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Apple Technology

Apple Submits Plans To Allow Alternative Payment Systems in South Korea ( 13

South Korea's telecommunications regulator said on Tuesday Apple had submitted plans to allow third-party payment systems on its App Store to comply with a law banning major app store operators from forcing software developers to use their payments systems. From a report: The Korea Communications Commission (KCC) had requested Apple and Alphabet's Google to submit compliance plans after the bill was passed in August last year and went into effect in September. Google announced its plans to allow alternative payment systems in South Korea in November to comply with the amended Telecommunication Business Act, dubbed the "anti-Google law."
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Apple Submits Plans To Allow Alternative Payment Systems in South Korea

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  • Apple plans to allow alternative payment systems for a lower service fee versus the current 30% commissions.

    So Apple will have zero involvement in the proposed third-party payment transaction but still plans to collect a (reduced) fee on it. Even the mob would blush at this type of racket.
    • must give apple debit access to your bank to be able to use third-party payment systems.

    • The remaining percentage will go to the 3rd party payment provider - Samsung.

    • This isn't in the least surprising, except to people who were expecting a free utopian ideal to result from this sort of regulation. Of course Apple would do the minimum necessary and would continue to collect a (reduced) fee. They've always said that the 30% they collect is used to cover all sorts of other costs—hosting, listing, review staff, editorial staff, etc., and yes, payment processing—not to mention leaving them a bit of room to profit from the whole ordeal as well, most of which they

      • at the very lest with an third-party payment processing they can get better rates with faster updates then apple when they change.

      • They've always said that the 30% they collect is used to cover all sorts of other costs

        They've always been lying.

        hosting, listing, review staff, editorial staff, etc

        Hosting is dirt cheap. Listing? What's that? Review staff? Worthless, they have deployed obvious malware from the app store multiple times. Editorial staff? You mean advertising staff?

        Apple gets money coming and going. They get money before you're allowed to upload to the app store, they get money before you're allowed to sideload, they get money when you process a payment... They charge and charge and charge and yet offer no actual value above those who charge less.

    • by tlhIngan ( 30335 )

      So Apple will have zero involvement in the proposed third-party payment transaction but still plans to collect a (reduced) fee on it. Even the mob would blush at this type of racket.

      Well, Apple still has to record that the payment took place, so if you used it to buy content, the content will be recorded so you can restore it in the future. (This is very annoying on Android apps - you can often buy premium upgrades to apps, but they're not forced to remember it, so if you delete the app and install it later

    • So Apple will have zero involvement in the proposed third-party payment transaction but still plans to collect a (reduced) fee on it. Even the mob would blush at this type of racket.

      Don't forget that every developer already paid Apple $100 to be in the App Store in the first place. So across 1 million developers (that's an old number-- it's actually probably higher today) Apple already makes $100 million a year off the developers apps before they even try to grab another cut.

  • I thought Apple did not want alternative payment systems because they cared about their users. That is what I was told anyway. So this means they either lied or they sold out.

The steady state of disks is full. -- Ken Thompson
