for billionaires). Cities give away the proverbial farm in the form of free taxes in the hope of future economic gain around the stadium area they're now in debt for.

        For a current example:

        City A = Oakland
        City B = Las Vegas
        Team X = The (Oakland) A's

        In fact, since the A's owner h

        • It's a crappy system for sure. Cities have to figure out why it's a losing game and stop doing it. Maybe a Federal law against local bribery of businesses would work.

          It's also an indirect argument why MLB needs salary caps (and in the cases of quite a few owners, salary minimums).

        • Comment removed based on user account deletion
          • MLB sells a lousy online product too! I was living in DC the year I subscribed to, the year the Washington Nationals won the World Series. Because of my location, I was simply blocked from watching the playoffs and the world series, (as if I was gonna have the 'opportunity' to pay wads of cash for the privilege of watching at the ballpark, as if I was 'denying' MLB of revenue). No more MLB for me -- I tried to enjoy their lousy product. Why cheer for a local team when they do that to you? I don't th

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        Apple pioneered it. They did it in Ireland too, set up some facilities and manufacturing there in exchange for very generous tax arrangements.

        After Ireland joined the EU it was mostly ruled to be illegal state aid, but Apple still benefits from being officially an Irish company but practically based in California.

        • If I'm not mistaken, you're thinking of a Dutch Sandwich []. I'm not so sure Apple invented it -- I think the Rolling Stones have enjoyed it [] longer than Apple. I also don't think Apple ever manufactured anything in Ireland. Everything Apple did in Ireland was just a licensed entity for tax purposes I think. (I think, because that's all the research I'm willing to do now)

          • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

            Macs used to be assembled in Ireland.

          • Ireland is actually home to the last remaining Apple 'factory' in the world. (Factory in quotes because the last time they talked about it they only did final assembly on a few custom config iMac models, I'm not exactly sure what they do there now, but it still exists.)

            I'm not saying Apple's Ireland operation isn't also a tax scam, because it absolutely is, and that's its primary purpose. But they did actually make computers there years ago.

            For a company with their logo on products everywhere, Apple essen

        • That's partially true.

          >Apple pioneered it. They did it in Ireland too, set up some facilities and manufacturing there to take advantage of a ten year 'tax holiday'. This was a deal open to other companies. Apple set-up manufacturing back in 1980, and the EU Commission's investigation took issue tax agreements beginning in 1991.

          >After Ireland joined the EU it was mostly ruled to be illegal state aid, but Apple still benefits from being officially an Irish company but practically based in California.


    • What legal structure could authorize that?

      Quite a few actually. Consider things like businesses that offer to pay your deductible if you buy from them. Then you have the police and "civil asset forfeiture" in states that have banned the practice. The solution? "Partner" with the Feds like the FBI, the FBI does the forfeiture and splits the money with the local agency.

      I'll note that civil asset forfeiture is a glowing white hot issue to me where this is merely lukewarm. CAF hits individuals, not the government, it's blatantly unconstitutional (

      • by Anonymous Coward

        I'll note that civil asset forfeiture is a glowing white hot issue to me where this is merely lukewarm. CAF hits individuals, not the government, it's blatantly unconstitutional (my opinion), it promotes corruption in our police, etc...

        Given that the dual rights to ethical practice of law and ethical government arise under the 9th Amendment (as rights retained by the people) and the 10th Amendment (as rights reserved to the people), and the constitutional requirement of 'good behavior', there is no doubt at all that these policies are unconstitutional.

        Unfortunately, America's legal profession makes somewhere around 2-3x what their counterparts in other developed nations make as a fraction of GDP - this is statistical, meaning as a group,

    • It's not always the promised bonanza for cities or states, but the theory is that business revenue from supporting small businesses, income tax revenue from thousands of workers, inventory tax, business equipment tax, letting in other new businesses who wanna be close, etc. will more than make up for the discount.

      Smart governments have learned to look really close at these and build in clauses so that the businesses have to deliver to get the breaks.

    • by msauve ( 701917 )
      >What legal structure could authorize that?

      The same one used state and nationwide which grants tax abatements as a means of attracting and/or retaining businesses?
  • State Goes 'rm -rf' on Cupertino's /var/tax. In other news, Apple's 'goto' tax loophole might be facing a break; courtesy of CDTFA's latest patch. Guess it's time for Cupertino to 'sudo' rethink their budget allocation. Hello, segmentation fault in municipal revenue stream.
  • Comment removed (Score:5, Interesting)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Monday November 06, 2023 @09:44PM (#63986108)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by Anonymous Coward

      Property taxes are set by Santa Clara County, and 10% of that goes to the city where the property tax is collected [ref] []. It's not something Cupertino could alter without changing a lot of the state-wide rules for property tax in California. Other states don't have this problem but those states have really contentious millage initiatives.

      Last year the county collected $34m from Apple. Which means Cupertino got something less than $3.4m from property tax (if not all over Apple's property is in Cupertino)


  • How many other places in the US would line up to offer Apple a better tax deal?
    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • Apple would walk away from that property if the government makes that the right thing to do, "investment" be damned. Besides, the value of it to Apple is not 5 billion. Certainly not after covid.

        • by ghoul ( 157158 )
          Apple leases over 80 buildings in Cupertino. It can walk away from renewing a lot of leases before it has to give up the headquarters. Even before Covid less than 10% of Apple's Employees in Santa Clara county were in the Spaceship. Many groups like the Chip dev team fought to not shift to the spaceship which is all open plan whereas the other buildings have private offices for Engineers. Even the contractors get cubes. The Spaceship is popular only with the clinically extroverts.
      • They spent five billion dollars on their HQ in Cupertino. That's a pretty big investment to walk away from.

        Renting out portions of the property is an option. I'd guess that this would be high value real estate that could fetch them some good income, good enough to keep the property in spite of the taxes. Even if Apple doesn't keep the property it's not like the building would be torn down, they'd take the money from any sale and run off to somewhere else. California might try to impose some tax on Apple for leaving the state but if there's no part of Apple remaining in the state then they don't have much leve

        • In 2018 I was given a mandate that I have to move at least 50 of the people in my team of 150 to Apple Austin from the Bay Area. Apple has been growing the Texas base for 5 years now. Apple now has a lot of folks in Raleigh, Austin , Singapore, Ireland and India. Its not putting all its eggs in the California basket.
    • I'm sure many other states would do this. New York, Texas, Florida, and others would definitely give Apple a sweetheart deal, at the minimum a tax abatement, if not negative taxes, in order for a high Apple presence there.

    • How many other places in the US would line up to offer Apple a better tax deal?

      How many places outside the USA would line up to offer Apple a better tax deal?

      If California is permitted to impose a retroactive tax then that sets a precedent for other states to impose retroactive taxes. I suspect that if California gets away with this in the courts then Apple will make it publicly known that they are looking for places that will protect them from retroactive taxes in the future. It will be difficult to offer such protections in the USA if federal courts allow any retroactive tax to go

  • by CEC-P ( 10248912 ) on Tuesday November 07, 2023 @10:01AM (#63987018)
    "California wants even more tax dollars to fund its stupid bullshit that doesn't work"
    • by drhamad ( 868567 )
      This isn't about the amount of tax dollars. That wouldn't really change other than the 1/3 Cupertino is giving back which, while something, isn't really what this is about. What it does do is change the allocation between different taxing districts. It spreads the money out, if Apple has to report in all the districts it sells in.
  • Whatever value there was in being in Silicon Valley is no more. Apple should move it's headquarters to a state with no income tax and let California choke on its high tax rates.
  • ANY business should take 100% advantage of ANY tax or loopholes.
  • ...that tax loophole MS used at for their data center aka their "server farm" in Quincy, Washington.

  • All these tax preferences and rebates should be illegal, and are obviously unconstitutional under at least the 14th amendment. You can't just pick and choose who pays a tax based on whether you like them.

Disks travel in packs.
