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Journal singularity's Journal: PDA/Cell phone combination 1

I finally broke down and bought a PDA to cell phone cable from Gomadic They are the same people that supplied me with a Handspring to Samsung SCH-3500 cable before. This time I purchased a Sony Clie T-series to Samsung SCH-3500 cable.

Took it out of the box, set up the Clie in about three minutes, and was able to view Slashdot from the PDA.

I have written before about my dislike for combination PDA and cell phone devices (do not get me started on cell phones than include a camera). I find them bulky, and end up being medicore at both jobs. I would rather carry my cell phone at all times (I do) and then carry my PDA with me when I need it (more and more often, but still not all the time).

What I still want to see is a wireless connection between cell phone and PDA enabling me to surf the web on my PDA while my cell phone is in my pocket. Bluetooth looked promising, but does not offer the speed I would want. I am looking to buy a SprintPCS phone with Vision (2.5G), and my PDA (Sony Clie T-665c) is a decent performer. Why should the wireless link between the two of them be the slowdown?

I am written before about my desire for a personal network, as well. I would like my iPod to serve as storage for everything I carry on me. I want my cell phone and PDA to sync wirelessly (as well as with the iPod), and my PDA to use my cell phone to dial out wirelessly. I would like my camera (a very nice Canon S200) to see if my iPod is available and, if so, store pictures on that hard drive. When I take a picture, I would like to be able to view it on my PDA wirelessly (perhaps just reading it off the iPod, or, if the iPod is not on me at the time, suck it off the camera).

Everything would work together modularly and wirelessly. Any two devices together would work without any of the others.

I was mentioning this to a friend of mine and decided that the ideal phone in this situation would just be a ear peice with a boom microphone. I do not need a color screen on my phone if I have my PDA. Voice dialing would work for numeric and speed dialing. If my PDA was on me, I could use that to dial.

Of course the cell phone would work even wihout the PDA being present - that is the point.

Does this make sense to anyone?

Should I try to patent this idea?

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PDA/Cell phone combination

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  • What you describe was exactly the same sort of stuff my lucent engineer co-workers were promising that bluetooth would do. Looking back I don't think they honestly felt BT was the end all solution at that time, more like a proposal and a simple proof of concept that someone unleashed and let escape from the research facility... once it got out it got adopted. The BT that is out there is not the fully refiened lab concept that was thought up in the beginning, nor (in my understanding) is around now. From

My mother is a fish. - William Faulkner
