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Apple Technology

Details Emerge About Apple Headset's Tethered Battery Pack (arstechnica.com) 44

An anonymous reader shares a report: Bloomberg reporter Mark Gurman is at it again, sharing insider details about Apple's upcoming mixed-reality headset. This time, Gurman shared new details in his weekly newsletter about the headset's controversial tethered battery pack design. Previous reports from Gurman, supply chain analyst Ming Chi-Kuo, and The Information revealed that after much internal debate, Apple decided to move forward with a headset design that works with an external battery pack connected by a wire.

This is because including the battery inside the headset would make it too bulky and heavy for some users. Apple employees against this approach argued that it made the headset clunky to use, especially in public. Now, for the first time, we have some details on exactly what this will look like. Gurman writes that the headset will have two ports: USB-C and a new proprietary power port. The USB-C port will be used just for data, whereas the proprietary port will be used for "a charging cable that goes into the headset and has a round tip that inserts magnetically."

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Details Emerge About Apple Headset's Tethered Battery Pack

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  • by Joe_Dragon ( 2206452 ) on Tuesday April 25, 2023 @12:46PM (#63475484)

    and will the EU force them to add power to the usb-c port?

  • by drinkypoo ( 153816 ) <drink@hyperlogos.org> on Tuesday April 25, 2023 @12:47PM (#63475500) Homepage Journal

    Gurman writes that the headset will have two ports: USB-C and a new proprietary power port. The USB-C port will be used just for data, whereas the proprietary port will be used for "a charging cable that goes into the headset and has a round tip that inserts magnetically."

    So you've got a USB-C port on the headset, and another port, when what you really want is a USB-C port on the headset, and two (or more) USB-C ports on the battery, so that if you want to plug in a peripheral you can do that while wearing the headset without having two wires going to it.

    • by rgmoore ( 133276 )

      I suspect that Apple expects most of the data to be sent to and from the headset wirelessly, with the USB cable as a backup. They want the power cable to attach magnetically because it means it can detach easily and safely. That could be important for applications like VR gaming, where people might have a tendency to move around wildly and knock the headset off violently.

      This seems like classic Apple thinking: they care far more about optimum clean-sheet designs than about following standards. This can

    • So you've got a USB-C port on the headset, and another port, when what you really want is a USB-C port on the headset, and two (or more) USB-C ports on the battery, so that if you want to plug in a peripheral you can do that while wearing the headset without having two wires going to it.

      I'm not too worried about the clunkiness of this gen's design. This just gets it out the door so that developers (and Apple) know what to do. Future generations will of course get improved design as the technology and knowledge improve.

    • Sounds like they don't want to be making, or anyone using, a basic USB battery power bank
      • Ding ding ding. Iâ(TM)m sure appleâ(TM)s will be $79 and almost as powerful as either of the $15 two-pack batteries I can pick up on Amazon
  • ...because I'm sure the Apple iHeadset will feature the same great Android compatibility as the Apple iWatch.

    • ...because I'm sure the Apple iHeadset will feature the same great Android compatibility as the Apple iWatch.

      I'm sure you can find an Android compatible watch out there if you look carefully enough.

  • So Apple is making a "mixed-reality headset" ?

    I'm having having mixed feelings about that.

  • by zarmanto ( 884704 ) on Tuesday April 25, 2023 @01:29PM (#63475656) Journal

    ... employees against this approach argued that it made the headset clunky to use ...

    That's the quote which baffles me the most, in all of this. Realistically, the wires on this device won't be any more "clunky" than the original iPod was when it first came out, nor the iPhone when used with wired headphones -- and both of those product lines were (and are, respectively) incredible success stories. Personally, I still vastly prefer wired headphones, and I don't think I'm the only one. This weird notion that some people seem to cling to, that wires must all go away at all cost is just unrealistic; until the day that we have free power flowing wirelessly through the atmosphere to juice up all of our various tech, wires are still actually more practical for a large number of uses. And having used the front-heavy Quest 2 headset, I wouldn't hesitate to argue that this could easily be one of them.

    Make no mistake; unless Apple somehow manages to push through some incredibly broad patents, this will inevitably be added to the long list of features that other companies end up quickly copying from Apple.

    (Now... that rumored $3,000 price tag, on the other hand... )

    • by Junta ( 36770 )

      I'll agree with this, as a current VR headset user. Most vendors put *all* the weight on the device and it's maddening. Having a pocketable compute/battery component and leaving the absolute minimum in the headset itself would be more comfortable.

      See the rave reviews of the BigScreen Beyond VR, where they essentially do just that, just the bare minimum that must be on the face, cabled to something else. The first clearly comfortable design to wear.

    • I'm sure it will be perfectly comfortable for 8-hour-shifts of editing dino DNA. [tenor.com]

      (Now... that rumored $3,000 price tag, on the other hand... )

      "We spared no expense!"

    • by Tom ( 822 )

      I imagine that they want to avoid sending mixed messages. On the one hand telling everyone that wires are so bad, you'd rather lose the occasional earpod, on the other hand bringing out a new device that has a new wire.

  • Put the WiFi in the "battery" pack to reduce unintentional TCMS.

  • Why not just implant charging pads in the user's temples and run the battery cable subdermal.

    Could carry battery in pocket or better, in abdomen. Could have a battery charging port routed through belly button.

    Even cooler would be a way to charge the batter from some kind of gluclose trasnformation chemistry.

  • Honestly, as soon as you make the decision to have even a single wire go to a bulky attached piece, you may as well put all the processing into the attached piece as well. Make the headset a headset ONLY, minimizing the cost if it needs to be replaced, and put all the other pieces into a small, easy to wear attachment. Heck, this same setup could be used to power a laptop or tablet as well. Maybe... this item could be a phone, with a larger battery or clip-on battery extender. Certainly makes sense to m

    • Honestly, as soon as you make the decision to have even a single wire go to a bulky attached piece

      My interpretation of this is that this design is *optional*. Much like the Quest users I see lugging around USB-C battery packs for *extra* power rather than primary power. Consider especially the fact that the battery pack connects via a magnetic cable. That's a huge single point of failure for a device if external battery was its only power source.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Shall we guess that the battery is tied to the headset and once the battery dies, we will have to bring the headset to an Apple Store to have the replacement battery linked to the headset?

I have never seen anything fill up a vacuum so fast and still suck. -- Rob Pike, on X.
