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New iPod Design Pictures Leak 501

Brian Hoyt writes "Apple's new iPod design will be announced Monday. A cover picture depicting the new design from Newsweek has been discovered early. MacRumors broke the story - MacRumors and more specifically the cover itself - NewsWeek"
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New iPod Design Pictures Leak

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  • New Design: (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Oculus Habent ( 562837 ) * <> on Sunday July 18, 2004 @08:20AM (#9730394) Journal
    It's not a big stretch from the iPod Mini to the design shown in the picture. I'm pleased with the new design... kind of back to it's roots.

    My biggest problem with the previous design is the unapparent secondary button function. When the buttons are arranged around the wheel, the special combinations (Menu & Play/Pause to reset) make a fair sight more sense. Holding Menu for the backlight is especially obscure. I discovered this intuitively on my Original iPod - all of the buttons on the Original had an important Continuous Press function before the first several updates that gave us a new time search for the songs. My friend didn't know about the Menu Backlight - he used the automatic backlight - until I told him with his 30g. He's not stupid by any means, there just wasn't any reason that the second button over would also be a special Backlight control.
    • Re:New Design: (Score:5, Informative)

      by Oculus Habent ( 562837 ) * <> on Sunday July 18, 2004 @08:31AM (#9730439) Journal
      Link to the Newsweek article []. The one at MacRumors isn't quite working.


      • Click Wheel
      • 12-hour playtime
      • Multiple on-the-go Playlists
      • Delete songs from OTG Playlists
      • Audiobook tempo adjustment
      • No more 15 gig model
      • $100 Cheaper


      • Uses the same processor as the iPod Mini.
      • There will be a 60gig iPod to fill the top price slot later.
    • I'm pleased with the new design... kind of back to it's roots.

      I, for one, do NOT welcome our wheel-clicking overlords. Normally I use my iPod without really looking at it: while driving (car or bicycle) or without getting it out of my coat pocket (to avoid getting too much attention of thugs).

      By having separate buttons and wheel there is almost no clicky-where-no-clicky-was-intended. With this new old approach this is no longer working.

      While I can understand that Steve wants everybody to rejoice the i

      • Re:New Design: (Score:5, Informative)

        by CrackedButter ( 646746 ) on Sunday July 18, 2004 @08:58AM (#9730542) Homepage Journal
        Thats where you pull that odd shiny device back out of the box and connect it between the ipod and the headphones, the remote.
      • Re:New Design: (Score:5, Informative)

        by Talez ( 468021 ) on Sunday July 18, 2004 @09:36AM (#9730760)
        While I appreciate your concern and I've only used a mini at the store, there is no way you can press the click wheel accidentally.

        You have to apply quite a bit of pressure. It's quite a stiff, tactile click.
        • Re:New Design: (Score:3, Interesting)

          by pediddle ( 592795 )
          If that's true then it will be far better than the current design, where the slightest touch by a conductive material will activate the buttons. I can't even put my 3G iPod in my pocket without its case because the skin on my thigh clicks the buttons through my pants!

          Not that I don't love my iPod. But normally I just have to keep it in the case and use the remote. I long for some tactile buttons.
      • Normally I use my iPod without really looking at it: while driving (car or bicycle) or without getting it out of my coat pocket (to avoid getting too much attention of thugs).

        There's an iPod Jacket [] specially designed with controls on the sleeve, so you don't have to pull it out of your jacket to access the controls. And if you use it while driving, well then you can get an Alpine system [] or a BMW [] that works with it! Ofcourse, with the money you'd be spending, you could simply hire a live band to follow y

    • Re:New Design: (Score:4, Informative)

      by lpontiac ( 173839 ) on Sunday July 18, 2004 @08:52AM (#9730526)
      My friend didn't know about the Menu Backlight - he used the automatic backlight - until I told him with his 30g.

      I read about it in the manual. The manual wasn't massive - just a little 16-small-page leaflet.

  • Awww crap (Score:4, Funny)

    by NetCAM ( 40537 ) on Sunday July 18, 2004 @08:21AM (#9730396)
    Makes me wish I didnt just buy a 40gig iPod in Ginza. Damn damn damn
  • features (Score:2, Informative)

    the site is down, but the article has all the new features if it ever comes back up... it looks nice, cheaper longer battery etc. no 60 gig promised by toshiba though
  • close up (Score:5, Informative)

    by catwh0re ( 540371 ) on Sunday July 18, 2004 @08:23AM (#9730405)
    i'm sure this is going to flood someone badly, but here is a close up medium/upload_200466.jpg []
    • I like that backlighting effect! I was thinking they would drop it when they went to the clickwheel.

      Either that, or it's a very clever fake.
    • Re:close up (Score:4, Informative)

      by catwh0re ( 540371 ) on Sunday July 18, 2004 @08:26AM (#9730417)
      It looks like block referred URLs, copy/paste into a new browser window to get the image.
    • Re:close up (Score:3, Informative)

      by Patik ( 584959 ) *
      They're checking referers, so make sure you browse to the homepage [], then paste in the image URL, and it will work.
      • Or... (Score:4, Interesting)

        by Kjella ( 173770 ) on Sunday July 18, 2004 @09:00AM (#9730559) Homepage
        ...use Privoxy with referrer-spoofing. Any link I click to, has a referrer of "", no matter where I came from. Works with every site I know of. I consider it the same way as pop-ups. It was a privilidge, you abused it, I revoked it. No referrers for anyone.

  • no anodized metal? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by BobWeiner ( 83404 ) on Sunday July 18, 2004 @08:24AM (#9730409) Homepage Journal
    The only signifcant drawback to the current material used in the regular iPod is its tendency to pick up scratches/fingerprints on its back.

    I was also hoping that the new iPod would have an easy-access compartment for replacing batteries.

    Still, looks interesting. May have to break down and get the 20GB model...
    • by jomas1 ( 696853 ) on Sunday July 18, 2004 @08:39AM (#9730466) Homepage
      Although I have not really heard any complaints about scratches on the ipod mini, anodized metal scratches too. People who don't understand anodizing often complain that the paint on their Sony Clies is coming off even though the Clies are made with anodized magnesium. Anodized metal is better than paint because you can buff the scrathches out to some extent but people who like to whine will still do so.
  • I am very pleased. (Score:5, Interesting)

    by samrolken ( 246301 ) <samrolken&gmail,com> on Sunday July 18, 2004 @08:27AM (#9730422)
    I always thought that the radial design of the 1G and 2G iPods was superior to the "row of buttons" of the 3G iPod. I thought that the iPod mini was even better with the combining of the wheel and the buttons.

    Another notable difference here is the darker buttons. I've yet to decide if that's a good or bad thing, as far as design goes. What do you people think?
  • Price drop? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Flyboy Connor ( 741764 ) on Sunday July 18, 2004 @08:27AM (#9730423)
    Hopefully the sale of a new iPod will make the price of the older versions drop considerably. I really want one, but I think they currently are ridiculously overpriced. Especially here in the Old World. Is a 15Gb iPod for 100 euros too much to ask?
    • Re:Price drop? (Score:4, Interesting)

      by super awesome ( 700604 ) on Sunday July 18, 2004 @08:33AM (#9730442)
      The new ones are supposed to be priced lower than the current models, so you might be able to pick one of the new models up. And if not, the introduction of the new iPods will dramatically drive down the price of the 3G ones.
    • Re:Price drop? (Score:5, Interesting)

      by cryptochrome ( 303529 ) on Sunday July 18, 2004 @09:26AM (#9730699) Journal
      Unfortunately, due to the way hard drives are constructed, the major part of the cost is the base cost of the hard drive mechanics. Using multiple platters (the actually disks) for large capacity costs relatively little in comparison; using denser platters raises cost virtually not at all. Thus small hard drives still cost a lot, and larger ones cost only marginally more, and the cost of the cheapest models never really drops even as capacity increases. Likewise, the cost of the rest of the iPod electronics is exactly the same for all same generation models.

      I've been waiting for my magic price point, $200, for some time now. I'm probably going to keep waiting.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday July 18, 2004 @08:28AM (#9730428)
    When the last big rev of the iMac got released (flat screen), Time mag. leaked all the details something like 12 hours before Steve officially intro'd it. Obviously, Jobs had a cow over it -- they stole his thunder!

    I wonder if Newsweek just pulled the same stunt by mistake?

    Man, I just would not want to be anywhere near Steve Jobs right now...
  • Leaked Article (Score:4, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday July 18, 2004 @08:37AM (#9730458)
  • Dang! (Score:5, Funny)

    by Some guy named Chris ( 9720 ) * on Sunday July 18, 2004 @08:41AM (#9730476) Journal
    The only problem with Apple is that I lust after them.

    Now, my 40GB iPod is obsolete! I must have the yellow one.
  • Out of the ordinary (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Xemu ( 50595 ) on Sunday July 18, 2004 @08:50AM (#9730516) Homepage
    Apple's marketing department is the best. Not many vendors can get their products announced to the target audience before they officially exist, but Apple keep making front page news on slashdot. Here most of the readership are in their teens and thus are a perfect match the products intended demographics. It's marked up as news and not as the ad it really is. This is a marketers wet dream.

    Best of all, you don't even realize your strings are being pulled. You think you're outsmarting Apple and reading something they don't want you to read.

    • by Pope ( 17780 )
      Apparently you haven't been reading Nvidia's, ATI's or Intel's press releases :)
    • by Midnight Thunder ( 17205 ) on Sunday July 18, 2004 @11:54AM (#9731538) Homepage Journal
      Apple's marketing department is the best. Not many vendors can get their products announced to the target audience before they officially exist, but Apple keep making front page news on slashdot.

      I wonder how much it has to do with marketing in certain cases and instead with the shear enthusiasim of the the customers? For example are there or equivalents for other stuff such as Microsoft, Dell, HP, etc?

      Few companies in the IT world provide a line of products where people are willing to cut off their arm to find out what's coming next. Its like people expect Christmas from Apple.
  • by Belgand ( 14099 ) <> on Sunday July 18, 2004 @09:06AM (#9730603) Homepage
    I'm certainly curious about what this means to the market for iPod accessories. When the 3G came out third-party manufacturers immediately dropped support for 1G and 2G iPods in most cases. Apple as well decided to more or less drop support of the older models up to and including the lack of firmware updates to provide many of the same features as present in the new models (I am told that it would be possible to add such things as on the go playlists and such, but Apple merely chooses not to). As the owner of a 2G I was, of course, upset by the idea that my iPod no longer seemed to exist.

    While this design seems to be much more in line with the non-3G what with the return to the wheel as opposed to the independent buttons I'm curious as to where the compatibility will lie. Will earlier models suddenly be supported once again (probably unlikely, the wheel looks to be sized differently and the cutouts for the various ports are different, it might work as a kludge at best)? Will 3G-style products suddenly drop out of sight just like what happened when the design was last changed significantly?

    There are some valid questions here that I don't think Apple or many others are bothering to consider. Yes there are advantages to making improved designs, but Apple doesn't seem to be paying any attention to the benefits of a consistent design with only functional improvements.
  • by Astrorunner ( 316100 ) on Sunday July 18, 2004 @09:13AM (#9730645) Journal
    I know its off topic, but damn... Steve's got some sweet glasses. I wonder where a guy gets a pair like that. Those are. by far. the coolest glasses I've seen. /four-eyes since six years old
  • by Jack Auf ( 323064 ) on Sunday July 18, 2004 @09:31AM (#9730728) Homepage
    In the scope of all things, is it of any real importance that Apple has yet again changed the buttons on the iPod? I own several Macs and an iPod 3G and I couldn't care less.

    What does that say about our society when a fairly simple re-design of a product garners such attention? Is it really important? Does it make your life better somehow?

    Just get over yourselves.

  • iBeard (Score:5, Funny)

    by jamesl ( 106902 ) on Sunday July 18, 2004 @09:34AM (#9730750)
    Steve needs to get a new iBlade for his iRazor.
  • by Swedentom ( 670978 ) on Sunday July 18, 2004 @11:57AM (#9731548) Homepage
    - Click wheel (like the iPod Mini)
    - A millimeter thinner
    - More efficient Menus
    - Multiple on-the-go playlists
    - Listen to audiobooks slower or 25 percent faster without affecting pitch
    - Longer play - 12 hours of battery life due to more power conservation
    - Lower price: 40GB - $399, 20GB $299 (no 15 gig model now)
    - Still white
  • by SenorCitizen ( 750632 ) on Sunday July 18, 2004 @02:23PM (#9732453)
    ...would be gapless MP3 playback, like on the Rio and coming up (or already there?) on the iRiver iHP series. It's just a pain in the butt listening to live or DJ mix CD's with the annoying pause between tracks.

    I can't understand why this feature isn't already in iPods - it really should be on top of the developers' todo list. Maybe Apple is so convinced that "nobody listens to albums no more"?
  • by Zhe Mappel ( 607548 ) on Sunday July 18, 2004 @05:33PM (#9733727)
    Steve's customary self-satisfied guru act is one thing. We can handle that. But what's up with this new look--jaw set, brow knit, eyes flaring wildly, carefully untended stubble shadowing a creepy sidelong glance?

    It looks like a public service announcement: "Kids, don't get into the car with a stranger who offers you an iPod."

"The hands that help are better far than the lips that pray." -- Robert G. Ingersoll
