Classic Games (Games)

Sega Opens Gate, Puts Dreamcast Out To Pasture 35

Earlier this year we discussed the discontinuation of the GDRom, and what that likely meant for the Dreamcast. In news covered by Kotaku, who translated a blurb on the Sega Nerds site, Sega has now announced that they're officially stopping the repair service for the Dreamcast and Sega Saturn. They've offered the service all these long years to loyal fans, and two new Dreamcast games were even released this year in Japan. Just the same, this looks to be the end of official support for 1999's unsung console hero.
Classic Games (Games)

Can Nintendo Save the Adventure Game Genre? 126

Gamasutra is running an editorial wondering whether the Wii can save the adventure game genre. With the intuitive nature of first-person control and interaction the Wiimote/nunchuck combination provides, it's been an open question since the console's concept was announced whether or not the Nintendo could revive a much-beloved but sadly absent game genre. Scott Nixon writes of the future for point-and-click titles, talking about their hearty success on the DS (with Hotel Dusk and Phoenix Wright) and the requirements of design such games would make of the Wii. With word that a Wii developer for the Sam and Max series is being sought, the question isn't if but when adventure titles begin appearing on the system. Here's hoping they get a warm reception, from an audience ready for their reintroduction. Update: 02/07 01:03 GMT by Z : Fixed the link. Sorry.
Portables (Games)

Castlevania for the PSP Unveiled 55

1up has the news that Castlevania is coming to the PSP for the first time. Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles will bring not one but two games from the classic side-scroller series to the portable console. The pack will include the title Rondo of Blood, which is a brand-new release for the United States, as well as the much beloved Symphony of the Night. The network is featuring an extensive preview from Jeremy Parish, as well as video and screenshots of this sure-to-be-bestseller PSP title.
Hardware Hacking

Pinball 2000 + Ethernet = ... 93

Eric Priepke writes: "I have 2 "Pinball 2000" machines, both of which I've added ethernet to. Via that ethernet, it's possible to telnet in to the pinball machine and get to a shell. I'm using that shell to dump out a bunch of statistic information on the games, and then build a web page with a backend perl script. Any time my games are on, the local FreeBSD box notices and updates the web pages every 1/2 hour." The link is to a mirror. Really impressive hack. Revenge from Mars is among my favorite pinball tables. Since Williams is giving up on Pinball 2000, it would be sweet to see if we couldn't make new games out of the old hardware.

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