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Apple's $191 Billion Single-Day Surge Sets Stock-Market Record ( 24

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Bloomberg: Apple's surge Thursday was one for the record books. The world's most valuable company added $190.9 billion in market value, the most ever by a US-listed company, as softer-than-expected inflation data buoyed equity markets across the board. The jump eclipsed Amazon's $190.8 billion gain in February, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Apple, which after Thursday's 8.8% jump has a market capitalization of $2.34 trillion, now accounts for four out of the top five biggest daily gains. The stock remains down 17% this year.
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Apple's $191 Billion Single-Day Surge Sets Stock-Market Record

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  • on like two days ago. Who the fuck cares? The CPI doesn't count food or fuel prices and is always rigged and Powell already said we're staying the fucking course several months in to good readings, no matter what the beatings will continue.

    There is no tapering of rate hikes, the market will continue to eat shit until the fed stops, and the fed won't stop until it's clear inflation is receding and they plan to do that via people getting fucking fired to quell demand.

    • Well, but it is important:) If the stock market is 90% of the economy, you can have everybody in the country be homeless shitting in the streets, and you can still clam with a straight face that the economy is doing good.
      • Damn; well said. It's why I disdain the use of the term "the economy" - it's not a measure of the economic health of society but merely the flow of money.

        Thought exercise: picture a world where everyone was self-sufficient and already had everything they needed. Quality of life would be awesome and nothing of value would be lost - even though it would "kill the economy."

        • Sounds almost impossible given that I need an automobile and as much as I'd love to make my own, I don't have the time. Maybe this is possible in a pastoral society that doesn't expand, but in anything more complex specialization will creep in. Hell, your idea requires that people don't even have preferences because even if I could build my own car, I might get sick of changing the oil.

          Unless we become automatons with the same set of desires and no deviation from the norm, an economy will always exist. H
    • So far most of the job losses have been where they needed to be. Paying people to crank out Peletons nobody will buy, or blowing $36B on the metaverse, or whatever it is that makes Twitter cost $20B/year to operate, are all things that needed to stop, and this is that.
    • It really pisses me off that every time there is inflation and people start bitching about the money supply needing to be reduced it's always the money supply of people who work for a living and never the money supply of people who own shit for a living.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday November 11, 2022 @06:22PM (#63044399)

    The jump eclipsed Amazon's $190.8 billion gain in February

    Does 190.9 really 'eclipse' 190.8? I would have thought 'edged past' or something.

    • by stooo ( 2202012 )

      it's all Fake play money anyway.
      Those 190.9 billions do not exist, as well as those other 190.8.
      it's just a mystified difference of two estimations, very far from any physical reality.

      • People had to buy and sell at those prices for them to exist. If they're not real, then why isn't the number $849 quadrillion or something even more outrageous. Sure a market cap is a bit pointless it's rare an entire company changes hands over such as most people or even groups couldn't afford to buy at those valuations for a company like Apple or Amazon, but plenty of smaller companies are bought for their market valuations all the time. That's clearly not fake play money since someone else actually spent
    • Y U bring reason to this? Do you know what year is this? Reason is not really called for anymore. You are more than welcome to feel between any, preferably over-the-top, emotions that might appeal to you.

      Or, if it will help you, let me point out the public service announcement in TFA: rejoice, for the stock market is doing good, and the tech sector is leading us into prosperity! Feel relieved of your current misfortune, and stay hopeful of what the future will bring! Any minute now, our destiny will manifes

  • AAPL has a market cap of roughly 2.4 trillion dollars.
    A 200 billion dollar surge isn't even a 10%.
    Just made up news.
    You might as well go around quoting the shifts in the total U.S. bond market on a day to day basis or total value of national currencies if you want to talk about REALLY BIG NUMBERS.

  • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Friday November 11, 2022 @07:10PM (#63044491)

    Oh, Amazon lost a trillion, but Apple skyrockets a couple billions a day... and that says what about the economy in general? Are they even playing in the same economy?

    When are we going to accept that stock values and markets have ZERO to do anymore? It's all just a giant wank fest for rich kids now, where the "value" of a company is pegged at what some jack offs predict they'll be worth in a couple months rather than what they actually produce and create.

  • by gurps_npc ( 621217 ) on Friday November 11, 2022 @07:19PM (#63044517) Homepage

    One of the things that people do not realize when it comes to the stock market is that it is about percentages, NOT points.
    Yes, $190 billion up seems like a lot to us mortals. But the company is worth $2.3 TRILLION dollars. We are talking 8%. Large, but not shocking.

    Here is the real truth about Apple Stock price. It is currently 149.7 That is down from the high of 182.94 on January 4th, 2022. Since January 4th it has STRONGLY trended down. The low point of the year was back in June. By August it made it's way back up to to a 6 month high of 176.15, but has now gone down again to 149.7

    Can it recover? Yes. It is still Apple, a huge company full of literal geniuses. But it is not doing well for the year, anyone that bought it back in January is regretting it.

    • anyone that bought it back in January is regretting it.

      AAPL pays quarterly dividends.

    • One of the things that people do not realize when it comes to the stock market is that it is about percentages, NOT points.
      Yes, $190 billion up seems like a lot to us mortals. But the company is worth $2.3 TRILLION dollars. We are talking 8%. Large, but not shocking.

      Here is the real truth about Apple Stock price. It is currently 149.7 That is down from the high of 182.94 on January 4th, 2022. Since January 4th it has STRONGLY trended down. The low point of the year was back in June. By August it made it's way back up to to a 6 month high of 176.15, but has now gone down again to 149.7

      Can it recover? Yes. It is still Apple, a huge company full of literal geniuses. But it is not doing well for the year, anyone that bought it back in January is regretting it.

      Also when it comes to the stock market, it's pointless to talk about an individual company's movement without any context.

      You _always_ have to compare to the broader market, peers, related industries, etc. The total stock market is down about the same as Apple, YTD. It's pretty silly to regret performing the same as the whole market, unless you were really going to pull the trigger on something that beat the market and talked yourself out of it. Do we regret not doing better? I mean... maybe? But the s

      • One of the things that people do not realize when it comes to the stock market is that it is about percentages, NOT points.
        Yes, $190 billion up seems like a lot to us mortals. But the company is worth $2.3 TRILLION dollars. We are talking 8%. Large, but not shocking.

        Here is the real truth about Apple Stock price. It is currently 149.7 That is down from the high of 182.94 on January 4th, 2022. Since January 4th it has STRONGLY trended down. The low point of the year was back in June. By August it made it's way back up to to a 6 month high of 176.15, but has now gone down again to 149.7

        Can it recover? Yes. It is still Apple, a huge company full of literal geniuses. But it is not doing well for the year, anyone that bought it back in January is regretting it.

        Also when it comes to the stock market, it's pointless to talk about an individual company's movement without any context.

        You _always_ have to compare to the broader market, peers, related industries, etc. The total stock market is down about the same as Apple, YTD. It's pretty silly to regret performing the same as the whole market, unless you were really going to pull the trigger on something that beat the market and talked yourself out of it. Do we regret not doing better? I mean... maybe? But the same as everyone else isn't shameful.

        Looks good to me. 149.7 is more than 147.92 from 2021, 115.97 from 2020, and 65.55 from 2019

        01/11/2007 3.42
        01/10/2008 6.35
        01/09/2009 3.23
        01/07/2010 7.52
        01/17/2018 44.77
        11/08/2018 52.12
        01/11/2019 38.7
        11/11/2019 65.55
        01/13/2020 79.24
        11/10/2020 115.97
        01/12/2021 128.8
        11/10/2021 147.92
        01/11/2022 175.8
        11/11/2022 149.7

        NASDAQ: APPL

  • What was the actual announcement from Apple that made people suddenly want to invest even more?

    Or was it just because it is the stock that is seen as "valuable", and not anything that Apple has done that gave investors all this confidence.

Whenever a system becomes completely defined, some damn fool discovers something which either abolishes the system or expands it beyond recognition.
