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Apple Brings Back Lisa Veteran 25

Anonymous Coward writes "eWEEK reports on a memo from Steve Jobs announcing that Apple's education sales and marketing have been combined under the direction of John Couch. Couch was the vice president and general manager in charge of Apple's Lisa project and was frequently at loggerheads with Jobs before exiting the company in 1982."
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Apple Brings Back Lisa Veteran

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  • Lisa V. (Score:2, Funny)

    Apple Brings Back Lisa Veteran

    Being someone not too familiar with the older Mac projects (the new ones either for that matter) my first reaction was, "Who is Lisa Veteran?!". I thought maybe she was some high up office type that was let go and brought back or something.
  • Hopefully Couch has gone on to do bigger and better things before Apple courted him again - maybe Jobs is just trying to assemble a group of old-timers with low Employee ID's. The Lisa, as mentioned in just about every "History of Apple" book, website, etc, was a tremendous flop, horrendously overpriced (pricetag ~$10k anyone?), and eventually eclipsed in value and raw power by the Macintosh. I equate the Lisa to Apple's failed "Apple ///", a too-little, too-late addition to their CPU family at a time when Apple and Education were synonymous.

    I'm glad Couch has a legacy within the corporation, but does it really have to be for the Lisa? That's not saying much for his managerial prowess. :)
    • Re:Couch Potato (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Duck_Taffy ( 551144 )
      Yeah, actually, the Lisa started at $15,000 and later dropped to $10,000. Although it was always far more powerful than the Mac during it's lifetime - much more memory, and better expansion capabilities. In fact, with some minor installations, you could turn a Lisa II (which was a free upgrade from an original Lisa) into a Macintosh VX.
      • The Lisa had a 5MHz clock while the Mac had a 8MHz clock, didn't it? Yeah the Lisa had more RAM, but that speed difference is pretty hefty.

        (Ah - for the days when that seemed fast!)
  • I thought they buried him along with the Lisas
  • by mach_5 ( 88674 ) on Monday June 10, 2002 @04:23PM (#3675290)
    go to see their article on Jag, look for the screenshot of the keyboard menu in Jag, you'll see clarus the dogcow is working at Apple again.
  • The Lisa technology was certainly eventually eclipsed by the Macintosh... but, those of us old enough to remember know that even after the Mac took off, you needed a Lisa to write applications for it. A Lisa, 5 meg ProFile, and developers kit.

    So you see, the Lisa was no flop. It was the beginning of the "Macintosh Way", much in the way that Henry Fords "tin lizzie" was the first mass produced auto.

    Don't diss the Lisa. She was the very first Mac.

