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Huawei Founder Says He Would Oppose Chinese Retaliation Against Apple (reuters.com) 124

Huawei's founder and Chief Executive Ren Zhengfei told Bloomberg that retaliation by Beijing against Apple was unlikely and that he would oppose any such move from China against the iPhone maker. From a report: When asked about calls from some in China to retaliate against Apple, Ren said that he would "protest" against any such step if it were to be taken by Beijing. "That (Chinese retaliation against Apple) will not happen first of all and second of all, if that happens, I'll be the first to protest," Ren said. "Apple is my teacher, it's in the lead. As a student, why go against my teacher? Never."
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Huawei Founder Says He Would Oppose Chinese Retaliation Against Apple

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    Replace all the dependencies. Sell the replacements as alternatives.

    It may take a national effort to achieve this just because US companies are so far ahead in many fields, but bridging the gap will be worth the effort.

    • by Anonymous Coward


      The thing is China needs access to western markets and companies so that it can more easily steal its IP. China might not know this but Chinese companies do.....

      • Why would China "steal" the Internet Protocol, it has been public for so many years.

  • Rule of Two (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Myria ( 562655 ) on Monday May 27, 2019 @10:42PM (#58664704)

    Isnâ(TM)t the apprentice attacking the master part of the Rule of Two for Sith Lords?

    • Only if you take the words at face value. Anyone who's read David Copperfield knows how 'Uriah Heep' professed apprentice obsequiousness while sharpening his dagger.
      • Re:Rule of Two (Score:5, Interesting)

        by rtb61 ( 674572 ) on Tuesday May 28, 2019 @02:05AM (#58665144) Homepage

        They make Apple phones in China it would be stupid to attack it, I mean seriously, the lack of respect for the Intelligence of the Government of China is just childishly immature.

        That attack vector is obvious, Google and M$. The easiest and most public way, is for Huawei to produce Huawei Linux and put it on all Huawei devices and the Government of China to follow up and make Linux (not just the Huawei Linux distribution but other companies Linux distributions), compulsory for national security reason. As the US government actively controls what update you get for Windows coming out of the US Ally or not and that is a reality. Along with that of course Huawei Libre Office, again an attack on M$ and again compulsory on all Government computers, again for national security reasons.

        Going Linux makes much more sense than a completely unknown OS which can be readily targeted with negative marketing, open source makes it a much easier sell and Linux is a known brand, so it makes market access so much better, especially marketing outside of the USA, litterally every other country in the world would be economically and more secure running Huawie Linux than M$ Windows anal probe 10.

        Google of course is a given first company to stand up and be counted for attacking China, so for no other reason than FUCK google and with social media scoring system in place, yeah using Google for anything will fuck it up, go ahead user Gmail in China, I dare you, it is just the way it is.

        Apple definitely not in the firing line but M$ and Google most definitely are and NOTHING, the US government does now will stop that, NOTHING. That is a done deal delivered by Trump to the board of M$ and Google, surprise, surprise, surprise. How much damage will Linux do to M$ when pushed out by a Major Global tech company, pushing FOSS in the consumer market place, a whole damn lot. Google will simply lose the China market (chrome and android) and maybe have a few employees arrested for espionage (which they undoubtedly do, where did they work before google and google are totally in bed with the corporate Government of the USA, so a given that some are agents of the US government, they simply could not resist the temptation).

        The government will never forgive that attack on Huawei that moron Trump made them lose face, there must be payback, it is an absolute must given the nature of the Government of China and Chinese society and the obvious targets are M$ and Google and it will hurt and hurt a whole damn lot, no coming back from it, done deal (take some years but it will be full on).

        • So to get back at President Trump, the Chinese government will attack companies that are the President's political enemies?

          I don't know how he does it, but Trump just keeps on winning.

          • Re: Rule of Two (Score:4, Insightful)

            by gtall ( 79522 ) on Tuesday May 28, 2019 @05:44AM (#58665542)

            "Trump keeps on winning"? Okay, I give up, what has he won? The tax giveaway that saddles the U.S. with yearly deficits of $1 Trillion? Letting loose the dogs of bigotry? Rolling back environmental protections so we can all share the pollution? Declaring a war on science because, y'know, it is just another reality TV show? Starting a trade war he has no way of winning no matter how much he chants it is easy to win? Alienating the U.S. Allies so that they no longer trust the U.S.? Making the U.S. morally bankrupt by treating immigrants as Nazi war sympathizers? Claiming untold amounts of voter cheating when being Putin's bitch? Treating that scum little Kimmy like he was a Mensch? Acting like a 5 year old claiming he cannot work with Democrats for doing their oversight job of the Executive Branch because he resents adult supervision.

            Wow, the man's winning left and right.

            • by Anonymous Coward

              >Okay, I give up, what has he won?

              The Presidency. And at this rate he's going to win it again. This is ignoring all the other things he won, like being born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

              >Rolling back environmental protections so we can all share the pollution?

              Just to be clear, if we can't stop China/India from polluting, it really doesn't matter what we do. Blaming Trump for pollution is a TDS move, along with other global problems.

            • Letting loose the dogs of bigotry?

              Bigotry: obstinate or intolerant devotion to one's own opinions and prejudices : the state of mind of a bigot (from Webster, emphasis mine).

              Do you not see that identity politics is also a form of bigotry and predates the president? The chutzpah of blaming the president for 'letting loose the dogs of bigotry' is incredible when people get flak for merely saying "it's OK to be white". I'd love to see a stop to identity politics, let me know when someone is campaigning on making thinks better for all Americ

              • No, identity politics is about favoritism, not bigotry. When the president says he's going to help the coal miners, he's appealing to a particular sub-group: people who identify as coal miners, and people whose lives and livelihoods benefit from coal mining..

                Identity politics is a way of making people think that you're going to help them, specifically, and there's an implication that you will be helping them more than others. i.e.: Favoritism. But it's not bigotry, though those two things do often go han
                • I'm willing to shift my wording slightly. I'm still curious about which candidate, from a crop of >20, is looking to help all Americans first and not [insert_favored_group]. Especially when said favored group is based on intrinsic traits that cannot be changed nor were chosen.
                  • Look at what policies they are proposing and not at what they say (At least, in this respect. I'm not suggesting that you should ignore what they say in general.). What they say is always going to be tailored to whichever group that they're talking to at that moment, usually tailored to win over whichever state they're in.

                    This was notable during McCain's run in 2008: he sold himself as a straight-talker, and when got to Michigan in the primaries he was honest with the people there about the prospect of c
                    • I am a big fan of specific policies where they exist. Where I was going with my question is that my understanding of the vast array (>20) of Democratic candidates all of them favor affirmative action and other forms of rewarding favorites. I lump those in with identity politics.
                    • "he was honest with the people there about the prospect of car manufacturing jobs coming back. (They weren't, and he said that.)"

                      You mean he was honest that he was planning to continue the INTENTIONAL PUBLIC POLICY that decimated the American industrial base.

                      "He lost Michigan very badly"

                      As rightly he deserved to lose it.

                    • You have a good name.
            • "Trump keeps on winning"? Okay, I give up, what has he won?

              He's accomplished a whole lot. All of it is for special interest groups or for Russia, though, not for America. He's managed to get himself hundreds of millions of dollars by taking golf vacations to Mar-a-Lago. He's managed to stay out of prison thus far. I'd say that Trump has been quite successful on behalf of his actual constituents, and also for himself.

              • "Trump keeps on winning"? Okay, I give up, what has he won?

                He's accomplished a whole lot. All of it is for special interest groups or for Russia, though, not for America. He's managed to get himself hundreds of millions of dollars by taking golf vacations to Mar-a-Lago. He's managed to stay out of prison thus far. I'd say that Trump has been quite successful on behalf of his actual constituents, and also for himself.

                Don't forget his big tax cut for the wealthy, with special bonus goodies for real estate developers.

            • The US has been morally bankrupt since its founding. Genocide of native americans. Slavery of africans, native americans, and asians. Indentured servitude for all immigrants. Using your own population to test everything from drugs, to dangerous chemicals, to disease. Purposefully flooding poor, black areas with crack. Illicit arms deals with terrorist states. Starting wars over resources. When was the US not morally bankrupt?
  • Apple should pay heavy price for outsourcing iPhone manufacturing to China. They charge enough for these to not have to do it.
    • It would hit their bottom line some, but you are correct. They could lose 8-10% margin on their hardware and still not have to worry about paying for lunch tomorrow. Hell, charge 10% more for em, obviously people are willing to pay whatever for something that says Apple.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        Screens come from Samsung across the border in Vietnam, batteries are made by Panasonic (?) in their China factory, their Bionic processor is made by TSMC in Taiwan.

        Apart from the geographic delays, is there even the available assembly workforce to make them in the US?

        China shouldn't take it out on Apple, division is the Trump strategy, whether its setting Florida against Californians or US against China, its a division strategy.

        Apple sell most of their product worldwide, those products are made in China, s

      • by gtall ( 79522 )

        It isn't only about the cost. China has legions of engineers and a supply system that America cannot match and couldn't build the iPhones with here. Admittedly, I don't think much of their engineers, but they can bang out basic parts designs quickly, and their supply system is large enough to supply the quantities Apple needs.

        The U.S. doesn't have that engineering or supply chain, Apple isn't big enough to cause it to develop.

  • ...that just got memory-holed by the site today? What's up with that?

    Let me reiterate: Huawei has been a nasty company for a long time [networkworld.com] and the Chinese steal American technology as a deliberate strategy [battleswarmblog.com] left and right.

    • Good thing American companies never steal technology. That's why you never hear about them suing each other.
    • Bold statement for a country selling and even exporting (where not yet restricted) "Budwaiser beer" that has nothing to do with Budweiser beer.
      • A country of 1.x billion people isn't going to ever speak with a single voice. There are plenty of other native beers (or anything else) produced in China. In my area one can usually find Qingdao and Yanjing, granted this is a more metropolitan area with decent numbers of Chinese immigrants. Now, whether any of those beers are any good I leave up to those who actually like beer. To me it all tastes like monkey piss.
    • by gtall ( 79522 )

      The WSJ had an article this past weekend about all the dirty tricks Huawei has pulled in the past. However, Trump's hamhanded methods of rampaging like a 12 year who doesn't get to watch his favorite TV show isn't the way to fix the problem. And he'd have gotten much more support from the U.S. Allies....you remember those, the ones he's already alienated so much they will never trust him further than they can spit a two-headed rat.

    • There's no such thing as "American technology", it is just information, and information wants to be free. Just like digital entertainment.
      • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

        It's interesting (and sad) watching Slashdot go from Stallman zealots to American nationalists. They say age inevitably turns rebels into the establishment.

  • Uh yeah so this probably means Chinese Apple tariffs and perhaps other measures are on their way and someone in the government recently warned Huawei. Fair enough right? Can't blame them. Turnabout is fair play. The US government just executed Huawei. The real question is how much can China hurt Apple. [gets popcorn]

    • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

      And Google. They'll probably toss in Samsung too, because Korean.

      • Korea hasn't started a trade war with them. So that probably wouldn't make much sense. Tariffs on Apple phones would be fair though. Hell it's China so they could even ban them entirely. Rich Chinese would miss out on a status symbol that screams "I am Rich! I am Rich!" but everyone else could just buy Samsung or LG. Apple isn't very popular in Asia anyway. So most people would not even notice if iPhones were banned.

  • He's pretended that he has a choice of doing anything other than exactly whatever he is ordered to do by the Chinese Communist Party.
    • Well, isn't american companies all doing exactly what is required by crazy orange person? Both in case of NSA tracking of people or bullying random companies he picked.
      • First I'll remind you that Trump did not institute the NSA spying program, that was Obama. Although that said it's disappointing that he hasn't shut it down, but then again even as the president of the United States he has limited power to kill such programs without Congressional approval. And beyond that, the ban on Huawei equipment doesn't extended to the private sector unless their involved with government approved contracts.

        But hey, who have time with a well thought out commentary about this situation

        • by gtall ( 79522 )

          The only reason he hasn't tried to shut down the NSA entirely is because he's scared of what they have on him.

  • In the interview [bloomberg.com] with Bloomberg Television, Ren Zhengfei stated, "I'll be the first to protest [any attempt by Beijing to retaliate against Apple Inc.]".

    We should not be fooled by his "bold" comment against the Chinese government.

    Ren is not an ordinary Chinese citizen. Ren has close ties to Beijing. According to a report [theguardian.com] by The Guardian, "[Ren Zhengfei] has long had ties with both the People's Liberation Army, where he served as an engineer, and the [Chinese] Communist party."

    Prior to the interview with B

    • Of course he has. So does Apple's CEO. The Chinese Communist Party typically "invites" all major CEOs in China to join the Party. Would you refuse if you were asked for?

      As for he previously being in the Chinese People's Liberation Army it's not like there aren't similar companies founded by veterans in the US either. GoDaddy being one.

  • "Nice Apple you got there, it'd be a shame if something happened to it", is what he's really saying. That said, fuck Apple. If you're going to charge $1K+ for a phone, might as well make it in Oklahoma or something. And yeah, I know, shit's tough, people need to be trained, etc etc, but you gotta start somewhere.

    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by r2kordmaa ( 1163933 )
      Forget training, their entire supply chain is Chinese, including entire factory setups. If China cuts the cord on them, they are done for with device manufacturing for years. Even if they tried to rebuild, it wouldn't be in US, it's not even wages or training, you can't get tens of thousands of Americans to sit 12h line shifts 6 days a week, inserting the same damn screw over and over again. Never mind that in the end, you couldn't sell the phone for profit anymore.
      • by ghoul ( 157158 )

        Ritalin could solve the issue

      • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

        Everyone pretty much shares the same supply chain, but it's pretty well internationalized. Foxconn for example has plants on every continent except Australia and Antarctica.

      • Forget training, their entire supply chain is Chinese, including entire factory setups. If China cuts the cord on them, they are done for with device manufacturing for years.

        It's not clear that China can cut the cord on Apple without causing a bigger problem for themselves. It's not like electronic components can only be produced in China. There would be years of stopped production, as you say, but the response would be for more factories to be spun up in other nations. It might, for example, be what finally gets major investment in manufacturing in African nations.

        • It would certainly be a double edged sword and it absolutely would bite them back, but the communists are perfectly capable of running with hard decisions once the course is chosen. For example their recent fight against air pollution. Without much warning they just shut down pretty much all factories around Beijing. In Shenzhen they just commanded replacement of all taxis with electric ones. They like money as much as anyone, but it's not the end all be all and they are capable of accepting short term pain
  • China is powered almost entirely by foreign orders for its industries. Companies all around the world make their things in China. If China starts playing the same game then trust is lost and foreigners start looking elsewhere for their manufacturing. I am not an Orangemanbad NPC by any means, but I think Trump made a strategic mistake with his handling of Huawei. He has completely blown any trust any foreign company may have in the US, and US law - out of the water for decades to come.

If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.
