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What Apple's AR/VR Headset Could Look Like (screenrant.com) 23

Render creator Ian Zelbo has shared a trio of high-quality product renders of Apple's upcoming AR/VR headset that's expected to arrive in the fourth quarter of 2022. "The renders are based on earlier reporting from The Information and showcase the device in crisp 8K images," reports Screen Rant. "Zelbo's previously done renders for AirTag, iPhone 13, and other Apple gadgets leading up to their release -- all of which have been incredibly representative of the final product." From the report: Assuming Apple's headset actually looks like this, it could be one of the best-designed gadgets in the niche so far. The front of the headset is taken up entirely by curved glass, with the frame touting a sleek (likely aluminum) construction. Behind that glass is a mesh fabric cushion -- not unlike the cushions used for the earcups on AirPods Max. That AirPods Max inspiration is also seen with the oval button on top of the headset.

Moving to the headset's strap, there's clear inspiration taken from the Apple Watch's sport band. It appears to have the same silicon design, loops, and metal clasp. The back of the headband also bears a resemblance to Apple's AirTag Loop accessory thanks to its open design. Not only does the whole package look good, but it should also result in a very comfortable wearing experience. If the face cushion and head strap are even half as comfortable as the products they're inspired by, that's worth getting excited for.

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What Apple's AR/VR Headset Could Look Like

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  • Crisp 8K images (Score:4, Interesting)

    by PPH ( 736903 ) on Tuesday December 21, 2021 @09:31PM (#62104727)

    A bit of an overkill when you all are going to be living in Minecraft.

    • by Arethan ( 223197 )

      Are you basing this opinion on the renderings of ski goggles within the article?
      I doubt Apple is going to release something that basic looking, but I guess we'll soon see.

    • by J-1000 ( 869558 )

      I've been using the Quest 2 for a few months. Despite having an above-average screen resolution, I'd say screen resolution remains one of the areas where the most improvement is needed. For low-detail stuff like Minecraft you won't care much, but for a lot of applications the lack of detail really stands out, especially if you're looking at anything more than ~100 feet away.

  • AR or VR? (Score:2, Troll)

    by Kristoph ( 242780 )

    The rumors keep swirling that Apple is doing AR but this is clearly a VR headset.

    No sane human being - I would hope - would walk around with those in public. Then again, matched with a 5k Hermes band it might be the next fashion accessory. /shudder

    • The claim is that they will have a different, less powerful, AR only headset. The VR one will supposedly be able to do both because it will have external cameras. That is the rumors anyways.

    • by jeti ( 105266 )
      My guess is that it's a VR headset with a focus on HQ passthrough AR. I don't think it's supposed to be worn in public.
    • These are just total guess renderings to generate clicks though. If I was to guess as well, I'd say it will be more of a heads-up display glasses so you can get notifications and things like navigation information on them. Pretty much an Apple watch but as a heads up instead of on your wrist.

      I doubt it will have a camera in the first iteration - too many glass-hole issues around that.

      Apple will make a big deal around various use cases, but it will mostly end up being used for fitness and by old people, just

    • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

      Glassholery isn't the only application for AR. Many of the actually useful things, like superimposing instructions or schematics in a work place, would work fine with something that could double as safety glasses.

  • Unless it is a modernized Google Glass knockoff, you're just not going to be able to achieve significant adoption or user usage time.

    • The other problem is that all VR headset makers try to lock users into their crappy ecosystem. I was trying a friend's oculus, and it was really cool. But I think it's lame you can't use it with console systems VR. These things should be like a monitor or TV, and not an add on peripheral.
  • Doesn'tseeme to have an easily accessible adjust for head size, mask doesn't seem removable. It looks like a cheap toy.

  • I'm afraid VR technology needs to wait for better times , like it was with palmtops (known as smartphones).

    As a huge fan of VR, comparing the old-ones from 1995 with todays technology - frankly does not seem like a big jump - taking into consideration, that more than 20years passed.
    I must admit that in case of pricing its unvelievable how affordable they became. You dont have to wait in a line of 300 people to dive in for literally 10sec , until next person walks in. So there is a progress with that.
    • I certainly don't agree with the current ones not being a big jump. As an owner for the Forte VFX-1 and a CyberMaxx I can certainly say the technology inside has greatly improved. Although I still like the VFX-1 in terms of comfort(wear), but ofcourse the inner hardware is crap (except for the headphones). But the Quest 2 for instance is a big leap compared to those, especially when VR for consumers has been sitting still for almost 20 years, except for vuzix, but their VR920 isn't that great (also own that
    • Provided one sticks to platform agnostic sources (like SteamVR) over lock-in like Oculus Quest and whatever Apple is selling here. I may forever be lumbered with a Windows LTSC 2019 VM on some fatty x86 rig just to use my Oculus Rift S due to the absence of long term support
  • DON'T CARE! It's Apple. I'm not going to get it.
  • by cjonslashdot ( 904508 ) on Wednesday December 22, 2021 @08:05AM (#62105441)
    Not gonna put some klunky thing on my head blocking my eyes
  • TFA postulates that this is one of the "best designed gadgets in this niche so far" based purely on the pictures, which just shows that the writes have zero clue.

    I see a device with all its weight on the front, and no over the head strap. As anyone who has ever used a headset without some kind of a counterweight design for more than 5 minutes will know it's a horrible design. It looks similar (though slightly worse) to a Quest / Quest 2 a design which users have said is incredibly uncomfortable due to the w

    • They also go on lovingly about the strap which does not appear very adjustable. All goggles need to adjustable or snugable after you put them on. And no magnets are not going to work for this.

  • Not everyone is aware of this, but Apple's upcoming AR glasses were shown and demonstrated in the documentary Free Guy.

"It takes all sorts of in & out-door schooling to get adapted to my kind of fooling" - R. Frost
