Apple OS X, BSD and Jordan Hubbard 422
We've had a number of posts noting that Boston.com's digitalMASS has a very decent article on Apple's OS X, BSD and Jordan Hubbard.
A language that doesn't have everything is actually easier to program in than some that do. -- Dennis M. Ritchie
had to beg for a job? (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:had to beg for a job? (Score:5, Informative)
Re:had to beg for a job? (Score:2)
At OSX's core is a Mach microkernel with a 4.4BSD personality, and the libraries are based mostly from FreeBSD (from version 3.4 I believe, please correct me if I'm wrong here) and NEXTSTEP.
The only similarity between Mac OS X and NetBSD is the 4.4BSD'ishness of it all, but FreeBSD has that too. They did base it off of BSD because Next was based on 4.3BSD personality Mach microkernel.
Mac OS X.1 and Open Source Developers (Score:5, Insightful)
Essentially, I spent the last ten years of my life shackled to Microsoft products with the all-too-infrequent practical use of Linux. As Microsoft's business practices continue to get ever more predatory, and the Microsoft operating systems become increasingly marketing tools rather than productivity tools, I decided that it was about time to try something new.
I found an inexpensive, new iBook, and bought it. An "icebook" with a 500Mhz G3 processor, I've been quite happy with it so far. The construction of the iBook is quite decent, with a few common blemishes in the casing and a few mechanical defects reported. However, the real shining star of Apple's lineup has got to be OS X. This BSD alteration (Or enhancement, or bastardization, or annexation, call it what you will.) is positioned in the perfect place to bring intelligence back into the use of personal computers. Functionally, OS X is a wonderfully complex yet artistically presented program interface which does an admirable job of concealing the true nature of things from the average Macintosh transitional user, while providing an extremely high amount of flexibility for the more technically oriented. With the Macintosh userbase, there's actually a very devoted core that could use the help and assitance of open source efforts despite the problems with Apple in regards to certain areas of the system. (The interface, primarily)
Projects suck as Fink, an excellent tool for porting unix applications to the OS X environment are a great start, but what will really help Apple prove a real challenge to Microsoft is the conscious effort by Open Source developers to port applications to Apple hardware so seamlessly, that the average user won't even have to know that The Gimp was actually a unix application.
This is where Apple has succeeded as a core business, making computing simpler for the artistically, rather than the technically minded. The best thing Open Source can do is aid the Apple userbase in proving that the Mac is a viable alternative. Yes, Linux and BSD themselves as well as all the other systems out there, deserve to continue to be the primary focus of most efforts. But it just may be that the most effective way to open up the operating systems market will be to back the entrenched underdog.
Re:Mac OS X.1 and Open Source Developers (Score:3, Insightful)
It's important to remember that the core OS behind OS X is still open sourced. You can download Darwin/x86 and run it just fine, using X11 instead of Aqua.
I hope more open source people can come around to the realization that while fully open source platforms may be the best technical option, that until open source focuses as much on interface and ease as much as it does performance, that there is a viable, important place for companies like Apple.
Re:What have you done for me lately? (Score:2, Informative)
Apple has contributed back TONS of software to the community. The BSD license said they didn't have to give anything back at all, but Apple did. The opened up their entire base OS. They have provided patches, fixes and enhancements to BSD. They work with BSD developers on a daily basis. But all you can do is complain that it isn't Debian. Go crawl back in your hole.
Re:thanks, but that's not the way I see it (Score:2)
Get real and live with the fact that Apple's giving developers a LOT of open source data - but for them to open every technology, open the Mac and everything else is rediculus and stupid.
This is the future of open source -- partial and profitable.
Re:thanks, but that's not the way I see it (Score:2)
They did tap into a nice preexisting community, the FreeBSD community. Just because it isn't *your* community is irrelevant.
I mention Debian because it's distrobution method is superior.
Roughly on par with the FreeBSD distribution method. OpenPorts exist for OSX. Fortunately, neither it, nor apt-get, are the default package management system for the typical Apple user. Whew!
Re:What have you done for me lately? (Score:2)
As a practical matter, you can do all that work and maybe make Linux get in the same league as Apple in a decade or so, maybe not because you'd have to do a lot of rigorous research into making those guidelines *good* and if you have to issue major revisions along the way, you'd have to herd the open source cats into following each new revision of the guideline just to make things interoperable and consistent. Apple did it by diktat and by force but they did it and from a user perspective, strong-arming the programmers so that at least one of the ways to make things work was the standard way was a great leap in useability. Is there a way to replicate this in the open source movement? I don't think so. At least there isn't one separate from taking those UI guidelines and adopting them for GIMP and the rest of the open source A team.
Feel free to provide some sort of alternate methodology.
Apple 1, Others 0 (Score:2, Insightful)
Now if Apple would get a clue and drop their prices they could gain some serious marketshare in the business commmunity.
Apple is arrogant, at least Hubbard is (Score:3, Insightful)
His speech basically came down to "open source failed to do anything on the desktop, and without proprietary, commercial vendors like Apple it will never go anywhere either". He almost sounded like he ment to say "only Apple can make UNIX a success on the desktop", but he explained all he ment to say was open source couldn't, when I asked him about that.
Martin Konold, who like me was present to hold a speech about KDE, responded that KDE already deliver all the stuff Jordan Hubbard was talking about, even before OSX was on the shelves.
The "open source developers can only developer for themselves and never think of end-users" view is just not true. GNOME and KDE prove that every day. Knowing these projects only exist respectively 5 and 4 years, while Apple (and Microsoft) have been in the desktop market for a much longer time gives me plenty of confidence and hope that open source can definitely bring UNIX to the desktop. Just imagine what KDE X (pun: OS X) and GNOME XP (pun: Windows XP) will look like.
Re:Apple is arrogant, at least Hubbard is (Score:5, Insightful)
GNOME and KDE do not provide an end-user experience until the end-user has already gotten past the usual linux hurdles -- getting X to work with their graphics card, configuring their network and so on. This is trivial for a lot of us, but it is not for my standard of maturity for a user-interface ready for general deployment: "Can your mom set it up without your help?"
The answer, generally speaking, is no.
MacOS X is the first counter-argument to "Unix is not for peasants" that is pretty much true across the board. Your mom can install it and use it. It's really friendly, and it's really effective.
It's redundant to point out that the Aqua interface and the MacOS Finder are simply a candy-coated veil covering up a very mature and stable bsd/unix environment appropriate for the same range of tasks to which desktop linux distributions are currently applied.
Whether or not KDE and Gnome, or the open source movement as a whole is "thinking about the end user" is a moot point, but that these things are not ready for general distribution to Your Mother is pretty much inarguable.
As a user of both types of systems, I can say that OS X has provided me with the best user experience since the first time I sat down in front of a NeXTstep system.
Something I've barely seen mentioned heretofore is that MacOS is not really new, so much as it is a complete overhaul and Apple-ification fo NeXTstep. The NeXTstep user experience was unparalelled at the time, and I'm glad to have it back in a thoroughly modern form with such a magnificent GUI.
As I see it, an open-source base OS is apple offering a laurel wreath to the open source community and extending a modern standard to everyone (why else would they release an intel version themselves?) that can be freely used without the commercial side of the product. However, if you're willing to fork over the money / buy a macintosh, you're in for one serious treat -- probably the best user experience you'll ever have.
I would like to see someone light a fire under apple's butt to get a few details straightened out like a better software sound subsystem and support for the peripherals traditionally associated with the apple market -- like scanners (AHEM!) and the Soundblaster, and I'd like them to return to providing onboard audio input so i didn't have to talk into what approximates digital soap-on-a-rope, but I wouldn't switch to anything else despite these issues (And the basic support i need is still available in OS X through the classic environment, so a lot of these concerns are taken care of in a temporary way a the time being) and I would never be able to sit down in front of GNOME/KDE with a straight face and say, "this is ready for the market! woopee!"
Re:Apple is arrogant, at least Hubbard is (Score:5, Insightful)
First and foremost, we must consider the interface. Here we are talking about OS X/XP vs KDE/GNOME. If you have used all four you can attest to the fact that KDE/GNOME have come a very long way, but are still very far behind, and if we strictly talk about KDE/GNOME vs OS X (since the play-doh theme in XP has shaken what faith I had in MS' interfaces), you must admit that the open source desktop environments are 2-3 years behind. Now what troubles me more is that readers are in denial about this, and this lack of understanding about what the experience needs to be stemming from the fact that OSS OSes are used primarily by programmers/admins/etc. prevents open source desktop environments from competing. Even you say,
KDE already deliver all the stuff Jordan Hubbard was talking about, even before OSX was on the shelves.
I hope this is not meant to insinuate that the KDE experience is comparable to the OS X experience. I actually read a post that said that Apple should, "port Aqua to X windows". If you think that you can run the Aqua interface on top of XFree86 (or one with comparable features, not just a bunch of pretty pixmaps, which is what the Mozilla organization seems to thing Aqua is, most unfortunately for those of us who want to use Mozilla for OS X), the future of OSS desktops is doomed.
Now, while I find the "open source is doomed forever" attitude unfair, if we take a look at where desktop functinality is right now, open source has lost. As I said, KDE and GNOME are not even competitive with OS X, the GIMP is nowhere near being competitive with Photoshop, nothing is competitive with Final Cut Pro or Premier/After Effects, nor are there substitues for the iApps (simple, but still extremely funcitonal consumer-level apps), there are very few games brought to open source operating systems, although Apple has a problem with this too, they manage to get a port of virtually all the top-shelf games, apps like Maya that used to be the domain of UNIX-like OSes are now on OS X, eliminating the need for a Photoshop Mac and a Maya SGI on your desk, and finally I must say that open source office products are competitive with MS Office, but must also admit that Office v.X is truly a very powerful suite and the best availible tool, although still only worth a fraction of its $500 price tag.
So to summarize my points, open source software for the desktop is currently not in the same league with the commercial software, but it could get there if more effort was focused on it, and it is completely reasonable for Hubbard to go with Apple and focus solely on making the best possible software, as open source solutions, even though they may become an extremely viable 3rd desktop platform one day, probably will never reach an elegance of interface of Apple products.
Re:Apple is arrogant, at least Hubbard is (Score:2)
Just a quick comment:
nor are there substitues for the iApps (simple, but still extremely funcitonal consumer-level apps)
Have you taken a look at the Applescript functionality of the iApps? I'd be surprised if there was much that you could do with any of the Linux or Windows apps that you couldn't do with the iApps and Applesscript..
the Linux ghetto (Score:2)
The problem is that it's true. I've tried twice to install Linux (PPC first, then intel), and failed both times. Linux sure isn't doing much for me on the desktop.
I don't think it's really the open-source developers' fault. It's just that there's too much hardware out there that only loosely supports a particular set of standards, and a lot hardware developers refuse to share the info with open-source developers.
The obsession with running Linux is doing real harm to the open-source community. It ghettoizes open-source apps. It's as if there was an art gallery with beautiful paintings in it, but every time you tried to go there, the roads were closed and the subway wasn't running.
I really don't see it as a problem with software usability. I run GIMP and Freeciv on MacOS X, and although they're a little harder to use than commercial software sometimes, you just have to read the documentation. IMHO, the real problems have to do with the OS-hardware interface.
Re:Apple is arrogant, at least Hubbard is (Score:2, Informative)
I think the essence of my talk was also somewhat distorted by Rob Kaper's summary of it. He failed to mention that my specific "grievance" with open source on the desktop so far lies primarily with its failure to standardize on a single set of "higher level APIs" that ISVs/VARs rely on to bring their applications quickly and cheaply (well, as cheaply as possible) to market. Having a multitude of desktop environments to choose from might be wonderful from an engineer/power user's perspective, but from an ISVs perspective it's a nightmare. They don't want multiple solutions to choose from, they want a SINGLE set of APIs which will enable them to reach all the users in their target market. By APIs I'm also not talking about fopen() and the rest of libc, I'm talking about all the things which enable things like buttons and scrollbars to appear on the screen and for applications to share data between them. Where the open source engineering community consistently "fails" is by making this a technical argument, going to great lengths to point out that things like the WIN32 API and ActiveX are difficult to use, buggy, fraught with security problems, whatever. From the ISV perspective, however, those very same things allow them to reach a user base of millions and are well-documented and "rich" enough in functionality that they can provide a reasonable-enough (deliberate choice of words) user experience to sell their application to some of those millions. From their perspective, that's literally the bottom line and all that counts.
It's a pity that Mr Kaper didn't go to the trouble to describe that portion of my talk since it's where I put the most energy. I didn't want engineers to hear my talk and walk away simply branding me as an anti-KDE or anti-GNOME guy, I'd far prefer that they actually *get the point*. Perhaps that's something you can only do once you've worked for a big ISV who's job it is to deliver mainstream desktop apps, however. Until you've done that, you just haven't really felt the pain of trying to do something like printing or font selection from X.
Why Hiawatha Bray is Irritating (Score:4, Insightful)
Now people have known that BSD was going to be the core of OS X for at least three years. To create this false "Apple vs. Open Source" strawman merely to knock it down is lazy writing, and this late in the game it's actively insulting for anyone even remotely familiar with BSD or OS X. This is "Look at me! Look at me!" writing that needlessly draws attention to itself, something real writers don't need to do.
Indeed, this paragraph mars what is otherwise a reasonably adequate column. But at least it's not as irritating as the average Jon Katz [slashdot.org] column. Speaking of which, I see that more votes have been dropped from the dump Katz poll. [slashdot.org] The numbers don't even add up anymore...
Why OS X uses Mach (Score:2, Flamebait)
The argument for cancelling Copland (the original MacOS 8) was that it was going to take another year to make it work, and buying NeXT would get the new OS up faster. A similar argument was advanced against BeOS. That was, what, in 1996?
The MacOS really needed a new layer underneath, but UNIX/Mach wasn't a great match. I'm not suprised it took Apple almost five years to make them play together.
The original MacOS only supported one app at a time, and the addition of "multitasking" was a horrible hack internally. No memory protection, no process dispatching, no interprocess communication, and no way to reliably get an app that crashed cleaned up without a system crash. Developers used to call it the Mess Inside. Apple desperately needed a new kernely, and it should have happened around 1992 or so, by which time all new Macs had enough hardware for a good protected-mode OS. Basically, Apple was nine years late with their new OS, which is part of why Apple tanked.
I once wrote an entire dial-up PPP implementation for the MacOS, called "Simple PPP". It was not fun.
Re:Why OS X uses Mach (Score:2)
Regardless of what you think, Steve Jobs alone has made more than $400 million for Apple. In that regard, Apple stockholders have nothing to ask about.
Re:Why OS X uses Mach (Score:2)
What're you talking about? Jobs was (and continues to be) the catalyst/architect of Apple's return to respectability. If anyone did someone a favor, Jobs did it for all of Appledom.
The argument for cancelling Copland (the original MacOS 8) was that it was going to take another year to make it work
I worked at Apple before and after the Copland deal, and I've had lots of friends there over the years. Copland was a complete disaster. Apple was headed for a huge meltdown because the people at the top had absolutely no idea that Copland was in such a pathetic state.
A similar argument was advanced against BeOS
The BeOS was a lot of fun to hack on. I used it and developed on it for almost a year. However, the BeOS was horribly flawed from the beginning, due to its Fragile Base Class design. As a result, even though BeOS was young, you had to constantly be aware of every application/os version interdependency. The situation would have only worsened as the BeOS application base had matured. Every time Be released a new version of their OS, you had to scramble around to update all of your applications that might have then broken because of C++ library incompatibilities. That would have gone over like the proverbial turd in the punchbowl for the average Mac user.
The MacOS really needed a new layer underneath, but UNIX/Mach wasn't a great match
There was no "good match" between the old MacOS and any "modern" OS. Teeth pulling to get the compatibility layer to work was inevitable.
Apple desperately needed a new kernely, and it should have happened around 1992 or so, by which time all new Macs had enough hardware for a good protected-mode OS. Basically, Apple was nine years late with their new OS, which is part of why Apple tanked.
No argument here. I blame all the dumb-ass MBAs that loaded the company down after Jobs left. Jobs isn't perfect, but the Apple community is fortunate to have him at the helm, overall.
No, no, and no. (Score:2)
No. OSX is architected on top of Mach because OSX is NeXTSTEP, and NeXTSTEP was always built on top of Mach. The decision to use Mach was a sound one, as proved by NeXTSTEP/OpenStep's durability and portability across many diseperate architectures over 15 years after its birth.
The argument for cancelling Copland (the original MacOS 8) was that it was going to take another year to make it work
No. The argument for cancelling Copland was that it was never going to work. Copland was a horrible idea to begin with, and rapidly became the textbook example of an out-of-control, death-ship project. By the time Hancock performed the mercy-killing, Copland was over three years behind schedule, and what little in terms of development SDKs had dribbled out of Apple had been universally panned by developers.
The MacOS really needed a new layer underneath, but UNIX/Mach wasn't a great match. I'm not suprised it took Apple almost five years to make them play together.
No. Apple had functional, usable builds of Rhapsody (OpenStep on PPC with a MacOS Classic look-and-feel, and "Blue Box" fullscreen OS8 emulation) within a year of the NeXT acquisition. I personally used such a box in early 1998; it was quite slick. This product was later released as "MacOS X Server 1.0".
The reasons that OSX "consumer" didn't ship until much later were twofold: First, Apple listened to feedback from their existing developer base, and realized that they were risking alienating a substantial amount of them by trying to force an immediate migration to the OpenStep APIs. (Adobe, in particular, dug in their heels and threatened to discontinue Photoshop development for MacOS.) In response to this, Apple had to develop the "Carbon" API layer, which was a substantial effort. Second, Apple made the decision to take the time to re-engineer the user interface and display layers ("Aqua" and "Quartz"), on the (likely) theory that the MacOS UI needed a facelift.
Apple desperately needed a new kernely, and it should have happened around 1992 or so, by which time all new Macs had enough hardware for a good protected-mode OS.
Blame IBM. Apple had a new base OS technology in 1992. It was called "Pink", and ironically was very similar in conception to OpenStep. Unfortunatly, as part of the original Apple/IBM/Motorola alliance, Pink was given over to IBM, who renamed it "Taligent" and promptly buried it.
Basically, Apple was nine years late with their new OS, which is part of why Apple tanked.
Ah. I was not aware that "tanked" could also be used to mean "wildly profitable in a year when Dell, Compaq and HP are hemmorhaging money." Fascinating.
Chill, mofo. (Score:2)
That's crap! It was *NOT* given over to IBM.
Taligent was a separate corporation
Let's get real for a second here. Yes, Taligent was, on paper, an independent company. In reality, as you yourself point out, Apple lost interest in the project shortly afterward, and IBM was in the driver's seat for the majority of its history, and the failure of any of Pink's technology to ship on any platform until years after its irrelevance was assured can be laid largely at IBM's feet.
Apple's mistake was to spin Pink off as an external entity when they really had no interest in using an OS that they didn't completely own. The mistakes after that one were IBM's and Taligent's own.
given the challenge of taking the best OO tech from IBM and Apple and turning out a next-gen OS and cross-platform API. The Pink team was *part* of that effort.
Correct. I don't recall saying anything contradictory to this.
IBM *S H I P P E D* it for AIX and put it in beta for OS/2.
...the former being promptly ignored, and the latter, well...
I think we are largely in violent agreement here. Apple and IBM both spent a good chunk of the 90s strangling their own best technology initiatives in the cradle, while Microsoft laughed all the way to the bank. Taligent, I suspect, failed inside of IBM for the same reason that OS/2 did: because IBM is not so much a unified company as a stiched-together group of fiefdoms, and in the final analysis the portion of IBM that had no interest in challenging Microsoft seriously on the desktop was the one that got to make the critical decisions. (It's ironic that you mention CommonPoint shipping for AIX, as AIX is now undergoing the same crib-death treatment at the hands of the pro-linux/S390 crowd -- listening to IBM sales reps try to explain their unix strategy these days is alternatively hilarious and depressing.)
IBM offered and negotiated TWICE to buy out the floundering Apple and make it their consumer division! Again, Apple balked.
Sorry, but this was the right decision on Apple's part, even then. OS/2 Warp's fate made it crystal clear what Apple's destiny would be as a wholly owned subsidiary of IBM: a lot of pretty talk, followed by inevitable destruction. (See also: "Any part of Lotus other than Notes" and "AT&T buys NCR.")
Apple did NOTHING but piss away one opportunity after the next throughout the '90's. It was too egotistic to accept Copland was going NO WHERE until a certain Hancock, a former IBM exec, came in and had the testicular fortitude to end it and look for something else.
Quite. Please read my post again with your jerking knee taped down -- I said pretty much exactly the same thing about Hancock. (The phrase I used was "mercy killing.")
Re:Why OS X uses Mach (Score:2)
So, my point is that Mach and BSD probably have very little to do with Mac OS X's timelines. Legacy-free hardware and new application environments and display technologies are much bigger jobs. I can see waiting for USB and FireWire to mature (and for three years of hardware to be out there with those ports) and making Carbon and Aqua being much harder overall than the really low-level stuff, which is decades more mature in many cases.
SimplePPP (Score:2)
Writing this was not fun.
Doing background work under the original MacOS was ugly. Underneath, the MacOS was almost as dumb as DOS. No CPU dispatching, no threads, and no waiting in a thread. Instead, there were all those wierd "task" types; "system tasks", "timer tasks", "vertical blanking interrupt tasks", etc., each with a different set of restrictions on what they could do. New task types (multiprocessor tasks, Open Transport tasks) were added over time. The whole "task" mess was far more complicated than a standard CPU dispatcher would have been.
So I was really looking forward to the new MacOS. I gave up waiting in the mid-1990s and switched to Windows NT 3.51.
the great apple os graveyard (Score:2)
Oh boy did they ever. Every once in a while, I try to amuse myself by listing all of the next-gen OS projectst that Apple started and then abandoned in one form of completion or another since the release of System 6. There were a lot of them.
...and that's just off the top of my head. Any former Apple developers are welcome to chime in and add to the list.
Mac Hardware (Score:2, Interesting)
OH and I am still mad at them for what thay did to BeOS.
Re:Mac Hardware (Score:2, Interesting)
Believe it or not, closed hardware is a good thing. This is why Apple, IBM, and Sun all have legendary support and OS integration statistics. They don't have to worry about a motherboard from Dr. Wong's House 'O Chips being so out of spec and cheap that it doesn't work with their software. They save money on support and portability issues by keeping their hardware under lock and key.
The result of doing this is they are able to release a much higher quality "product" on the whole. Apple is a computer company. They sell computers. OS X is a tool to help them sell computers.
Buying a Mac is like buying a BMW. Sure, it's more expensive then a Ford. But it's also faster, more reliable, and has a far greater build quality. It's also worth more should you wish to sell it a few years down the road and buy a new(er) one.
Anyway, "still mad at them for what they did to BeOS" ? What exactly did Apple do to BeOS? It's more like what they did not do, they did not buy a company that would have failed to make something like OS X a reality in the short term. NeXT could, and did.
Pointless conflict. (Score:3, Insightful)
Apple at least has a chance to push past that and get to the meat'n'taters of selling apps built on a real multitasking protected memory O/S. Building on 'nix clone was a biz decision, not a political one. MicroSofts unity of vision (at least as presented outside the company) gives it enormous advantage over what should be an insurmountable enemy of open source fanatics working their asses off for nary a penny. Except for Divide and Conquer. MicroSoft didn't have to divide the 'nix community, its quite capable of doin' that itself... of shootin' itself in the feet, kneecaps and elbows.
Here's hopin' that a strong market presence can bring some unity to the open source community, even if it is starting off with a few baby steps.
It;a always amusing to see what you guys think (Score:4, Insightful)
Hey kids, you get what you pay for. Remember that little blurb about Linux only being free if your time is worth nothing? It's true and no computer commercially available today is as fast and easy to get rolling as a Mac. It might not be the king of the benchmarking circuit or the cheapest possible solution but the people giving their money to Apple aren't flushing it down a toilet as some would like to have you believe.
Developer Tools: A Quiet Revolution (Score:4, Interesting)
The integration with Java is alone remarkable; full Cocoa bindings means that your Java applications are no-less "mac-like" than apps implemented in c/c++/objective-c. The file-bundle structure (executables are packaged in hierarchical directories with resources and XML files providing metadata) completes the encapsulation: a Java app looks and launches just like any other.
On the other hand, you can double-click ".jar" files, and programs that use AWT or Swing, and run them as well.
Providing the facility to write first class programs "out of the box" is an important, if unheralded, aspect of Apple's "open" philosophy. It's a form of user empowerment. It may not go far enough to please the proponents of some open source ideologies, but for the great majority of personal computer users it represents more freedom than they know what to do with. I think it could have a significant effect in introducing people to programing. IANA Windows programmer, but my impression is that the barrier to entry is considerably higher.
FreeBSD/PPC (Score:2)
I would love to run a more solid OS on my Powerbook, but the FreeBSD port isn't in a useable state yet, and OS X has a few interface issues that just make it COMPLETELY unuseable for me. First of all, the menu bar at the top of the screen. While I understand the appeal, it breaks any hope of using sloppy focus - you can be in a situation where you simply can't get to the menu bar of an app without crossing over another application's window, which would give it the focus and change the menubar. Sure, you could rearrange the windows so you can get up to the menubar, but that's an annoyance and kinda annuls the main point of using sloppy focus in the first place (speed)! Second of all, and this is a minor bitch because it can be easily fixed, I need GOOD virtual desktop support. Space.app just doesn't cut it. I need virtual desktops to switch quickly and to have FUCKING HOTKEYS! Third, and again, this is easily fixed (but I'm surprised it hasn't been yet) - how about a decent native terminal emulation? Terminal.app is shit! My terminal application should NOT eat my page up/page down keys.
*deep breath*. Ok, now that I've gotten that off my chest...
Re:FreeBSD/PPC (Score:2)
Try NetBSD on your PowerBook. I had the opportunity to play with NetBSD the other day. It is not as friendly to set up as FreeBSD, but it is not bad. Just as with FreeBSD, it found and Just Worked(tm) with all of my hardware (Linux generally takes some fanagaling).
NetBSD should support your PowerBook. They seem to support every other damn piece of hardware known to man.
NetBSD seems to have a really clean design, and it feels good if you are used to FreeBSD as well.
Also, I hear OpenBSD works well with the Macs. I generally find that OpenBSD makes a pretty good workstation.
Well, I hope this helps. On a side note, if OS X has done nothing else for BSD, it has made my Mac friends nod in approval when I say that I'm a BSD guy.
Re:FreeBSD/PPC (Score:2)
Which brings us to my original point, which is that I like sloppy focus, where simply moving the mouse pointer into a window gives it focus, while this just doesn't fly with the menubar-on-top paradigm.
Don't get me wrong, I love MacOS and I do understand why people like the menu bar on top (I'm using MacOS 9.2 right now), but it should be optional so that people who like sloppy focus can use it too.
Re:FreeBSD/PPC (Score:2)
No, none at all
Re:OS X (Score:3, Interesting)
I am, as a direct result of OSX, dumping all but one of the pc boxes completely (and adding a new G4 Tower (need that DVD burner)). I'll keep one just to have a strong box to run the occasional game *not* emulated (for obvious reasons). I have no need for the others any more...quite frankly, OSX simply runs rings around the vast majority of what is out there for day to day use blended with abject power.
Just great...and way to much fun to play with....
Re:OS X (Score:4, Informative)
There's a complete BSD environment going on underneath everything in OS X (you can pull up a terminal and poke around) with all the benefits that that brings -- ease of development with GNU tools, fantastic memory management, rock solid stability, multi-user ability, and a horde of other features that Microsoft can only dream of. However, you'd never know this using the OS casually, because on top of everything is a beautiful, seamless GUI that holds everything together and hides the implementation details. The OS X window manager is gorgeous, and fully functional (much more oriented towards multiple applications than OS 9 and earlier ever were,) complete with everything that you could expect, along with a lot of eye candy.
Overall, I'm immensely impressed with OS X. All the features of a standard UNIX, with the added bonus of a fantastic GUI, and good application support (Photoshop, Office, IE,
Check it out if you get the chance.
Re:OS X (Score:3, Informative)
And so does OSX. Legendary BSD stability, best consumer hardware bar none, a true multiuser OS underneath. The stability and multiuser aspects have been with BSD for twenty years. The hardware aspects have been with Apple for almost the same amount of time. During that same time period Microsoft coudln't manage to get a stable OS until a few months ago, and the PC platform evolved into the world's biggest kludge.
Re:OS X (Score:2)
Part of Photoshop's delay may be the plug-ins. They have to be recompiled, so the average user will want updates of all their plug-ins (many will be free upgrades, just carbonized versions with the same features). I heard that Adobe wanted a longer beta with Photoshop so that third part plug-in developers would be ready to ship alongside Photoshop. So they can release Photoshop for Mac OS X and say that it's ready to use today, right now.
Re:OS X (Score:2)
Can't wait for Dreamweaver to run native next to Apache, though. The Macromedia apps could be really good on Mac OS X, with good standards support (Fireworks' native format is PNG, for example). Fits in with a lot of the philosophies behind Mac OS X's design.
Re:OS X (Score:2)
That said, it's easier to approach the OS from a NeXT mindset, not an Apple mindset. This is not your father's Mac OS. It's a totally new beast. (in a good way)
Re:OS X (Score:2)
I was just pointing out how OS X is more "unixey". But, you win -- Windows rocks, MacOS sucks. End of thead. NO CARRIER
Re:OS X (Score:2)
Re:OS X (Score:2)
We use TS at work, and have 5 users on the machine all day. It'll go a couple of months and then need a reboot. The reboots are mostly needed to fix the stupid Print Spooler service. It apparently can't take printers popping on and off as people come and go.
Re:OS X (Score:5, Informative)
I wanted to find a nice laptop that would run linux, and even had a dell for a few days. Then, a friend of mine introduced me to Macs, and, in particular, the Tibook. You can see it yourself - overall, its probably the single best piece of hardware engineering imaginable.
And OS X really is awesome. I'm not into having the point-and-click interface myself, and love the console. But OS X really is nice to use. Its networking support is amazing, and works right out of the box. Support for sleep is great too.
Right now, from what I can see, the biggest problem with OS X is the lack of a decent DivX player [divx.com]. (4.11 tends to desync in about a second). Otherwise, it's awesome. And, if you really can't let go of blackbox or whatever (like me), there's the XDarwin [xdarwin.org] project that lets you run X on top of OS X. So far, I've only tested the default twm, which runs fine. But using the apple developer tools [apple.com] you can compile any window that's been ported (I believe at least gnome and afterstep have been), and run it there.
Certain products are still not quite ready for OS X, but the situation is improving rapidly. I have to disagree with one of the posts below - its not about being "productive"; one could easily do that in Linux. (I refused to run IE, and will
NOT be getting Office). But it is a sincerely nice operating system to use, and the hardware is definitely going to be a computer legend.
Re:OS X (Score:2, Informative)
Re:OS X (Score:3, Informative)
find out.
I found using MacOSX to be somewhat like using
BSDi and Mac OS Ten Server. I am primarily a
Linux user and I find the BSD toolsets to be just
different enough with new, missing, different
command switches that it slows me down. I end up
downloading and installing the GNU tools. I also
dislike the excessive use of capital letters in
the naming of its directories. I end up
symlinking them to lowercase names. They do
leave the standard unix directories pretty much
intact. The desktop was pretty stunning and could
do interesting effects, but I have to delve into
the command line quite a bit. It just was not
compelling enough to switch. It is hard to teach
an old dog a new trick.
Re:OS X (Score:3, Interesting)
I recently bought an iBook with OS X. At first it was meant primarily to be a secondary console, and an experiment in the Macintosh world. But recently I've found myself using OS X for more and more of my daily computing.
OS X is not without its flaws; the package system stinks, the X server (XFree86 port actually) is a little slow, and porting applications can be a bit of an inconvenience, but the environment is pleasant to use, and the underlying UNIX system is easily accessible.
After installing bash, XFree86 (XDarwin), GTK+, GIMP, and XEmacs, OS X leaves little to be desired.
OS X goes all out with antialiasing; almost all fonts rendering is antialiased, which makes Web surfing and document reading much more pleasant. The graphics system certainly takes a toll on the system's performance, but in my opinion it's worth it.
Please do not judge OS X from versions prior to 10.1. 10.0's performance was horrible. It has gotten much faster.
Apple: PLEASE bring back springloaded folders -- OS X needs them!
Re: (Score:2)
Re:OS X (Score:2)
OS X is not without its flaws; the package system stinks
Yeah, Apple's native packaging system is a nightmare. Luckily, you're not stuck with it: InstallerVISE is available for OSX Carbon/Cocoa apps, and fink [sourceforge.net] just completely rocks for bsd/x11 apps.
the X server (XFree86 port actually) is a little slow
That'll change. Right now, as far as I know, XDarwin is entirely a software framebuffer -- no hardware accelleration support at all. I'd expect that to change soon for geforce-based macs, and eventually for radeon-based ones.
and porting applications can be a bit of an inconvenience
If you're just trying to compile a pre-existing autoconf-based unix package and it's being balky, there's a magic trick that will solve a good deal of your problems:
mv config.sub config.sub.dist
mv config.guess config.guess.dist
ln -s
If that doesn't work, the canonical answer is usually, "Check fink." Someone has probably already ported whatever it is you want.
Re:OS X (Score:3, Informative)
I'm a long time UNIX user (who like most others also has to run NT at work), having used mostly Solaris and Linux with some dabbling in other variants. I've always been a big fan of the Mach microkernel as well, so for me OSX is a perfect fit. As others have mentioned "fink" is a good way to get started installing some of the more common UNIX utilities, but quite a lot is already there. They also have put some work into making nice GUI's for many common networking utilities like netstat and ping. Imagine being able to set up your mom's box with sshd and be able to fix things remotley!
Another great benefit is that all of the development tols are free - it's a large download to be sure but you can order it if you need to. I haven't gotten the chance to do much development with it yet, but it's nice to have it there. I also love how easily OSX (and really macs in general) support multiple monitors, I have a 21" at home and USB keyboard/mouse all hooked into a docking station (by BookEndz). I just bring it in and I can use both screens for development, or just a single screen if I'm out somewhere else.
One last note is that if, for some reason, you just have to have Word and other MS Office products, they are all there and produced by a totally seperate group at Microsoft. I myself have been resisting as long as possible getting this just on principal, but am starting to weaken - after all, if there is a group at MS with a clue about UI should one not support them? Anyway, having MS Office means that it would be totally feasable to put a Mac OSX box in at work in place of a PC, if you were so inclined.
Re:Still the same complaint though. (Score:2)
Apple may build the machines, but there are MANY sources for accessories and upgrades. Common IO standards (PCI, AGP, IEEE-1394, USB, HD15 monitor, etc) are great as well.
My only beef is the proprietary connector on the Apple LCD monitors (which, is actually based on a draft of some obscure standard that never took off). But at least DrBotts makes an adapter.
What? (Score:3, Insightful)
I recommend Yellow Dog Linux, in particular.
Macs are basically PC hardware with PowerPC processors instead of x86. For instance, my iBook has an IDE hard drive and an ATI Rage 128 video chipset (which XFree86 supports). The audio chip is a Texas Instruments part. Documentation is available from TI, and there is a Linux driver.
Re:Still the same complaint though. (Score:2)
And SuSE 7.3. Their PowerPC release is sitting on the shelf at Fry's, tempting me daily.
Re:Still the same complaint though wrong my friend (Score:2, Informative)
Basically, try out VPC again, it has come a long, long way. It doesn't even require a separate IP anymore.
Re:The problem lies in... (Score:4, Funny)
Gaming? Real gaming takes place in a text window. Mac's got those too.
Only thing I'm missing is apps with hidden extensions that auto-launch from my mail apps. I don't really miss them that much, though.
Re:The problem lies in... (Score:2)
Oh, you didn't know that AppleScripts can be attachments to mail messages, and run automagically from Outlook, and have misleading file types assigned.
It's just that nobody's written an AppleScript email virus. Yet.
Re:The problem lies in... (Score:2)
The latest "sneakypeaks" of OmniWeb 4 do just fine for me. True, MSIE 5.1 (the Mac OS X version) and OmniWeb feel a bit sluggish compared to MSIE on Mac OS 9 or Windows. Next round will probably be a lot more optimized. I do a lot of Photoshop, but I also develop dynamic web content in perl and php on my box. I also have fully native versions of MS Office, too... Office v.X on the OS X machines and Office 2001 on the OS 9 machines. I don't feel like I'm missing much. I've played a few Mac (and Windows) games. I like my Dreamcast, PS2, and GameCube moreso, though (much like my old Sun days when I used SPARCstation 20 for work and an SNES for play).
Re:The problem lies in... (Score:2)
Re:The problem lies in... (Score:2)
Of course the appearance of my computers has no bearing on their function, although I do occasionally get compliments on my server's paint job. My PC does what I want (it's a server that occasionally doubles as a desktop system), and my iMac does what I want (all my desktop needs). My 486 even does what I want - an extra test box I can play with, and the only floppy drive in the house.
Graphics and multimedia? I have no Adobe or Macromedia software installed, save Acrobat Reader and the Flash and Shockwave plug-ins of course. I do have some music software, but so does my friend on his PC.
For me, Macs don't mean gaming, web browsing, or things like that.
I don't spend much time playing games; the one I play most is Unreal Tournament. Looking forward to Quake 4 and Warcraft III. I'm writing this with Mozilla 0.9.6 (yes, I sometimes use nightly builds, but keep the milestones around too). Of course I use BB Edit to write HTML and Perl code. For me, this is what Macs mean, and I'd be surprised if they didn't fit the vast majority of your needs too.
Re:Who Cares (Score:2)
Re:Is Jordan betraying his ideals? (Score:2, Insightful)
Bringing UNIX to the desktop is a new approach and a novel idea. It may well work. If it does, then maybe MS will have a competitor.
It is certainly worth a try. Considering pending legislation in America and the way things are going there, this may be what saves open source.
Re:Is Jordan betraying his ideals? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Is Jordan betraying his ideals? (Score:2)
Re:Is Jordan betraying his ideals? (Score:4, Funny)
"Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy; but I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven; for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so? Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." --Matthew v. 43-48.
Re:Is Jordan betraying his ideals? (Score:5, Insightful)
I use FreeBSD at work. It's awesome. I also use OS X daily at home and at work. And really, I can't see much difference between the Darwin core (pure opensource) and FreeBSD in terms of out-of-the-box functionality, except that several of the utilities and bsd apis are dated (no localtime_r, for example). That's not a big deal really, it's Apple's goal to keep Darwin in sync with FreeBSD, and anything that you are missing (as an application developer), there's not too much stopping you from getting sources and compiling it yourself.
My point is, Apple is shipping a fully capable open source OS. I'm talking about Darwin, not OS X. This is what Jordan is working on. If anything, it aims to succeed FreeBSD. FreeBSD is nice and all, but it's got everything that makes a modern Unix, which is exactly what keeps its market penetration small. It doesn't have the attention that Linux has to keep it growing.
The difference that Darwin has is the incredible number of NEW ideas that make a NEW OS. Darwin isn't just another BSD. Apple has learned a lot having several OS projects fail (you have to admit, you do learn a lot that way), and the good stuff has gotten into the Darwin core.
There are things like XML and Unicode support at the base level of the OS. XML is used to describe everything in the sytem, it's basically the conf file format of OS X for everything that doesn't have too many legacy dependancies (for example, fstab is still there, but from what I can tell, it isn't the source of the information at boot time- NetInfo generates it. mount et. al will use fstab still). High-level, object-oriented frameworks are available with at the base level of the OS through CoreFoundation. CoreFoundation is basically the core of the OpenStep Foundation framework without Objective-C. It's pure C. Everything in the core of OS X is written with CoreFoundation- it provides the XML and Unicode support (this means kernel modules, etc). Every string you use is a Unicode-capable string. The powerful array and dictionary 'classes' you use can be converted to and from XML (simple data archiving and unarchving, and human readable too). And you can download and install CoreFoundation onto Linux/FreeBSD if you want to.
I can hear people in the background yelling 'OMG! They're butchering BSD!' No, their upgrading and replacing some very old systems with new ones. They're replacing them with things that fit the needs of modern workstations, not just servers. Things like 'ls' and 'more' aren't touched. They're user utilities, and pretty irrelevant at the OS level (and fairly irrelevant for Apple anyway, because a cool ls isn't too useful in OS X).
You can check out Darwin yourselves from www.opensource.apple.com. You'd probably have more fun with Linux/FreeBSD for a few years, though. While Darwin doesn't have everything it needs to make a long-time *nix user happy, it does have everything it needs to bring all the power of Unix to the masses.
Even before Rhapsody was remade into Mac OS X, I remember Mac OS Rumors article about a rumor (surprise surprise) that what is now Darwin would be available free to universities, simply because Avie Tevanian wanted to give back to the community (as the BSD license doesn't force you). Well, they gave everything back to everyone, and then some.
I'm not saying that Apple is all good, but so many people really underestimate what Darwin is and what it stands for.
Re:Is Jordan betraying his ideals? (Score:2)
Re:Darwin isn't enough (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Darwin isn't enough (Score:2)
What about the content providers who have decided to provide the content in ONLY Sorensen format, with no way for someone who just wants an mpeg to download it, or no way for someone on a non-supported-by-quicktime platform to view it - period.
Such exclusive deals are made specifically for the purpose of forcing propagation of Quicktime (on Windows). Everyone else be damned. And that's not Sorensen's fault. It's Apple that wants Quicktime everywhere. Can't blame them for wanting that, but you CAN blame them for taking a page out of Bill Gate's HOWTO manual for "ruining the internet for everyone who chooses a different platform".
Re:Darwin isn't enough (Score:2)
Quicktime does do that - but since everyone else seems to be playing the content forcing game, Quicktime has to as well.
Back when Quicktime was THE standard for video on the internet, when CNN presented content exclusively on Quicktime, it was obvious. Then Microsoft gave away servers and software to CNN to get them to switch over to WIMP. And here we are.
Real Media? what's that? Oh that audio format that also sometimes plays really tiny grainy pictures about the quality of an animated GIF? Real is irrelevant.
Welcome to the real world. (Score:4, Insightful)
Further, you need to do more research about your arguments. Open source zealots may never bother to check copyright law, but companys really -have- to defend their copyrighted stuff every single time. If they don't they risk losing the rights to it. In addition, Apple -doesn't- own the Sorensen codec: they license it. They can't control whether or not it is open sourced. Finally, your arguments about aqua and other core technologies are ludicrous. People should be very clear: Apple is a commercial company, which means they need to make real -money-. If everything is free, why would anyone pay for the OS? What would cover development costs. The OS is comparatively cheap, because of hardware, but it is still the corner stone of Apple's business. People can get the base Darwin for free, just like linux. If you want the extra stuff Apple worked so hard on, you're just going to have to pay for it.
This is a great start, and I hope that it is very sucessful and prompts other commercial companies too start to champion open source. Value added solutions can be viable business models.
Re:Welcome to the real world. (Score:3, Informative)
No, NO, NO! Trademarks are lost if they aren't defended, not copyright. Is this really such a difficult distinction for Slashdot readers to make?
This is a great start, and I hope that it is very sucessful and prompts other commercial companies too start to champion open source. Value added solutions can be viable business models.
While I am glad to see open-source get accepted in the marketplace, I fear that open-source projects could very quickly become nothing more than cheap publicity stunts for companies. Our burgeoning corporate republic depends on keeping the sheeple quietly content, and by pacifying the vocal Open-Source Community with a few open-source project could very quickly become just another political manoeuvre, no more meaningful than kissing babies or making token efforts to be "environmentally friendly". This is what Apple's open-source efforts smell like to me, and I personally would rather see companies be more open altogether rather than just throw out some code and say "look, we're open source!"
Re:Welcome to the real world. (Score:2, Insightful)
I'm still trying to gel the thought in my mind, so bear with me if the formulation sounds a bit confused. The concept hasn't finished percolating.
With the advent of Linux and the various BSDs, the sign is up that "core OS" functions might become more of commodities than crown-jewels. Furthermore, with the ever-growing complexity of OS functionality, the proliferation of all sorts of weird and wonderful (or not) pieces of hardware, maintaining all that under-the-hood plumbing is becoming more of a liability than an asset. Apple (and others) has finally realized, after all these years and after seing various OSS efforts being able to create some very decent OS cores, that the real crown jewels are really more the GUI and the User Experience than anything else. While "everyone" can write a pre-emptive, memory-protected, multi-user & multi-tasking OS, not everyone can build a decent GUI (sorry KDE & GNOME, you ain't there yet).
Not only that, but considering that the OSS crowd is working at creating and maintaining all sorts of "low level" tools (for lack of a better expression) such as compilers, linkers, programming editors, etc., Apple would be foolish not to leverage it. So by open-sourcing the lower part of their OS, Apple gains a ton of maintainers willing to write drivers, debug under-the-hood/never-really-seen-by-the-user functionalities and, something not to be underestimated, keep the code portable (think Darwin x86). Furthermore, the Cupertino company is able to use all sorts of OSS development tools because the core of its OS is "aligned" with these tools. They save oodles of money by no longer having to maintain their own tools suites (MPW, MacApp, etc.).
All of this lets them concentrate their limited resources (limited compared to M$) onto what makes the biggest difference: what the user directly sees and uses. The UI, which becomes the added-value that justifies paying for that OS and the hardware to run it on.
Maybe everyone that is not M$ will have to do this to be able to concentrate on what they do best, one day. Because they won't be able to maintain & develop an entire OS anymore.
Not to troll, maybe we are just seeing the proof that OSS can write good OSes, but can't build usable GUIs (though I will admit that all good things need time to mature). That we do need closed-source companies to build these GUIs usable by mere mortals. That's something to think about.
Re:Welcome to the real world. (Score:5, Interesting)
Well actually, in Australia at least (and presumably in the US) we have this little law against selective punishment which states that if you are to take legal action against someone you must also take legal action against any other infrignement of the same magnitude against the right you are protecting. In other words, if you regularly let people you don't know walk through your property as a short cut then you cannot sue a specific person for taking the same short cut without showing that you are also going to persecute all future infringements. Otherwise the legal action is discriminatory and will be thrown out of court (see the case of Williams vs Thorsbourne in relation to the Port Hinchinbrook Project). Apply this to copyrights and you will find that they are only viable to the extent that they are protected.
Now, even if this law does not exist in America, the fact that it does in Australia would be enough to convince most international companies to be strict about enforcing their trademarks to save trouble in the long run. Of course, ianal...
Regardless of all this, Apple is certainly not a highly proprietary company any more. Lets take a look at some of the things they work with and sell these days and how open they are:
In fact there is very little that Apple do that is proprietary anymore. So they defend their look and feel vigourously because that's about the biggest thing that sets them apart from what others could provide. Almost everything else they do is opensource or follows widely published standards.
All in all, Apple looks like a pretty good place for an opensource advocate to find a home.
Re:Welcome to the real world. (Score:2)
A little off-topic, but for what it's worth, PDF is also a great file format for editable files as well. Lots of professional prepress and desktop publishing applications can read PDFs (provided they aren't toggled as "uneditable" backed with trivial encryption), and in fact Illustrator 10's native file format basically is PDF. It's a great file format, and it comes closer to web to print than anything else out there.
- j
Re:Welcome to the real world. (Score:2)
What people miss on Apple is that they really do build the whole computer. It's not an OS, it's not hardware, it's a computer. A whole platform. There are all kinds of benefits to the leadership that Apple has shown on their platform. It's only just getting started with Mac OS X, they're just getting up to speed and they're already so far ahead of anybody else on many issues. They are the only game for low-cost and portable pro-level video editing. Final Cut Pro is like another Photoshop, taking over the industry. It's fantastic stuff.
Re:Welcome to the real world. (Score:2)
Complaining that there's no Sorenson for Linux is like complaining that there's no Apache for Mac OS 9. If it was really needed there, it would be there. Somebody would bring it there to serve that need.
With all the shit that Microsoft is pulling, it's weird to see somebody knock Apple for continuing to innovate in the multimedia space. QuickTime is to multimedia what UNIX is to operating systems. The other shit comes and goes, but people who need power tools need UNIX and QuickTime. That's why Mac OS X is so fucking cool. UNIX and QuickTime, Apache and Dreamweaver, Final Cut Pro and Photoshop, Pro Tools and MetaSynth, iMovie and iDVD. It's a wet dream for creative people.
Mac OS X is going to have a big year. The apps are really coming now in native form. Actual "Mac users" are getting involved now, whereas a lot of the buzz until now has been a lot of geeks and developer types (Apple tripled the size of their developer program in the past year). We'll see a lot of cool new software coming out. A flat-panel iMac launch in the early part of the year won't hurt, either.
Re:Darwin isn't enough (Score:2)
Yeah. And I really get pissed at RMS refusing to open the RealVideo codec.
Ummm... hate to tell you, but Apple doesn't own Sorensen. I believe it's owned by (da da da dum!) Sorensen. And yes, Apple has asked Sorensen at least to release a Linux binary, and they declined. Maybe it's time to ask again ("Mommy, Daddy, why do we celebrate Sorensen day?" "Because, honey, that's when we all gather round and ask Sorensen to release their codec for Linux so that the majority of the world can use it. Now be quiet, and eat your emacs pudding... if you wish hard enough, St. IGNUcius [stallman.org] with give you Free-as-in-speech Gifts tonight under the CVS tree." )
Re:Darwin isn't enough (Score:2)
J'Accuse! Point us to a reputable URL for this claim, or forever hold your tongue. I have never seen anything but stonewalling from Apple in the available data [google.com].
Apple pays Sorenson serious money to make their codec available only on the platform(s) of Apple's choice.
Re:Darwin isn't enough (Score:2)
I cannot - I am not an Apple user (my last box was a Mac LC, but I loved the Apple ][). I seem to recall it being revealed in an interview... which would make sense, as I read Jobs' interviews for the same reason I listen to Jello Biafra - I may not agree with him, but he's got charisma, and a good deal of thought goes behind some of his directions. At any rate, it was awhile back, and I may be in error. I do not think so, but it would not cause me to melt into a puddle screaming "What a world!" if it were the case.
Re:Darwin isn't enough (Score:2)
Apple has done fine by Linux. They contribute code to open projects, including GNU stuff, they are on their third or fourth UNIX OS now. Apple's (GUI) disk management utility has six or seven Linux-specific disk formatting and partitioning options you can choose and you're ready for your Linux install. Not to mention that you can boot a Mac from any attached storage (ATA, FireWire, iPod, USB, Zip, CD, etc) so it's easy to have Linux on a second drive or a tenth drive in addition to Mac OS or Mac OS X. Also, when you boot a Mac with the Option key held down, you get a boot loader from Open Firmware that will identify bootable Mac OS, Mac OS X, and Linux systems on attached storage. Volumes with Linux systems on them get a cute Penguin icon, it's really quite nice. People who run LinuxPPC are fucking in love with it, and good for them. These guys are like the happiest guys at Macworld Expo all the time, running around talking about it a mile a minute with other LinuxPPC users.
Personally, I hate when Linux is compared to anything else. To me, the strength of Linux is to provide a free, geeky alternative that follows a few years behind the commercial stuff and makes sure that they don't sit around and sell the same shit to people year after year. It's like, once Linux can do it, it's available for free to anybody with some time and smarts, so if we want to charge for it, we'd better add some serious value. Apple adds some serious value, while at the same time you don't lose the benefits of community software. The BSD heritage of Mac OS X is shouted out at Apple, while Windows uses the BSD TCP/IP stack and Microsoft doesn't want you to know that.
Finally, to the comment "Darwin isn't enough", I would have to say, "what have YOU contributed?" QuickTime Streaming Server is also out there for free and open source, and it's cutting edge stuff. Real and MS charge you a lot to get that functionality running on a closed Windows platform. Apple also developed QuickTime, TrueType, FireWire, and lots of other stuff that has benefited and will benefit community software developers and users.
Opensource at Apple isn't just darwin (Score:2, Informative)
Quicktime Streaming Server [apple.com]
Openplay and Net Sprocket [apple.com]
Common Data Security Architecture (CDSA) [apple.com]
HeaderDoc [apple.com]
Documentation [apple.com]
Also Apple has summited source back to projects like Apace and GCC.
Re:Thanks to the GPL (Score:2)
Re:Thanks to the GPL (Score:2)
Re:Darwin isn't enough (Score:2)
The reason Apple needs to have lawyers who are quick on the trigger is that they are one of the very few companies that really comes up with new stuff and makes it work. They're copied far and wide, most famously by Microsoft and Microsoft's hardware cartel. Get past a few FUD stories that you read on the Internet and check out what the real story is.
Re:Whatever happened.. (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Whatever happened.. (Score:2)
In short, the platform itself is really starting to show the benefits of a lot of good planning from Apple over the past few years. You can expect TV out, mirroring or second displays, gigabit ethernet, FireWire, AirPort. It's there and the OS makes it all just work. The commodity hardware model won't support a platform like this, even if MS disappeared tomorrow.
Re:Whatever happened.. (Score:3, Interesting)
Apparently Jobs was mighty pissed at Motorola because the PowerPC chips weren't scaling (in terms of Mzh) as quickly as the x86 machines. There were rumors that if things continued at that rate that Apple would switch its machines over to an x86 arch. (with maybe Transmetta for laptops). Now, assuming that was true I wouldn't have expected the new systems to have been standard x86 machines. I would suspect they would have been incompatible with WinTel boxen. Apple is a hardware/software company and would want to control the hardware platform as well.
Since it looks like Motorola has solved some of the speed issues (the new G5s are supposed to be blazing if the Reg is to be believed) I doubt any x86 port of aqua would ever see the light of day.
lmbench comparison for Linux, NetBSD, and Mac OS X (Score:2, Insightful)
See this mailbox [apple.com] and search for "LMbench/results" (they apparently didn't archive back that far in their web archiving thing, so you have to checkout the mbox).
It will give you lmbench numbers for the same 400MHz Powerbook G4 running Linux, NetBSD, and OS X (2 diff versions). Granted, lmbench numbers probably only impact practicality and useability...
The summary: Linux out performs the others on the same hardware.
Package Management via Ports (Score:5, Informative)
In effect, all Linux proper is is an OS kernel. Everything on top of the kernel is something that is bolted on independently of any kernel development. Thus Slackware is the Linux kernel plus "all sorts of stuff Patrick Volkerding added;" Red Hat Linux is the kernel plus "all sorts of stuff they added;" ditto for SuSE, Debian, Mandrake, ad infinitum.
With the BSDs, there's quite a lot of additional "environment" that is tightly tied to kernel development so that you've got a "base system" that is defacto-standardized that is capable of, for instance, recompiling itself.
With Linux, you've got to add in whatever that is needed that isn't in the kernel in order to do that yourself.
With that larger basis of "stuff" surrounding the kernel, a whole lot of the arguments "Red Hat puts the files here; Debian puts them there" just plain go away. The "Linux Standard Base" effort where they're trying to standardize where a bunch of the basic stuff goes and what it does is an effort that would be ludicrously irrelevant amongst the BSD folk; they started off by standardizing the user space stuff that LSB is fighting over.
Then there's Ports. Ports is sort of the BSD equivalent to Debian's apt-get or perhaps the Red Hat-oriented autoRPM . Except with a difference: With Ports, the approach is not to download binary packages, it is rather to download the sources, pull in any patches needed for Ports integration, and then compile it all.
That's got the demerit that it's a lot more work for your poor, overworked CPU.
However, it has the merit that if you compile libraries and packages, together, on your system, with the same compiler, the sorts of "DLL Hell" that people suffer from when they grab RPM files from here and there just can't happen. The libraries will necessarily be compatible with the applications because the applications were compiled with and for the precise set of libraries you have on your system.
This means that if there are any challenges in getting programs to compile, you'll hit them. That being said, since the folks collecting and maintaining the Ports will indeed hit those issues, they're likely to have patches in place so that by the time you see the code, it should compile cleanly.
In effect, the crucial concept involved in all of this is that the BSD packaging paradigm is that everything should be readily compilable and recompilable, from the ground up. The classic "make world" will compile all the base tools, the kernel, all the kings horses, and all the kings men, and what you get at the end is that every single component in the "world" (which is the base system; the stuff below Ports ) has been rebuilt locally.
It's all using Makefiles, and can be downloaded using CVS, so the details are all visible. None of the controversies of "well, the Red Hat kernel compiles include some special patches, and getting at them is a bit challenging...."
Big-time learning opportunity.
BSDs have BINARY packages TOO!!! (Score:2)
Please man pkg_create(1), pkg_delete(1), pkg_info(1), pkg_update(1) and pkg_version(1) for more information.
As a side benefit, these binary packages are built FROM the ports tree every day by the kind people at freebsd.org.
Re:Linux vs. BSD (Score:2)
What! You mean that NVidia makes the world's only 3D video card? Dopey me for not buying this year's mandatory video hardware.
Re:Linux-like? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:proprietary hardware means less freedom (Score:4, Insightful)
The propietary hardware will always hold me back from a mac. I like having the ability to install any OS on my machine.
Nice nonsequitur.
And what machine runs "any OS"?
My TiBook has MacOS X.x, MacOS 9.x, Darwin, Windows 98 (via VPC).
If I wanted to I could install various distros of Linux (PPC and, with VPC, x86), but with OSX's Unix underpinings I don't need to.
I'm currently running VPC v4.x. If I were to get a copy of VPC 3.x I could load Solaris and BeOS (support was removed with version 4). But I've no need for them.
A quick check at Emulation.net [emulation.net] shows a variety of emulators. I counted 34, plus emulators for game consoles, calculators, and handheld devices.
I have no idea if those emulators are useful. The only one I've used is the PalmOS emulator.
Even with this there are plenty of OS's that I can't run. MPE/iX and OS400 are two that I've worked with in recently.
Please tell me what machine can run any OS, and where I can purchase one. Theoretical Turing Machines don't count.
Steve M
Re:Coupla questions (Score:4, Informative)
top, vi etc are all there. /usr/bin is where CLI programs go. MacOSX GUI programs go into /Applications. This is so that if you don't want to use a command line, you don't see any CLI apps (/usr is invisible to the GUI by default). A Terminal window sees all though.
There is no need for the quotes around "console". It is not some lame DOS ripoff that Apple put there for marketing purposes. Open a term window and you'd be hard pressed to tell it apart from FreeBSD except for directories like /Applications being there.
Yes it is the Dev tools (Cocoa, Carbon, C++ compilers, etc). Side note: When NeXT was selling this, the dev tools were several hundred dollars, $700 IIRC. Apple is GIVING them away. Of couse some here would ignore that and gripe that they're not open source *sigh*. Sort of. The OS and unix CLI stuff is Darwin. It's open and can be downloaded separately [apple.com] for free for PPC and x86. It has no GUI but you can install XFree86 if you want. The rest of MacOSX is only for PPC and is a set of closed source libraries and applications.Yes, you can't change the source. Apple is a NASDAQ company and must make money. They have to keep some things in-house. The Cocoa environment is EXTREMELY good though and by subclassing etc you can override a lot of defaults, not that it's usually necessary though. Apple did a good job the first time. If you want to see how some things are implemented, check out GNUStep [gnustep.org], an open source implementation of Cocoa for Linux.
Good, object orientated frameworks mean that you don't have to see the source to have flexibility. Check out the Cocoa docs [apple.com].
Re:Coupla questions (Score:2)
Since all the low level code is freely available and open source, the development tools cost no money, it should be a snap to make a better terminal replacement (there are other problems with the app besides the color support, like load speed). So what's keeping you?
Re:Coupla questions (Score:2)
It's worth noting that the new free devtools that ship today include Applescript Studio [apple.com], which, though I've only started glancing at the documentation, appears to be a really cool RAD tool for doing Delphi/VB/whatever-style protoyping and/or vertical-market stuff. People who have been playing around with it are quite impressed.
Re:OS X is a crap, in a sense (Score:2)
Apple isn't in desperate need of anything. They have BILLIONS of dollars of cash and enough customers to stay in business pretty happily.
Would they like more? Of course. Who wouldn't? Are they on the ropes? No way.
"Apple Computer: Proudly going out of business for 20 years!"
Apple will lose money from its reduced hardware sales, but once OSX for x86 reaches a critical mass of user base, then it can ship OSX to the major PC providers like Dell or Compaq.
Apple will never, ever do this. When you buy Apple you aren't buying an OS, you are buying an experience -- hardware and all.
Have you ever looked closely at a Mac? You'll see that the CD-ROM's own front panel is covered up by a panel on the Mac's case. This prevents you from accessing whatever controls might be on the actual CD-ROM: play button, headphone jack, volume control. Why does Apple do this? To utterly control your hardware experience. If they kept the CD uncovered, the available controls would change when they changed CD-ROM vendors... sometimes the Play button might not be there; who knows.
A company that won't let you see the headphone jack on the Toshiba CD-ROM they bought that quarter CD-ROM isn't going to let you try and install OSX on some commodity hardware Frankenputer.
(not that I can talk too much sh!t about Frankenputers, I have 4 & 1 Mac too.)
Re:OS X is a crap, in a sense (Score:2)
If you need to run a Windows only application, try Virtual PC or Bochs for Mac OS X.
Re:microkernel disease (Score:2)
Linux/KDE/Gnome definitely 'feels' more snappier the Mac OS X Aqua.
I've had linux freeze my box more than a few times. Probably related to VM, probably would be fixed when I go to the latest kernel with the better VM. OS-X 10.1 has never crashed on me.
Benchmarks of some computationally intensive altivec code for some reason show linux 10% faster. Strange, maybe the gcc compiler for OS-X has some optimizations disabled internally.
I personally like them both very much. Porting linux apps to OS-X can be a bitch especially if they want to create shared libs. Shared libs are completely different.
I also wish that OS-X could mount my ext3 partition.
Re:yo mama (Score:4, Insightful)
LOL! Doing something like this has been the holy grail of the open source desktop environments, and I think you trivialize both their work and Apple's work with that statement.
I also don't know where you get the idea that Apple "ditched development and server utilities". Yes, the DevTools are on a second disk, which you can optionally install. This isn't a bad idea since <gasp> many desktop users are not developers. So how are the server utilities crippled? The primary difference I see is that in OS X if I want to start up my Apache server with typical settings for serving my personal webpages, I open System Preferences, click on Sharing, and click the Start Web Sharing button, only needing to pop a terminal for tweaking the server, most of which I could probably do in a GUI text editor like BBEdit Lite.
Finally I must point out that having a system that they could mistake for a weird version of windows (not exactly the model interface itself) when used only for opening one application is not an achievement of the magnitude of having a system that they could have painlessly setup and configured all aspects of themselves.
If you want to setup servers, compile all your apps, muck around with source code, or uber-tune your window manager interface, then yeah, Linux (or bsd, or whatever) will be complicated. Take all that crap away, and setup a system with a standard graphical interface, and it can be just as easy and friendly as a Mac.
Or you could build Mac OS X, and have a system that lets you do the vast majority of your work easily, including GUI tools for development and servers, and lets you pop a terminal for any tweaks you might need to do under the hood. Lets face the fact that Linux can not be as easy as Mac OS X in terms of total experience, that's not what it was designed for, although open source desktop environments may get it there one day.