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Tiger Slideshow: Pretty Mac OS X Pictures 551

RAMMS+EIN writes with a good followup to the recent WWDC preview of Tiger, the next version of OS X. "eWeek has a slideshow illustrating some of Tiger's new features with screenshots. For a textual description, you can visit Apple's Tiger page."
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Tiger Slideshow: Pretty Mac OS X Pictures

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  • Tiger says: (Score:3, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday July 03, 2004 @09:57PM (#9603281)
    Theeeere GREAT!
  • by 7Ghent ( 115876 ) on Saturday July 03, 2004 @09:58PM (#9603290) Homepage
    Bah, screenshots. Why, in MY day all we had was a command line. AND WE WERE GLAD!
  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday July 03, 2004 @10:00PM (#9603296)
    This looks really nice. Heck I never play games anymore so that would be the only thing stopping me from switching. All I do is email, internet, documents and other related items.

    I am seriously looking at getting a mac with this new OS.
    • by Echnin ( 607099 ) <p3s46f102 AT sneakemail DOT com> on Saturday July 03, 2004 @10:36PM (#9603487) Homepage
      I was thinking the same thing last year: I hardly play games, and those Macs sure do look nice (my parents have used Macs for 17 years, all my life, with no sidesteps). So I got an iBook. Haven't looked back since.

      Tiger is due out in the first half of 2005, so there's still quite a while to wait. Oh, and make sure you watch the recording of Steve Jobs' keynote [apple.com] if you have an hour and 40 minutes to spare. It's nice, and watching the new features being demonstrated is much better than just reading about them.

    • by mdarksbane ( 587589 ) on Saturday July 03, 2004 @10:43PM (#9603534)
      For the last time:

      There are more games available for mac than you can ever play in one lifetime.

      Yes, you can't build an awesome gaming rig for a cheap, and there are some games that will never make it over. Likewise, you will never be able to play Halo on PS2.

      However, thousands of games are ported/written for mac every year, and while the video cards in most macs aren't anything to brag about compared to PC, they'll still play every game that comes out for them.

      No, not breakout, or even super-breakout. I'm talking Halo, Unreal Tournament 2k4, Battlefield 1942, Age of Empires II, Dungeon Siege, etc, etc, etc. No, you can't play Counterstrike, but there's a lot more to gaming than CS.

      Gah. Yes, buying a mac to do nothing but play games is stupid. However, "I like to play games" is *not* a good reason to not get a mac if the rest of your computing experience is at least as important.
  • by JPriest ( 547211 ) on Saturday July 03, 2004 @10:04PM (#9603307) Homepage
    People that own PC's don't like to buy software, so most PC software people use is either cracked shareware or adware.

    People that use Linux don't like to pay for software or deal with adware and shareware, so they have free second rate versions instead.

    People on Macs actually pay for software, so Mac software (of you can afford to keep up) outclasses that of of the competition.

    Apple also makes more software than Microsoft, and OSX comes with more free high quality tools. All that power in an OS and it still comes with a real comand shell. For the small market share Apple has, they seem to be doing a fine job of producing quality software.

    • I won't touch that second rate comment, I'm sure a hundred zealots will have defiled you by the time I finish this post.

      I think you're wrong about Windows users (who I believe you were referring to) not buying software. They must, looking at the sales figures of popular programs like Photoshop and MS Office, as well as games. For ever script kiddie playing a hacked copy of UT2K4, or whatever, how many do you think bought the real thing?
    • Actually, According to this /. article, they are more willing to pay for games than windows users.

      Linux Users More Likely to Pay for Games? [slashdot.org]

      Some people dont like "A Tale in the Desert" and some people are rabid about it. Personally, I like it. While I look for free or low cost software to do what I need, I will gladly pay for quality software if it suits my needs.

      Having worked on both, I prefer Linux, however, OSX is VERY nice. I have found its software quality to be consistantly higher than the n

    • by MBCook ( 132727 ) <foobarsoft@foobarsoft.com> on Saturday July 03, 2004 @10:31PM (#9603466) Homepage
      This is something that I've been thinking about recently. After having to rebuild my PC after a hard drive crash, I realized how little software I actually use on any regular basis. Windows and Office (which I got "free" with my computer) are the only pieces of pay software that I use on any regular basis. I use VMWare some (which I own) and I have AV software and such, but those are all utilities that I don't really USE, they are just THERE. And in many cases (like DiskKeeper) they are only there to fix inadaquices in Windows (sorry, I can't spell ;).

      Other than that, I use IE, and WinZip, and Acrobat Reader, etc. Past that, I use OSS for most of my needs. This includes the Gimp, Cygwin, and such.

      Other than the odd games, there is only one piece of software I remember really WANTING in the last few years. Only one that I was excited about.

      OS X

      In the past few years, I haven't come across any piece of software that I have wanted so much that I couldn't get free. I wanted to program? GCC was great. A good shell on Windows? I've got Cygwin. Etc, etc, etc. OS X just looked so great. Then my brother got a PowerBook, and I've gotten to use OS X once or twice. I want it even MORE now. I already resolved a year or two ago that my next computer would be a Mac so I could get OS X. There are other reasons, but they all pale in comparison to my want for OS X.

      I don't mind paying for software when it's worth it. But so often, it's not worth the asking price. That's why I rent 95% of the videogames that I play. They just aren't worth the $60. Only when I KNOW that I really want the game, that it will be good, will I buy it. The titles that describes more than any other are Nintendo titles. Almost everything else I rent first (if I ever buy it at all). I don't mind paying for software at all, it's only fair that the people who make great stuff get money so they continue to do it.

      The problem is that so little these days seems worth the money people want. The ones I hate the most are things like AV software. Stuff I shouldn't need, but I'm basically forced to buy.

      I want OS X. It's worth it. It's head-and-shoulders above everything else out there.

      I'll pay for software, but it's got to be worth it to me. OS X is so worth it, I'll switch platforms to get it. Now that's good software.

    • Apple also makes more software than Microsoft

      Score:5, Insightful
    • People that own PC's don't like to buy software, so most PC software people use is either cracked shareware or adware.
      If you mean most /. users that own PCs, then you're probably right. However, Joe User will buy software. He will buy overpriced software, just because it's what Office Depot carries.

      People on Macs actually pay for software, so Mac software (of you can afford to keep up) outclasses that of of the competition.
      As I don't use a Mac, I can't comment about it outclassing competition (soun
    • by generic-man ( 33649 ) on Saturday July 03, 2004 @10:51PM (#9603567) Homepage Journal
      Get off your high horse. For all the utilities on VersionTracker that cost $20 to register, there are tons of serial numbers floating around on the web. I know plenty of Mac users who feel entitled to use all their software for free -- including Mac OS X itself.
    • People that use Linux don't like to pay for software or deal with adware and shareware, so they have free second rate versions instead.

      Where is your proof? How can you generalize that all users of Linux are freeloaders? I myself use Linux and I gladly pay for my Slackware CDs even though I can get them free off of an FTP site. I also donate to various project. I'd pay for all my games that I play.

      How is Apache second rate to IIS? Infact, a of a lot of OS X is free software that's been bundled together.
    • I'm so glad someone else noticed this. I think in the entire time I used Windows, I don't think I bought one program. I used tons and tons of shareware that I never bothered paying for, and instead shrugged off the nagging splash screen. I mean come on, who actually bought WinZip or WinAmp? Why? None of it seemed worth it.

      Now with OS, not only have I paid for every version and update of OSX since 10.0, but every single piece of shareware is paid for, including some I used for only a few weeks. I've a
    • Your comment misleads people to think that economical factor is the only resource that allows software to mature. Is software for Windows buggy because everyone pirates it and don't pay for it? I don't think so. I rather think that Windows has fundamental problems in the OS and the development environment.

      If money is the only issue for programmers to write better software, why not can the company run by the world richest man accomplish it? Considering money as resource, Microsoft is by far the wealthies

    • by dmaxwell ( 43234 ) on Saturday July 03, 2004 @11:22PM (#9603689)
      I hate to be the smartass to point this out to you but the guts of your perfect OS are based "free second rate stuff" and are even compiled with "free second rate stuff".
  • by OneNonly ( 55197 ) on Saturday July 03, 2004 @10:05PM (#9603316)
    I'd been thinking about this for years - having a "SQL" like file system - and now Mac are in bringing it to the masses! Well, close anyway.. Spotlight uses metadata from all the files on your system to help you easily locate (search) for what you are after, no matter what type of info it is (contact, or PDF, or text file..)

    You can seem from some of the pics on the page shown just how easy it will be to use spotlight. . At the top of every finder window - type the "keywords" and you're there.. Being able to store your "searches" will make this *really* powerful..

    Once Tiger comes out I'm seriously considering moving to a Mac platform.. . I never thought I'd see the day... :'(
  • by The Lord of Chaos ( 231000 ) on Saturday July 03, 2004 @10:05PM (#9603319)
    Looks like you can turn on and off a private browsing feature.

    Sure beats creating a second firefox profile and clearing all your privacy info just to go surfing for pr0n...
  • by netsrek ( 76063 ) on Saturday July 03, 2004 @10:06PM (#9603322) Homepage
    heh. Apple know pr0n is what everyone really uses the internet for... Private Surfing Mode [eweek.com]
  • It's true to say that OS X has gottten a lot faster since it first came out... But it's still not as snappy as XP. I own Macs and PCs and you notice the difference the second you jump off your mac after working on it for a while and get on your XP box...

    The Mac is now workable for any type of task... it's *that* fast... but it's still not where XP is.

    • I heard something a while back that adresses the drawing issues between linux, mac, and windows. And looking at the way it is done you can see that in windows items are drawn before processsing, but in mac, and linux more processing is done before any GUI is drawn.
      • Huh? Windows draws before it works out what to draw? How does that work? I'm sure you have a point to make, but you could do with stating it a bit more clearly.
      • by joel8x ( 324102 ) on Saturday July 03, 2004 @10:42PM (#9603529) Homepage
        Totally true - I remember getting support calls from users wanting me to "tune up" their systems and if the user was a PITA, I would just change the registry settings for menus to be as fast as possible so that when they clicked on the start menu it would immediately pop up and they would always be impressed.

        The appearance of a faster interface is just that - an appearance. Thats why when you boot XP the desktop will load really fast, but the HDD keeps spinning for a good while after. Same thing with Outlook - it will load the application window way before it finishes connecting to the server(s).

    • OSX is way snappier than XP. I have a 3GHz and doing something as trivial as opening a folder in treeview in windows explorer can often have me drumming my fingers for seconds. That very rarely happens on my Mac and that's only running at 800Mhz.

      Yes, OSX used to be slow, but that's not an issue I've had with Panther.

      • by crayz ( 1056 ) on Saturday July 03, 2004 @10:43PM (#9603536) Homepage
        XP is snappier in some ways, but it's also easier to totally grind it to a halt. OS X almost never gets to the point of a frozen UI
      • by Moridineas ( 213502 ) on Saturday July 03, 2004 @10:50PM (#9603563) Journal
        Slow directory listings are usually bad registory settings cauwed by the installation of some annoying program.

        On one of the PCs at work, right clicking on a folder would sometimes take like 20 seconds ot show up--it was insane. I ran regclean, and now it's instantaneous. If XP has a problem, it's cruft in the registry.

        OTOH, you might want to take a look at my other post in this article--among professionals, a signifigant number have stuck with OS9 because osx gui etc and overhead is so much heavier than in os9 that programs like photoshop, illustrator, quark, etc run a lot slower.
        • OTOH, you might want to take a look at my other post in this article--among professionals, a signifigant number have stuck with OS9 because osx gui etc and overhead is so much heavier than in os9 that programs like photoshop, illustrator, quark, etc run a lot slower.

          Part of it is GUI overhead, but a lot of it is probably having a proper scheduler, memory protection, and all the other trappings that go with a modern OS. Plus all the apps are made with higher-level libraries that incur more overhead themse
          • That's definitely true. I'm using a powerbook right now--the user experience is better imho, but that doesn't make it a better tool necessarily.

            I advocated switching our shop from OS9 -> OSX, and upon meeting resistance started reading forums and the like about it. I'm completely amazed by how the graphics and publsihing community en masse seems to have stuck with OS9 and old versions of software because there simply aren't enough worthwhile gains in productivity.

            I personally can't use os9--i find it
    • " It's true to say that OS X has gottten a lot faster since it first came out... But it's still not as snappy as XP. I own Macs and PCs and you notice the difference the second you jump off your mac after working on it for a while and get on your XP box...
      The Mac is now workable for any type of task... it's *that* fast... but it's still not where XP is."

      I also use XP and OS X on a daily basis and don't find XP to be snappier at all. My XP box is a 2.8 Ghz Dell with 512 MB of RAM while my Mac is an 80
  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday July 03, 2004 @10:07PM (#9603331)
    Like 64bit support, and the return of metadata. While Tiger is sure to boast some nice GUI improvements, such as Dashboard, some of its greatest strengths are not visible in pictures.

    Jaguar seemed pretty polished to me, and Panther is simply the bomb. Tiger, I think, is going to be utterly and undeniably HOT. And consider this: It's not coming out for probably almost another year, and MANY more goodies will likely be unveiled in that time.

    Who said Apple was really just a hardware company? I don't think so -- they are a computer company, and that means hardware and software, at least as far as they're concerned. And the synergy is simply amazing.
    • "Jaguar seemed pretty polished to me, and Panther is simply the bomb. Tiger, I think, is going to be utterly and undeniably HOT."

      Oh God. Can we talk objectively for once? This nonsense of admonishing everything Apple creates on Slashdot is getting a little insane. And this is coming from someone currently typing on an iBook.

      Apple makes very good UIs. They also tends to come out with some hardware hits (iPod) and misses (tie-dye iMac anyone)? They're a corporation like everyone else. They remain sile
  • by radicalskeptic ( 644346 ) <<x> <at> <gmail.com>> on Saturday July 03, 2004 @10:08PM (#9603339)
    Those are all great, but to me, I want to know if Tiger has another "new feature": Does it make my computer feel faster?

    Pretty much every previous release of MacOS X has brought speed improvements, and I want to know if Tiger will continue that tradition. Not all of us can afford G5s at the moment, and a speed increase would really make it shelling out another 80 bucks or so (.edu discount) worth it.
    • by mj_1903 ( 570130 ) on Saturday July 03, 2004 @11:24PM (#9603693)
      Yes it will provide more speed increases. Lets take a look at some of the areas:
      • Improved compiler (GCC 3.5) which can create better PPC code, especially for the G5
      • Improved Quartz Extreme. The core image API that was demo'ed included QE enhancements and performance increases.
      • Some of the iApp's such as Mail, Address Book and iCal have seen significant rewrites
      • Improvements to SMB and most networking protocols
      Obviously that is not an exhaustive list, but you can find more info on Apple's website.
  • new features (Score:5, Insightful)

    by dncsky1530 ( 711564 ) on Saturday July 03, 2004 @10:08PM (#9603343) Homepage
    The most interesting thing is that this is the third Mac OS X release to include more than 150 new features.

    Apple is already anticipating Microsoft will copy them, just check out the Shirts [ebay.com] from WWDC!

    Also notice how little features each windows released comes with, even though they are released every 3 years. Well according to MS 'longhorn' will be more stable, of course only if you have 2 gigs of RAM.
    • Am I the only one who finds interesting subtext in the fact that the shirts Apple gave out only came in Large?
    • Re:new features (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Moridineas ( 213502 )
      How little features each windows release comes with? I assume you mean how few new features. I have to disagree with this.

      95-98-ME were all fairly incremental installs, though 98 was pretty signifigant over 95. The discussion for these dead operating systems is pretty much over though--unless you want to argue about 4 year old systems.

      NT -> 2K -> XP on the otherhand have all been huge releases--much bigger than any of the OSX releases, though 10.0 -> 10.4 is pretty damn big.

      And also, let's n

      • Re:new features (Score:3, Insightful)

        by WasterDave ( 20047 )
        2k to XP was big? How'd you figure that?

  • I haven't used a Mac much but some of the new features that they have been announcing are really interesting. I'm glad to see them continuing to be innovative. I really like the look of Dashboard as I am a big fan of gdesklets [gnomedesktop.org] and from what I can see it looks very similar. I prefer Linux on my desktop but because of Apples great integration with Java and all these new features the next laptop I buy is definitely shaping up to be a Powerbook.
  • by nusratt ( 751548 ) on Saturday July 03, 2004 @10:18PM (#9603395) Journal
    Bah, CLI?! Why, in MY day all we had were punch-cards. AND WE WERE GLAD to be rid of patch-boards and blinkenlights!
  • Spam? (Score:4, Funny)

    by pyrrhonist ( 701154 ) on Saturday July 03, 2004 @10:33PM (#9603476)
    Is eweek advocating spam with this [eweek.com] picture?

    Seriously the pipeline goes Address Book --> Mail Merge --> Group Mailer.


  • by Twid ( 67847 ) on Saturday July 03, 2004 @10:36PM (#9603488) Homepage
    Tiger looked really neat, especially the search/metadata functions, but the most amazing display at WWDC was this:

    Two 30" 2560x1900 widescreen displays being driven by a new custom Nvidia 6800 Ultra [thinksecret.com]

    It looked practical too, there was a demo with Final Cut Pro running with several tools up on the right, and the HD video up on the left. Seemed like a pretty useful setup.

    I checked, and a "nicely equipped" dual monitor dual g5 came up to just under $12,000 on the apple store. Seems like a lot to most of us, but that's chump change for a high-quality HD video editing kit.

    Also, I got about 50fps on Unreal Tournament 2004 running at 2560x1900 with all settings at maximum. :)

    • This is probably the only thing on this thread that I feel I can comment on without possibly violating my NDA. As an aside, Apple seemed very strict on NDA enforcement this year.

      The 30" dual display setup is quite cool. Corner to corner very bright and even in temprement. Power and contrast ontrols are on the right hand side. If you have a dual monitor set up like this you might think at first that it would be hard to adjust the left monitor, but the screens tilt swivel quite effortlessly which makes the c
      • On another stand they had the 17" Powerbooks hooked up to the 23" inch displays. I speculated to the Apple rep standing there that they didn't put the 30" display there because the "huge" Powerbook display seems puny next to the 23". He said though that the issues were with the graphics card in the PowerBook that were being worked on. He wouldn't say if that was heat problems or transfer speed (or what), but if PowerBooks can't drive these monitors that'll leave just DVI based machines. (including Windows m
  • by acceleriter ( 231439 ) on Saturday July 03, 2004 @10:38PM (#9603499)
    This is probably a fake, and it would be illegal and unethical to download (and for me as a PC user, quite impractical) it

    ed2k://|file|WWDC-MacOS_10.4_Tiger_BETA-DVD.dmg|17 55661594|C8F595F390FE56A073D57D6D84CF21F1|/

  • Bah old news, see the live video demo of the WWDC 04 Keynote [apple.com]re-broadcast!

    note: click on "Watch Now"!
  • Hell yeah. (Score:5, Interesting)

    by rice_burners_suck ( 243660 ) on Saturday July 03, 2004 @11:44PM (#9603765)
    They mentioned "Smart Folders", a feature that in BeOS was called a Query. You could set up a query, which is basically a search that looks through filenames and attributes (meta-data), and I don't remember if you could search through the file itself, too, but you could save these things as a query, they behaved just like directories, except that their contents would update live based on other events in the file system.

    And that was a very extremely useful feature of BeOS. I'm glad the idea lives on in Tiger.

    Oh yeah, and the under-the-hood shit they mentioned like ACLs is pretty exciting.

    I hope you can access their "smart folders" as directories on the file system. That would make it possible to script all kinds of crazy and weird shit. Hell yeah.

    Oh yeah, and one more thing. Their automator thing looks pretty awesome. Drag a bunch of events from a library of events into the damn thing, set some damn parameters, and you can save that setup if you want... it's kind of like scripting, but without any scripting syntax. Smart... very friggen smart.

    Oooooooooooooooooooooh well.

    • Apple hired a bunch of Be engineers when the company went out of business and the assets were sold to Palm. And amongst the people they hired is Dominic Giampaolo, designer of the Be File System. Now Mac OS and HFS+ are getting things like journaling and Query like features. It's quite nice. Apple seems to be getting the best of several worlds by buying NeXT and hiring lots of former Be people and Jordan Hubbard from FreeBSD.
  • by microcars ( 708223 ) on Saturday July 03, 2004 @11:45PM (#9603767) Homepage
    I hope it comes with Video Chat with Linda [eweek.com] like in the screenshot.

    Teach Me Tiger!

  • by HSpirit ( 519997 ) on Sunday July 04, 2004 @12:30AM (#9603984)

    Perhaps the most significant improvement is what seems to be the integration [apple.com] (finally) of complete HFS+ file-system functionality into the mainstay command-line apps such as cp, tar, rsync etc:

    Tiger provides a standard, Darwin-level API for managing resource forks, filesystem metadata, security information, properties and other attributes in a consistent, cross-platform manner. For example, common UNIX utilities such as cp, tar and rsync can properly handle HFS+ resource forks.
    It's been a long time coming, but I think finally we have a fully scriptable Mac at all levels of system administration.
  • Torrent file here (Score:3, Interesting)

    by SensitiveMale ( 155605 ) on Sunday July 04, 2004 @12:44AM (#9604034)
    Yeah, it is karma whoring :) .d mg.torrent

    Please, please, please keep the torrent client up after you have downloaded.

Biology is the only science in which multiplication means the same thing as division.
