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China Apple

Apple Hosts Apps Run by China Paramilitary Group Accused of Uyghur Genocide ( 58

Apple's App Store has been distributing more than a dozen apps created by a Chinese organization sanctioned by the U.S. [Editor's note: the link may be paywalled; alternative source] for human rights abuses against Muslim minorities in China's Xinjiang region, The Information reported Friday. From the report: The apps, which provide news, offer information about government services and help small businesses manage orders for e-commerce, ride hailing and home repairs, were created by various units of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, a paramilitary organization in charge of the region's economy and security. Several Western governments and human rights groups have accused the Corps and the regional government of detaining and physically abusing or sterilizing up to 2 million Uyghurs, the ethnically Turkic residents of northwestern China. Chinese officials have repeatedly denied the allegations.
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Apple Hosts Apps Run by China Paramilitary Group Accused of Uyghur Genocide

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  • ReiserFS (Score:2, Interesting)

    by LeeLynx ( 6219816 )
    It's still supported in Linux and no one is yelling about that. I hate Apple too, this just isn't one of the reasons why.
    • by RightwingNutjob ( 1302813 ) on Friday March 26, 2021 @12:02PM (#61201496)

      It's still in all the distros' repositories. Shall we revive the anti-Emacs holy war...with a little more religious fervor this time?

      People used to understand that there was a lot of unsavory shit going down beyond the walls and in the shadows. That's why they used to remind each other that people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, and that the only person you should try to police is yourself, because there will always be more evil out there than you can cancel, so best to focus on positivity and building something good instead of getting down jnt the muck trying to tear something down.

    • [ReiserFS is] still supported in Linux and no one is yelling about that.

      Your statement is pure whataboutism.

      I hate Apple too, this just isn't one of the reasons why.

      So material support for a genocidal regime isn't a non-issue for you? Have you no decency?

    • I remember the idiots here defending that guy. His mail order Russian bride suddenly disappears along with the passenger seat of his car. They find blood splatter all over his house and car along with books on murder investigations. He's just an eccentric guy they said.

    • > It's still supported in Linux and no one is yelling about that.

      One is about a man who killed his wife more than a decade ago.

      Another is about a US company actively supporting an organization actively involved in a genocide. Today.

      How does one have the temerity to draw equivalence between such things?

    • Linux isn't using slave labor to make a fortune.
  • How about some actual evidence before sentencing?

  • by RelaxedTension ( 914174 ) on Friday March 26, 2021 @11:44AM (#61201428)
    Can't wait for the barrage of "you lie, you're guilty of worse, don't look at the man behind the curtain".

    Always delightful.
    • I mean, American companies do business with Israeli companies all the time despite the OBVIOUS Palestinian genocide... so honestly, if you're not outraged by that, why are you outraged by this?
      • Who says I'm not? Regardless, it was solely a statement about the chinese sock puppets that come out in force anytime the chinese government is scrutinized in any way. Nothing more.
        • What is wrong with doubting criticism no matter who/what it is directed at?
          You think we should shut up when we disagree or are you only interested in opinion that agrees?
          I'd hate for people to think that everyone agrees with this unfounded nonsense. It's just wmd all over again.
          Some of us learned. The trust is gone. The people who make these claims need to provide their evidence and it is then up to us if it justifies the accusations and actions.

          • We have our first winner! Congratulations comrade!
            • Just because you can accurately predict some people are skeptical of jingoistic Cold War era propaganda doesn't invalidate their skepticism. I could do the same and predict capitalists will continue to froth the FUD regarding China. It's been going on for over 100 years.
              • You are completely right. It can't possibly be that China (and Russia) employs many thousands of professional trolls to try and drown out criticism of their policies or actions. Could never happen. /s

                As I said earlier, this is a shoutout to the trolls, not a comment on the ongoing genocidal actions actions of that government. I'll leave that to more informed people such as yourself.
        • There are a lot of people who just don't want a war with China. Let them be. I'm totally fine with tariffs to encourage domestic manufacturing. Doesn't require sanctions or a war.
  • Again Apple just makes a trendy shiny version of something other companies were doing long ago (IBM) and resells it for a fortune, and it's suddenly super popular.

  • The collaboration between Ford and IBM and Nazi Germany is presented in Manichean terms in 2021, but this "is complicated" because it's now a current generation of businessmen, engineers, shareholders, customers, etc. benefiting from blood money.

    Part of the reason many of us on the right go "lalalala STFU" reflexively at any lectures by SV types about morality is this behavior. If you are partnering with a regime like the PRC, you don't get to lecture us on right and wrong outside of your personal testimony

    • As a good example, have you noticed the absolutely deafening silence of Hollywood on, say, the issue of Tibet or more recently, the plight of ethnic Uighurs? For all of their moral superiority in lecturing us on local politics, they dare not speak against China for fear of economic reprisals. China is now a huge market for them, and is very touchy about any perceived insult or criticism. Any tiny incident could result in the less of tens or hundreds of millions of dollars when China disallows their next

      • Isn't doing business with the USA equally as immoral for very similar reasons, and with actual proof not just allegations/suspicion? In which case, they should be encouraging the world to not do business with the USA. That would be moral.

  • by theshowmecanuck ( 703852 ) on Friday March 26, 2021 @12:46PM (#61201670) Journal
    Another example of big tech being less than disgusting. It's not just about consumer sales. Obviously they also don't want to jeopardize their supply lines by pissing off the totalitarian regime hosting their factories.
  • Wow, that's really hip and cool. Very in vogue. I can picture the silhouette commercial now...

    We can always count on uncle Tim to make the right moral decisions for humanity, and not just for his holdings of Apple stock.

  • If you suddenly find yourself caring and outraged about Uyghurs, but were not upset about Guantanamo Bay( [] ) or unconcerned with the actual mass murder of Rohingya ( [] ), or you feel America was justified in their destruction of Afganistan, Syria, Lebenon and Iraq, or you're comfortable with the US condoning the coups in Bolivia and Venezuela and the resulting humanitarian crises, or the genocide and war crimes of the Korean War don't concern
    • What does 'racist against Chinese' even mean? China is a country with many races and numerous 'autonomous regions' within their borders. The Uyghurs are one such minority racial group.

      Is 'racism' just a bad word you slap around without even knowing the meaning of?

      • The term has clearly come to mean any negative view of any group of similar people. Unfortunately. It has very little, to nothing, to do with actual race any more :(

    • Yes, it bothers me that the US has done some very objectionable things. But it bothers me even more the things we haven't done. We could have used our military to protect Ukraine from invasion. We could have protected the Uighurs. We could have aided the civil war in Syria, but when the "line in the sand" was crossed, POTUS lost its will.

      We'll bomb Afghanistan flat, because a terrorist hid out there once... but meanwhile won't even sanction a country committing genocide.

      What good does it do us to s

      • The USA could have protected Iraq...or whatever bogus reason you actually used.
        The fact is, the USA is basically full of it and is only interested in keeping itself on top, and picks, chooses and plain manufacturers "issues" as excuses for any action, military or otherwise, to further that goal. On the whole, the USA is a scourge on humanity.

  • So, we are ending up with snowpiercer basically []

  • People are ok with child slaves but not ok with uhger slaves?

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