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Weekend Apple Software Updates 47

dhardman writes "iPod Software 1.2.1 adds significant enhancements, including audio playback and user interface improvements, music browsing by additional categories, support for iTunes 3 Sound Check, Calendar, and more. Update can be found online." Also released recently were AirPort 2.1.1 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.2.2 (security update), both via Software Update.
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Weekend Apple Software Updates

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  • IE "Security" Update (Score:3, Interesting)

    by frawaradaR ( 591488 ) on Saturday October 05, 2002 @04:47PM (#4394386) Homepage
    Just seven weeks late... and those security updates are the only updates coming (all of which fuck around with MY preferences). IE 5 for the Mac is getting very old and is way surpassed by Mozilla now. I don't use it anymore. R.I.P.
    • me neither, although i still find mozilla a bit bloated, especially on older iron like iMacs. Even on my powerbook G4, I prefer using Chimera (which is essentially mozilla without the GUI overhead).

      Chimera IMHO proves that mozilla shot past it's goal : it could have been so much better (and out sooner!) if they had not chosen to included everything and my mother in the interface. After all : how many people use mozilla for something else but surfing ? They should have stuck to just that. Like chimera. The chimera/mail combo is unbeatable in OSX.

      BTW : did I mention that chim loads and renders 25-50% faster than IE ?
  • iPod update (Score:4, Funny)

    by ActiveSX ( 301342 ) on Saturday October 05, 2002 @04:48PM (#4394387) Homepage
    iPod Software 1.2.1 adds significant enhancements, including audio playback...

    Finally, the iPod plays audio. You think they would have had that fixed by now.
    • by Anonymous Coward
      Your language firmware needs an upgrade. It is to be parsed as
      iPod Software 1.2.1 adds significant enhancements, including (audio playback and user interface) improvements.
    • Re:iPod update (Score:3, Informative)

      by Alex Thorpe ( 575736 )
      That list of improvements includes the ones from 1.2; the only thing changed in 1.2.1 is that the icon showing battery charge is more accurate. This was much needed.

  • by MalleusEBHC ( 597600 ) on Saturday October 05, 2002 @05:02PM (#4394432)
    Now if only I could set up Software Update to install the nightly build of Chimera I would be set. That and never give me an IE update again.
    • You can always use Chimera Knight [macupdate.com]...
    • Re:Needed feature (Score:2, Informative)

      by singularity ( 2031 )
      You mean something like ChimeraKnight [mac.com]?

      Note: I have not used it, but the reviews on Versiontracker are good.
    • Steps to Disable Internet Explorer Update:

      1. In Finder, Click on the Applications Icon
      2. Scroll Down to Internet Explorer
      3. Double click on the text for Internet Explorer. Rename it to Internet Monopoly
      4. Enjoy being spared the Software Update.

      I myself went and tgz'd mine up. This way I can test it when I feel, but not have it show up in System Preferences as a browser choice.

      As far as Chimera updates, people may recommend ChimeraKnight, but some builds are really unstable. I myself look through the Chimera Forums in the Nightly Build area, and look for good reports. That said, I'm still using 2002092604 :)
  • .ogg? (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Does the ipod support .ogg yet? I'm not buying one until it does. That would could as a "signifigant enhancement"
    • Even if it costs you $$?

      Cause even if ogg is free, ogg support is not; the engineers to implement, test, and QA the ogg support on the iPod as well as the engineers, doc writers, and testers to update iTunes with ogg support.
    • I'll take MPEG4's ACC compression instead. Right now, I have 6.1 MB of space left on my 5 GB iPod, enough for one song, perhaps. I'll have to remove some more that I rarely listen to before adding anything else. At least iTunes 3 already supports ACC, though it doesn't handle conversions, just playback.

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • ok, so I can update my MICROSOFT Internet Explorer using APPLE'S Software Update in OS X, but I can't update my APPLE iPod using Software Update. Instead I have to download it from their website?

    They used to post iPod updates on Software Update. Whats up?
  • by Laplace ( 143876 ) on Saturday October 05, 2002 @06:24PM (#4394725)
    I was shocked when after giving my iPod a supposedly full charge, the battery indicator immediately dropped by one bar. For a while I thought that my battery was hosed, and the apple knowledge base didn't offer any news to the contraty. Looking at the update, I can see that this was a common problem. The update does appear to fix it.
  • my darned ipod has areally annoying bug

    when i'm walking around with it and i play on of thoes "smart" playlists (My Top Rated, 25 most listened to, etc.) it won't even get through the first song before the audio stops, the display hangs, and the ipod hard locks

    i have to manually reset it every time this happens...but other playlists and listening to just straight albums doesnt do this....pisses me off
    • I'm having this problem, too, but it isn't related to playlists... It just crashes. I thought perhaps I just had a bum iPod, or perhaps a bad HD.
      • Nope,

        happened to me as well.

        It just froze.

        How do you reset the thing at that point? I just let it sit there until the battery ran out (It was according to the "gauge" on empty already anyways) and then recharged it, but that can be an awful long time of if it happens on a freshly loaded one.
  • Not new? (Score:5, Informative)

    by bluestar ( 17362 ) on Saturday October 05, 2002 @06:37PM (#4394784) Homepage
    I think the reason most of us aren't getting this through Software Update is that this is not a new update. It looks like the AppleCare Document describing the update was changed, but iPod Software 1.2.1 Updater itself was released two months ago.

    As further evidence, all of the visible changes are already on my iPod:

    - Browse by album, genre, composer
    - Calendar
    - Clock
    - Batter charge indicator fix
    - FireWire feedback screen
    • Yeah, that's what I thought, but the previous update that had all of those features was 1.2 not 1.2.1. Also the size is different: the 1.2 update was 6.7Meg, but this update is 5.2Meg.

      Anyway, I'm downloading it now, to see what happens. The battery indicator on my iPod hasn't worked properly for a long time, and the 1.2 update didn't fix it. Hopefully, this update might help.
    • yes, i just updated and nothing changed that I notice really

      still I was using 1.2, and now i'm at 1.2.1

      an update is an update, i wonder why they didn't make a big deal about 1.2.1 for the iPod, Apple usually makes a big fuss about their x.x.n updates
    • Re:Not new? (Score:4, Informative)

      by tbmaddux ( 145207 ) on Saturday October 05, 2002 @08:34PM (#4395124) Homepage Journal
      It is a new update, but the original submitter got it wrong. iPod 1.2.1's only new feature over 1.2 is that "iPod Software 1.2.1 fixes a problem with the battery icon. It now correctly indicates a full charge."

      iPod software download [apple.com]

    • I was confused, too, at first, but if you look very closely on the technote, the heading to the change list says "changes since 1.1", which would include those made in 1.2. No, we're not hallucinating.
  • When iTunes 3 came out, I was thrilled that I wouldn't have to manually adjust the volume for every single song I own. Finally, audio volume compression just like "RockSteady" for Winamp!

    Alas, it was not to be. Sound Check is not true compression; it works by determining the maximum volume of the track, then adjusting the volume of the whole track by one value. So you are SOL if the song is partly quiet and partly loud.

    When will iTunes/iPod have real compression?

    • Alas, it was not to be. Sound Check is not true compression; it works by determining the maximum volume of the track, then adjusting the volume of the whole track by one value. So you are SOL if the song is partly quiet and partly loud.

      Isn't that what you want? An evenly scaled song? I don't see why you would want a non-linear scaling of the song's waveform. That would distort the song by making the quiet parts have the same volume as the loud parts.

      • Isn't that what you want?

        Would I be complaining if I liked it? :)

        I don't mind a little distortion; I'd rather have the same volume. I have a Mac at work, where the ambient sound level is pretty high due to the poorly designed HVAC system and multitude of computers. I have to keep the volume on the computer low enough to avoid disturbing coworkers, but loud enough to hear over the noise. With no compression, I can't hear the quiet parts of songs without turning up the volume. During the "normal" parts it is then too loud.

  • Pretty sure this is new to this release...

    Before, when the battery ran low, the clock got all out of whack. Syncing the iPod with iTunes didn't set the clock, you had to do that manually on the iPod.

    Now, syncing with iTunes sets the clock correctly.... Woo-hoo!

All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
