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Apple Releases iPhone Update To Fix Group FaceTime Eavesdropping Bug ( 37

Apple on Thursday released iOS 12.1.4, an iPhone update that fixes a Group FaceTime bug that allowed users to eavesdrop on each other. The update is a available for the iPhone 5S and later, iPad Air and later, and iPod touch 6th generation. From a report: Last week, Apple turned off Group FaceTime after a bug was identified that allowed iPhone users to call another device via the FaceTime video chat service and hear audio on the other end before the recipient had answered the call. It essentially turned any iPhone into a hot mic without the user's knowledge. Apple on Friday said it'd fixed the vulnerability on its servers and that it'd issue a software update to re-enable Group FaceTime. Apple also apologized to users who were affected and said it takes the security of its products "extremely seriously."
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Apple Releases iPhone Update To Fix Group FaceTime Eavesdropping Bug

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  • The update is a available for the iPhone 5S and later, iPad Air and later, and iPod touch 6th generation.

    So everyone with older devices is left to rot? Fuck you, Apple.

  • They couldn't just update the app and push out the update? And the new OS update doesn't apply to older devices?

    This smells of Apple-scented shit.

    • Yeah, just patch the thing and ship it.
      No need to run full regression tests and make sure the fix didn't break anything else.

      • Yeah, just patch the thing and ship it.
        No need to run full regression tests and make sure the fix didn't break anything else.

        If fixing a bug in an app breaks your OS, then your OS is garbage.

  • If an app could expose this security hole then the OS is not secure by design (or implementation).

    If it is not fixed at the OS level we just have to wait for the next similar vulnerability to be discovered.

My idea of roughing it turning the air conditioner too low.
