Mac OS X 10.2 "Jaguar" Reviews Pour In 905
hype7 writes "The reviews on Apple's new Mac OS X 10.2 "Jaguar" are starting to come through. The New York Times (free reg required) heaps on the praise: 'Mac OS X 10.2 is the best-looking, least-intrusive and most thoughtfully designed operating system walking the earth today.' MacCentral is positive: 'From what I've seen Jaguar is leaps and bounds ahead of Mac OS X 10.1 in both speed and functionality.' MacWorld has also chimed in: 'for most users, there are a lot of important improvements in this upgrade: performance boosts, improved printing, and interface enhancements will be immediate benefits. And over time, Mac OS X 10.2's new technologies (including Quartz Extreme and Rendezvous) will make the update even more valuable.'"
Unfortunately, they got one thing wrong. (Score:2, Insightful)
At least the reviews make a point of that.
Re:Unfortunately, they got one thing wrong. (Score:2)
I've heard somewhere that Apple is relaxing the licensing restriction in certain cases, where you may install one copy on up to 5 Macs. I can't remember where I saw it at, or the restrictions...but I guess that makes it somewhat more bearable...even if we all did that anyway
Re:Unfortunately, they got one thing wrong. (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Unfortunately, they got one thing wrong. (Score:3, Informative)
Link (Score:2)
Re:Unfortunately, they got one thing wrong. (Score:5, Informative)
You're thinking of Apple's Mac OS X Family Pack, which lets you install it on up to 5 Macs in one household for $199. I think it's great for people who want to be legal and have more than one Mac at home.
I can't figure out how to post a direct URL (the Apple Store doesn't like deep linking) but here's how to get there:
Re:Unfortunately, they got one thing wrong. (Score:2)
They call it the Family Plan, its $199.99 for up to 5 machines, this is from the email they sent .mac subscribers about it:
You can get more of course when you visit the product page [apple.com] on their site. I personally am a little peeved since I bought my mac just 6 months ago, and already I need to invest more money into it.
Re:Unfortunately, they got one thing wrong. (Score:2)
Re:Unfortunately, they got one thing wrong. (Score:4, Informative)
Somewhat agree (Score:2)
Another thing worth pointing out is that you can get 10.2 for only $69.95 if you're a K-12 faculty/staff member or Higher Ed faculty/staff/student member. The discount isn't directly offered to K-12 students. Through a school you can usually get a discount. Apple Specialists would probably also give you a discount for your daughter's computer. Since I work at a Unv and K-12 I bought mine for $69.95.
Re:Somewhat agree (Score:4, Insightful)
This makes absolutely NO sense whatsover!!
Who would purchase 10.2 that doesn't own MacOS?? Nobody. My brother runs Windows on Intel hardware. He's not going to buy 10.2. Face it people, Apple set the *upgrade* price to be $129, because 10.2 only runs on Apple hardware which comes with an Apple OS.
If you have problems because it is too expensive, then that's a valid concern, but quit saying that they should offer discounts for people who *upgrade*.
Re:Somewhat agree (Score:5, Insightful)
I disagree, but that's the statement.
Re:Somewhat agree (Score:5, Insightful)
This makes absolutely NO sense whatsover!!
Actually, it does make sense. If the cost of an upgrade doesn't vary whether you keep up-to-date or not, then there is no financial incentive to keep up-to-date. In other words, if 10.3 is going to cost me the same price whether I own 10.2 or not, why don't I just save myself some money and wait a year or so for 10.3? Whereas, if I get a discount for 10.3 by buying 10.2, then I have a reason to keep current.
No, it's the OS X users that want a free upgrade (Score:3, Insightful)
There are quite a few OS X users who are upset that they are going to have to -pay- for an upgrade which will fix many major OS X bugs and or once again support certain features of Apple hardware (ie software WiFi support for OEM Mac antennas) that where disabled with 10.0 or 10.1
OS X 10.0 was by no means a complete OS. And, even though OS X 10.1 was much better, the same could be said for 10.1 as well. I can understand why these people are kind'a ticked off. They want what should've been given to them for free.
Us recent purchasers of Macs are upset too... (Score:3, Interesting)
Had Apple said earlier that 10.2 was going to be a major release change (that was considered a major release change as opposed to 10.0 to 10.1), or announced it as OS 11 (which doesn't go well with their OSX abbreviation as then it would need to change to OSXI), then I might have held off for another month to get my laptop. I was uninformed and paid the price. That doesn't make me happy.
I was told by Apple support when asking about this that I should have known that something like this would be announced at MacWorld (as I guess the Mac faithful are used to hearing), and that had I known past history of MacWorld announcements, I would have waited. Well, if this practice gets well known, then watch system sales drop even more next year before MacWorld as people wait for announcements then too. I don't think Jobs wants to have to stand up and say that they're last month sales are dropping heavily then will he?
Re:Us recent purchasers of Macs are upset too... (Score:3, Informative)
Just installed it... (Score:4, Interesting)
Granted I haven't had a chance to take a look at everything new, but so far--it seems awesome.
Can't wait to get home tonight to install it on the iMac!!
command line apps slower (Score:2)
alot of people say that the abi has changed because of the change to GCC 3.x but they should not work because of the ABI change not slower whats up ?
John Jones
Re:command line apps slower (Score:4, Informative)
Believe it or not, it's a graphics thing. Try turning off antialiasing in Terminal.app. The option is found under the application menu, in Window Settings, on the Display pane.
You must not be using Quartz Extreme. With QE, there's no difference between AA and non-AA in Terminal.app.
Macworld owns Maccentral (Score:4, Informative)
Not to say that's wrong, just saying that you might have well only mentioned one of the other and picked a different 3rd example.
Re:Macworld owns Maccentral (Score:3, Interesting)
Except that I read both reviews, and the MacCentral one is different from the one from MacWorld. The MacCentral review even points out problems with iChat and Word.
Looking good (Score:2, Informative)
It feels a lot snappier. I've installed it on a blue&white G3/300, and even without the boost from Quartz Extreme (which requires AGP and Radeon/GeForce or better) the GUI has picked up speed. The Finder is MUCH faster at handling windows with a lot of files and no longer feels like it's asleep at the wheel.
Maybe OS X will be usable below the Dual GHz G4 level after all. The next thing to try will be iPhoto, which was ridiculously slow on my 500 MHz iBook.
Mac OS X Family License Pack (Score:2, Interesting)
Just thought it would be interesting to note that Apple is selling "site" licences for home users as what it calls the Mac OS X Family Pack [apple.com].
Just thought it was neat. Bummed that there was no upgrade price, many users were only going to purchase one box of Mac OS X 10.2 and load it on all thier home machines. Now you can legally upgrade all your home machines, for a much more resonable amount, and Apple gets $199 instead of $129
Multi-language support (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Multi-language support (Score:2, Interesting)
Busted link (Score:5, Informative)
Gotta watch those quotation marks!
Mac's are walking now?? (Score:5, Funny)
RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!! The Macs have become self-aware and created legs to run around and reak havok!
Re:Mac's are walking now?? (Score:2)
NeXT again? (Score:2, Insightful)
The old NeXT operating system was very nice and had many of the same features that OSX does (not suprising since OSX, if memory servces, is based partially on NeXT). But NeXT didn't get out of the hardware market quickly enough and support hardware choice with enough earnest and IMO ended up falling as a result.
Being a die-hard Linux/Unix advocate I am starting to warm up to OSX from what I've been reading but I will absolutely not give it a second look until there are more vendors that are building hardware for it than just Apple. I use Unix/Linux partially for OS/hardware freedom of choice, I am not about to go to a platform that gives me little lattitude in either dimension!
Re:NeXT again? (Score:4, Interesting)
Didn't get out of the hardware business fast enough? That's an interesting postulation, but I know a few people who still use NeXT workstations for certain tasks, and none who use OpenStep on x86. There has been exactly one successful OS vendor on the x86 platform, but many Unix companies have carved out a good market for themselves selling purpose-built high quality hardware, which apple is doing right now. Putting OS X on that shitty beige Dell with the WinModem, funky sound card, and god-knows-what other cheap knockoff hardware won't give the average user any kind of benefit, if the thing even works at all. This is the problem Linux is running into and having much difficulty with.
Windows users can compare and understand better (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Windows users can compare and understand better (Score:5, Informative)
If you actually used OS X, you'd notice that your dogma borrows heavily from Microsoft and couldn't be further from the truth.
It would be enlightening to others following this thread if you could cite some specific examples of where OS X borrows heavily from Windows. Given that it's essentially BSD on a Mach kernel, it certainly doesn't borrow from the OS level. And since Quartz was based on the NeXT Display Postscript engine and the Finder inherited most of its functionality from previous MacOS UIs, I don't suppose you're referring to elements borrowed from Microsoft's GUI. So what is left? What have they borrowed from Microsoft for OS X?
Re:Windows users can compare and understand better (Score:4, Funny)
Well, it still does crash occasionally, and they charge a lot for the upgrade. You could say they ripped those two features off...
Re:Windows users can compare and understand better (Score:3)
The Apple user interface is designed to look beautiful. Naturally, people who have chosen to be artistic in their career are drawn to the platform that looks best.
Thus, even though there are no operational differences I know of between Mac and PC photoshop, most people still prefer it on a Mac.
Try one and see for yourself
Re:Windows users can compare and understand better (Score:3, Insightful)
It has a lot to do with Microsoft's ability to sell and market their stuff. Network effects take it over from there, love it or hate it.
Re:Windows users can compare and understand better (Score:5, Insightful)
It works.
How was that?
Want me to elaborate? I've been running OS X full time on a G3 iMac since 10.0. The operating system has never crashed. I use the machine fairly heavily, for browsing and email, but also for publishing work with the Adobe products and for Java programming. I spend a lot of time in front of it, pounding away. It has never crashed, in any sense of the word. It has never needed a reboot. The only times I've rebooted it were for OS upgrades and back in May when I moved. That's it. The last time I rebooted was when I installed by developer seed of Jaguar 6C106. Even the prerelease version of the OS has never crashed for me.
That, my pugnacious friend, is the only defense that matters. It does everything I need with, in my case, perfect reliability.
Contrast that with Windows XP (Score:5, Insightful)
Jaguar? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Jaguar? (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Jaguar? (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Jaguar? (Score:4, Funny)
Jag-wahr = Jungle cat.
Jag-yu-ahr = British pronunciation/car
I'll point out that:
Jag-wire = OS X update.
You're not supposed to pronounce it like the cat. There should be no confusion when you *hear* the word. This is not mentioned in any documentation, it's just how Steve pronounces it in keynotes.
Re:Jaguar? (Score:2)
Developers, Developers, Developers... (Score:5, Interesting)
The Cocoa framework is, once you understand it, the easiest, most powerful framework there is. You can make amazing, truely object oriented programs with a full GUI in no time t all. Objective C is a great language and the fact you CAN use all your C/C++ code in your programs and integrate things adds to the functionality.
There is an object called NSTask that allows you, the programmer in code, access and use the function of ANY command line tool in your program. Who else offers something like this?
I really suggest to all developers to take a good look at developing for this computer. It's fun, effeciant and powerful. Not to mention free and of course you have all your favorite command line tools, compilers etc. In fact, every program compiled with the free compiler is GCC.
It's simply, great.
Native Java also =)
Re:Developers, Developers, Developers... (Score:5, Informative)
To all the porting fans (Score:4, Insightful)
I've read many comments here saying how Apple should port the OS if it's so good. But one of the reasons the OS is good is that they don't have to worry that someone will try to run it on an Althalon, or put in there $0.99 NIC and expect it to work. Just ask the Linux community and they'll tell you the bigest headache is getting drivers for all of the hardware that is out there.
So maybe we should think about this in the future. If every hardware vendor had the same quality control as Apple, and was as methodical about testing that everything works together we'd all have an OS that works as well as OS X, no matter what it was.
Trust me if Apple ported there OS to the x86 people would be screaming from day one that it sucks. They'd probably blame Apple for doing it on purpose to get people to buy Macs.
Re:To all the porting fans (Score:5, Insightful)
Let's think about Linux for a minute: very, very little "vendor" driver support, and yet 90% of PC hardware works flawlessly under Linux. Certainly a Linux distribution vendor, like Red Hat, could never afford to produce solid drivers for all of the hardware out there, but they don't have to; the community does it for them.
If Apple could open source their kernel driver API (maybe they have already? I don't know, I don't really follow Mac OS X), and found that enough hackers out there were enthusiastic about Mac OS X and wanted to get their hardware working with it, then it is highly likely that Apple would find itself in the same position as Linux - solid support for 90% of the hardware out there.
Apple could even do some kind of "certifying" of hardware and independent drivers, which would involve testing the hardware and inspecting the drivers to ensure that they work well. The end user could then feel confident that as long as they buy Apple certified hardware, they will achieve the same level of reliability that Apple has historically been known for (as you suggest, once again I am not an expert on Macs).
All of the reasons that keep being presented for Apple's locking of its OS to one proprietary hardware platform really just fall flat. Some people have suggested that Apple makes their money from hardware, not software, and so porting their OS would be shooting themselves in the foot. And yet, Microsoft has become one of the richest companies in the world due in large part to their OS sales; they sell very little hardware. Other people suggest that Apple must retain control of the hardware to be able to ensure reliability. And yet Linux is one of the most reliable operating systems out there and 99% of the hardware that people use under Linux use drivers that were produced freely by the community.
I think that porting Mac OS X to the x86 platform would be a major boon to Apple; it would reduce their reliance on a small set of hardware manufacturers (for the CPU, at least), and it would allow many people who are on the fence because they either don't want to switch to a proprietary hardware platform, or don't want to buy entirely new hardware just to use Mac OS X, to give OS X a try.
I for one would buy Mac OS X for x86 in a heardbeat. The only thing that has kept me from using OS X is the hardware issue. I intend to remedy that when my 4 year old x86 laptop, still going strong, dies on me. But I could be enjoying Mac OS X already if Apple would just see the light on this issue.
I dread when Apple makes the front page (Score:5, Insightful)
I almost prefer the apple.slashdot.org ghetto that we're usually relegated to. At least there it's about 3/4 people who actually understand something about the platform and don't need to bring the discussion back to "why I don't like this platform" no matter what the original story is.
Re:I dread when Apple makes the front page (Score:3, Insightful)
Yeah, me too. I get sick of reading a truckload of +5 Insightful Apple adverts
Forgive me if I doubt your sincerity. But tell me, do you have the same complaint about Linux in these forums? And surely that was you who was vehemently poo-pooing the shameless RMS ass-kissing, right? Doubtful.
In conclusion, it's not that I don't see your point, but every platform/programming language discussed on slashdot is subject to the same semi-blind advocacy as the Macintosh discussions are.
I'm sick of people complaining about the price... (Score:3, Insightful)
I'm Switching(TM) in a few weeks. Can't wait to brag about having BSD as my main kernel (with a Suse/AMD box on the sidelines).
Re:I'm sick of people complaining about the price. (Score:3, Insightful)
Keep in mind people that Linux is cheap because development is uh like free. A distro only need to hire packagers and write a few installer scripts to put things together and then add some support staff's. Lets Face it. $50 is not the price of an average os or would a company even break even on a sale at that price. I think we may all be spoiled because of linux.
What apple is offering is really not that bad for amajor upgrade. THe graphics layer had to be rewritten from scratch, smp code had to be re-updated, several apps were added, and I bet apple had to fund some usability testing so they could improve the ui. Its not a 1.2 release but rather a verison 2 release and I think the versioning has confused some people. MacOSX will always stay version 10. If Apple changed to MacOSXI then the OS name would change and confuse consumers. If it were $129 for a bunch of bugfixes (cough cough win98se), then it would be different.
All the other cheaper upgrades so far were minor revisions. ALso if you own version 10.1 or 10.0, you do not have to upgrade. Think about the internals here. System 6, System 7 and System 8, all looked alike from the outside but were totally different inside which made them different releases. Same is here.
Well... (Score:5, Informative)
Now, having gotten that out of the way. OS 10.2 is nice. Speed improvement is striking. Not in the way that, "it should have been that fast in the first place", it's more in the way of the first time I installed BeOS on a computer to see it in comparision to WinME.
Networking is definitely faster. I haven't benched anything yet, but I can say if you have a fast line, you will see your web browser of choice speed up considerably.
The "disconnect from Network bug" is still there. Connect to a SMB, AppleTalk, or DAV volume and pull your network cord (or turn off the machine exporting the drive) and you will get the spinning wheel of death.
Video Performance is spooky, even on an origional G4 tower. You really have to see it to understand.
iChat is next to useless, but the auto discovery of other clients is nice.
SMB export was a pain in the ass. You have to enable it on a user by user basis, which wasn't obvious, in the Accounts preference pane. Then after it's enabled for a user, you have change their password. Since the GUI client changes both the Samba password and Unix password for the user, at the same time, the users CANNOT just change their password on the command line. This also raises fears that the Samba passwords are stored in cleartext on the harddrive. I suspect, this is not the case, but haven't look yet. There is no convient way to set the SMB workgroup in the GUI
XDarwin needed to be repaired (which is available at the X on X site and seemingly not part of what Fink compiles) to work. This was annoying.
The firewall has Gnutella as an option to allow.
My SCSI CD Burner stopped working. I suspect the old SCSI bug is back for the time being.
Some other shit I foget....
Re:Well... (Score:2, Interesting)
Apple on x86 (Score:3, Insightful)
Many people are commenting that Apple needs to move to x86, however, I think there are a few problems with that. First of all, Apple has never strictly enforced the licensing systems they have in place. Nearly all Mac users I've dealt with are lax about it too, usually installing the copy they get with their new computer on their older equipment, or borrowing a copy from a friend. There has never been much pressure from anywhere not to do this, because, after all, "everyone knows that Apple survives off hardware". As Apple has no copy protection scheme in place, they are worried that they would loose massive amounts of money by just selling an OS to a crowd which has always viewed the OS as a freebie.
Apple could avoid this by creating their own bios, or some other way of restricting the machines that could install Mac OS X for the x86, but historically, this hasn't worked well, just look at IBM. In the Mac world though, they have been able to hold patents and such on far more of the machine, preventing against unlicensed clones (they prosecuted quite a few companies in the '80s over Mac clones). If they don't have complete control over the hardware, its doubtful that they could prevent clones.
Finally, if we assume that Apple decides to release an OS X port that works on all x86 hardware, they would have to compete with all the x86 vendors on price (Dell, etc.), as well as Microsoft on the OS (and all the OEM agreements that entails), and they would have to set up support for a huge amount of hardware that they don't have experience. This seems unlikely to me.
As a combination of all these issues, I just cannot see Apple moving to x86 any time soon. Sure, they might be able to do it, but I don't see it making sense.
Re:Apple on x86 (Score:3, Interesting)
As Apple has no copy protection scheme in place, they are worried that they would loose massive amounts of money by just selling an OS to a crowd which has always viewed the OS as a freebie.
It's been said before, but remember that prior to System 7.1, all System updates were free (unless you wanted printed manuals.)
I still remember those glory days in Jr High when I'd walk into the local Apple Computer dealership with a box of Sony disks and walk out with System 7.0.1...
Re:Apple on x86 (Score:3, Troll)
Uhhh... I think that this applies to all software - not just Apple OSs. This is why the new XP stuff has the online product activation. If Apple followed suit, I don't see how they'd lose any money. The bottom line is that Apple initially planned an OS for x86 [toastytech.com]. Microsoft got scared so they made an "investment" in Apple [com.com] and then OSX for Intel mysteriously disappears.
OSX on Intel would be extremely profitable for Apple. Unfortunately, I think that Microsoft makes it extremely profitable for Apple's management not to release it.
Re: (Score:2)
Re:Does it support appleshare via appletalk? (Score:3, Informative)
AFAIK, Jaguar supports mounting Windows shares out of the box. For Mac OS 9.x, you can get DAVE [thursby.com] from Thursby.
There is also a means to get OS X machines to speak old-school AppleTalk. Dunno if it'll work in your situation, but you enable it by using the NetInfo Manager application. Go to
Atari.... (Score:2, Funny)
non-reg NYT link (Score:2, Informative)
OS 10.2 on older hardware (Score:2, Informative)
So I installed on the older hardware around the house.
Beige G3 with Radeon/466MHz G3/Firewire
iMac DV 400 MHz
Powerbook G3 400MHz
The Beige G3 is really snappy. Bootup is down to about 25 seconds from when the chime starts to when the Dock shows up. Everything about it is fast, fast and stable.
iMac and Powerbook are also very snappy. Finder draws when a large folder on a remote drive open are as fast as they are in 9.2.2.
My Beige G3 would hang about one every two days when I monkeyed with Firewire, no longer.
10.2 on my PowerBook G4 550 is really fast. Only problem is that I can't get Dave to uninstall.
Worth the $200 for 5 or $129 for a single.
A Few rarely talked about but cool things in 10.2 (Score:5, Insightful)
2) Universal Access [apple.com] -- So what if you got all your eyeballs, ears and arms, doesn't mean you can't take advantage of the amazing Universal Access controls in Mac OS X. Apple's Text to Speech technology rules. Now my Mac talks to me when certain events occur, "Mutha Fucka! E-Mail Server Down!", "Some asshole is NMAPn' me!!!". I can also hilight text and have the Mac read it to me with a simple keystroke.
Re:A Few rarely talked about but cool things in 10 (Score:3, Insightful)
Imagine - a OS who's GUI is being handled by the graphics card...
what an idea!
QE makes Mac OS X feel like Mac OS 9 - except that you get vector graphics everywhere.
Resizeing the whole screen, watching DVD's thru a translucent window, and drop down menus no longer drag your computer to a halt. - so long as you have a 16 meg Radeon or nVidia video card.
For users of older machines - you'll still like the performance enhancements, plus the longer battery life.
10.2 is worth every dime.
Quartz Extreme (Score:5, Insightful)
So why doesn't Linux and Windows have this sort of feature? I would love to see Gnome or KDE rendering everything using my GPU, so that my CPU could do something more interesting.
Re:Quartz Extreme (Score:4, Interesting)
What Quartz Extreme does is renders everything in OpenGL through your GPU. So all your windows and dialogs etc are Postscript texture mapped onto 3D OpenGL objects.
Sure right now it looks like 2D since they didn't want to make a paradigm shift...but just imagine what you could do with this if you made the 3D actually look 3D. Oh the possibilities...
missed x86 hardware/OS point (Score:4, Insightful)
Other than predictable bitching, the first thing that would happen is that Windows would be installed on the box by a number of users who like the hardware, but not the software. The second thing that would happen is that people would likely be able to get OS X running (badly) on cheaper hardware, reducing in the process Apple's reputation for solid and dependable software. This would reduce the user base for OS X software at the same time as Apple's hardware profits are sinking. App developers would flee in droves, and the OS sales would trickle to a halt. In about two or three years, at most, Apple would either be back on PPC (having lost a lot of money) or dead.
Still leaves many BIG PROBLEMS unresolved (Score:3, Interesting)
2. One should have the option to turn off all of the fancy features of Aqua -- i.e., shiny effects, transparency, animation. Why? Firstly, many find these features tacky. Secondly, they serve little or no function. Thirdly, to speed things up. Transferring the rendering of the GUI to the GPU is better than letting the CPU do it (note to X-windows WM developers, hint hint), but it requires many users to needlessly upgrade their GPU when they wouldn't have to otherwise. Thus, one should be able to turn off these resource-hogging features.
3. Minimization/maximization. Windows should minimize to their appicon on the dock, and hold clicking on that appicon should bring up a pop-up menu of the instances of it running. Dragging the appicon of a running application off the dock should quit that application, while dragging an instance of it off the apicons menu should close that instance. After the app's closed, dragging the apicon off the dock again should remove it from the dock, if it was a permanent member. Maximization should maximize to the entire screen.
4. Bring back Apple menu, with all the nifty menus. The old apple menu was great -- had applications, control panel, and many other useful menus. The new one should get those features back. Btw, control panel options should be entirely accessible through menuing: why make us open up a whole new window?
5. Keyboard control. Apple has long had issues with keyboard control -- namely, that you can't do everything you want from the keyboard. I suggest a very simple and traditional fix: F1 opens up File, F2 opens up Edit, F3 opens up View, and so on and so forth; in other words, they F# opens up the #th menu item.
6. Scroll bar buttons. Up/down scroll bar buttons should be available at the top and bottom of a scroll bar column.
7. For other things which Apple should integrate into their WM (as should every WM), see this site [rr.com].
Re:I see... (Score:2, Offtopic)
To the Post, I'm a 101-year-old woman, living in the 20001 zip code who reads lots of tech articles and the Boondocks. Who knew that demographic liked the Boondocks?
Re:I see... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:FP (Score:2)
Re:Yes yes yes (Score:2)
old idea... (Score:2)
x86 lots of hardware (hard to support)
x86 vesa is stupid
darwin the Mach based OS that apple uses as the base has a port to x86 but only a limited amount of hardware is supported
if your intrested Code it
John Jones
Cars are very intrusive (Score:5, Funny)
I am comfortable w/the horse-drawn carriage and I am not about to switch to a fuel-powered car just b/c the dashboard is pretty.
Yeah, all the car zealots are going to argue that fuel-powered engines are better,faster,whatever, but the simple fact of the matter is that I wouldn't just have to pay for gas, I would also have to pay for a car.
I will stick to free, cheap, horses+hay.
Re:Cars are very intrusive (Score:3, Insightful)
The main reason people switched from horses to cars is because cars were *cheaper.* To purchase, to own and to fuel. They were also more reliable ( yes, even the Model T) and lasted longer ( the average useful life of a commercial dray was only 4 years).
Not to mention the fact that while both cars and horses polluted the air, each in their own way, at least you didn't have to scrape car pollution off your boots.
Re:MacOS X is very intrusive. (Score:3, Insightful)
Huh? (Score:2)
Re:Yet Steve's still pinning his hopes on hardware (Score:2, Insightful)
OSX onto x86 would be like putting the body of a Jaguar (no pun intended) on the guts of a Yugo. Sure you could do it, but why bother?
Re:Yet Steve's still pinning his hopes on hardware (Score:2)
Re:Yet Steve's still pinning his hopes on hardware (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Yet Steve's still pinning his hopes on hardware (Score:3, Insightful)
The student asked the master, "Why don't we port our operating system to a newer, faster CPU?"
The master simply replied, "Even the fastest operating system with no software that will run on it makes you wait forever." And the student was enlightened.
Re:Yet Steve's still pinning his hopes on hardware (Score:5, Insightful)
If you're worried about losing control of your OS, please take a nice long look at Microsoft, a company that sells very little hardware (and outsources every piece of hardware it does sell, including the X-Box) but is one of the richest and most successful companies in the history of mankind, based solely on OS sales.
Yeah, based on OS sales to hardware makers. If Apple can figure out how to get OSX pre-installed on PC hardware, they'd be rich. They'd be Microsoft in fact, since that's all Microsoft had before they got where they are now.
For now, if Apple makes the OS run on x86 hardware, they don't gain much. In fact they might lose some hardware sales.
Re:Yet Steve's still pinning his hopes on hardware (Score:3, Interesting)
Michael Dell: Drinking, a Bud, hoping like hell that the SEC doesn't decide that I'm next.
Steve Jobs: Anyway, what do you think of MacOS on Dell Hardware?
Michael Dell: It'd be a pain in the ass, Steve. Bill's got my nuts in a pair of vice-grips. I'm trying to break loose, but if I make any moves at all, I start paying Microsoft through the nose. I've made a few deals to ship OS-less PC's with Freedos media in the box, but I'm not sure how that's going to work yet.
Steve Jobs: Well, let me give you an offer like this. Supposing you do manage to start selling PC's without Windows successfully. How about you make us a promise to ship a certain volume of PC's with Mac0SX for x86 along with a copy of Virtual PC or something similiar so your users don't lose out on all thier Windows Apps. It should cost about the same as a Windows XP license, if you don't include the cost of the Windows license they have to buy to get Virtual PC to work.
Michael Dell: I'll do you one better. I understand there are some guys out there who've done a really good job with the Wine project for Linux. Crossover, or something like that. I bet with a small infusion of cash, they could get a version ready for OSX in just a few months.
Steve Jobs: Is it any good?
Michael Dell: It plays Warcraft 3.
Steve Jobs: Hmmm...
Michael Dell: Hmmm...
Re:Yet Steve's still pinning his hopes on hardware (Score:3, Insightful)
They did look at Microsoft (Score:3, Insightful)
Office would certainly die, probably IE as well.
Tight integration of hardware and software is a big part of the Mac experience. It avoids problems. MacOS x86 would have tons of problems, many more than windows, more, probably, than Linux, which is known for having driver problems.
I was about to write that most Mac people have never thought about a driver in their lives, but that's probably an exaggeration. They have to worry about them for scanners and stuff like that. But not for the core components of the system. Stuff just works. Which is, of course, the basis of their ad campaign.
Apple makes a profit on their hardware, because their model shields them from direct competition. The tight integration is a core component of their OS. And moving into x86 OS's would trigger an all out war from MS, and pull the plug on software that every Mac OS X user uses all day every day (IE).
Re:Yet Steve's still pinning his hopes on hardware (Score:2)
I _like_ Apple hardware. It just works. My video card works with my motherboard works with my sound card. Right out of the box. With no weird IRQ conflicts, or other baggage associated with a broken 20 year old design.
Re:Christ you can't tell this is slashdot can you? (Score:2)
I have $200 to spend, on OSX no problem. Its the $1700 for hardware that I don't have. Yes, I know Macs can be bought for less, but the one I would buy is $1700.
Re:I want my Haxies (Score:2)
Couldn't hear you. [macslash.org]
Re:$130?! (Score:2)
Quartz anti-aliasing for Carbon apps
Unicode character palette
Mount ftp servers directly in Finder
improved Address Book
Sherlock 3
Quartz Extreme
better interopability with windows networks
Re:how does mac interoperate with windows (Score:3, Informative)
Also NFS.
Also WebDAV.
Also has a PPTP-based VPN client.
Also has "Active Directory" compatibility, whatever that is (some Windows stuff).
And some other stuff you may have heard of, like RPC, FTP, HTTP, OpenSSH, usw.
Re:how does mac interoperate with windows (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Apple is so freaking stupid (Score:5, Insightful)
Actually, I would consider the proprietary hardware to be one of their advantages.
Having a standard platform to work with may be why Apple's work is so impressive. With like hardware across the field to work with, OS X software developers don't have to worry about hardware driver interaction issues nearly as much as on a x86 platform.
It's also an obvious advantage in stability areas, where Windows is so completely flawed...since it has to be compatible with such a wide range of hardware.
As much as I'd love to see OS X for x86, I don't it will ever happen. Apple likes having complete control over their products so they can produce the best products. With a few exceptions, Apple arguably releases the highest quality and designed products in the computer industry, and I think that's a real advantage for them.
Re:Apple is so freaking stupid (Score:5, Interesting)
Bear in mind that there are other things beside CPU speed, especially with laptops. I wanted a 32MB Radeon 7500, when most x86 laptops have 8MB GeForce2 MXs or ATI Rages. I also wanted to be able to plug the thing into any TV without a converter. My iBook does that with a $19 connector; the x86 ones I looked at need a $100 VGA-to-TV converter.
If you're stuck on meaningless numbers (like, oh, I dunno, clock speed) then sure, it looks like a raw deal. But when you look at it from a feature and usability standpoint Apple computers blow away the competition.
Re:Apple is so freaking stupid (Score:5, Insightful)
Yes, I know this subject has been beaten into the ground ad-infinitum, but it still needs to be said once again: DUMP THE PROPRIETARY HARDWARE.
Apple uses off-the-shelf hard drives, optical drives, RAM, and graphics cards. The only proprietary pieces of hardware are their motherboards and cases.
Apple is selling hardware that is half the speed at 2 to 4 times the price of Intel hardware. Yes, apparently there are enough hard-core fanatics to keep the company alive, but why be satisfied with that? Why sit arrogantly back and just preach to those people?
Half the speed, only if you count Megahertz. Mac OS X comes with lots of software which runs faster than any comparable software in the Intel world, such as their G4-optimized MP3 encoder, which can encode high-quality 160kpbs MP3s at 10x real-time on a 733 MHz G4, directly from a CD. Your P4 may be running at 2+ GHz, but since there are currently no MP3 encoders that are optimized for the P4 architecture, your MP3 encoder is slower. Also, Mac OS X takes advantage of your graphics card for all of its drawing now - something that neither Windows or Linux does. This frees up the Mac's poor MHz-starved processors to do other things.
2 to 4 times the price? What are you smoking? The only way you can get a PC for half the price of a similarly-equipped Mac is by using dirt-cheap components that only work half the time. If you want poor-quality or mediocre hardware, you can get a cheaper PC. If you really want good hardware, a Mac is usually priced about the same, or maybe 10-20% more. (Mac laptops are often a better deal than similarly equipped PC laptops; desktop Macs are usually 10-20% more expensive.)
Yes, I know that Apple is traditionally a hardware company. So what? Being a software company hasn't exactly hurt Microsoft. Software is HUGELY more profitable than hardware.
Ha! Apple has at least twice the profit margins as Dell. They make plenty of money on hardware.
Unfortunately, as long as Microsoft has all of the major computer manufacturers in their back pocket, all major brand-name PCs will come with Windows preinstalled. Nobody has a chance of competing with that.
And besides, what's stopping them from "doing Intel right" and coming out with their own line of expensive hardware? Oh, no one will buy it because it will be so much more expensive? Well, some fanatics will continue to buy it, and meanwhile they continue to make huge $$$ on the software.
The main problem with Mac OS X running on ALL Intel hardware is drivers. Unless you're going to talk all peripheral manufacturers into writing Mac OS X drivers, there'd be no point.
As much as I despise Apple-the-company, I would LOVE to have a real competitor to Microsoft on the desktop, particularly one that was Unix based.
If you're unwilling to buy Apple's hardware, you'd better put your money behind your favorite Linux distro, then. Apple makes a great hardware/software combination and they have no reason to start running on PCs.
I really wish Steve would pull his head out of his ass and stop being satisfied being a boutique.
Yeah, wouldn't it be cool if Apple started advertising to Windows users, letting them know how Mac OS X is fast, stable, practical, and "just works"? Oh wait...
Re:Apple is so freaking stupid (Score:2)
With respect, I just went through this with another Apple guy who just wouldn't listen to reason. If you look at identical applications on both platforms, a G4 is about 20% faster clock-for-clock as a P4, on the average. In some cases, it's more, and in some cases it's less, but on the average that's it. When you compare prices (I used Dell), it's about 2x on the low end, and 4x on the high end.
Re:Apple is so freaking stupid (Score:2)
Ummmmm i can tell you have no education with computer hardware. Because one of the most basic classes you would take would have taught you that clock speed is not the end all be all of how fast your computer will work.
Ummmmmmmm why don't you read WHAT I WROTE. Note the "20% faster clock-for-clock on the average" phrase. Before you criticize me, at least learn to read.
Re:But... (Score:2)
Re:Someone please convince me (Score:3, Interesting)
Beyond that, know what? If your goal is to run mySQL and PHP as cheaply as possible, you want to be using Linux on a homemade Athlon box. Just like if your primary concern is games, you should use Windows. This isn't about telling every last user in the world to use the same OS.
On the other hand, there are web design and software development apps available for MacOS that make anything on Linux (except maybe KDevelop) look sick. The bundled developer tools alone (Project Builder and Interface Builder) are terrific. You may want to check those out and see if they're a reason to make OS X your primary developer platform.Oh, and if you want a Unix laptop, Apple is clearly the answer, whether you want to use MacOS or Linux.
Okay, I will bite. (Score:5, Informative)
Ummm, it's FreeBSD. There's a difference.
I have seen it, and it is really just window dressing as far as I'm concerned. I have heard that the command line stuff is slower now...
Hmmm. Well, it's just window dressing wrapped around a Mach kernel. It has native (I said NATIVE) open technologies, like Java, OpenGL, and the Cocoa API. And for what it's worth, I will stack Apple's API's, written in Objective-C, against Win32 or MFC any day of the week. But then, you've already made up your mind. I'm sure you think that Objective-C is a complete waste of time, but I see the best of C++, Smalltalk, Lisp, and Java in Objective-C. It's beautiful to use. If you have to look up the word "erudite" in the dictionary, you probably don't know what I mean. As far as the command utils being slower, I have been running a developer seed of Jaguar for over a month, and it compares very nicely to earlier versions of OS X. I haven't noticed a slowdown.
Things I care about are price to performance ratio. Ease of programming (tools available - need mySQL, php, Perl, Java, C/C++, etc). Cost of maintenance (software and hardware upgrades), etc etc.
Apple's stuff is hard to steal. So, you're gonna have to pay $129 for an OS. You will need a machine to run it on. You can get an iMac for $800. So, for around $1000, you get a list of features longer than your arm. You get a development tools CD that comes with everything you need for serious development. Java 1.3.1 is pre-installed. The gcc compiler is pre-installed. OS X loves perl. Apache 1.3.1 is pre-installed. Tomcat is a simple download. I develop cross-platform applications for x86, Moto, and SPARC. And I'll even agree with you that programming for the "classic" MacOS was pretty painful. I love OS X, because it is the most efficient development platform that I own, and I'm pretty sure I've tried them all. (I must admit, I do love many things about Visual Studio).
As far as upgrades go, on a G3/G4 tower, just pop the hatch and install your RAID. I did a toolless install of a 512GB RAID two weeks ago. It took ten minutes, literally. The most recent machines use DDR ram, Ultra-ATA drives, AGP4x, PCI. What upgrades do you want?? It comes with gigabit ethernet. It comes with a very nice video card, and many of the towers come "dual-head-ready."
Oh, one more thing. The reason that sliced bread is great is because it's convenient. Someone did the annoying cutting for me. The result is a product that contains less waste and saves me time. Speaking of time, I'm so convinced that you don't care, that I'm not going to waste any more.
Do you use laptops? (Score:3, Informative)
My 500 MHz iBook's wake from sleep time is two seconds, counting from the time I unlatch the lid. I reboot it only after major OS updates - the last one was July 8th. I have never lost work due to a faliure to wake from sleep.
My battery life in the field is about three hours, mostly running emacs and developing code. I can stop in the middle of anything, close the lid, and walk away confident that I won't lose work. The machine will sleep for about two weeks on a full charge (I lose ~7% battery power per 24 hours).
You can even safely run the battery completely dead - OS X's last gasp is to write the complete state of the machine to the hard drive, and when you find an outlet, plug in and reboot, you come back to exactly where you left off. My kids do this with full-screen games.
Re:umm, hello? (Score:4, Informative)
Comparing Apple prices to Dell (the number 1 PC maker in the world) it becomes immediately clear that except for two configurations of the "Dimensions" line, Macs are significantly cheaper (by $496 to $2085) than comparably configured Dells. If anyone is doing the raping, it's Dell, and it made them the largest computer maker in the world!
Synchronizing the systems:
Comparably priced speakers were added to the Mac, Precision 530 and Precision 340 systems so that all would have the same configuration as the Dell Dimension systems. ( which automatically come with speakers )
Optical Logitech mice were added to all Dell systems to match the Mac which ships with an optical mouse.
V.90 modem cards were added to all Dell systems to match the Mac which automatically ships with an internal modem.
3 Year AppleCare Protection Plan was added to Mac configurations to match the standard 3 year Dell protection plan.
All other user configurable hardware ( except processors ) were selected to match point for point between the Macs and the Dells.
Where possible, optional add-on software ( such as virus protection, Office Suites etc... ) has been excluded to acheive a more accurate comparison.
None of the systems were priced with monitors.
Apple Power Mac G4 ( tower, dual Processor )
Mac OS 10.2 ( Juaguar ) 2 GB PC2700 DDR SDRAM
120 GB Ultra ATA drive
NVIDIA GeForce4 Titanium
56K internal modem
Standard keyboard
Apple 1 button optical mouse
Apple Pro Speakers ( $59 )
3 Year AppleCare Protection Plan
$3,757 ( Dual 867 MHz PowerPC G4 )
$5,057 ( Dual 1.25 GHz PowerPC G4 )
Dell Precision 530 series ( tower, dual Processor )
Microsoft Windows XP Professional
120 GB 7200RPM IDE Drive
DVD+RW+R Combo Drive
nVidia, Quadro4 900XGL, 128MB, VGA/DVI
V.90 PCI Data/Fax Controllerless Modem
Standard Keyboard
Logitech 2 Button optical mouse
Harman Kardon HK-395 Speakers ( $49 )
3 Year Parts + Onsite Labor
$5,593 ( Dual 1.8 GHz Xeon ) - $1,836 more than low end dual Mac
$7,142 ( Dual 2.4 GHz Xeon ) - $2,085 more than high end dual Mac
Dell Precision 340 series ( tower, single Processor )
Microsoft Windows XP Professional
120 GB 7200RPM IDE Drive
DVD+RW+R Combo Drive
nVidia, Quadro4 900XGL, 128MB, VGA/DVI
V.90 PCI Data/Fax Controllerless Modem
Standard Keyboard
Logitech 2 Button optical mouse
Harman Kardon HK-395 Speakers ( $49 )
3 Year Parts + Onsite Labor
$4,754 ( 1.7 GHz Pentium 4 ) - $997 more than low end dual Mac
$5,553 ( 2.53 GHz Pentium 4 ) - $496 more than high end dual Mac
Dell Dimension 8200 series ( mini-tower, single processor )
Microsoft Windows XP Professional
120 GB 7200RPM IDE Drive
DVD+RW+R Combo Drive
nVidia, Quadro4 900XGL, 128MB, VGA/DVI
V.90 PCI Data/Fax Controllerless Modem
Standard Keyboard
Logitech 2 Button optical mouse
Harman Kardon HK-395 Speakers ( included )
3 Year Parts + Onsite Labor
$3,526 ( Single 2.0 GHz Pentium 4 ) - $231 less than low end dual Mac
$3,886 ( Single 2.53 GHz Pentium 4 ) - $1,171 less than high end dual Mac
Re:cups? (Score:3, Interesting)
Just grab ESP Ghostscript from the CUPS site, compile, and install. osxgnu.org might have binary packages as well...