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New iMac Announced 1146

MrGHemp writes "The new iMac with a flat panel has been offically announced, and can be seen on the Apple website. According to Steve Jobs the top 3 things we asked for were put into this new design. 1. Flat Panel screen 2. G4 processor 3. Superdrive (DVD burner on one of 3 models)... Apple also announced other new products like a 14' display on some iBooks, and iPhoto - the iTunes of digital photos." It's definitely unique looking ;) Update: Slashdot author ChrisD was there and has a report too.
Linux and the Macintosh are very different things. I don't want to bore anyone with poor analogies, but when Macintosh has glitz, Linux has power. This isn't about Linux though, it just kept on striking me how much Linux lacks in the desire department.

Steve Jobs is terrific at just that, Creating Desire. This is no surprise to us, for sure, but nothing drives it home as much as sitting in the audience and watching him speak. I could tell you how wonderful an orator he is, and how groovy his products are, but I really want to hear what the Slashdot user communtiy has to say about that. I want to talk about what Apple is doing technically.

First: The new iMac is very attractive. It's cool, it's neat. It will be a very popular machine. It's got a good price/feature spectrum and it looks like a pretty decent machine for the consumer. It isn't, in the end, a machine for the linux die-hard, but that's okay. It's slick, it ships with a bunch of very decent apps to manage your digital media. I want one, it's a cool machine. I don't know what I'd do with it (which is the problem), but it's cool looking. It's not particularly a good deal, I mean, you can pick up 200$ 15" tft displays at Fry's and lets get real, the G4 (Excepting the velocity engine stuff) isn't that fast of a chip at any available speed compared to the x86 world. But boy, this is one slick machine. But we know that already from the previous story. I do worry about it overheating, as I did flash back to the cube's cracking problems a bit.

Second: Photoshop for OS X will be coming out "soon". That was the big news. They had a very impressive working demo, I hope to learn more tomorrow on the expo floor.

Third: iPhoto is a decent cataloging program, and one designed to be used easily and generate more revenue streams for apple in the form of booklets and print costs. But it looks very polished and useful.

Superdrive: You'll see the superdrive in the new imac finally, which is nice. Note that this is not the superdrive that everyone remembers from the 80s' :-)

That's about all. The keynote was terrific, but in the end, not so outstanding. I'll post pictures soon. I'm sure a lot of /. regulars will be doing the same. More Tomorrow!

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New iMac Announced

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  • I remember a few years ago when they announced the IMAC, I listened the keynote on streaming audio. I was amazed.. Today I watched the keynote on QuickTime. The new IMAC is very cool. It comes with a 15-inch flat screen display suspended on the base of the computer. This screen can swivel 180 degrees, raise up and down, and tilt forward and backwards. The base itself is only just over 10 inches in diameter! They come with a CD-RW up to Apple's super drive (CD-RW, DVD-R). Starting at $1299.

    Apple also announced a really sweet image editing program that automatically imports, edits and prints images from a digital camera. IPhoto can also publish to a website (provided on apple's servers), order Kodak prints online, and even publish a hard bound book of photos. All in one application. This application and the new iMac completes apples "digital hub"
    • Noting that you can pick up a 15" flatscreen is very misleading. The difference between DVI ( and Analog (SVGA) is amazing.

      Matching a digital screen w/ an analog input is a bastardization that best belongs on the Island of Doctor Moreau. Having end-to-end digital costs a couple hundred bucks (generally) but makes all the difference in the world.

  • by Wakko Warner ( 324 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @02:33PM (#2799654) Homepage Journal
    that's all i needs to say.
  • by NiftyNews ( 537829 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @02:34PM (#2799664) Homepage
    Here's hoping that with all the R&D and user testing involved, this one will finally come with a decent mouse...
  • by sebi ( 152185 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @02:34PM (#2799665)
    There where times when the Keynote really blue me away. After it was over I did feel a little cheated though. iPhoto looks like a great application. I downloaded it allready, but didn't have a chance to try it out yet. You can get it here []. Download size is 13.4 MB.

    The new iMac looks amazing and has great specs. It is "Flat out cool". A bigger screen iBook is another great addition to the apple product line. What worries me, is that there have been no changes to the professional line. The PowerBooks got a Combo drive just a couple of weeks ago so that is okay. But having PowerMacs and iMacs with the same processor and more or less identical clock speeds seems like a strange move to me.

    This is beyond the rumour sites. All of them that I looked at swore that the gigahertz barrier was to be broken. At this Keynote it wasn't. And I don't think that Apple would just put faster PowerMacs in stores without having at least one Photoshop shootout on stage first.

    It was an okay keynote I suppose. But after all that hype some people seem to have expected iTransporter, iEndofworldhunger with iWorldpeace thrown in. And all that running 3 ghz.

    • by ( 316593 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @02:42PM (#2799742) Homepage
      I agree with you. However, Macwork Tokyo is just 2 months away. They revised two of their lines of computers (with the iMac being a MAJOR revision). Introduced iPhoto, which is waaay cooler looking than i had imagined. If the updated their pro lines, what would be left for Tokyo?

      It's possible that the G5 can be ready in time for Tokyo, in which case they don't want to take any attention away from the iMac if they don't have to by offering minor speed increases to their pro line.

      Just my thoughts.
    • The new, faster G4s (or call them G5s - same chip, regardless) have been in the pipeline for some time. My guess is Jobs wanted to put the new iMacs front and center right now. In three or four months, we'll likely hear about the new processors being placed in updated desktop machines.

  • I like the direction that Apple is taking here. Lots of people have things like digital cameras, mp3 players, CD burners, but the software erquired to get them all working together can be a major pain for Joe ComputerUser.

    One machine with sufficient power (700MHz G3 is pretty quick) that makes all that truly easy would be a great thing for most homes. But... the secret lies in the software, not the hardware. I'd like to see something like this for PCs.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 07, 2002 @02:34PM (#2799673)
  • "DVD burner on one of 3 models"

    Wow! I hope I'm lucky and my maschine comes with a DVD bruner! I mean, the chance is 33%, so it's not that unlikely... If I don't get lucky the first time around, I'll just have to try again... really want a DVD burner!
    • by jimhill ( 7277 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @03:08PM (#2799967) Homepage
      So if you gather three of these on a store shelf and select a box, then the clerk opens one of the other two and shows you that it does NOT have a burner, should you buy the one you're holding or take the final box to the register?
  • Mount on wall (Score:5, Interesting)

    by dthable ( 163749 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @02:34PM (#2799676) Journal
    I wonder if Apple will start selling wall mounting kits. Then you would take up zero desk space.
  • ... but I was expecting a little bit more. Something truely groundbreaking.

    The iMac update is pretty cool (if not a little funky looking). iPhoto gets downloaded when I get home (and it gives me an excuse to go buy a camera... anyone have any advice on a good digital camera in the $300-$400 range?). The new iBook seems to be just a bigger version (no G4). Nice, but again nothing truely groundbreaking.

    At least the Quicktime streaming was fairly smooth. I expected them to get hammered. It seemed to have held up pretty well.
    • Re:Nice Stuff... (Score:2, Informative)

      by harvardian ( 140312 )
      I just bought a Sony Cyber Shot DSC P50 for $300 (for my girlfriend, actually) and found it well worth the investment. It goes up to 1280 with 1.3 Megapixels and a 3x optical zoom (up to 6x with digital zooming, but that doesn't count).

      It takes high-quality JPEGs, which have excellent quality so far as I've seen and you can fit 20 of them on an 8MB memory stick. If you want to be really anal about picture quality and take all of your pictures in TIFF form, they're 3.6 MB a pop, so you should buy a 128MB memory stick (about $130 I think).

      With spiffy battery, memory stick, and all, the thing comes out to about $425.

      Now, if only I had a Mac so that I could plug this thing into iPhoto...that would be mad cool (this kind of thinking is just what Jobs wanted, I think).
      • by 4mn0t1337 ( 446316 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @03:25PM (#2800092)
        I just bought a Sony Cyber Shot DSC P50 for $300 (for my girlfriend, actually)

        You bought a camera by trading your girlfriend???
        Dude, if you are one of the /. people that actually has one you should know that they are worth a heck of a lot more than just $300.

    • The Fuji FinePix 3600 is a nice camera. They can be had for around $300 now and offer 3X optical zoom and 2 Megapixel resolution.
  • iI ijust idon't iknow iif iI ican itake iit imuch ilonger!
  • by d-e-w ( 173678 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @02:36PM (#2799684)
    I keep expecting it to start hopping around like the Pixer desk lamp! ;)
    • That will come in the next product update. Rumor has it that Apple was unable to procure springs and pneumatic shocks that would safely bounce it around. I do agree though, it could be called the iLuxo Jr, even without the "bounce".. :^)
    • Re:Cute, but ... (Score:2, Informative)

      by sebi ( 152185 )
      Thats what it basically does in the new commercial. You should be able to see a cool video here [] sometime in the future. Seems like the link is stevedotted at the moment.
  • iMac availability (Score:5, Informative)

    by pemerson ( 179241 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @02:37PM (#2799697)
    Note that on apple's purchasing site ( []) the lower end new iMacs aren't available until March. The only one available in January is the top of the line $1800 one with the Superdrive (DVD writer & CD-RW). The other new item which I saw (didn't see the Keynote, so don't know how much attention was paid to it) is the 14.1" screen on the new top end iBook.
  • 14' display!!! (Score:4, Redundant)

    by mrroot ( 543673 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @02:39PM (#2799719)
    Apple also announced other new products like a 14' display on some iBooks

    Wow! a 14' display, and my laptop only has a 14" display. Just imagine playing your favorite video game on a 14 ft display.

    While many business application users will not enjoy having a 14 ft screen, I think this will be great for gamers.

    I wonder what the max resolution on that will be... 1,280,000 x 1,024,000 pixels?
    • So if you play a DVD of This Is Spinal Tap on it, will the Stonehenge monument come out to be the right size?
    • by xueexueg ( 224483 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @02:50PM (#2799830)
      the 12" model is 1024x768. I bought the 12" because it crammed those pixels into a smaller area.

      the 14" model is 1024x768. They seem to expect people to buy a computer just so it will take up more room in their briefcase/backback.

      I was hoping the 14" would be at least 1280x1024 or something: it's really not out of the question.

      • just so it will take up more room in their briefcase/backback

        That's not the only reason... some people will actually want their monitor to have that pixel depth, but cause less eyestrain trying to squint at the smaller display.

        I hate to admit it, but as I get older, I'll probably want the same sort of things myself.
  • by Brento ( 26177 ) <.moc.razotnerb. .ta. .otnerb.> on Monday January 07, 2002 @02:40PM (#2799723) Homepage
    How are they cooling this new one? It's got a G4, a SuperDrive, a GeForce2 MX, and the power supply, all inside that base, and there's no airflow from the bottom to the top? (There's a cover over the bottom, where the ram chips and Airport card go.) I can't believe this thing isn't going to get toasty-hot. The Cube didn't have a fan, but it had an external power supply, so they were kinda cheating.

    I'll be watching the whole deal just to see how they pull that off. If they can cool that thing without a fan, I'll be impressed.
    • by banky ( 9941 ) <(gregg) (at) (> on Monday January 07, 2002 @02:45PM (#2799788) Homepage Journal
      the answer should be obvious:


      Thank you, be sure and tip your waitress.
      • by Bullfrog ( 19683 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @04:06PM (#2800384)
        There is a "rosette" pattern of perforations on the top of the base unit, and a ring of closely spaced slots around the base, under the bottom lip. A single fan draws air from the base trough the top of the unit cooling all internal components. The fan, according to the Apple website, runs at about the same db level as the hard-drive (~25db) so it should be very quiet.

        I trust that this provides adequate cooling and depending on the environment the iMac is used in, won't get fouled by dust and crap, as packing all that kit into such a small package means the chances it will clog up over time are quite high. At least in my beige box there's room for that crap to accumulate without adverse effects to my components.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 07, 2002 @03:05PM (#2799945)
      The G-serice PowerPC chips dissapate much less heat than equiv-clocked chips from AMD&Intel (like less than half, probably under 25%), the GeForce i a MX (meaning mobility, which if Tom's Hardware and my memory of it are right, means they skimped some performance to save batter power---and thus less heat dissapated.

      That leaves the power supply, which is only 130W according to the Apple tech specs, and the hard disk, of which there is only one and it's 7200rpm or less.

      Given all that crap so close together won't help since there isn't a lot of air in smaller containers to cool with. They may use the metal inside the case to help dissapate the heat via direct contact with heatsinks... like a Dell laptop does.

      I also though I saw some small slits in a circular patttern at the top to let heat out, but it may just be me...
    • The Register [] says there is a fan in it.
  • oops (Score:5, Interesting)

    by seanw ( 45548 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @02:41PM (#2799738)
    The comments about the lack change to the PowerMac desktop line are spot on...Apple has a real problem here.

    The iMac now has a G4 at comparable speeds, a Superdrive, more expandable RAM capability, and OH YEAH it comes with a 15" LCD display. The PowerMac has the same thing, for $600 more, and without the display (so throw in another $500 if you want to be able to actually see the output of your computer). It is more than just is totally illogical.

    I will grant that the PowerMac is more expandable in terms of PCI slots, but...I can no longer think of a single good reason anyone would want to buy a PowerMac, which means unless Apple updates them before the iMacs ship in January, their high-end desktop sales are pretty much going down the crapper.

    • Re:oops (Score:4, Interesting)

      by 90XDoubleSide ( 522791 ) <ninetyxdoublesid ... inus threevowels> on Monday January 07, 2002 @02:55PM (#2799865)
      The same thing was true of the Power Mac G3 when the original iMac came out; I would say that the G3 looked even less attractive then than the PMG4 does now, actually.

      The bright side of this is that Apple will obviously have to put out new Power Macs (and probably at least speedbump the Power Books) at Tokyo, and the fact that they didn't announce them at MWSF might indicate that they will wait for G5s rather than bumping them to Apollo G4s.

    • Re:oops (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Genom ( 3868 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @02:58PM (#2799894)
      That's the strategy - make the new iMac comparable, but cheaper than the existing desktop line. People buy 'em up. Then, they release the new desktop machines, and we all drool over 'em again. More people buy 'em up.

      From a business perspective, it's killer - from a customer's perspective, it's nonsensical.

      Personally, for a non-geek household, the new iMac seems like a hell of a deal. Most geeks, of course, will want something with a bit more oomph in the server department or the gaming department - but for the average Joe who needs to type a letter or throw some pics up on the 'net, it's pretty good.

      Now...if they'd made it a *bit* more expandable (for example, being able to replace the 15" LCD with a special iMac-ized version of the Cinema display)...

      I was expecting updates to the G4 tower and TiBook, but alas, that will have to wait for MWNY (or *possibly* MW Tokyo...)
  • As I stare at my laptop screen each day I wish that I could raise it a bit without having the keyboard end up at my chin. Wouldn't it be cool/useful it laptops came with some mechanism for moving the screen independently from the base? I don't mean simply tilting it, but moving it up and down as well as turning it to either side. Moving it closer to me and further would be useful too.

    The only problems that I could see with a feature such as this is that you might be able to change the center of gravity of the machine enough to tip it over and it might be difficult to design a mechanism that would be both lightweight and durable.

  • it didn't turn out like this []
  • timecanada (Score:2, Funny)

    by sinserve ( 455889 )
    On my birthday, a representitive of TimeCanada
    stoped me as I was about to enter my apartment.
    "Don't be alarmed" he said, "Your friends are in
    there, awaiting to surprise you."
  • Comment removed (Score:4, Interesting)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @02:43PM (#2799762)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Re:Vertical Use? (Score:3, Interesting)

      by ambclams ( 171322 )
      Are they gonna update OSX so the display could be easily rotated 90 deg. for long web pages and the like?

      That would be pretty cool indeed. I seem to recall a monitor from long ago that would do that, the Radius Pivot. It could detect when the monitor was physically rotated and change its orientation from landscape to portrait. Of course, this was during the days when most Macs had built-in monitors and needed a (expensive) video card to use an external monitor, so its use wasn't all that widespread.

      Speaking of vertical orientation, I wonder if the iMac could be rotated and mounted vertically on a wall. That seems like it would make for a really space-efficient workspace, especially if the monitor could be moved out of the way when it's not in use.

      I don't know if this would be possible. I imagine it's not physically possible out of the box, but maybe with some additional mounting hardware. The only question is whether the iMac could survive such an orientation -- I would think it could, but it might be a problem for the hard drive or DVD/CD. Also, the monitor may not be able to swivel or reach far enough to position itself in a useful configuration with the base mounted on the wall.

      Still, it sounds interesting, even if purely for the coolness factor.

  • by Masem ( 1171 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @02:43PM (#2799764)
    CNN reported on the Time's flub with the pre-keynote news, but had additional analysis of the new iMac. Most importantly, besides Apple's attenuation with style, this iMac with DVD writer will be quite compariable in price to similar offerings from Dell or Compaq, $1800 vs $1600 respectively. If this was 3-4 years ago, I'd have expected similar machines from Apple and the PC clone makers to have a price difference of at least $500, but that appears to have evaporated; I'd suspect that the bulk of the cost of these units (Apple and PC) are in the flat-panel monitor, DVD-writer, and OS software; everything else is dirt cheap nowadays.

    I don't ever expect an Apple and non-Apple machine to cost the same, but the more Apple can cut down that difference, the better off they are.

  • Is striking...I honestly didn't know what to think of this creation from Apple's labs when I saw the little pictures online, but having seen the thing in action during the keynote, I have to say that yes, I do want one. Too bad I'll have to pay off my TiBook first :P

    Some nice little jabs at Adobe and Time magazine sprinkled in, Photoshop X does look nice, though, and I'm dling iPhoto as I write this. It looks sweet enough to make me want to get a camera.

    Oh, and all those wondering about the Pro Line...I doubt anyone'd bet against new Powermacs at MW Tokyo this March, and unlike what was predicted for this show, I imagine that those really will have the G5.
  • Some specs (Score:3, Redundant)

    by 90XDoubleSide ( 522791 ) <ninetyxdoublesid ... inus threevowels> on Monday January 07, 2002 @02:47PM (#2799799)
    Now that the keynote is finished, has been updated with sections on the new iMac , the new iBook and iPhoto, including the download (13.5MB).

    Here are the official specs on the new iMacs from Apple's page:

    The two bottom models have a 700 MHz G4, with the top one having an 800 MHz chip. All feature 256K processor speed L2 cache, but all have a 100 MHz bus, slightly slower than the towers. Bottom model has 128 MB RAM, all others 256; lower two models have 40 GB drives, top model has 60; bottom model has CD-RW, top two have DVD-R/CD-RWs, and finally the top two come with a set of Apple Pro Speakers.

    All models have: GeForce 2MX/32MB DDR, 2 FireWire ports, 3 USB 1.1 ports on the machine and two on the keyboard, Mini-VGA output port, 56K modem, 10/100 ethernet, and a typical software bundle with all the iApps, Quicken 2002, Otto Matic, World Book Encyclopedia, AppleWorks, and a bunch of free browsers and readers preinstalled.

    The screen is a 15" viewable TFT at 1024x768 at millions of colors.

    Apple will continue to sell CRT iMacs starting at $799; the new models cost $1299, $1499, and $1799, respectively.

    The new iBooks received more of a speed bump than a revolutionary upgrade like the iMac, but are still a great deal in consumer portables. They now stand like this:

    500 MHz G3 in the bottom model, 600MHz in the others; bottom two have 128MB RAM, top has 256; 66MHz bus in the bottom, 100 in the top two; CD- ROM in the bottom, DVD-R/CD-RW in the top two; 15 GB disk in the bottom, 20 in the top two; and of course a 12.1" display in the bottom two and a 14" in the top one.

    All the iBooks have 1 FireWire port and 2 USB 1.1 ports, a VGA out and a composite video out (w/ adapter), 56K modem, 10/100 ethernet, the small white power adapter, and the same bundle as the iMac.

    The dimensions are 11.2x9.06x1.35" and 4.9 lbs. on the 12.1" models, and 12.7x10.2x1.35 and 5.99 lbs. on the 14" model, and the 12.1" models have a 42 watt-hour battery for an advertised 5 hours of power, with the 14" model having a 55 watt-hour battery with an advertised 6 hours of power.

    Apple has done it again, offering the flat screen iMac starting at $1299 with a G4, even as many were doubting they could offer any flat screen desktop below $1499!

  • Am I Now Immune... (Score:2, Interesting)

    by pr0t0 ( 216378 ) the Steve Jobs Reality Distortion Field? I guess I have to see one in person, but the new iMac looks plain stupid. I so wish I didn't feel that way. I saw the keynote at the Apple Store, and although we all clapped, many expressed disappointment. Under the hood, the improvements are stellar, but on the surface? I was hoping for wireless keyboard and mouse. Can video be sent wirelessly? How about an iMac that "senses" one or more wireless flat panels? H2H gaming! I really hope it does well, but I won't buy one.
  • by vought ( 160908 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @02:49PM (#2799823)
    As much as people will probably bash it here, it's groundbreaking in a lot of ways.

    The industrial design proves that you don't have to put a computer in a box. As consumers get used to having their electronics packaged their way, this type of talent will become more and more important.

    Witness the 'shabby chic' home decoration that's become the rage among new boomers. They want things familiar and comfortable, not boxy.
  • ... was the announcement that Mac OS X is now the default boot OS on every new Mac Apple ships.

    At last the long awaited dream is realized: UNIX for the masses. The last, best hope of stemming the Redmond tide. Laugh at my hyperbole but Moms everywhere are a lot more likely to be UNIX users now than ever before. Thats really something.
  • You should hear my co-workers who were convinced the new G5 was going to be announced. Now they're offended that Apple is upgrading the iMac, of all things, to a G4, while the power users' tools remain the same.
  • So for the low end, Apple now offers...well, nothing, really; Steve said that the lineup will be all flat-panels, which means the classic iMac is going away. The iBook is their cheapest "current" computer, but not everyone wants a notebook. Next is the basic new iMac at $1300 -- not available until the end of this quarter at the earliest.

    It makes me wonder what will happen to all the old (2001) iMacs still for sale (and perhaps more to the point, when the classic iMac will lose its spot on Old iMacs should be cheaper because they're obsolete now that their replacement has been announced, but realistically the replacement isn't replacing them if it costs 50% more, so it seems to me that there still ought to be decent demand and the price might stay put.

    Whatever happens to the old ones, though, the fact that the cheapest new iMac is well over $1k and is, in fact, more expensive than their notebook is a Bad Thing. Not that I'm personally in the market for the low-ender, nor do I think Apple should complete strictly on price, but I do think if they're going to take an option out of their price/performance lineup they should be ready to legitimately replace it.
  • Apple reveals a bigger iBook, a not-so-low-end desktop machine with a built-in LCD screen at a not-so-entry-level price, and some software (did I miss anything?). That's nice and a logical evolution, but it doesn't extend Apple's product range or widen Apple's appeal. A few people may buy the iMac for its funky design, and others will likely not touch it. Some people will be convinced by OSX's (now standard on all models) better software quality compared to Windows, but most people probably don't know or don't care.

    Notably absent was an Apple PDA, where Apple could have demonstrated fundamentally new technology (OSX, in contrast, has been is a great engineering effort, but is an evolutionary development from NeXTStep and MacOS).

    The markets apparently weren't "blown away" either, as Apple stock is down for the day as of 3pm EST. I think Apple overhyped this one.

    Apple is, and remains, a high-end, high-quality vendor for a niche market with a particular taste. In comparison, no matter how nice a car an RX-7 may be, not everybody will want to drive one. Apple will not take over the world, at least not with its current product range. Most sorely missing from their product range is a smaller, cheap desktop (a sub-$1000 cube, maybe) and an ultralight laptop.

  • imac G4 is fsb crippled just like the celeron is a fsb crippled PIII. 700mhz speed grade is only available as 7x100 no multiplier of 133 will achieve 700mhz... fsb specs on the apple website are studiously avoided. Since no new towers were announced, this crippled G4 is their way of insuring propper product placement. Really too bad.
    • by Wyatt Earp ( 1029 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @03:13PM (#2800002)
      The iMac isn't for people that care about fsb.

      The iMac is for the consumer, it's been 3 and a half years but alot of Slashdotters don't understand this.

      The iMac is for people that want a computer they doesn't take knowledge of computers to use.

      College kids that arn't in CS, Grandmas, Mothers, cousins, aunts. The Art kids or the math kids at my work, they don't give a shit about a front-side bus speed or a clock multiple. It's an iMac. It can connect to your digital camera without drivers or installing anything and it works. It'll burn CDs and DVDs too if you want it.

      It's an iMac, it just works. That's why it's got a 100 MHz fbs. Because it's market doesn't care about 100 vs. 133 fbs or what kind of RAM is in it.
  • by jht ( 5006 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @02:56PM (#2799872) Homepage Journal
    OK - I love the new iMac. It's great-looking, finally a G4 is included, the screen looks real nice, and the drive combinations are right on. This is probably the Mac that the Cube should have been. The price is about $100 higher than I'd like, but I expect to see the price points all adjusted once the new Pro machines _finally_ ship. Even though they still have old iMacs around for now, they need to get the new one to the sub $1000 point ASAP.

    iPhoto is a compelling new application, and I'm going to download it and play with it tonight - it supports my Olympus 3000 so I'll try it directly instead of just using the reader like I normally do.

    The new reconfiguration of the iBook line is nice, too - and the 14.1" screen on the high-end model will be a plus.

    But - what about the Pro line? Apple's margins are fattest on the tower Macs, and they're not announcing anything today. Unless they do something soon, expect a bad quarter. I don't know about Motorola's yields, but Apple must be pretty pissed at them since they obviously can't get enough G5 (or fast G4 - whatever) processors to announce anything yet.

    So, they'll sell a ton of iMacs, but I was hoping for a little more this time around.
    • by d-e-w ( 173678 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @03:17PM (#2800037)
      OK - I love the new iMac. It's great-looking, finally a G4 is included, the screen looks real nice, and the drive combinations are right on. This is probably the Mac that the Cube should have been. The price is about $100 higher than I'd like, but I expect to see the price points all adjusted once the new Pro machines _finally_ ship. Even though they still have old iMacs around for now, they need to get the new one to the sub $1000 point ASAP.

      To tell you the truth--I don't think that the consumer price point is sub-$1000 right now unless that consumer is willing to buy an Emachine or something similar (cheap hardware, off-brand.) After Xmas, we went shopping with my father-in-law for his new computer. Outside of processor speeds (which can't be compared on a one-to-one basis between Intel and Apple, anyhow) the machines we were looking at were very similar to the low-end iMac/Lamp. We could have picked up an open item for under $1000, but nothing from a name brand, even Dell (every time you clicked through the front page "deals" the price jumped!) The price range everywhere we looked (online, offline) was about $1099-$1399 for the system/hardware he wanted. This iMac, if it had been out (and if he was willing to go with an Mac, which would have been the bigger struggle ;) could have easily been in the running. And that's what really surprised me, out of everything announced today. $1,299 is pretty close to what is on the market right now. And it's a lot slicker-looking ...

  • I for one hate the look, but I suppose it has its niche markets...

    I'd rather they have stuck with the original iMac design and done the following:

    Flat panel monitor still leaving all that space that the CRT had taken up to allow the following.

    A "hatch" on the back you could open to access the computer internals to upgrade the machine.
    Replacable G4 processor
    Replacable GeForce card in AGP 4x slot
    1-2 PCI slots
    More ram slots (2-4)
    Maybe another hard disk bay or two...

    Seriously, with the CRT gone there would be room for all this with maybe a bit of tweeking of the case design to accomidate the PCI slots.

    This would have kept the tried and true iMac design but added the expandability everyone says that the iMac lacks but keeping it still a bit less than what you can expand a tower to so as not to cannibalize the sales of those. Seriously, that would have been quite cool in and of itself!
  • by Brian_Ellenberger ( 308720 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @02:57PM (#2799892)
    Is the fact that it, based on the pictures, it doesn't seem to require any form of input! No more clunky keyboards or mice.

    I'm guessing all that futuristic talk from Jobs was about the new telepathic interface. :)

    Brian Ellenberger
  • by ReidMaynard ( 161608 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @03:05PM (#2799946) Homepage
    Is it just me...?
    (1) these things won't stack very well on the "bring out yer dead" carts wheeled about during downsizing...

    (2) I afraid of the ($0.32 cost) $199.95 monitor arm after a few months and it gets a *little* loose, and *slowly* drifts a glacier...
  • by gnovos ( 447128 ) <gnovos.chipped@net> on Monday January 07, 2002 @03:11PM (#2799991) Homepage Journal
    The REAL use for this baby would be to mount it upside down from the top of the shelf on my cubicle. Combined with a wireless keyboard and mouse, and my desk will be so incredibly CLEAN!
  • by Refrag ( 145266 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @03:16PM (#2800027) Homepage
    Not significantly. My 600mHz iBook torches my 600mHz Pentium 3 workstation when crunching numbers (SETI@home), or ripping AC3 from DVDs. A 800mHz G4 processor can probably hold its own with a 1.6gHz Pentium 4 and will beat it on apps that use Altivec.
  • by bryan1945 ( 301828 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @03:27PM (#2800096) Journal
    Almost every Apple event gets mucho hype by the rumor community now. People speculate like mad, heck, I know 2 guys who actually made bets on what was going to be announced.

    Then, after each show, a large number of people are disappointed and a few are wildly happy. A couple of in between the 2. But mostly people are just disappointed in Apple for not living up to their expectations! Granted, this time Apple _did_ beat their own drum way too loudly, but I can't think of any other computer hardware company that gets this kind of press, rumor mongering, and vast discussion after the event.

    Just wondering if anyone has a good idea why Apple inspires all this? Is it Steve-o and his RDF? Because Apple is the underdog? Apple's penchant for always pushing the boundry on HW design (like, love, or hate it)? Personally I think it's because Apple keeps innovating, whether it's a success like the original iMac or a failure like the Cube, keeps people wondering "Just what the hell are they gonna pull next?!"
  • by rob.eberhardt ( 549015 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @03:35PM (#2800157)
    I always hear people on /. complaining that the G4's are slow compared to the latest Intel/AMD chips, but I wonder how many of you have actually used both systems in production.

    For the past 6 mos. I've been using a 733Mhz G4 (OS9.x) and a dual-1Ghz Dell Dimension (Win2KPro) for AfterEffects work, and during renders the single-chip G4 beats the pants off the Dell. Almost twice as fast. So, like Steve is always trying to remind us, all Mhz are clearly not created = =.
  • they forgot #4 (Score:3, Insightful)

    by option8 ( 16509 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @03:46PM (#2800250) Homepage
    According to Steve Jobs the top 3 things we asked for were put into this new design. 1. Flat Panel screen 2. G4 processor 3. Superdrive (DVD burner on one of 3 models)

    they forgot #4, and i think the loudest of the reactions to the old design: a 17'' screen.

    they can very easily upgrade the new line with a 17'' option - and i think it will be the first thing they do when they revamp the line in a few months (along with dropping the price). look at it: just lengthen the swing arm a bit and put a larger display at the end of it; hell, it's almost something a user could do on his own...
  • by megaduck ( 250895 ) <dvarvel&hotmail,com> on Monday January 07, 2002 @04:17PM (#2800460) Journal

    is that it doesn't look like a computer. Love it or hate it, you have to admit that Apple is the one computer company that is doing anything original with case design and form factor. Sony has the most stylish x86 boxes out there, but they still look like... boxes. We've hit the point where we don't HAVE to build computers that look like bricks, but you wouldn't know it by looking at PCs these days.

    Kudos to Apple for daring to do something a little different, even if it does make us think of a desk lamp. ;)

  • Linux die-hards? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by sulli ( 195030 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @04:27PM (#2800525) Journal
    It isn't, in the end, a machine for the linux die-hard

    A Mac OS machine, not for the Linux die-hard. Who knew?

  • by rho ( 6063 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @05:05PM (#2800813) Journal

    Well, we have it. It's done. Consumer oriented flat-panel computers are here. CRTs will be relegated to pre-press shops and collectors.

    If you look at LCD monitors in the light of Apple's success with pushing USB, expect to see imitators abounding in a few months.

    To those who pooh-pooh the price, I ask to you show me a comparable machine by any competitor that fulfills the same criteria:

    • Fast machine
    • CD-RW
    • LCD monitor
    • Small footprint
    • Full complement of ports
    • Equipped with software that allows you to:
      • Easily make movies
      • Easily manage your digital music
      • Easily manage your digital photos
      • Easily allows you to get a printed and bound book for $30 (Christmas gifts ahoy)

    And do all this for $1300. Show me the comparables, please. And, consider the inevitability of production ramp-up. LCDs are cheaper now than a year ago. With Apple's push towards commoditizing the LCD market, imagine what the economies of scale can bring!

    Will this significantly alter Apple's market share? Not likely. There are too many people who look at a problem and readily come to the wrong solution, i.e. "Let's go buy a computer based solely on the price, rather than what we want to accomplish with it". This is not Apple's market, just as they are not GNU/Linux's market. Apple is selling to a group of people who want the computer to be a part of their lifestyle, not as a keeping-up-with-the-Joneses consumerism.

    Bravo, Apple. I look forward to the future devices you have in store.

  • by billstewart ( 78916 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @06:01PM (#2801180) Journal
    That's the real secret of this device, is that it was designed with mounting brackets to attach on top of the Ginger aka Segway scooter. Just think about what you want to compute, and it'll go do that, as well as displaying the output of your digital video camera so you can see where you're going on the screen.
  • by Daspek ( 132130 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @06:33PM (#2801310)
    does the product's pic at [] remind anyone else of the south park episode, 'cartman gets an anal probe?' in particular, the scene in which a satellite portrudes from cartman's ass.

    "cartman, there's a 15-inch active matrix lcd screen sticking out of your ass!"
    "sure, you guys, whatever."

The difference between reality and unreality is that reality has so little to recommend it. -- Allan Sherman
