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Palm Releases Desktop 4 for Mac 31

AnamanFan writes "MacNN reports that Palm has released the final golden version of the Palm Desktop 4 with features such as improved synchronization, privacy, vCard, vCal, and most importantly, Mac OS X native. A Mac OS 9 version also available. Japanese, French, Italian, German, and Spanish versions are available, but only as betas." Note, however, that most conduits need to be updated to work with version 4, so for now you can't use Vindigo or AvantGo with the new version. For now, I am sticking with the old version.
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Palm Releases Desktop 4 for Mac

Comments Filter:
  • Data Corruption (Score:3, Informative)

    by ek_adam ( 442283 ) on Tuesday March 26, 2002 @10:17AM (#3228200) Homepage
    I hope they fixed the data corruption problems that the beta had. About half a dozen times over the past few months my desktop data file would not open, and had to be deleted and restored from backup.
  • by surajrai ( 61661 ) on Tuesday March 26, 2002 @11:30AM (#3228689)
    This release does not work on NFS exported home directories. There has been long discussions on this subject but it seems Palm doesn't care.

  • That's right, a Katz story!
  • Anyone know if this'll work a Sony Clie? I'm looking at getting one but I only use my windoze boxen for games, my Mac is for important stuff like this =)
    • I cannot think of why not? Specially if the Clie you got has USB-cradle. Ive heard from several people using Handsprings that the Palm Desktop 4 works fine with their "unsupported" Visors.

      Now, this what I'm about to write next is NOT a fact, but some hearsay that I couldn't yet verify:
      I heard that Steve Jobs used a Sony Clie to demo the Bluetooth for OS X at Tokyo. Please, if anyone can verify this - or correct me if this is not true - please do so, now!
  • Entourage support? (Score:3, Informative)

    by sg3000 ( 87992 ) <sg_public@nosPAm.mac.com> on Tuesday March 26, 2002 @01:40PM (#3229730)
    So, has Microsoft said anything about conduit support for Palm PDAs? My Palm V is just gathering dust waiting for Entourage X synchronication.
    • According to this post [google.com], the conduit's coming sometime in... take a deep breath... June.

      Yeah. June. Anyone care to bet which will ship first -- the conduit or Photoshop?

  • I'm downloading this (slowly) in another window - does anyone know if this includes a conduit for Apple's Address Book app, or if there's one available from the Apple site? Would be nice to have an updated list for Mail.app...

  • The beta never worked for me so I'll forgive that but even the file does not sync my palm Vx!

    I use aa serial to USB converter which then goes into my mac, but it still does not sync.

    • I use aa serial to USB converter which then goes into my mac, but it still does not sync.

      Try unplugging and plugging the USB plug. I have the same setup and this usually fixes it whenever it won't sync.

  • G4 400
    Belkin serial to USB
    Palm IIIx

    works fine with the OS9 v2.6x


    any ideas
  • Handspring is recommending that Visor users refrain from using [handspring.com] Palm's release of Desktop 4.0, mostly because Handspring hasn't done their own testing with the new software.

    However, it's working fine with my Visor Platinum. Just one gotcha - the Palm distribution tries to install update files (which, obviously, don't work on the Visor). The solution is to delete or rename the "PalmOS Updates" folder from the folder that the Palm Desktop application is stored in (it can't find the updates, so doesn't install 'em. Simple.)

  • My experience has been thus:
    1. Installed the new palm desktop into my TitG4 just fine. hooray.
    2. Went to synch my palmVx, previously only backed up via PalmCopy [versiontracker.com] - thankyou palmCopy. Started the HotSynch and it found my Palm via IR and recognsied me as user. So far this is better than the beta.
    3. I went off to make some tea, came back at distress sound from my palm. The synch connection broke while trying to install some new OS upgrade.
    4. annoyed, I surfed about on /. and Mac/ to see if others had experienced the same probs. they had and advocated trashing the OS3.5.3 folder from the OS updates folder.
    5. I moved the offending system update and tried my synch again. No luck, the synch jammed up on trying to identify the user.
    6. so, having experienced this before with the beta I logged out and in again, then performed a synch. - voila, it worked and for the first time in almost a year the contact list on my mac is in synch with my palm - now if only I could simpyl synch palm desktop, address.app, ipod and palmVx in one go...
    7. not content, I updated some of the contact info via palm desktop and then went to resynch. - no luck as now it can't identify the user.
    8. so once again logged out, logged in and tried to resynch. same result - can't identify the user.
    9. so full reboot - try again - no luck.
    10. fiddle about, reboot, try again - no luck.
    11. give up in disgust and look for someone at palm to flame - no luck. the last person i spoke to at palm emphaticalyl told me that th emac was not supported and certainly not hotsynching via IR - idiots
    Does this accord with any other's experiences?

    • Here's what I want.
    • To synch my palm with my address books and ipod
    • A freeware OS independent shared calendar that works like an instant messenger that I can synch my palm with.
    • shared to-do lists
    • Oh hell, I want my Newton back [msu.edu]


"And remember: Evil will always prevail, because Good is dumb." -- Spaceballs
