Apple To Introduce Video iPod? 276
xombo writes "iPoding and Mac Rumors as well as eWeek newsletter and Reuters seem to think that Apple will be introducing either a video-capable iPod -or- even better a Tablet Mac which may run into direct competition with Microsoft's similar product.
"The one thing you can say for sure is that they do have a lot of product out there right now and they're going to be hesitant to draw too much attention away from their existing products" by introducing new ones now, said Roger Kay, an analyst at market research firm International Data Corp.
Instead, Apple may unveil the long-anticipated video-enabled iPod, which will likely work initially only on Macintosh computers, Enderle said.
Apple's existing inkwell and Newton technologies seem to make them in the perfect position to take on Microsoft in what could be the biggest battle for the most worthless market sector (Tablet PCs), however as a Newton owner I think that the some-what-larger-than-Palm device size that the Newton line sported is much more user friendly and usable.
Read the Reuters article at reuters.." It'd be nice, but I'm skeptical on it actually being that.
In other news... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:In other news... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:In other news... (Score:3, Funny)
I tried to let ya guys know, but you know them slashdot editors hehehe
Two words: Apple. Rumors. (Score:5, Interesting)
(Gotta love Macworld Expo...)
Re:Two words: Apple. Rumors. (Score:3, Insightful)
MacWorld Expo starts tomorrow. Rather than speculate (odd are, incorrectly), just wait the 24 hours until Steve Jobs speaks.
Oh. And the award for stupidest speculation goes to ... An article in news.com makes a seemingly definitive statement about the specs of the new product. Then in the next paragraph says, "Then again, it could be something entirely different ..."
Have faith (Score:3, Funny)
Cmon, Apple's due for a limited-edition device. "The 25th Anniversary Newton" has a nice ring to it, no?
Re:Have faith (Score:4, Interesting)
Are you listening Apple? I'd actually BUY one at $1000 or less.
Re:Have faith (Score:2, Funny)
"Egg freckles"
Re:Have faith (Score:2)
presumably you aren't aware that Newton handwriting recognition (ie Inkwell) is already built in to Mac OSX.
eat up Martha
Re:Have faith (Score:5, Insightful)
Bluetooth - sync Address Book, iCal, etc. or use your Bluetooth enabled cellphone to connect to the internet.
802.11 - Communicate with devices that have removable media and access the internet.
iSync - easily update your tablet/PDA to your mac.
Inkwell - why the hell else would they put handwriting recognition on desktops? So grpahic designers don't have to switch away from the tablet when they take down project details? Right.
Quartz Extreme - this makes desktops faster but also frees up processing power on portables, making them zippier.
Sherlock 3 - a simple interface for all sorts of web-based information is a great addition to the desktop, but think how convenient it is to have stocks, movies, flight info, phone numbers, eBay, a dictionary and translation services in a single application that requires very little typing
QuickTime 6 - support for MPEG-4; perfect for moderate-to-low bandwidth video applications.
Universal Access - All sorts of access functions for disabled individuals translate well to tablets... Modifier key lock is a great example.
All right, I'll stop. I'm not saying that we will see a tablet or PDA tomorrow, but the Magic 8-ball says: Outlook Promising.
Re:Have faith (Score:5, Interesting)
This is the product that I WANT from Apple, because this is what PDAs and notebooks can't do for me today. My girlfriend's Clie SJ-30 is pretty cool, but it doesn't "read" my writing like my old MP2100 does - but my poor old Newton can barely talk to the 'net (or my PowerMac G4 or Win2K machines). And notebooks - even small ones like the iBook - aren't small enough and the batteries don't last long enough.
Bring on the iPad!
Re:Have faith (Score:5, Funny)
Are you listening Apple? I'd actually BUY one at $1000 or less.
Get an iBook.
Archos is a nice alternative (Score:5, Informative)
I've got a standard Jukebox 20, and the wife has the FM radio version, both are really reliable little units and there's even open-source firmware available for it called Rockbox [rockbox.haxx.se].
Well worth a look, and IMHO superior to the iPod - certainly the ones I've played with anyway.
I agree with this post (Score:2, Insightful)
The USB2 is as fast as firewire; and it works without drivers on XP - comes up just like another hard drive. The big problem with the multimedia one they put out, there is an extra adaptor you have to get to use firewire or usb2. That was a major error in my eyes, since usb2 was built into the previous versions. Also, despite the repeated lies by steve jobs whores, the sound is better on the archos and most versions will record other sources to mp3. Of course the best sound comes from the Nomads, but those things are fatter than cowboi kneel.
Re:I agree with this post (Score:5, Insightful)
The iPod has a year warranty.
Under certain ideal conditions.
Wow, like the iPod always has.
Re:I agree with this post (Score:2, Informative)
I'll beat you by at least 40%, if you don't know why visit google.
Re:Archos is a nice alternative (Score:4, Informative)
I have both the ipod (20GB) and the Archos Jukebox. It came with a 6GB disk and I upgraded to 30GB. (This is not the video device).
The s/w on the Archos is totally crap, but the hw is not bad. However the constant hard disk speed up/slow down is very very annoying. I upgraded to the gpl-ware Rockbox which is a vast improvement on the Archos s/w.
But - the flipping thing takes an age to boot up and doesnt remember where you were when you turn on. The ipod is flawless in this respect (it has no real OFF button - but just goes to sleep where you are).
The slow boot up and disk seeking for songs makes it great as a piece of hifi but not a portable device (its too big and bulky).
The ipod is superior than the Archos in a lot of areas.
But having said that - the Archos is much cheaper than an ipod. They are both good devices but the Archos is NOT better than an ipod.
Re:Archos is a nice alternative (Score:2, Insightful)
That would be wrong sir! Its only USB 1.1 (got time to wait?) with and option to add FIREWIRE or USB2 support. Didn't see the price.
From the specification:
Interface: USB 1.1 (PC & Mac). Optional interface : USB 2.0 (PC) or FireWire (PC & Mac)
Re:Archos is a nice alternative (Score:2)
Table PCs et all will not be a factor for years.. (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Table PCs et all will not be a factor for years (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Table PCs et all will not be a factor for years (Score:2, Insightful)
I, for one, don't have good enough handwriting for anything to recognize. Even graffiti didn't get it right more than about 80% of the time.
Ironically, the only people left with decent handwriting seem to be older folks who didn't use computers until much later in life; their handwriting clarity was important for communication. Us "kids" (i'm 34) who use a computer all day generally can't hand write for shite.
Re:Table PCs et all will not be a factor for years (Score:2)
See the section this story is in? You just defined Apple - it wouldn't matter, they'd still be able to sell them to the Apple faithful.
Re:Table PCs et all will not be a factor for years (Score:2)
That never stopped Apple before. *cough*Cube*cough* (not to mention the $10k TAM.)
Re:iTablet Confirmed: here's some details (Score:2)
It's internal configuration is based on a G4 and the bus config is simmilar to the powerbook.
Note that the G4 powerbook has 5 hrs battery life; the 14" G3 iBook is rated at 6 hrs. G4 is a bad way to go for tablet where battery life is key.
In fact there is only a single (enhanced) fire connector in the lower right corner, which connects to the power adapter.
No reason for them to go to the expense of combining power & firewire in this way. (Yes, I know FW ca carry power, but you don't want to run a whole computer off of it.) If anything, they'll keep the same interchangable power plug (works on current and old notebooks) they've used for years.
An optional seperate blue-tooth keyboard is available.
Again, I can't imagine them going with the expense of something like this (bluetooth on a keyboard) if they're trying to stay at all competitive.
At the desk, the tablet can be set in a lucite cradle with matching fire-wire plug, making it look a lot like a 14" apple studio display. On the go, just pluck it from the lucite base and go.
(Sounds nice. If they do make a tablet, this would be cool.)
There are no buttons at all on the device. The computer is turned on or brought out of sleep by placing your hand palm down on the screen.
Even Apple knows this is a bad way to go. Few, small, hidden buttons? Yes. No buttons, lay your palm on the screen? No.
This also serves as a biometric password based on finger lengths and palm shape (if enabled).
Doubtful for many reasons, not the least of which is that touchscreens assume there's only one point on the screen you want activated. Mush your hand on a touchscreen (I have one, 17" Mitsubishi CRT) or a Palm and see what happens.
The case is nominally white, but fiber optic LEDs allow the case to take on hues from red to blue.
Sounds good. And expensive. Pass. (And what exactly is a fiber-optic LED? The hallmark of a good troll--neat-sounding things that just don't quite make sense.)
I've heard the price point will be in the low $2000 range.
This is the killer. Everything listed above is doable, but putting it all on one device would be $4000. Even if Apple comes out with a stripped-down tablet, it'll be hard to match the lower-cost ones, like Compaq's $1699 offering. And Apple is hardly known for making low-cost stuff. I'll stake my good Slashdot name (har) on this one. They might do all this, but not at that price. It'll either have less features or be *way* over $2000. And if this guy is right, I'll buy one, because this would be an awesome unit at that price.
Re:iTablet Confirmed: here's some details (Score:4, Funny)
One suggestion: wash your hands every once in a while.
Hypocritical? (Score:4, Interesting)
"...-or- even better a Tablet Mac which may run into direct competition with Microsoft's similar product..."
Why is Apple releasing a tablet so great if the idea of a tablet is so dull? Is this just MS bashing in disguise - "it is competing with Microsoft so it must be good". Constantly comparing yourself to the competition is a great way to give them credibility.
Re:Hypocritical? (Score:2)
From the article itself:
biggest battle for the most worthless market sector (Tablet PCs)
Re:Hypocritical? (Score:4, Insightful)
"Apple's existing inkwell and Newton technologies seem to make them in the perfect position to take on Microsoft in what could be the biggest battle for the most worthless market sector (Tablet PCs)..."
I couldn't have put it better myself (so I copy and paste
Re:Hypocritical? (Score:2, Interesting)
You have found no hypocrasy. (Score:2)
This is hardly a ringing denunciation of MS while at the same time praising Apple. None of the posts as of the time I'm writing this are heaping praise on Apple either.
Re:Hypocritical? (Score:5, Interesting)
There were tons of LCD all-in-ones- even that IBM machine, with the arm holding the screen- but the flat-panel iMac integrated the components in a way that surpassed them all in terms of utility and aesthetics (if you don't agree, you probably haven't seen/fiddled with one).
There's plenty of hard-drive MP3 players around- so why has "iPod" become almost synonymous with "portable music player?" It's because the ingenious scroll wheel and interface of Apple's machine- after about sixty seconds of messing with it, you're whipping through those menus like a pro and giggling with delight. I'm embarrassed to say it's a bit intoxicating (and I don't even own one; I play with them in stores). Every other MP3 player I've used is a confusing muddle of mode buttons and flashing LCD messages.
Conversely, one can see Microsoft's usual lack of consideration in Pocket PC's (and presumably their Tablets- I haven't seen one). It's basically "big Windows," with all the annoying interface doo-dads crammed onto a teeny screen. Does having four one-inch square windows with scroll bars on a handheld screen really serve the user?
In contrast, the Newton's interface was a dream- and that was the Neanderthal of handhelds! The expectation of an Apple tablet is that it will deliver the holy grail of tablet computing- easy usability with a pen only. Apple's reliance on its iSync technology to get all the information from its keyboard-enabled computers into your peripheral devices could be a major part of that plan.
As usual, the expectations of what Apple will deliver may not meet up with the reality. However, they have had enough successes in the past to continue to generate excitement.
Re:Hypocritical? (Score:2)
The M$/TablePC issue has nothing to do with whether or not the TabletPC is a good idea - done well, it probably *is* a good idea.
It has everything to do with whether or not M$ get there first and prevent others from competing in this new market sector using underhanded techniques, that's all.
As, has been demonstrated, they are prone to doing...
Re:Hypocritical? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Hypocritical? (Score:2)
Huge difference between the proposed products.
Whats wrong mith M$s tablet? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Probably because Apple will get it right (Score:2)
In short, this is an ancient product, based mostly by imitating everything in sight. Not the sort of thing Apple likes to do. Especially since it has more industrial applications than consumer ones.
Of course, if Apple did do it, they would get it right. There we agree.
Windows: "Go talk to my friend, an 800 pound monopoly-abusing gorilla!"
Mac: "And here's my good buddy, the 66,000 ton Godzilla!"
Godzilla: Stomp!
Re:Hypocritical? (Score:2, Interesting)
> Most PC users can say "my computer is MUCH faster
> then yours" and think thats an argument, but no, a
> (true) Mac-user can hug his 5 years old Performa
> and say "yes but i love this machine" and truly
> mean it.
That's because Apple understands their customers as human beings, and gives them what they need to become emotionally involved with their computer. To a Mac user, the Mac is like a lovingly handcrafted tool, almost a partner in computing. To the user of the average cheap mass produced PC running Windows, the number (the speed) is the only thing important. If the PC user has any emotional involvement at all, it is to swear and fume at Windows.
Mind you, with custom and home built PCs and alternate operating systems, this is starting to change. Now you can build a PC up from components (perhaps even scratch building the case), and make a custom copy of the operating system. In the person who has handcrafted his/her PC and compiled their Linux kernel, I would expect to see some emotional involvement.
> There are rumors about Steve Jobs adding some
> of his blood to the Silicon and casting dark
> spells over the CPU:s to enchant users using a
> Mac long enough
He does no such thing! If there is anything mystical about a Mac at all, it is the blessing of Mothra, for peace and happiness.
"No one's going to die, mister. Mothra's going to come and save us."
Taiki Goto, "Mothra", December 14, 1996
(Released in Japan six days before Apple's surprise announcement of the return of Steve Jobs.)
oh please (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:oh please (Score:5, Funny)
iVideoPod would be a good place to put those recorded videos your girlfriend sent you on your v-phone while you were away in Iraq bombing nazi's^H^H^H^H^H^Hiraqi's^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hsheep
And anyway, you're forgetting something very vital and extremely important here: pr0n.
I'd use my iVideoPod in the bathroom, mostly. Saves having to hunt around for a fresh Hustler, anyway
Re:oh please (Score:5, Funny)
Good lord man! What you need is an iPod with airport in the bathroom. OSX is so friggin brilliant it knows whether you want teen sluts or hot anal.
Re:oh please (Score:2, Funny)
Uhm; I don't think that's what the 'Sticky Keys' control panel option is for. HTH.
Re:oh please (Score:2)
In most European countries a lot of people commute to work by bus, train or tram.
allapple.com make the best predictions (Score:5, Informative)
I already have one... (Score:5, Funny)
When I charge it, it displays a nice little video of the battery charge going to low to high, and back again. If that's not high-quality video, then I don't know what is...
Just not right (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Just not right (Score:2)
(There is a TiVo knockoff for Macs, by the way. Uses hard drive space rather than a dedicated drive, which makes no sense to me, but whatever...)
Re:Just not right (Score:2)
Just an example.
Portable video -- are VR glasses an answer? (Score:2)
But just as the iPod with a built-in speaker would be useless, it's very useful with headphones. Why not a video iPod with a set of VR glasses? The only pair I've seen was kind of awful, but maybe that's the killer hardware to make the application useful.
It'd be worthwhile for long commutes, plane trips, lying in bed and not disturbing your mate, and so on. The right video glasses would even transform portable computing -- imagine a Palm or similar sized device that could be used without a display. Enabling transparency could even allow you to see *and* see video at the same time.
Re:Just not right (Score:2)
Re:Just not right (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Just not right (Score:2)
Re:Just not right (Score:4, Insightful)
Remember that almost all DVD's are dual-layer now. So a 90+ minute movie and extra stuff takes up less than 9 gigs on DVD, not less than 5.
I mean, you can fit a movie into 700 megs using DivX at a full resolution, so more like 50-80 movies on a 20 gig ipod if they used a codec like that!
Yes, and you'd be watching them on a screen slightly larger than a postage stamp. Dumb, dumb idea.
Re:Just not right (Score:2)
If it did play DVDs, i.e., a walkman with a display, it wouldn't be any better than one of those flip-top dvd players, which aren't as good as iBooks though similarly priced.
The solutionn is already there, and anything smaller would be walking backwards.
Future improvements (Score:2, Insightful)
Sounds like a guess in the right direction (Score:4, Insightful)
what's wrong with a little cannabalism? (Score:3, Insightful)
The one thing you can say for sure is that they do have a lot of product out there right now and they're going to be hesitant to draw too much attention away from their existing products"
certainly you don't want to diminish sales of your own products, but if the sales would otherwise go to someone else (e.g., somebody with a color something-or-other, or a tablet something-or-other...
then maybe you do want to saturate the market with your own products?
No Way (Score:5, Insightful)
You can't wank for 13 hours. (Score:5, Funny)
iVideoPod would be a wankers dream.
Sheesh, its as if you guys have never even dreamt of pocket porn...
Re:No Way (Score:5, Informative)
The digicam market is growing very quickly as are digicam file sizes. Even large CF cards are not sufficiently large to hold enough images for a 2 week vacation -- for an avid photographer, no where near sufficient. Apple could kill two birds with one stone (kickass MP3 player, kickass digicam storage, etc) by releasing something llke this.
Ironically, I've emailed them at least twice asking them to consider updating the iPod design to be able to store CF files directly from the card. If this rumor is true, photogs everywhere will be cheering.
Re:No Way (Score:2)
Even large CF cards are not large. The footprint is what, 2x2"?
If you need more storage than a single 256MB CompactFlash card can give you, buy a second CF card. They're removable for a reason.
Re:No Way (Score:2)
It seems a lot fo MP3 players with radios have the radio stuff contained in the remote (like the creative MP3 player does). If Apple saw radio as a need i would think it would have been added to the current remote, or wait for the next big changeup in features/design.
i wonder if we will ever see an iPod-like thing that can record? i guess it would be a mess to make a pretty interface and would require an iApp to download and edit your recordings....
Accessory... (Score:4, Interesting)
The only way to experience video anyway near pleasantly would be through a head-mounted projection display. This will, however, seriously reduce your movement and reaction capablities, but still...
Still, I think I'll pass and stick to good 'ole audio instead...
What? (Score:4, Funny)
Re:What? (Score:2)
What I'd like to see (but probably won't) (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:What I'd like to see (but probably won't) (Score:4, Interesting)
Apple execs should read Slashdot. (Score:5, Funny)
Newton form factor? (Score:2, Interesting)
iTunes-iPod ... so ... *iPhoto*-??? (Score:5, Interesting)
Don't think "QuickTime in your hand" think "iPhoto in your hand".
Re:iTunes-iPod ... so ... *iPhoto*-??? (Score:5, Insightful)
If Apple releases a new product-- I don't imagine they will, myself-- it will not be a device that people look at and say, "Oh, neat." It will be a device that people will look at and say, "I want one now. Take my money, Apple. Gimme gimme gimme."
Re:iTunes-iPod ... so ... *iPhoto*-??? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:iTunes-iPod ... so ... *iPhoto*-??? (Score:3, Insightful)
Now, if you wanted to talk about a 12" or larger 10:16 tablet with a built-in AirPort antenna and a couple of GB of compact flash or similar solid-state memory, we'd be in business. Built on Rendezvous, when you get in range of the tablet's "base station," it becomes a thin client, letting you run any application on the desktop computer using the desktop's CPU's for processing and its own for displaying the UI. When you leave range of the AirPort LAN, the tablet's AirPort card automatically shuts down and becomes a very simple low-powered device with a built-in browser, email program, calendar, address book, notepad application, PDF viewer, and little else, the perfect cross between PDA and laptop. That'd be a hit.
But an iPhoto appliance? Nah. Waste of effort.
Re:iTunes-iPod ... so ... *iPhoto*-??? (Score:2)
How many digital cameras have FireWire ports on them? At best, you'd have to bridge USB to FireWire, which would require a powered adapter, which would, in a word, suck.
Re:iTunes-iPod ... so ... *iPhoto*-??? (Score:3, Insightful)
Really? $143 million in sales in six months seems to indicate otherwise. (Apple's 10-K is always a fascinating read.)
meh. (Score:2)
enough already (Score:3, Funny)
I'm a mac geek and I'm combing the mac rumors sites like any hard core mac geek, but
Sheesh! How long till CNN starts posting breaking stories about Apple rumors?
Re:enough already (Score:4, Insightful)
Seeing as how sites like eweek.com and news.com already run Apple rumors articles on their front pages, I'd say not very long at all.
Messing with the iPod... (Score:3, Interesting)
Apple is great in "thinking different", opening new markets. The "TabletPC" or "portable video" concepts are old things that no one still proved profitable.
Re:Messing with the iPod... (Score:3, Interesting)
Um. The guy who wrote that Register article doesn't have a very good understanding of how Bluetooth works. Before two devices can interoperate, they have to be paired. It's a security sort of thing. Besides, if you were sitting on a train listening to your iPod with Bluetooth-- somehow getting around the sharing problem-- about 25 people would be in range to access your device. Bluetooth is incredibly short-range.
This is not a good idea.
Video iPod? My wish list (Score:5, Interesting)
But for video - something to watch sitting at the couch ("What's that dear? You want me to sit on the couch and watch Pride and Prejudice with you again? Well, that's fine - I'll put Utena on the handheld."). Here's what I'd like to see:
1. A decent DVD ripper. Theoretically, if Apple made it so it only ripped the video to the handheld, they might - just might - avoid the legal entanglements. I know - I'm smoking crack just thinking about it, but this is a wish list. I'd like to stick a DVD into a tray in my Powermac, have it ripped to a 1 to 2 G MP4 file (including subtitles/optional languages taken care of - yes, I'm an anime geek fan, who asked you), then placed on the portable.
2. 802.11/Bluetooth support - yes, that would make copying a 1 G file a long time - but if we're assuming this also does MP3's as well, then I'm just putting the unit in the same room and synching up. Or "streaming" video/music from somewhere else. (Could be used as part of Apple's Digital Hub theory.)
Without turning this into a full fledged PDA, I can't think of what else I'd really like to see. (Well, unless you really want to make me a Gameboy Advance with a 1 G hard drive to cache ROM images of all my games so I don't have to swap cartidges - wait, there's that crack pipe again, my bad.)
Re:Video iPod? My wish list (Score:3, Insightful)
I swear, the only reason the storage market hasn't died is because of the pack rat mentality. Do you really need all your ebooks in your pocket, or just the ones you're reading right now? I can just imagine a future where every device we own contains all the data we have in every other device because you never know when you might need it...
iPod PVR? now that i'd buy (Score:4, Funny)
the obvious solution:
Apple will be coming out with a special edition videoPod that will wirelessly connect to your incoming TV signal and allow you to record your favorite TV shows directly to your iPod. You could preview the captured shows directly on the new high-res color screen (running OS X lite), but the genius is that you can use the optional* connection kit to connect your videoPod to any TV or computer** to play your movies with full HD quality and surround sound.
get those rumors flying!
* = Apple always seems to charge about $20 more for "optional" cables like this
** = in the rev2 version, Apple will offer an optional adapter that turns the videoPod into a digital projector, so you can tack a bedsheet on the wall and watch your movies anywhere, as big as you like.
both will flop (Score:2, Interesting)
As far as the video i-pod is concerned, the market for such a thing would be so small. While MP3 is on just about everyone's computer, a large percentage of users are not downloading movies or editing video, mostly due to cost and bandwidth restrictions. The learning curve doesn't help either. The other reason why a vid-pod would fail is the experience would such, nobody wants to watch video on such a small screen, especially mac users who probably already have a ibook or tibook. The people who don't have laptops may be interested, but they will correctly reason that they shouldn't by such a toy, when they can save x amount of dollars more and get a full fledged laptop.
Re:both will flop (Score:2)
Are you kidding? I'd love a full-color replacement to my Newton, with much more surface area on which to draw! and full color to boot! One of the things that always limited my use of my Newton was the small surface area was not very fun for just sketching stuff out... i'm used to 8.5x11 drawing canvas, damnit!
Re:both will flop (Score:3, Interesting)
1) being able to write (not type) is wonderful.. esp. for adding diagrams and such to notes, something I miss sorely, and perhaps the *only* reason I still keep pen and paper around.
2) Being able to draw on-screen in the wet-dream of every designer / artist out there. And guess what, us "art-fags" like Macs. =) Wacom offers the Cintiq , a tablet that pipes your display to itself, but if for a couple hundred buck more, I can get a whole machine that runs OS X, hells yeah!!
vipod? (Score:3, Funny)
Oooh! Oooh! (Score:2, Funny)
Slightly Off Topic - Tablets Aren't Worthless (Score:5, Interesting)
I hate to post an opposing opinion, but I have had my Compaq TC1000 TabletPC for nearly a month now, and it has truly revolutionized the way I use computers. As a laptop, it is powerful enough to run SQL Server 2000, IIS and Visual Studio.Net, allowing me to have a full development environment with me wherever I go.
As a tablet, I have learned to keep handwritten notes and sketches of my architectural meetings, which are later searchable without having to convert them to text first. It records voice dictation for small notes, and does nearly flawless speech recognition for larger documents. Every way I want to use this computer is covered, with and without keyboard or pen.
It is small enough to throw into any carrying bag you need it to fit in, and the resolution of 1024x768 is extremely crisp and clear, especially using the Clear Type feature of XP.
I think people who spend so much time bashing Tablets haven't bothered to see how they have revolutionized computing. Maybe not for you, but certainly for me.
For those considering a foray into the Tablet market, I highly recommend the Compaq product [compaq.com].
I've got VMWare workstation loaded on it, and its 30 GB drive has plenty of room for virtual machines of all my favorite operating systems...
Don't bash it until you try it. Blanket comments like "most worthless market sector" aren't doing anyone any favors, especially the people out there that could benefit from this technology. And if it isn't for you, that's fine too.
FoxTrot said it best (Score:4, Funny)
Re:FoxTrot said it best (Score:2)
Heh, kind of reminds me of this post made about a year ago:
(Note: Check out the parent post for the context, unfortunately it wasn't quoted.)
Forget about the PDA. Just drop it.... (Score:2, Insightful)
What I'd like to see is a Firewire-based PVR with an 8" screen. Not only will it record TV, but you'll be able to watch it on the 8" screen (portably) and on the Mac and TV. It's like having a TiVo to go.
There's more that Apple can do - how about adding SPDIF and S-Video outputs to all Macs so that we can use them as our main DVD players? How about that remote control, a la MacTV?
There's so much that can be done to make a Mac truly the center of a digital lifestyle, and a PDA just isn't one of them. Apple should focus on entertainment, something they're good at, both with A/V and Photo products.
I think Apple should.... (Score:2, Offtopic)
Re:I think Apple should.... (Score:2)
It's effectively the Apple-cubed pie, and we all know what happened to the last Apple Cube product.
Newtons Rebirth? (Score:2)
The future of tablets may be underestimated as well.. 10 years from now I'd bet they are just as much a common appliance as the PDA is today.. A staple in the business world.. creeping into the home..
Its a shame Jobs is an idiot, and got out of the market a tad too early, when they *created* the market in the first place.. Just before it really took off..
Patience is a virtue
The nest thing about MWSF... (Score:2)
Re:Linux doesn't run on this (Score:2, Insightful)
I try to consider Apple a friend, not a foe...
Re:Linux doesn't run on this (Score:3, Funny)
Imagine a beowulf*BLAM*BLAM*BLAM*BLAM*BLAM*
Re:What I would like to see... (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Newton... (Score:3, Informative)
Take a look at NewtSync at
The bizarre thing is it doesn't come up in search engines when looking for ``Newton Synch Mac OS X''