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Chrome 65 Arrives With Material Design Extensions Page, New Developer Features (venturebeat.com) 34

An anonymous reader quotes a report from VentureBeat: Google today launched Chrome 65 for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android. Additions in this release include Material Design changes and new developer features. You can update to the latest version now using the browser's built-in silent updater or download it directly from google.com/chrome. Chrome 65 comes with a few visual changes. The most obvious is related to Google's Material Design mantra. The extensions page has been completely revamped to follow it. Next up, Chrome 65 replaces the Email Page Location link in Chrome for Mac's File menu with a Share submenu. As you might expect, Mac users can use this submenu to share the URL of a current tab via installed macOS Share Extensions. Speaking of Macs, Chrome 65 is also the last release for OS X 10.9 users. Chrome 66 will require OS X 10.10 or later. Moving on to developer features, Chrome 65 includes the CSS Paint API, which allows developers to programmatically generate an image, and the Server Timing API, which allows web servers to provide performance timing information via HTTP headers.
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Chrome 65 Arrives With Material Design Extensions Page, New Developer Features

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    It's getting increasingly more difficult to track unique users due to a proliferation of plugins and shit like that, we need some new functions and API's to allow better and more accurate tracking of users to deliver targeted material. Without this we're sliding back into the spam-approach dark ages. Browser makers need to step up and provide this enhanced functionality or nobody will like the end result.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Chrome 65 includes the CSS Paint API

    We've just got too many cycles lying around huh?

  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday March 07, 2018 @08:38AM (#56221295)

    Material Design is hideous, unintuitive crap. The fact that one of the biggest companies in the world hasn't got a clue on user interface design speaks volumes about the state of modern computing. Go and see how many user INTERFACE design jobs for PC (or even Apple) software companies there are - virtually none - because most people haven't got a clue about interface design, and don't understand what they are doing.
    Hence Windows 10, 'flat' design, Windows 8, 'The Ribbon', Android (utterly awful user interface with virtually no affordance and virtually no visual feedback to anything you do, and just plain designed wrong), and so on.

    • Don't forget the few last versions of macOS. I'm on 10.9 and it looks better than the flat crap in 10.11.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday March 07, 2018 @09:12AM (#56221401)

      Material Design is hideous, unintuitive crap. The fact that one of the biggest companies in the world hasn't got a clue on user interface design speaks volumes about the state of modern computing.

      I've run into this in every engineering gig I've ever had, and you'd think the bean counters would figure this out by now.

      The biggest single reason Apple's market cap is bonkers is because of the iPhone. And the biggest reason the iPhone was such a success was because the phone *was* so easy your grandma could use it. (aside: even my 14 year old can smell the feature creep in iOS since Jobs died). Hence, great UX = bonkers market cap. It's not the *only* reason, but it's the *biggest* reason. iPhone hasn't been the fastest, most feature-rich phone in awhile, and it hasn't mattered one fucking bit.

      The problem is: good design is like pornography, you'll know it when you see it. You can't farm it out to engineers, you can't create design documents that people can blindly follow and magically come up with good design. Every time I've implemented a stellar design (using intuition and experience, mostly) my boss wants me to come up with documentation so I can 'teach' the other developers how to do it. Cannot be done.

      In my experience, engineering disciplines can be learned by artists: rigor, discipline, logic. They're hard habits to acquire for nonlinear thinkers, but not impossible. Teaching art to someone who thinks like an engineer? Good fucking luck.

      That said, material design sucks. It's obvious to anyone with an inkling of art history it was created by a bunch of engineers, and only adopted because of the massive groupthink and FOMO that surrounds web development.

      • That said, material design sucks. It's obvious to anyone with an inkling of art history it was created by a bunch of engineers

        It was? From reading the guidelines, it seems to have been created by the sort of people who dreamed up third-wave feminism and intersectional social justice and developmental studies and a whole pile of other things for which the most appropriate collective noun I can think of is "wank". It's just a huge pile of wank that tells you nothing about how to actually design a usable UI. Just wank.

    • "Google's material design mantra" is the reason their mobile apps get harder and harder to use every time they are updated.
    • Seriously.

      Material design is quite fine. It may not be that opinionated, but then again, the importance of design is to get out of the way and not be particularly artsy.
      Consider that they have unified design across all products and platforms and have released the specs to the public for others to use which they have without compromising their individual brands. Ask while maintaining consistency of the framework. That is a pretty incredible feat. MD is quite timeless, quotes Bauhaus and most modern UI princi

    • Can someone explain to me what "material design" actually is? I've read the linked page (yeah, I know, heresy) and still have no idea what it actually is. Specifically, how would I judge whether my UI is following "material design", whatever that is, or not?
      • Do you have tarpaulin grommets in your ears and wear a beret?

        If the answer is yes then you already know.

        If the answer is no then you're a square old daddy-o and just wouldn't get it.

  • Tablet devices (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday March 07, 2018 @08:43AM (#56221303)

    And still it does not allow a user to set the "use the desktop site" as a permanent setting for every page. So when you use Chrome on a tablet with a decent sized screen you still get the crappy mobile pages until you go into settings for every single page visited and change the setting to use the desktop site.

    Exactly how hard is it to make that setting apply globally and not page by page?

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Yeah no. Nice try Google.

    Dear slashdot mods, maybe you might want to actually _read_ the changelogs and not regurgitated PR bullets. There's quite a bit of crap in this release.


    Who am I kidding. You hate anons.

    • ... maybe you might want to actually _read_ the changelogs ... There's quite a bit of crap in this release.

      Saw this in the changelog, had a smudge on my glasses, read it as "soul". Never been happier to have to clean my glasses.

      [Merge to M66] Enable Sole integration by default

  • Since they are making a change to the material design of Chrome, does that mean it will now be called Brushed Aluminum instead? Perhaps Oil-Rubbed Bronze?
  • by Anonymous Coward

    On the new CSS Paint API:

    WHY? WHY LORD WHY? The whole point of CSS is that it allows styling without resorting to client-side scripting that can allow unbounded execution and destroy the user experience! Why on earth would you add a mechanism for arbitrary scripting to CSS? So now instead of having reliable and reproducible styling with bounded performance costs, you introduce a means for arbitrary code execution and the associated halting problem!

    The browser nutcases that have taken over the W3C need to be

Life is difficult because it is non-linear.
