HyperCard Gone for Good 187
Second to Last HyperCard Goddess writes "HyperCard has finally been removed from the Apple website. Read some comments about the passing. I read about HyperCard's demise on the RunRevolution list. It's pretty sad; the unexpected part was that it remained for sale at the Apple Store for six years without an update. Although we've all moved on, we'll certainly miss it." I won't.
Any hypercard replacements out there? (Score:2)
Maybe there's a Free project underway?
Re:Any hypercard replacements out there? (Score:4, Informative)
Don't know anything about it - just followed the links.
Re:Any hypercard replacements out there? (Score:5, Informative)
If you're a Java programmer and want to see an opensource HyperCard clone come to fruition, please drop me a line or jump onto the FreeCard-general mailing list and start hacking away.
Three that I know of... (Score:5, Informative)
There may be others...
Re:Three that I know of... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Three that I know of... (Score:3, Informative)
After coexisting for a few months eventually Runtime Revolution brought the rights and code for the Metacard engine and from Scott Raney of Metacard. So Metacard became Runtime Revolution.
RunRev is not 'buggy' it has bugs but it also as a very active development team working on removing them. Not quite as good as when Scott was The Man when support was second to none but far far better th
Re:Three that I know of... (Score:3, Interesting)
2. Supercard is payware
3. Pythoncard is Uuuuugly
Hypercard was unique in a way that it was free, super-stable and totaly intuitive.
But most of all, it never ever pretended to be a GUI builder for any app and the kitchen sink. It was a fun tool. An application to just play around with and by miracle pump out insanely great applications. The screenshots of pythoncard & supercard for instance make it look like it is yet another tool to make adressbooks & mor
Re:Three that I know of... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Three that I know of... (Score:2)
Gorgeous tool, btw. I mean, show me another database application that you can build a breakout clone with just by moving text fields and buttons. :))
Re:Any hypercard replacements out there? (Score:2, Informative)
From their site:
What is Squeak? Squeak is an open, highly-portable Smalltalk-80 implementation whose virtual machine is written entirely in Smalltalk, making it easy to debug, analyze, and change. To achieve practical performance, a translator produces an equivalent C program whose performance is comparable to commercial Smalltalks. Other noteworthy aspects of Squeak include real-time sound and music synthesis written entirely in Smalltalk extensions of BitBlt to handle color of a
Pudge, who asked you, anyway, man? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Pudge, who asked you, anyway, man? (Score:4, Informative)
Its funny, I just presented an article on UI prototyping tools yesterday. I included Hypercard, although even my sources from 1996 said it was dying then. I made note of it of course, but I didn't think it would be dead the next day.
I originally found this on ACM, but most of you probably don't have access so here it is:
User Interface Prototyping: Concepts, Tools, and Experience [ubilab.org]Re:Pudge, who asked you, anyway, man? (Score:3, Interesting)
Software killed by Claris... (Score:3, Interesting)
Thank goodness FileMaker got spun off into its own company before it was nixed, too!
Re:Software killed by Claris... (Score:3, Informative)
My 2-year-old loves to use the Paint part of AppleWorks. He does so with one of those "hard-to-use" one-button mice.
Re:Software killed by Claris... (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Software killed by Claris... (Score:2)
Re:Pudge, who asked you, anyway, man? (Score:5, Insightful)
Everyone had the tools available to them, everyone could share their work. (It was also fertile ground for viruses, but lets ignore that for the moment. I don't want to speak ill of the dead.) Everyone could peak into the source of a stack and see what was going on.
When Apple started shipping "Hypercard Reader" with the systems for the "users" to have and requiring people to choose to be "developers" and buy the development environment from Claris, Hypercard lost its purpose.
Everything since then has just been a slow decline.
Re:Pudge, who asked you, anyway, man? (Score:4, Informative)
The fun thing about the reader was that it was actualy the full application, it just had a crippled home stack. If you got the regular stack and the ad-ons you could make it the full version.
Re:Pudge, who asked you, anyway, man? (Score:2, Informative)
There was more than one. See HyperCard Virus Compendium [hyperactivesw.com]
Early versions of the reader were the same code but with a stack that had a white image covering buttons to switch to the Authoring and Scripting levels. For those, you could enable the extra levels by typing "magic" at the message window. I don't think that worked for the Hypercard 2.2 reader. It really couldn't switch to the upper levels.
Re:Pudge, who asked you, anyway, man? (Score:3, Insightful)
I may be way off here (I bought my first Mac last year, and I've never used HyperCard), but do you not think the AppleScript studio included with OS X does the same thing?
Re:Pudge, who asked you, anyway, man? (Score:3, Insightful)
Not as easy
Not cutting edge in the same way
More business oriented
Re:Pudge, who asked you, anyway, man? (Score:2)
Emailer!! (Score:2)
Re:Emailer!! (Score:2)
I had one person tell me that the Outlook Express client for the Mac was written by the Emailer development team, but was never able to confirm...
Re:Emailer!! (Score:2)
We got a 250-seat license for Emailer with Appleshare IP 5.0. Then my evil moron of a boss (bad combination) bought a 50-seat license for QuickMail Pro literally on a fucking golf course. Naturally I had to deploy THAT piece of crap instead of Emailer, or the boss would have wasted money. Moron.
I hate three pieces of software: QuickMail, PowerPoint and Quark Xpress. Where I am now, my first task
Re:if you think Quickmail Pro is a piece of crap.. (Score:2)
I haven't done Notes since '99. I was at the Gap then and figured out that all the six patches and the attendant reboots (seven counting the install to get to 4.76)
Re:Emailer!! (Score:3, Interesting)
I don't know about the MacOS X version...it might have some Claris Organizer code, it might not. I'll soon find out...my blue-and-white G3 will be Pantherized soon.
A lot of Claris developers (developers! developers! developers!) wound up at Microsoft Mac Business Unit. No fooling. I wouldn't be surprised if there were Emailer developers involved in Outlook Express for Mac.
I had completely forgotten about HyperCard. (Score:3, Interesting)
So many uses... (Score:2)
Re:I had completely forgotten about HyperCard. (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:I had completely forgotten about HyperCard. (Score:3, Informative)
I don't know if that's still the case -- probably not.
What was hypercard? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:What was hypercard? (Score:2, Funny)
After the Mac II, they quit with this, and there was a bit of a backlash. Some joker (no pun intended) then came out with "Hypercards", Mac-style cards soaked (supposedly) in caffeine (to reflect the improved performance over the older Macs.) These took off like wild fire. Eventually the idea was boug
Re:What was hypercard? (Score:5, Informative)
Re:What was hypercard? (Score:4, Interesting)
It was actually a nice introduction to object-oriented programming. Everything was addressed as an object, and events were passed as messages sent to objects.
HyperTalk, the HyperCard programming language, was the predecessor to AppleScript. Lessons learned from HyperTalk were factored into the design of AppleScript, in particular the langauge extensibility features. As a result, AppleScript suffered somewhat from second-system effect.
A lot of people also used HyperCard as a database. Many tasks that people use FileMaker Pro for today could be done with HyperCard.
Re:What was hypercard? (Score:3, Informative)
I wrote a stack for the newspaper I once worked for, that took the daily nationwide temperature reports and massaged them into something suitable for printing. I was rather proud of that at the time.
The object orientation even included inheritance, of a sort. There was a handler (HC's term for method) ca
MUCH more than a presentation tool! (Score:3, Informative)
HyperCard had REALLY powerful features that made it ideal for building ledgers, contacts databases, tools to run Scout Troops, take computerized tests in schools, etc.
My dad still runs his business on HyperCard, he designed the stacks he uses back in the late eighties, and the format is so amazingly extensible.
You culd write front-ends for very complex things easily and without knowing much more than natural language. Today the tools that le
Re:What was hypercard? (Score:5, Informative)
Re:What was hypercard? (Score:5, Informative)
Data was oriented into "stacks" of "cards". Each card was of a certain design (I forget the HyperCard terminology), which basically consisted of a number of layers on which objects were placed. Widgets, layers, cards and stacks had scripts associated with them and could interact by message passing (or somethign like that - it's been ten years now). Layers could be turned off and on providing a rough and ready way to reorganize the interface based on user interaction. Data was kept in "fields" which are UI widgets and represent, roughly speaking something like a table schema. However things were pretty loosy-goosy -- a card in abstract a card is kind of like a hash which has data slots created by the card design's field UI elements. The reason I bring this up is that you could add new fields and widgets to an individual card if need be.
You could put these elements together in various ways. For example you could treat a stack sort of as a database tightly bound to UI (like Filemaker - very good for non-experts although obviously not scalable). In this kind of design each card design was kind of like a table and each card was kind of like a row, and each field is kind of like a column.
Or, you could use the elements in various ways; maybe creating a single card stack whose job was to control a laserdisc, or be a calculator, or some such thing.
My wife used a one card HyperCard stack at work to manage her to do list. Each item was kept on a line of a text control. Being the kind of person she is, she had several hundred lines of things on her to do list, each prepended with a numerical priority. When it came time to sort (on these 16MHz 68000 machines) it took over a minute to sort. I remember replacing the bubble sort with a shell sort to get the sort time down to something like 15 seconds.
Re:What was hypercard? (Score:2)
ehm.. ever heard of quicksort [ufl.edu] ?
Re:What was hypercard? (Score:2)
Note that quicksort has a pretty significant worst case: when the data is already sorted. Pretty common case unfortunately.
Really there's no such thing as a sort algorithm for every purpose.
Re:What was hypercard? (Score:2)
I used shell sort in this case because I'd just read about it and never used it before, and it was very easy to code. I like it because it is efficient although it grows O(n^2) is is competitive for small sets (on the order of a few hundred).
Personally, I can never understnad why CS students are t
Open Source (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Open Source (Score:3, Interesting)
Rumors are that there is a very advanced search technology inside of HyperCard :-D. Remember, you could to full-text searches in your stacks at an amazing speed for the technology at this time?
Then there were plans to integrate a color-HyperCard into QuickTime (i think it was QuickTime 3.0), which would be the flash-killer today. I once implemented a windowing-interface complete with mouse-triple-click handlers and drag and drop, all in HyperTalk.
Awesome. Sad. Good Bye HyperCard.
The remainings can be
Re:Open Source (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Open Source (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Open Source (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Open Source (Score:2)
Um... why not? Seems like a great use for both Open Source and "dead technology" to me.
I seem to remember hearing something about Unix being dead at some point in the past
Re:Open Source (Score:2)
One problem: Jobs wants HC dead which is really sad. When HC came out it blew me away. It was fun and mildly productive. People did some pretty cool stuff with it. People that never programmed before and many that haven't programmed since.
Because of all the low level XFCN stuff I don't know how well it would translate to cross platform life but allowing the open use of the langauge would be a good start.
Re:Open Source (Score:3, Interesting)
Not that cloning this is not feasible, it's "safer" for Apple to keep it shush.
Re:Open Source (Score:2)
Re:Open Source (Score:2)
And again, why would apple spend it's resources doing anything that doesn't help itself? IOW, if Apple doesn't need new features for GCC why would they spend time writing them?
Do you randomly download source for programs you'll never use, write new features that you don't want for it and then publish them?
Six Years? (Score:5, Funny)
Being in the market for a new PowerBook (and waiting anxiously for new revisions), this is a truly terrifying statistic.
Re:Six Years? (Score:2, Informative)
Sad news ... Hypercard, dead at 16 (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Sad news ... Hypercard, dead at 16 (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Sad news ... Hypercard, dead at 16 (Score:2)
admit it, you HAVEN'T moved on! (Score:2, Insightful)
you followed diligently for 6 years! and didn't give up hope that it may be updated!
i'd say you are gonna have a tough time moving on... good luck. :D
I'll miss it (Score:5, Interesting)
Of course, I stopped writing stacks entirely by about 1991 or so, and haven't written more than a shell script since. But I still have fond memories of it as a tool and environment. It's a pity that HyperCard died when it did (really about 10 years ago), but it was always the "neither fish nor foul" of Apple products.
That and Pippin.
Dead? (Score:4, Interesting)
On a side note, my good friend recently joked about a 'skinny' port of Hypercard for the iPod. GID input might be a pain, though scrolling through buttons/fields might work?
Address Book dialing (Score:2)
Re:Address Book dialing (Score:2)
Re:Dead? (Score:2)
Dialing with Modem in Address Book (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Dead? (Score:2)
Re:Dead? (Score:2)
Slashdot Editor Cynicism... (Score:5, Insightful)
*sigh*. It's easier to be negative that positive isn't it? And so I'll be likewise: maybe we don't care if you do or not Pudge. I certainly remember it fondly. And as someone who uses "classic macs" for fun, find it a very convenient tool to still use. So let the rest of us have our say.
Re:Slashdot Editor Cynicism... (Score:2, Interesting)
Pudge won't miss HyperCard, CmdrTaco thinks the iPod is lame. At least Jon Katz got fired.
Re:Slashdot Editor Cynicism... (Score:2)
Myst (Score:4, Interesting)
Not that Myst is anything special, I hated that damn game. But still, its interesting to note.
Re:Myst (Score:2)
Re:Myst (Score:2)
It's been known for a while that Cyan used Hypercard.
Re:Myst (Score:2)
I don't think Apple's HyperCard ever ran on Windows, but I know there were plenty of HyperCard clones that did. They probably ported it to one of those for the Windows version.
Re:Myst (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Myst (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Myst (Score:2)
Children of HyperCard (Score:5, Insightful)
Seriously. I learnt to know HyperCard like 15 years ago and developed some nice applications, and I haven't used it again until recently, and then I was like saying: Wow, shit, it was all there already!
It wasn't perfect though because only a few people had macs, and I think it was too intuitive and required too much creativity from average Joe (OK, mod me down for my arrogance, come on, come on, give it to me, yeah)
Wars are God's way of teaching Americans geography.
Re:Children of HyperCard (Score:3, Interesting)
It was for me. Even though I was learning Pascal and C in school, HyperCard was free, THINK Pascal/C were expensive. HC was simple to use, the Inside Mac API was horrendous. I knew people that traded free/shareware HC stacks: it was easy to learn from other people's code. People that *got it*, LOVED IT. It was great.
It's not until years later when
Hypertalk rocked too (Score:2)
Yup, and so was Hypertalk. PHP and Perl brag about type-less variables, but few people realize that Hypercard was released almost around exactly the same time Perl was. While Perl took years to take off, Hypercard(and hence Hypertalk) were a near instant success; it used to be that a HUGE percentage of software on Infoman was hypertalk based, and people did some astounding things with it(there was an entire BBS coded in Hypertalk, for example.)
Among other things,
Most underrated mac app ever? (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Most underrated mac app ever? (Score:2, Informative)
Fond memories of Hypercard (Score:5, Interesting)
The closest I ever really saw to Hypercard on the PC was IBM Linkway. I played with it briefly, and it just couldn't compete with Hypercard.
Re:Fond memories of Hypercard (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Fond memories of Hypercard (Score:2)
I wonder (Score:5, Interesting)
I wonder if we may see the next generation of hypercard from Apple in the near future? Something like that would be an awsome addition to OS X, and it seems to me like it could be Apple's iLife version of Keynote.
Wow, this is something I might really like... (Score:2)
So I have some questions on this Hypercard...I assume it's Mac (and OS9) only? Is it really outdated or something? Will somebody come out with something similair (is there already?) or would it be worth using today?
a mystery of Apple's priorities... (Score:5, Insightful)
I had my first development job in 1993 producing university teaching materials using Hypercard & Quicktime. Back in those days developing using a Mac only product wasn't a problem, as the majority of our labs were Mac anyway. As Apple as a platform slumped in the mid-90's people's expectations changed- they wanted things to run on PC too.
All that needed to happen was to produce a Windows runtime, and Apple could have maintained a stranglehold on straightforward multimedia creation. No-one's saying it was a great tool, but as a simple mechanism to convey rich content to users, it couldn't be beaten.
Why Apple never dedicated the resources required to do this I will never know- perhaps it was so tied to Quickdraw that a port would have amounted to a complete rewrite... there were rumours too that playback was going to be built into QuickTime, but perhaps that was just wishful thinking.
Anyway, it never happened, and it was pretty obviously after a few years of point upgrades that it was never going to.... the lame way that colour was bolted onto the original 1 bit code (using a plugin or XCMD) didn't bode well for where the product stood in Apple's priorities.
I tried SuperCard, which at least natively supported colour and multiple windows, but the end result could still only be run on a Mac. The product changed owners so many times, it never boded well, and a Windows player or, better still a plug-in (Roadster, anyone?) were always just around the corner.....
So I, and many others I imagine, moved to MacroMind Director v4. It was clunky as hell back then, interactivity strapped onto an animation package. But it has got better
Hypercard and Bill Atkinson (Score:5, Interesting)
Still miss Hypercard as a development environment (Score:5, Interesting)
It very much had the feeling of being able to tinker with the engine while the car is running. I suspect that working with Lisp Machines and Smalltalk environments was similar, but unfortunately I missed those boats. (except for being able to play around with Squeak now.)
My first professional software development job was writing a series Hypercard stacks. I remember one time realizing that I had hit an architectural dead end, and needed to refactor a bunch of methods (although I didn't learn the term refactor until much later.) I was lamenting having to make those changes all across all the code base until it suddenly hit me, I could write a hypercard script to make the changes. I put something home stack that said "for each backgroud
A shame. (Score:2)
It would have been really killer to be able to drop Smalltalk in there instead of AppleScript and Hypertalk for the scripting language, or to be able to use a number of networking goodies, or OpenGL crap, or whatever. Would have really showed off the power of Cocoa to have done an updated version. As the original article said, though, it's been time to mov
What HyperCard 3 was supposed to be (Score:4, Interesting)
Anyhow HyperCard 3.0 never saw the light of the day and only some basic interactivity and the wired sprite feature was brought to QT 3.0. There is a single 3rd party app that can exploit all of the interactive features of Quicktime and its called LiveStage. Still, its very far from HC 3.0 could have been.
Another thing I have rarely seen mentioned about HC, is that it was used internally for many years by Apple so the interface designers could prototype their GUI without having to know about memory pointers and A-traps. Specialised Pascal and C++ programmers would then reproduce the layout and behavior using Mac OS APIs. Many widgets, dialogs and control panels in Mac OS 6-8.x were designed and prototyped in Hypercard. I guess than Interface Builder and AppleScript Studio (please rename this Apple) fulfill the same goal today internally for Mac OS X interfaces.
As for Myst, not only Hypercard was used to build the first Myst, it was the inspiration for the game itself. One thing so easy to do with HC right from the start were point and click adventures. I'm sure that I'm not the only one to have started to build (and never finished) a point-and-click black and white adventure game in HC before Myst was out. I guess the Authors from the start had the idea of doing an "hypercard point and click adventure using rendered graphics and qt movies". Hypercard limitations made the game what it is (for better or worse, but mostly the better). Also precursor to Myst and inspired by HyperCard is Cosmic-Osmo, one of the very first cd-rom game (also from Cyan). It ran on HC with a Macromind VideoWorks extension for animation. For those who don't know Cosmic-Osmo, it's a fun wacky adventure game with no goal where weird things happens when you click on things. You can go thru mouse holes and water drains and warp from place to place with secret passages. Oh well tha post is getting wacky too, let's end it here. HyperCard is Dead, long live HyperCard!
Buzzy Beetle
Bet the company on HyperCard (Score:3, Interesting)
We had a HyperCard product that filled a niche. It was perfect. It sold like hotcakes at the state fair on a sunny morning.
We kept getting inquiries: when is the Windows version coming?
We'd been told by Apple that a Windows version was in the works, and that the way they were going to do this was to build on top of QuickTime, which was already cross-platform. It was about a year overdue and we were getting anxious, so I cornered one of the main HyperCard guys at WWDC and asked him (1) why he was presenting on technologies other than HyperCard and (2) what was up with the QuickTime-based port. As you've probably guessed, the two were related.
The company lasted another six months, then we closed the doors because HyperCard just wasn't keeping up with what people expected. It just languished away.
If Apple had come through with a cross-platform HyperCard which made QuickTime programming accessible to non-programmers, it might have been killer. Might have been.
1) Myst; 2) The vanishing technote (Score:3, Interesting)
I was in the room in 1987 at MacWorld Expo when BIll Atkinson announced that documentation for the format of Hypercard files was to be publicly released by Apple. He may have even mentioned the number of the technote. (It was in the low two digits back then). Everyone in the room applauded.
And I remember my disappointment a few months later when the technote with that number was, in fact issued--and consisted of a single sentence, to the effect that "The Hypercard file format is not available."
I have missed Hypercard for sometime now! (Score:4, Interesting)
In its day Hypercard was an easy to learn and fairly powerful programming language that anyone could use to pump out very Mac like applications.
The problem was that Hypercard did not keep pace with the Macs it was running on. Color was slow in coming as well as support for features that were added to the OS. Back in the day it was the defacto standard for Mac multimedia CD's.
If Apple had kept development of hypercard on the same pace as the MacOS, hypercard would have been a killer program under OS X. Who knows how far it might have gone. Hypercard with access to all the goodies that OS X has to offer like a shell to UNIX, etc. might have been very powerful. Maybe even integration to the Xcode tools might have produced compact, fast, standalone applications without the need for a player app.
Many people have tried to fill Apples shoes with programs like supercard and revolution but none had the knack of producing good programs like Apple.
I am sad to see it go. It could have been so much more than it was. Too bad Apple did not notice the diamond in the rough that it had.
I've still got it on floppy... (Score:2)
Re:Me neither... (Score:2, Insightful)
1) HyperCard filled an entirely separate niche, so no.
Re:Apple killed HyperCard (Score:2, Insightful)
I think the fundamental principles behind Hypercard have been translated into Objective-C, Cocoa and many of the MacOSX technologies relating to these - Applescript, Delagates, outlets, forward chains, the runtime message lookup, object introspection, cocoa bindings, and most of the current Mac OS X frameworks are based on or around the principles and OO patterns of Hypercard.
These architectural principles have been available in other languages for a while, bu
Re:Apple killed HyperCard (Score:5, Informative)
I've used HyperCard since 1987 when it was introduced, and bundled with all Macs. That was the same time that Mr. Jobs was ousted out of Apple.
Actually, Apple's new leadership in 1997 killed HyperCard.
When Mr Jobs returned to Apple, it was no surprise that he hated HyperCard. He hated all things Apple and launched the "think different" campaign that killed off all things "Classic". His job was to deliver on what Apple paid for, bringiing the NextStep OS to Mac OSX.
I can't say why Mr. Jobs hated HyperCard. It always helped sell Macs to educators in the same colleges and universities Mr. Jobs was trying to woo over to NexT. The Macs were selling because of HyperCard to these educators, it was easier for a scientist to mess with HyperCard on a project than with NextStep.
Still is easier to use HyperCard.
There are no similarities between Cocoa or AppleScript with HyperCard. On the surface, many languages advert they are object oriented. Under the hood, HyperCard simplified a lot of things for beginning users. Unintimidating, the language looked like plain-English, and the software used a message-passing heirarchy between objects that I have not seen in any other object oriented environment, save "xTalks".
Before the G3 appeared, all software was getting slow. HyperCard on modern Macs runs like a fine tuned watch, it is very fast. And if I had to pull something out of the tool chest to write code that would translate spreadsheet data into uploadable ASCII for any mySQL server database, I'd use HyperCard. and get the job done in a fraction of the time. The HyperTalk language excelled at munging text, much easier to write a utility (in minutes) with HyperTalk than BASIC or C any day.
What else have I used HyperCard for? Just about everything Apple might wexpect me to do with Apple Script Studio or Cocoa with much greater effort. HyperCard made creating interactive CDs child's play. I managed employee benefit plans with it; excellent for creating input data forms, posting and reporting. Also creating many stacks that produced clean HTML code, and more recently have written scripts that translate a stack's data to XML and other formats.
HyperCard died becasue there has been a real shift in what the computer companies are willing to develop and bring to users. Their decisions are now based on demand-driven technologies. The companies know that people generally are not interested in computing, they want products that perform tasks at the click of a button and require little or no thought.
Today, there is no need to "open up the box" for users to learn and understand what a computer is all about; few want to anyway. Back in 1987, that was an important part of marketing a computer, and HyperCard fit in very well. This environment no longer exists today.
So what was once a computer renaissance in the '90s has digressed to a rather dark age for computing, as we are no longer seeing tools that let us expand how we understand the technology, tools like HyperCard. I do see a lot of tools that let us do things that the programming factories "think" is best for us, best for what we want to to with these wonderful works of technology. Many of the iApps looked like remakes of things I had already created with HyperCard.
Think of what we've seen for progress in software since 1997. The only software that has appeared works basically the same as it did five or more years ago, only retrofitted to run on the new OS. Still the same MS Office or Works, Quicken, web browser, games mix. I thought speech recognition would have arrived by now. The only software innovation I've seen has not come from computer companies, but from the open-source community as so much has become web-centric.
The reas
Re:Apple killed HyperCard (Score:2, Insightful)