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Apple Linux Hardware

Linus Torvalds Releases Linux 5.19 - From an Apple Silicon MacBook ( 69

"Linus Torvalds just released Linux 5.19 as stable for the newest version of the Linux kernel..." reports Phoronix.

But they also note that on the Linux kernel mailing list, "Torvalds went on to write about his Arm-based MacBook [running an AArch64 Apple M1 SoC]... now under Linux thanks to the work of the Asahi Linux project."

Torvalds wrote: [T]he most interesting part here is that I did the release (and am writing this) on an arm64 laptop. It's something I've been waiting for for a _loong_ time, and it's finally reality, thanks to the Asahi team. We've had arm64 hardware around running Linux for a long time, but none of it has really been usable as a development platform until now.

It's the third time I'm using Apple hardware for Linux development — I did it many years ago for powerpc development on a ppc970 machine. And then a decade+ ago when the Macbook Air was the only real thin-and-lite around. And now as an arm64 platform.

Not that I've used it for any real work, I literally have only been doing test builds and boots and now the actual release tagging. But I'm trying to make sure that the next time I travel, I can travel with this as a laptop and finally dogfooding the arm64 side too.

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Linus Torvalds Releases Linux 5.19 - From an Apple Silicon MacBook

Comments Filter:
  • The Asashii linux team has clearly achieved quite a lot of things in supporting functionality. But it is clearly quite a lot of "work in progress" with things like the screen brightness and some power managenentt still being work in progress.

    • by ctilsie242 ( 4841247 ) on Sunday July 31, 2022 @08:27PM (#62750516)

      They have come a long way, especially because a lot of the Apple SoC stuff isn't documented. It would be nice if Apple provided a UEFI style bootloader so distributions of Linux that used arm64 could use that to boot. The ironic thing is that the Apple Virtualization Framework can easily boot major arm64 Linux distributions, because it emulates UEFI. Parallels and VMWare Fusion use that for the hypervisor heavy lifting on the Apple Silicon platform (arm64).

      It will be nice to have a Linux distro available as fallback when the early M1/M2/etc. stuff fall out of support.

      • It would be nice if Apple provided a UEFI style bootloader so distributions of Linux that used arm64 could use that to boot.

        So loong as we're engaged in wis(t|h)ful, why not go all the way, and just say, it would be great if Apple provided coreboot [] support. You know, like their Silicon Valley letter A-listed neighbor that makes these underspec'ked notebooks.

    • Verbing of nouns, weirds the language.
  • by jovius ( 974690 ) on Sunday July 31, 2022 @08:27PM (#62750514)

    Do MacBooks come with built-in Linus Torvalds these days? Not sure if I welcome this development.

  • by jmccue ( 834797 ) on Sunday July 31, 2022 @09:51PM (#62750672) Homepage
    "What hardware does Linus have ?", how many here remembers this question be asked many times in the early days ? Know we know :)
  • by The Evil Atheist ( 2484676 ) on Sunday July 31, 2022 @10:27PM (#62750746)
    Boy, are my ARMs tired.
  • This Thinkpad is an 8 core/16 thread beast of a Ryzen ultrabook. Runs long and cool too. Recommended.

  • Fake (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Gabest ( 852807 )

    Just take a look at the Macbook keyboard, no IDE can be used effectively if half the keys from a full size keyboard are missing. How can he use the shortcuts? Does not even have an insert key.

    • MacBooks work well with external keyboards, mice, and monitors.

    • Re:Fake (Score:5, Insightful)

      by ichthus ( 72442 ) on Monday August 01, 2022 @08:42AM (#62751584) Homepage
      The only time I ever use the insert key is just after accidentally hitting the insert key.
      • Same.

        I like full sized keyboards, though, especially for: gaming.

        But those keys above the arrow: keys never have used intentionally in my life.

        Ctrl/cmd-V ... why would I use an insert key? Would perhaps make sense to map it in vim to go to insert mode, but I is good enough.

        • Shift+Ins works in many contexts where Ctrl+V won't.

          You can't even scroll terminal output without Shift+PgUp so it's hard to imagine doing without at least some of the function keys in a dev/test environment.

          Sad thing is, a lot of the smaller keyboard layouts could still have these less-used keys available if they had decent macros, but most have only entirely useless functions connected to the "Fn" key, and no capacity to configure others.

          • Re:Fake (Score:4, Informative)

            by superposed ( 308216 ) on Monday August 01, 2022 @11:37AM (#62752136)

            It doesn't sound like you've done much command-line work on a Mac.

            1. The Mac uses cmd instead of ctrl for most keyboard combinations, so they all just work in terminal apps without needing special alternatives. Cmd-V pastes everywhere, including the terminal.

            2. I don't know what Shift+PgUp does in your environment, but the Mac terminal also accepts PgUp (fn-up-arrow on a small keyboard), which can be combined with Cmd and Shift to get various effects [].

            3. The built-in Terminal app can map any keystroke (including function keys) to any sequence of keys. There are also other terminals available if the built-in one is not enough for you.

            4. When selecting text and resizing windows, terminal apps on the Mac act like a word processor window rather than a panel of character blocks. This is a huge improvement on the built-in Windows terminal.

            • I know reading the articles is passe, but you could at least notice this is a thread about Linux, not darwin or whatever apple is calling their faux open source unix base these days.

              • The thread was about how people can't work on a Macbook keyboard because it lacks various keys, with ins given as a main example. Granted, I should have read a little closer to see they were (facetiously?) arguing that this meant Linus couldn't possibly have been "dogfooding" an arm64 Linux release on a Macbook.

                Nevertheless, I gave an example of how it is perfectly easy to get work done on a Macbook keyboard. If Linux can't provide keyboard mappings that are as useful as the Apple ones on the same keyboar

            • Actually the mouse pad works on Macs just nice, too.
              Surprisingly it also works in remote Terminal sessions connected to vi on the other side.

              Alas, the haters ...

              Where would we be in the world if you could not hate random products or random corporations. We probably would need to invent a new religion.

          • There is no context where CTRL/CMD-V does not work.
            The only thing you can imagine is a web site were you have for some absurd reason to enter your email address twice, and they block copy/paste. And then: Shift+Ins, would not work either, as it bottom line maps to the same GUI action.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • He probably uses vim. The "insert key" is `i`
  • A bunch of tech n00bs! They're all about computers as an accessory! You can't get any real work done on a Mac!

    Submitted using my (Intel) MacBook Pro, since someone will probably think I was being serious

  • by SillyKONG ( 10106074 ) on Monday August 01, 2022 @02:39AM (#62751074)
    I'm folllowing and patreonizing Asahi Linux from the start. It's an incredible harrd work of reverse engineering done without a pinch of hardware information or documentation, just driven by geniality, tons of experience , intuition and ingenuity. I've seen Marcan tagging a nonsense random bunch of bytes in memory saying "this looks like an structure... This should be the base adress... This should be the pointer to first data... This looks like an CRC.... And this smells like an HMAC key" and totally nailing it and working first time. I'm thirty five years in computing, made my teeth coding in assembler and It's like magic to me. Also is a incredible effort of 10-12 hours coding sessions live on Youtube, and following offline. Getting own Linus acknolegment is totally deserved reward. Go Asahi!
    • I wonder what is the point in dedicating resources to reverse-engineer support for hardware that is deliberately obfuscated and not documented with specs that can change at will of its master?

      This sounds really backward from a Free Software perspective.

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by mrex ( 25183 )

        I wonder what is the point in dedicating resources to reverse-engineer support for hardware that is deliberately obfuscated and not documented with specs that can change at will of its master?

        I think this is really a difference between the Linux philosophy and the GNU philosophy. GNU takes a very academic philosophy towards the market - it's providing what it considers valuable research, and if users care or find use for it great, if not then no skin off their backs. Linux has - I think - evolved towards a

        • They just want to get something done, so Linux inevitably loses out to Microsoft or someone else who, even if the road was unfairly easier for them, can do the thing

          To be fair, with Windows NT there was very limited hardware compatibility. Unsure on the server versions, but for NT 4.0 Workstation there was a floppy image that you could boot from and then provide an empty floppy and it would inspect all your hardware for compatibility with NT before you attempted to install. Much like the way I use a Live disc on a thumb drive to test pawn shop machines before buying...

      • I wonder what is the point in dedicating resources to reverse-engineer support for hardware that is deliberately obfuscated and not documented with specs that can change at will of its master?

        This sounds really backward from a Free Software perspective.

        Well if you want an answer just look at iPhone Linux and all the people running it to free themsleves from the shackles of iOS.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        Do you have any evidence that it's "deliberately obfuscated", as opposed to just "not documented"?

        As for the specs that change "at the will of its master", welcome to the real world. Buy $randomlaptopmodelxyz today, Linux works fine. Buy the "exact same" $randomlaptopmodelxyz tomorrow and they've changed the WiFi card for some crappy new version that's not yet supported by Linux.

        FWIW, The Asahi people say that the Mx hardware so far is very uniform and (for example) tweaking the M1 code to run on M2 devices

      • Apple Mac OS is UNIX and the hardware has incredibly long life, so eventually installing Linux is inevitable. If you buy a MacBook you better like it, since it will be laying about the home for the next 15 odd years.
      • Linus Torvalds is not RMS

      • Just because it is not well documented (yet) it does not mean it is obfuscated, and most certainly not deliberated.

        Apple haters ... why do you even waste breath on such topics?

      • Totally. Free Software was only ever intended by Our Lord And Savior Stallman to run on open hardware.

        Come on. What's the point? So that you can use free software on your real world hardware, which is what the point has always been.
  • Remember the last time when Linux (or Linus) associated itself with a closed project whose owner didn't appreciate reverse-engineering his intellectual property by FOSS hackers? Let's hope this time it will end better.

  • by reiscw ( 2427662 ) on Monday August 01, 2022 @06:44AM (#62751388)

    I have been following Asahi Linux because I also have an M1 mac. I have a separate machine running Linux, so I'm fine with staying with macOS. I remember watching a long question/answer session on YouTube where Linus is at a Debian conference, and he says that he is "not an IT guy". The point he seemed to be making at the time is while he obviously enjoys working on the development of the kernel, he doesn't have time to waste debugging the other small, common issues that arise with most Linux distributions (he was complaining about root access being needed to add a printer on one of his kids' machines, IIRC). Asahi is apparently in good enough shape that he's willing to use it. I know they don't have the GPU figured out yet (they seem to be making progress) but from what Linus has described, his work environment is a bunch of terminals, so he's probably fine with that.

    One of the things that concerns me about ARM and Linux is that a lot of the software that exists for Linux and is (usually because it is nonfree) not included in package managers is only available for x86. Wine is also an issue (although I did manage, on a Raspberry Pi 4, to get Box86 + Wine working together well enough to run some simple Windows applications). Even when Asahi gets to the point of fully supporting the M1 hardware, that's going to be an issue for people who are trying to just run Linux and do everything they need to do. I have a license for Microsoft Office 2007 (which is good enough for most Office documents) that works flawlessly in Wine, but it's not going to work well on a Linux machine running ARM (although maybe the M1 would be powerful enough with Box86, who knows).

    • One of the things that concerns me about ARM and Linux is that a lot of the software that exists for Linux and is (usually because it is nonfree) not included in package managers is only available for x86.

      You're right. But there are solutions for that, with varying levels of quality.
      qemu can run foreign binaries, and if you happen to be running in a VM on your Mac, you can use Rosetta2 from within that VM for better translation.
      It's only a matter of time before we've got the functionality of Rosetta2 that matters (being able to switch the ordering constraints of the CPU) inside of Linux to greatly improve qemu translation performance.

      TL;DR- on Linux, different architectures aren't a show stopped for user

  • Stand-by for all the: doesn't have feature x posts /s
  • ... of anything that can break us out of the x86 near-monopoly.

    If it takes Apple making proprietary-but-better hardware, so be it.

    • I imagine Linus is well aware that Linux runs on the vast majority of all CPUs with MMUs today, and that the vast majority of those are not x86.

      But yes, in the desktop space specifically, I agree, I think most people are for some of the alternative architectures being scaled up so that they can compete with x86 in that space.
  • "Not that I've used it for any real work" - noted.

The star of riches is shining upon you.
