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OS X for Intel 50

gbooker writes "According to Mac Observer, Apple has announced that they will release a version of OS X for Intel." Guess all those pompous Mac Owners will have to share their precious OS with us heathens.
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OS X for Intel

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  • Tell me that no one is actiually falling for this crap, please.
  • So here goes... (Score:1, Redundant)

    by NWT ( 540003 )
    ... #4 for today! 8 hours more to go guys!
  • The return of the Yellow Box! Boy this Apple hardware was getting me down ;.)
  • man, that was easy.
  • Man, these April fools posts are getting out of hand. I mean, c'mon.

    Although I did fall for one a number of years ago. Somone posted an app for Palm that allowed you to tap into some frequency for web access. Shut up, I was young.

  • First the April Fools Jokes and now this!!! Can this day get any worst?
  • Maybe it's that I just woke up but I was aware of the fact that it was April 1st and I am firmly convinced that Apple would never make this move unless times got desperate for them and just the same... I fell for it anyway!

    New rule: coffee before Slashdot... coffee before Slashdot... coffee before Slashdot...

  • First Thought was: If it was true, it would definatly be on the homepage. Anyone think they actually might, or do you think they are too worried about lossing hardware sales (which they, no doubt, would)?

    I have been wishing that Apple would release something for Intel, ever since I read this []

    I do enjoy the jokes though, I fell for this one []. :)

  • /me glances at clock
    /me logs off until tomorrow
  • NO NO, this is true, OSX runs on i386
    i hope they do not get ./tted :-P
    here is the link to the software site []
    and here is the download link is here []
  • by Drakino ( 10965 )
    I really wish this was true, well an X86 port anyhow. Here is how I figure Apple should do it:

    1. Work with AMD. Get OS X working on X86-64, and work on a G3 emulator for the PC (one out there is real close).

    2. Release OS X for X86-64, thus moving Apple to 64 bit, like everyone is predicting for the G5. Include MacOS app compatibility, and Windows compatibility similar to Classic in OS X.

    3. Allow other vendors to sell compatible hardware, maintain standards similar to the PC-99 standard. Get money off the OS licensing.

    4. Refine PC hardware, and be known as the innovative hardware company. Release products like an updated Cube, TiBook, iMac. Dump the tower clones. Keep pushing for the digital hub with iPods and such.

    I think this would work well, as it would free Apple from the problems of Motorola (G4 stuck at 500mHz for how long?). Plus with enough PC makers interest, AMD wouldn't go under easially. Plus Intel could stay in with their supposed 32/64 bit chip. Honestly I see Apple's additude of "We are better because we can offer everything" as a problem.
    • by foobar104 ( 206452 ) on Monday April 01, 2002 @05:28PM (#3267735) Journal
      3. Allow other vendors to sell compatible hardware, maintain standards similar to the PC-99 standard. Get money off the OS licensing.

      Yes, we all saw how well that worked back in 1995-1997.

      Like it or not, approve of it or not, right now Apple is a hardware company. Their software-- great though it is-- exists to drive sales of their computers.

      I think there's a strong argument to be made right now that Apple's sales aren't being hurt by the differences between the Mac hardware and PC hardware. The G4 Cube was the only Mac in recent years that didn't sell faster than they could make 'em, and Apple dropped it faster than a... fast... dropping thing.

      Apple keeps prices high through three basic values: quality, coolness, and scarcity. People buy Macs because they're great computers, or because they or their software are cool, and that's where your demand comes from. Scarcity keeps the prices high.

      If Apple were to change their strategy to a software-only model, they would be sacrificing two-and-a-half of those three things. That'd be bad all around.
      • Well put. Again, I will say it for the rest of you... Never EVER EVER. If you want to use OS X, you will now and forever be required to buy a machine manufactured by Apple. Period. Name one other hardware company that survived by making hardware and licensed software - ....waiting......waiting.... Apple would loose control of the integration, and that is the whole point of owning a Mac. NEVER.
        • sun sells hardware and also sold solaris for the x86 platform.
        • IBM (OS/2), Amiga is going to try it "soon", Palm (granted now they are breaking apart the OS and hardware divisions), and there are others

          A harder question is name another company besides Apple that has been successfull with proprietary hardware and software....SGI and Sun are both currently dying slow deaths.
    • Porting OSX to x86 would be pointless. Apple has no unique technology in their OS; Linux with KDE already gives you pretty much the same functionality and a similarly nice GUI. What Linux with KDE doesn't give you is the Apple user community, third party software, and integrated hardware/software. That's what makes Apple valuable, and you'd lose that if they ever ported to something other than their own hardware.

      I'd much rather see more companies like Apple: companies that pick an OS, build nice hardware, and sell it all together.

      • Although one thing they do have the Linux/KDE doesn't - apps. Specifically, Office and Photoshop. Yes you could say that Linux has equivalents but they aren't really viable alternatives. I tried using Linux only at my company for a year and couldn't do it. I'm back on NT.
  • by Lally Singh ( 3427 ) on Monday April 01, 2002 @05:39PM (#3267782) Journal
    The netherregion's temperature has dropped to a chilly 31 degrees fahrenheit.
  • Nice Try... (Score:5, Funny)

    by gnovos ( 447128 ) <gnovos@chi[ ] ['ppe' in gap]> on Monday April 01, 2002 @06:01PM (#3267849) Homepage Journal
    but no. You couldn't fool your mother on the foolingest day of your life if you had an electrified fooling machine!
    • <i>You couldn't fool your mother on the foolingest day of your life if you had an electrified fooling machine!</I>
      clap clap clap
      • <i><i>You couldn't fool your mother on the foolingest day of your life if you had an electrified fooling machine!</I>
        clap clap clap

        Train rides are depressing; who wants to look at poor people's backyards?</i><p>

        If you have HTML tags, you should really put it in HTML mode.
  • by RemiT ( 182856 ) on Monday April 01, 2002 @06:34PM (#3268009)
    This article is serious?? (Yeah, right)

    How about Cmdr Tostada: Pompous MacOS users? Hmmm...
    Guess they have nothing on the Linux faithful!
  • Do you really mean that this hers box aint been a pc this entire time i done owned it. Whell golly, its no wonder that winders systems been a given such a thorn to IN-stall. ill just stick to runnin osics then.

    gee haw
  • c'mon, I heard about this exactly one year ago! So.... oh.... wait... nevermind.
  • no-one in the rest of the world takes anything written at TMO seriously do they? have you seen the shit there written by that motherfucker who calls itself "iBrotha". that shit'd make a dog laugh, no really.
    • I could come up with some witty retort, but, alas and alack, I won't, because one can only aspire to the level of erudition and profundity expressed by Alan "Get a rope! Yeeeee-haw!" Partridge.

      If you are really curious about what "shit" I've written that has turned Partridge into the president of my fan club, mosey on over to the following sample of my work: shtml []

      Or, you can go on over to my homepage [] at and judge my oeurve for yourself.

      If I am a, ahem, "motherfucker," based upon what *I* write, what does that make Alan Partridge, based upon the stirring, inspiring and cogent soliloquoy that *he* has posted onto *this* site?

      I love knowing that I can make a reader burst a blood vessel :-)

      Rodney "iBrotha" Lain
      Mac Observer columnist and all-around good egg,
      somewhere in Minnesota... []

      • "I could come up with some witty retort"

        No, you couldn't. That's my point, really. You're the worst writer I've ever seen and I feel duty bound to bring your feeble scribblings to the attention of a wider audience so that you may properly garner the contempt that you deserve. You've ruined TMO and you're an embarrassment to the Mac community.
  • Despite my mother having convinced me the town was on fire at 4:30 in the morning and subsequently causing me to rush outside in my boxers -- and despite my having fallen for Slashdot's new Slashvertisement jokes -- I knew this was a Fool's try the SECOND I saw it. Hah, i love it!
  • Shoot. I saw this story directly on MacObserver on 1 April, and immediatly dismissed it as an April Fools prank. Now, a few days later, I go to /.Apple for the first time in a week, and almost fall for it. (My initial impression was 'woah, maybe MacObserver was right, and it wasn't a prank!' Until I read that it was from MO, and noticed the posting date.) Had me fooled for a good 5-10 seconds...

Tomorrow's computers some time next month. -- DEC
