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Apple's WWDC Unveils iPhone 3.0, OpenCL, Laptop Updates, and More 770

Lots of big news from WWDC today including updates to almost all of Apple's laptops. They added a 13-inch version to the MacBook Pro line, updated the MacBook Air, and added a few new ports to some of the machines including an SD slot and firewire 800 port. Software updates saw Safari 4 launched, OS X updates including threading changes, Exchange support to mail, calendar, and address book, and OpenCL a new open graphics standard. The iPhone got quite a bit of love in 3.0, much of it just confirming older news. Cut, copy, and paste, shake to undo, developer APIs, Cocoa Touch support for text, landscape mode updates, spotlight, and MMS all made the bullet list. You will now also be able to rent and purchase movies directly from your iPhone. Other new features in 3.0 include the much debated tethering ability, allowing you to use your iPhone as a cellular modem (unfortunately there was no mention of AT&T actually supporting this feature, a wonder there wasn't a riot), integrated TomTom GPS navigation, and game features galore. New functionality also allows you to locate your iPhone via MobileMe, play a sound to help you locate it (regardless if it is set to silent), and even wipe your data remotely. The New iPhone hardware updates, "3GS", adds a 3 megapixel auto-focus camera, voice interfaces, twice the processing power, and hardware encryption. The 3GS comes in 16GB ($199) and 32GB ($299), pushing the 3G (which they are keeping on the market) to $99. Lots of other small updates amidst the bustle, looks like another successful WWDC.
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Apple's WWDC Unveils iPhone 3.0, OpenCL, Laptop Updates, and More

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  • by craenor ( 623901 ) on Monday June 08, 2009 @03:23PM (#28254605) Homepage
    "Get Some" which Apple execs were rumored to have yelled at rival Palm execs while squeezing their junk.
  • Macbook pro (Score:4, Interesting)

    by aereinha ( 1462049 ) on Monday June 08, 2009 @03:26PM (#28254643)
    Gained sd card reader...lost the express card slot. I want the express card slot back.
    • Re:Macbook pro (Score:5, Insightful)

      by CrackedButter ( 646746 ) on Monday June 08, 2009 @03:39PM (#28254893) Homepage Journal

      Yeah that sucks, what the hell is wrong with Apple, why not keep the two of them as options. Now the only expansion comes from a single FW800 port. This is where Windows laptops do it better, they give you the card reading slots, and the Express slot. Apple did the right thing with the 13" but went backwards with the 15", not even bothering to update the 17" with them both, where its size would have allowed it! A CF reader would have been better for the Pro shooters. I'd rather have this than the inclusive price drop.

      But at least we know its an Apple SD card reader so it must be better! I wonder if it can read the other 3 card formats that are the same size like windows laptops, seriously sucks hard if it is just SD. Why bother.

      • by Fred_A ( 10934 ) <fred AT fredshome DOT org> on Monday June 08, 2009 @03:45PM (#28254981) Homepage

        But at least we know its an Apple SD card reader so it must be better!

        Of course it is. It ejects the cards by itself with a cute little motor and a soothing chime. Not like those primitive SD readers you find on PC clones.
        Also it goes to 11.

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by tyrione ( 134248 )
        Wake up. They made the changes based upon the feedback from their base. The Express slot satisfies enterprise clients and the firewire satisfies both third party hardware vendors and consumers:

        MagSafe power port

        Gigabit Ethernet port

        One FireWire 800 port (up to 800 Mbps)

        Three USB 2.0 ports (up to 480 Mbps)

        Mini DisplayPort

        Audio line in

        Audio line out

        ExpressCard/34 slot

        Kensington lock slot

        Buy a third party product for your card reading needs.My Sony Cybershot 10.3 MP Carl Zeiss model has video out an

  • Front Camera (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Bicx ( 1042846 ) on Monday June 08, 2009 @03:26PM (#28254653)
    Come on. Not just for video chat, but for ordinary photos. For those of you who have ever tried to take a picture of yourself with friends using an iPhone, you know my pain.
    • by _Shorty-dammit ( 555739 ) on Monday June 08, 2009 @04:17PM (#28255653)

      Taking a picture of yourself with the iPhone is easy. When you can see yourself in the reflection of the Apple logo, take your picture. Works just fine and dandy.

  • by Bicx ( 1042846 ) on Monday June 08, 2009 @03:27PM (#28254665)
    Has Apple been this abrasive to their competitors during the keynotes before? It was a little tacky IMO
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      Apple lives on cockiness and fanboy hive-mind reality isolation. Did you expect any different?

  • yeh, too bad... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by inerlogic ( 695302 ) on Monday June 08, 2009 @03:29PM (#28254683) Homepage
    they're still married to AT&T....
    • Re:yeh, too bad... (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Darkness404 ( 1287218 ) on Monday June 08, 2009 @03:33PM (#28254771)
      Not only that but it seemed like "Oh we are releasing a new feature! (not on AT&T)". I mean, just look at it MMS is going to be on every phone (but not AT&T that will be later in the summer) You also get tethering that really works (not on AT&T), etc.
      • Re:yeh, too bad... (Score:5, Insightful)

        by caerwyn ( 38056 ) on Monday June 08, 2009 @03:56PM (#28255195)

        I can't really believe that Apple is any happier about that situation than its customers are. I'm wondering if we're seeing the beginning of the end of that exclusivity.

        • by Gary W. Longsine ( 124661 ) on Monday June 08, 2009 @06:50PM (#28258195) Homepage Journal
          Apple was clearly not pleased with AT&T regarding MMS and tethering. If AT&T had a good reason, Apple would have held these features back until AT&T could be ready. In fact, it might well be the case that Apple already *did* hold these features back, as much as a year, and AT&T still isn't ready. Apple is inviting their audience to complain to AT&T. I recommend that AT&T receive a call from all of you iPhone customers who are annoyed by this.
    • Re:yeh, too bad... (Score:5, Insightful)

      by MBCook ( 132727 ) <foobarsoft@foobarsoft.com> on Monday June 08, 2009 @04:03PM (#28255393) Homepage

      I liked how AT&T got booed twice. Once for no tethering, once for no MMS until July (or whatever).

      I love my iPhone, but it's amazing that after basically saving AT&T from irrelevance, they still don't get it. How hard could it POSSIBLY BE to have MMS support available on day 1? Only every other phone on their network supports it.

  • OpenCL != OpenGL (Score:5, Informative)

    by adam.dorsey ( 957024 ) on Monday June 08, 2009 @03:29PM (#28254703)

    FTA: and OpenCL a new open graphics standard

    Not quite. [wikipedia.org]
    ...a framework for writing programs that execute across heterogeneous platforms consisting of CPUs, GPUs, and other processors.

    OpenCL is like CUDA, but supposed to be more open along the lines of OpenGL, hence the name. The same guys who manage OpenGL (Khronos) manage OpenCL as well. You could probably use it to do graphics, but that would be stupid.

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      OpenCL is like CUDA, but supposed to be more open along the lines of OpenGL, hence the name. The same guys who manage OpenGL (Khronos) manage OpenCL as well. You could probably use it to do graphics, but that would be stupid.

      The relationship is: OpenCL is like CUDA, as it achieves the same goals. OpenCL is like OpenGL in that it is an open standard managed by the Khronos group. OpenCL is not a graphics processing language, but it could be used to implement graphics processing languages.

      OpenCL is a new techn

  • OS X updates (Score:5, Informative)

    by 99BottlesOfBeerInMyF ( 813746 ) on Monday June 08, 2009 @03:30PM (#28254705)

    Software updates saw Safari 4 launched, OS X updates including threading changes, Exchange support to mail, calendar, and address book, and OpenCL a new open graphics standard.

    To be clear, the updates to OS X referred to are features of OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) which will ship in September and cost $29. It is not an update to 10.5 and is not yet available outside of developer previews.

    • Re:OS X updates (Score:5, Insightful)

      by hattig ( 47930 ) on Monday June 08, 2009 @04:13PM (#28255583) Journal

      $29 isn't a bad price.

      2007 : Vista and Mac OS X Leopard launch. Vista users talk about the high ongoing cost of Mac OS X upgrades because they occur every 18 months. Mac users say the trend is for longer gaps between OS launches, and that XP->Vista was uncharacteristically long.

      30 months later: Windows 7 and Snow Leopard launch at roughly the same time. Snow Leopard costs $29 to upgrade ($129 new). Windows 7 Home Premium: $260 (rumoured). Linux: Still free.

  • by Turken ( 139591 ) on Monday June 08, 2009 @03:31PM (#28254725)

    I hope there's good security on the auto-locate feature. Aside from the obvious "prank" of remotely wiping someone's iphone, I can also see this being abused for such things as spying on people's locations, or perhaps less invasive but more annoying... a "loved one" forcing your phone to ring when you already set it to silent for a meeting or movie.

  • Good update. (Score:3, Interesting)

    by LWATCDR ( 28044 ) on Monday June 08, 2009 @03:31PM (#28254727) Homepage Journal

    Not great but good. The $99 phone is the big news the rest of it is just nice. I like the voice controls, compass, and video but nothing is earth shattering. I do think Palm will provide some much needed competition for the iPhone. The difference in a two year contract runs a few hundred dollars and the Pre offers a keyboard which some people really want. If you can not tether on AT&T then it is just a big slap in the face for US customers. I hope Palm/Sprint will enable that feature on the Pre when they see how bent people are at AT&T over it. Now we need Android on some networks besides T-Mobile and we can start seeing a real three way fight.

  • Shake it (Score:5, Insightful)

    by jargoone ( 166102 ) on Monday June 08, 2009 @03:31PM (#28254731)

    Am I the only one who hates the shake interface for any action at all? Half the time I don't shake it hard enough, so I have to do it again. And for something like undo, it takes your eyes off what you're trying to do... or undo. I realize there are limited inputs on a device with few hard buttons, but hope there's an alternate way.

  • by mousse-man ( 632412 ) on Monday June 08, 2009 @03:32PM (#28254739) Homepage

    Can't Apple produce 15" or 13" laptops without that damn glossy display? These mirrors mounted on laptops get really annoying, and I'm not the only one who thinks that non-glossy displays are superior to their allegedly cheaper glossy displays.

    One more guy who's looking for a used MBP on ebay.

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Eil ( 82413 )

      These mirrors mounted on laptops get really annoying, and I'm not the only one who thinks that non-glossy displays are superior to their allegedly cheaper glossy displays.

      What bugged me the most about these when they came out was that all the laptop makers (especially Apple) hyped it as a cool hip new feature when all they did was remove the anti-glare coating from the manufacturing process.

    • by TheNetAvenger ( 624455 ) on Monday June 08, 2009 @05:42PM (#28257157)

      The point isn't the glossy display, it is the 'cheap' glossy displays that reflect like mirrors.

      There are lots of LCDs on various other brands of laptops with 'glossy' displays that actually filter the light so they don't blind you or act like a mirror.

      The filtered glossy displays cost a few bucks more, but this is Apple, and apparently they don't care about the 'best' hardware anymore.

      This is something we became aware of when our techs bought several glossy laptops back in 2005. The higher end displays, like the 1920x1200 units didn't reflect like the cheaper displays, and the difference of using them in bright light is a massive difference.

      I feel sorry when sitting next to a Mac user at an airport, even when I'm using a Netbook with a filtered glossy screen with no problems and they are having trouble even seeing their screen.

      Sometimes they ask what the trick is, and I have to explain the LCD Gloss finish/cover and Apple uses the cheap crap.

  • by SpottedKuh ( 855161 ) on Monday June 08, 2009 @03:32PM (#28254755)

    Umm, encryption of...what, exactly?

    Are we talking about the flash drive being encrypted? Are we talking about the iPhone finally supporting PGP?

  • iPhone fine print (Score:5, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 08, 2009 @03:33PM (#28254773)
    Requires new two-year AT&T wireless service contract, sold separately to qualified customers; credit check required; must be 18 or older. For non-qualified customers, including existing AT&T customers who want to upgrade from another phone or replace an iPhone 3G, the price with a new two-year agreement is $499 (8GB), $599 (16GB), or $699 (32GB). (from http://www.apple.com/iphone/buy/ [apple.com]) Kudos for the new corporate aftertaste and giant spanking to current customers!
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by _Hiro_ ( 151911 )

      Doesn't AT&T let you sign a new contract for a discount on a phone after your 2-year is up?

      I know Alltel, Verizon, AND T-Mobile all do.

      Maybe Apple's website just isn't setup to do renewals, and you have to go to an AT&T store?

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      I'm with ATT and my 2 years is far from being up. The website told me I would get the upgrade pricing. If you're willing to sign another 2 year contract I bet one of their sales people will work with you. Everything is always negotiable.

  • by Nom du Keyboard ( 633989 ) on Monday June 08, 2009 @03:37PM (#28254847)

    Other new features in 3.0 include the much debated tethering ability, allowing you to use your iPhone as a cellular modem (unfortunately there was no mention of AT&T actually supporting this feature, a wonder there wasn't a riot)

    Considering that the iPhone itself is really a small form-factor computer with communication abilities built in, the line has already been so blurred between phone and computer that I can't see how that fact that another computer can also access the Internet through the connection is all that different. Especially since you, the customer are paying to have the ability to transfer a given number of bits per month. Why should it even matter -- except to anal companies like AT&T who what to sell you capacity and then prevent you from actually using it -- the eventual destination of those bits? How it tethering even different from storing the downloaded data in an iPhone and transferring it later to another device?

    Answer: It isn't!

    The same for VoIP. It's all just bits being sent and received. Now create a business model that acknowledges this axiom.

    • by AdmiralXyz ( 1378985 ) on Monday June 08, 2009 @03:56PM (#28255211)

      How it tethering even different from storing the downloaded data in an iPhone and transferring it later to another device?

      Right or wrong, the answer that AT&T would give is that you're not going to use nearly as much data on an iPhone as you would on a laptop. Yes, they're converging, but we're still quite a ways from the point where people are going to be downloading torrents to watch on their phones, or even using a great deal of bandwidth on everyday internet applications, because phones are short-use devices. I'm not saying I agree with it, but the decision to disallow tethering is a pragmatic one based on the fact that it would almost certainly increase AT&T's network load by a huge margin, considering the number of people who already own iPhones, and people are already complaining about the crappy speeds of their network as it is. You can't have it both ways.

  • by toppavak ( 943659 ) on Monday June 08, 2009 @03:41PM (#28254915)
    There's always been a bit of a gap between the $100 (low cost) and the $200 (high cost) smartphones, the Pearl vs the 8820 in blackberry land, for example. With a $99 pricetag the 3G (hardware, at least, the data contract is still damned expensive)is now in line with all of the low-end smartphones currently on the market. With Apple taking a 30% cut on app sales plus a share of the AT&T contract price, it makes sense to push the cost of last generation's hardware down. As much as I and probably a lot of others would love to see a more open platform (Android or Linux, for example) gain ground in the mobile space, this will make it a lot harder to establish a sizable marketshare for the platforms that are more recently emerging into the market.

    Still, Android has a shot to build (and surpass) the app library of the iPhone by moving bottom up in terms of price-point. A large number of low to midrange phones running Android could give the platform the customer base it needs to support a large development community which would in turn help build the platform's maturity eventually leading to advanced smartphones with a large and diverse assortment of apps available. This would be almost the reverse of how the iPhone platform grew: starting out as a premium hardware and service, now working down to cheaper hardware to leverage growing revenue streams from a large app library and contracts from the installed (and growing) base. Philosophically and practically (monoculture is typically a bad thing) I would love to see Android succeed on a large scale in the marketplace but as much as I often disagree with Apple's stylistic choices and UI design I have to give kudos for how well they've executed the iPhone and app store as a business.
  • by 93 Escort Wagon ( 326346 ) on Monday June 08, 2009 @03:49PM (#28255047)

    Since most higher-level dSLRs use Compact Flash, I'm a bit surprised they didn't include a CF slot on their "pro" line of laptops instead of an SD slot - especially since a CF slot could've served both CF and SD card users.

    • by WiiVault ( 1039946 ) on Monday June 08, 2009 @03:54PM (#28255139)
      CF slots are too bulky for Apple's design. Atleast thats my guess.
    • by AtomicDog ( 168155 ) on Monday June 08, 2009 @04:56PM (#28256399) Homepage

      I, too, don't understand why Apple decided to replace the ExpressCard slot with an SD slot on a supposedly pro-level notebook.

      The ExpressCard slot provided the only high-speed expansion option on Apple's notebooks. Maybe I'd understand this move if there was a docking station available that added other expansion options, but there isn't.

      I do a lot of photography and often shoot gigabytes of raw photos in a single shoot with my dSLR (which uses CF, not SD). Yeah, the sort of work the MacBook Pro is supposed to be aimed at. Besides that, I also do a lot of work with large disk images for the IT work I do.

      Doing such work on my aging MBP is a joy because I have an ExpressCard Serial ATA adapter that lets me use external hard drives without the limitations and overhead of USB, FireWire or ethernet. If I wanted, I could also use the card to connect to an external RAID enclosure at SATA II speeds.

      What good are the performance increases with the CPU, memory, graphics, etc if the only expansion option that provided the quickest data transfer speeds is now gone? Disk i/o will be an even worse bottleneck for me on a new MBP than my old one. No thanks.

      I was looking to upgrade my 2.5 year old MBP with a newer model, but I refuse to do so until Apple brings back an ExpressCard slot or something better.

      • by c_forq ( 924234 ) <forquerc+slash@gmail.com> on Monday June 08, 2009 @10:45PM (#28260651)

        I, too, don't understand why Apple decided to replace the ExpressCard slot with an SD slot on a supposedly pro-level notebook.

        They explained it clearly in the keynote. Less then 1% of users used ExpressCard. Over 90% of users owned cameras that use SD cards. Most users don't like using USB to hook up their cameras. ExpressCard is still available on the 17" MacBook Pro, because they acknowledge there are professional uses for it.

  • by WiiVault ( 1039946 ) on Monday June 08, 2009 @03:56PM (#28255193)
    Seeing Apple jump on board with HTML 5 and especially the video/audio tags is huge. If Apple is right that they own 65% of mobile browsing; having them stay up to date with standards is huge and ought to set the tone for others.
  • by mzs ( 595629 ) on Monday June 08, 2009 @04:05PM (#28255431)

    For a little bit there was a new page:

    http://www.apple.com/macosx/snowleopard/ [apple.com]

    It was pretty light on details and basically had all the same info that was on this PR page that now 404s:

    http://www.apple.com/ca/press/2008_06/snow_leopard.html [apple.com]

    Here is the original that I gleaned from ars:

    http://episteme.arstechnica.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/8300945231/m/102001262931/p/9 [arstechnica.com]

    "SAN FRANCISCO--June 9, 2008--Apple® today previewed Mac OS® X Snow Leopard, which builds on the incredible success of OS X Leopard and is the next major version of the world's most advanced operating system. Rather than focusing primarily on new features, Snow Leopard will enhance the performance of OS X, set a new standard for quality and lay the foundation for future OS X innovation. Snow Leopard is optimized for multi-core processors, taps into the vast computing power of graphic processing units (GPUs), enables breakthrough amounts of RAM and features a new, modern media platform with QuickTime® X. Snow Leopard includes out-of-the-box support for Microsoft Exchange 2007 and is scheduled to ship in about a year.

    "We have delivered more than a thousand new features to OS X in just seven years and Snow Leopard lays the foundation for thousands more," said Bertrand Serlet, Apple's senior vice president of Software Engineering. "In our continued effort to deliver the best user experience, we hit the pause button on new features to focus on perfecting the world's most advanced operating system."

    Snow Leopard delivers unrivaled support for multi-core processors with a new technology code-named "Grand Central," making it easy for developers to create programs that take full advantage of the power of multi-core Macs. Snow Leopard further extends support for modern hardware with Open Computing Language (OpenCL), which lets any application tap into the vast gigaflops of GPU computing power previously available only to graphics applications. OpenCL is based on the C programming language and has been proposed as an open standard. Furthering OS X's lead in 64-bit technology, Snow Leopard raises the software limit on system memory up to a theoretical 16TB of RAM.

    Using media technology pioneered in OS X iPhone(TM), Snow Leopard introduces QuickTime X, which optimizes support for modern audio and video formats resulting in extremely efficient media playback. Snow Leopard also includes Safari® with the fastest implementation of JavaScript ever, increasing performance by 53 percent, making Web 2.0 applications feel more responsive.*

    For the first time, OS X includes native support for Microsoft Exchange 2007 in OS X applications Mail, iCal® and Address Book, making it even easier to integrate Macs into organizations of any size."

  • by pathological liar ( 659969 ) on Monday June 08, 2009 @04:11PM (#28255545)

    The iPhone 3.0 software release date has been given as June 17th although apparently paid developers can get the GM copy now.

    You'd think a detail like that could have found its way into the summary somewhere...

  • by stevenj ( 9583 ) <stevenj.alum@mit@edu> on Monday June 08, 2009 @04:17PM (#28255663) Homepage
    I was dismayed to see this old canard in Apple's MacOS Snow Leopard technology summary [apple.com]

    64-bit computing [...] enables computers to process twice the number of instructions per clock cycle, which can dramatically speed up numeric calculations and other tasks.

    Haven't people learned by now that this is total BS? 64-bit addressing is independent of instructions per cycle, bus width, or anything like that. (Of course, newer 64-bit systems may be happen to be faster for other, unrelated reasons.) The old "64-bit is twice as fast as 32-bit" is a line of hooey that has been sold to the public for years now (I recall it gaining prominence when Intel started promoting its Itanium plans), but I thought it was finally dying out.

    • by recoiledsnake ( 879048 ) on Monday June 08, 2009 @05:18PM (#28256779)
      You're absolutely right. In fact, 64-bit code can slow down the application because memory pointers are now 64bit and accessing and moving them will take twice as much bandwidth as earlier. The real speed up comes from the extra registers that AMD introduced in AMD64 and the ability for huge apps to address more than 2GB at a time.
    • by TheNetAvenger ( 624455 ) on Monday June 08, 2009 @06:06PM (#28257531)

      Yes and no...

      If you are in reference to traditional Apple's idea of 64bit, it is all about address space.

      However in outside of Apple world, 64bit means several things beyond just address space.

      1) 64bit chunks of computations instead of 32bit chunks. So the data being 'computed' is in native 64bit chunks - and in theory could be twice as fast in an optimal pass.

      2) 64bit CPU features - more registers, other AMD64/EMT64 features

      3) Combined memory read writes, for example in Vista x64 when a 32bit application is reading or writing to RAM the OS can often combine two 32bit read/writes into ONE 64bit read/write, thus speeding up RAM access.

      The problem with OS X and 64bit is that it hasn't been a 64bit OS, and the only 64bit features OS X has offered was the 64bit address space instead of all the 64bit features of the CPU.

      If the kernel is 'fully' 64bit in Snow Leopard (which it looks NOT to be) it would be faster for OS level operations and application handling. Vista x64 often is much faster than Vista x32 even when running 32bit applications because the OS does take advantage of the 64bit CPUs natively.

      So from OS X point of view, 64bit computing has only been about more address space. But in the non-OS X world, from Linux 64bit to Vista 64bit, the OS actually uses other features of the CPU and calculates in full 64bit chunks thus computing more data faster.

      You are right that 64bit is not going to be twice as fast as 32bit, just like 32bit wasn't twice as fast as 16bit computing. In fact, most 16bit applications took a slight hit when moving to 32bit processors. It was the 'other' features of the 32bit processors that made them a huge jump, like the pre-emptive scheduler. This is also true of the 32bit to 64bit move.

      There are a few 'features' in the 64bit processors, but nothing like the jump from 16bit to 32bit in the x86 timeframe. One feature is the memory access mode (beyond address spacing), but in terms of performance, it is not a big leap.

      The best 64bit performance bang is in how 64bit OSes are using the extra 'space' and 'modes' to get things done, like the Vista example of shoving two memory read/writes into one operation and removal of table linking for dealing with File Systems and even kernel level mapping tables that no longer have to link into 32bit spaces and can just natively use a singe 64bit addressing table. These are modest gains, though.

      True 64bit optimized applications can jump 50% over the same 32bit application, if they are big data crunching applications, like 3D modeling, photo editors, encoders, etc. Having twice the bits to shove data through the CPU does make a difference, and by a lot depending on the application.

      OS X doesn't offer this to its 64bit applications because it thunks the processing and is only giving the application a 64bit address space, so on OS X, a 64bit application will ONLY speed up if it is using more than 4GB of RAM (approx).

  • by geogaia ( 1315109 ) on Monday June 08, 2009 @04:18PM (#28255679)
    Another Apple tradition gone by the wayside: Apple has long supported their older hardware better than most PC makers. (I still visit classrooms quite happily running Mac OS 8 on old PowerPC hardware, for example.) But the new Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) will be the first that will not run on PowerPC Macs. That makes my barely-out-of warranty PowerBook G4 end of line as far as Apple is concerned. I'm not alone in this--I don't know how many million PPC Macs are still running, but Apple was selling them new three years ago. I'm more than a little annoyed. No doubt soon I won't be able to get Apple OS security patches, updates to iLife and iTunes, etc. It's almost like running Windows XP. Fortunately, it's still Mach *nix based, and as long as FOSS developers check their code against the PPC compilers, I can still get current versions of Firefox, Thunderbird, etc.
    • by illumin8 ( 148082 ) on Tuesday June 09, 2009 @10:19AM (#28265281) Journal

      That makes my barely-out-of warranty PowerBook G4 end of line as far as Apple is concerned. I'm not alone in this--I don't know how many million PPC Macs are still running, but Apple was selling them new three years ago.

      Actually, that's not correct. Apple stopped selling all G4 Macs in January 2006, when the transition to Intel was complete across all product lines. They have done everything they promised they would do, including provide compatibility with all new OS releases for 3 years. By the time Snow Leopard is released next January, you will have had 4 years of compatibility with all new OS releases, which is even more than they promised.

      What's more, you can continue to run Leopard on your Mac for years to come, and will still receive all security and compatibility updates. Apple is not making your old machine obsolete, even though the processor speed and performance of your old machine quite assuredly is (I had a PowerBook G4 from 2003 and it was getting quite long in the tooth).

      In short, you'll get 3-4 years of solid use out of your portable computer anyway. 5-6 years if Leopard works fine for you. Why are you complaining? How many PC laptops from 2006 are still usable and are even capable of running Vista or Windows 7?

  • by Alzheimers ( 467217 ) on Monday June 08, 2009 @04:19PM (#28255699)

    looks like another successful WWDC.

    Well, that really depends on how you define success. If you think that they succeeded because they made it through mostly unscathed and that it ended and everyone went home, then you're probably right. Their share price even managed to recover to nearly the same value by closing.

    However, most people expect more from Apple than a few minor tweaks and "refreshes", especially regarding the iPhone. Their presentation basically restated, bullet by bullet, everything that had been leaked to date. Nothing new or inspiring, and some things that weren't so inspiring (thanks, AT&T, for nothing). There wasn't even a "One More Thing".

    No visions for the future. Nothing innovative, inspiring, or even interesting. In all, it was an ordinary, if not downright boring, conference that promised nothing but More of the Same.

  • 3G cheap as chips! (Score:5, Insightful)

    by YourExperiment ( 1081089 ) on Monday June 08, 2009 @04:59PM (#28256453)

    Wow, I can get a 3G for $99? I'll take one! Oh wait, I have to pay how much on the contract?

    I do wish the media would stop parroting these utterly irrelevant "costs" for mobile devices straight from the press release, as if it was true or something.

Take an astronaut to launch.
