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iPod nano Owners In Screen Scratch Trauma 671

wellington map writes "TheRegister reports iPod nano users have discovered that it is unbelievably easy to scratch the screen, which quickly makes the colour screen all but useless for viewing album art and photos stored on the machine. Apple's discussion forums are already host to hundreds of threads on this topic."
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iPod nano Owners In Screen Scratch Trauma

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  • by jrockway ( 229604 ) * <> on Sunday September 25, 2005 @08:27AM (#13643854) Homepage Journal
    Always wait until the second generation to buy from Apple. This has been true for years, and it is apparently continuing. iPod nano 2.0 will cost less, have more space, and probably a better screen.

    It hardly ever pays to be an early adopter. Let other people work out the bugs, then enjoy the fruits of their labor :)

    (Posted from a Rev. 2 15" Powerbook G4 :)
    • Yes this is true.

      The nano is a trash object. It scratches easily when in a pocket with nothing else

      this is my nano after one week of use [] and it was in a pocket only with nothing else but some pocket fluff and maybe a candy wrapper.

      What to do about it? Apple will not replace it. I don't see why I should have to have a second rate product without getting support. It should be replaced with a scren that doesn't scratch.

      You can't even read the screen on it. Or the writing.
      • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday September 25, 2005 @10:22AM (#13644464)
        You're right - I totally can't read the 1:47 on the screen.

        OK, seriously, WTF did you do to this? You scratched the hell out of the WHEEL... Which takes some effort.

        Was this a diamond based candy wrapper, or what?

        I got the nano shortly after it came out... and yeah, it has a few scratches, but you know what? I got it because I wanted a small form factor that had 4GB of non HD based memory. It sits in a pocket a good chunk of the time, and yeah, it gets a small scratch if you sneeze, but it's NO worse than anything else that's shiny. LIke the typical cell phone that ends up in someones pocket.

        I'm an apple person, but I don't get you guys at all. This would be like getting a new car and then bitching that you need a new paint job when something incidentally scratches the paint. Take some damed responsibility, know that the "new car feel" is going to wear of very quick, and suck it up. Use it for what it was meant for.
        • I'm an apple person, but I don't get you guys at all.

          *grin* ... I don't think "but" was quite the conjunction you were looking for there ... :-)

          Seriously, this reminds me heaps of my Palm Tungsten E - Palm made the T|E out of a shiny metal casing that scratches incredibly easily ... there's heaps of forum posts on scratched T|Es out there. Stupid case designs abound in the electronic gadget world - apparently the creators never realised that we'd put these things in our pockets ...
      • by mr_gerbik ( 122036 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @11:01AM (#13644644)
        No way was that scratched that bad by the inside of your pocket, unless you have sandpaper pants.
      • Try Turtle Wax. (Score:3, Informative)

        by TheSHAD0W ( 258774 )
        One solution to scratched displays (I had this problem with my Palm PDA) is to get some Turtle Wax or other solid car wax and buff the display with it. It also helps protect against further damage.
    • by pgpckt ( 312866 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @09:04AM (#13644032) Homepage Journal
      I see that we are now on stage 22 of the apple product lifecycle, to wit:

      The obligatory "I'm waiting for Rev. B" discussion appears in the Mac forums. People who've been burned by first-generation Apple products open up their old wounds and bleed their tales of woe. Unsympathetic technophiles fire back with, "if you can't handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen. pussy." Everyone has this stupid argument for the twenty-third time. []
    • by EpsCylonB ( 307640 ) <`moc.bnolycspe' `ta' `spe'> on Sunday September 25, 2005 @09:11AM (#13644055) Homepage
      It hardly ever pays to be an early adopter. Let other people work out the bugs, then enjoy the fruits of their labor :)

      Of course if everyone did this there wouldn't be a second generation.

      I guess we all do owe the early adopters some sympathy.
      • I don't feel I'm owed any sympathy, and I bought an 1st-gen iPod a couple of days after they were introduced. Yeah, my iPod has some scratches on it, but I knew that polycarbonate wasn't going to be particularly scratch-resistant (nor was the polished metal back - I have no idea why they didn't just use brushed aluminum), and adjusted my expectations accordingly. On the other hand, I seem to be the only 1st-gen owner that hasn't had any battery issues, and my iPod continues to work as well now as when I b
    • I've been an owner of a 3rd-Gen 10GB iPod for over 2 years and my iPods screen doesn't have any scratches. Why? because my iPod spends almost every second if its existence in a leather case with a clear vinyl/plastic covering for the screen.

      I only remove the iPod from this protection when it is in the dock for syncing/charging. And I remove it slowly.

      The back of my iPod's leather case has a sturdy, metal belt clip woven inside, allowing me to hook it into a a pocket (the device outside the pocket)
    • by CrudPuppy ( 33870 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @09:54AM (#13644284) Homepage
      or invest $0.50 yourself and buy some 3M clearbra made to cover the front surfaces of cars. peel, stick, trim.
    • by exp(pi*sqrt(163)) ( 613870 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @10:24AM (#13644477) Journal
      iPod nano 2.0 will cost less, have more space, and probably a better screen
      Wow! You have profound insight into the industry. Ever thought of becoming a pundit and making TV appearances?
  • Designer's Response (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Kawahee ( 901497 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @08:27AM (#13643855) Homepage Journal
    I remember seeing this recently and saying something along the lines that users should 'wake up' to the fact that they had this device in their pockets with their keys. He also laughed at the fact that the screen wasn't made from some high-grade polymer, which would be cheap enough to cover the square inch or so of the screen.

    And let's not forget Apple is making these for a $100 profit, can they really not afford that extra 50c?
  • Unfortunate really (Score:5, Insightful)

    by megla ( 859600 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @08:27AM (#13643859)
    You'd think with all Apple's advertising resources, they'd have had "Tim from marketing" put it in his pocket for a day just to test it.
    Obviously not. It does seem something of an oversight to launch the product way before the covers and cases are available too. I wonder how long it'll be before we see a 2G nano with modified screen coating...
  • Testing? QA? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by NineNine ( 235196 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @08:27AM (#13643860)
    I'm curious, as somebody who comes from a manufacturing background... how did this product get shipped with such a glaringly obvious flaw? Does Apple test their products, or do they simply have a team of yuppie designers who send their designs to China, which in turn drop ships them directly to customers? Apple is going to have to announce a full recall, and I'm assuming, start firing people pretty quickly.
    • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday September 25, 2005 @08:33AM (#13643882)

      >Apple is going to have to announce a full recall

      More like they'll write a support entry of the form "Don't scratch your iPod Nano. HTH. HAND."

      Remember, Apple can do no wrong. If this statement feels odd to you, please report to your local Apple Store for re-indoctrination ASAP!

    • Re:Testing? QA? (Score:4, Insightful)

      by tompaulco ( 629533 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @09:12AM (#13644060) Homepage Journal
      Does Apple test their products...
      Absolutely, they have a team of hardcore fans who are willing to pay for the privilege of QAing their products for them.
  • Testing (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Aneurysm ( 680045 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @08:27AM (#13643861)
    You wonder how much real life testing these things get away from a lab if the screens scratch within seconds and no-one has noticed. I would at least of hoped they would have got testers out and using them in the real world.
    • Re:Testing (Score:5, Interesting)

      by RradRegor ( 913123 ) <rdarr1@a d e l p> on Sunday September 25, 2005 @09:17AM (#13644088) Journal
      That's what you'd think. But when I saw the development schedule for the Nano, I understood how something like this could have happened. I think it was months, not years they've been working on this. Less than a year is not enough time to do a lot of development, not to mention field testing. Its an amazing accomplishment to get a high volume product to market that fast, and things like this screen problem are the price you pay for taking that risk.
  • by ajiva ( 156759 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @08:29AM (#13643864)
    My IPod 30gb Color, also scratches very easily screen. Screen, case, you name it. That's why the ipod case business is so large!
  • Best Quote (Score:5, Funny)

    by gustgr ( 695173 ) < minus language> on Sunday September 25, 2005 @08:29AM (#13643865)
    Best Quote:

    How am I supposed to use something "pocketable" if even my CLOTHES SCRATCH IT?

  • My nano (Score:4, Insightful)

    by sandstorming ( 850026 ) < minus berry> on Sunday September 25, 2005 @08:33AM (#13643884)
    It scratches... but not from just being put into my pocket. They're making a mountain out of a hill. (not an ant hill... it is a problem) Buy a case. Simple!
    • Re:My nano (Score:5, Insightful)

      by CastrTroy ( 595695 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @09:03AM (#13644024)
      The whole appeal of that nano is that it is so thin. What's the point of having an iPod Nano, if you have to make it thicker with a case. Maybe they should have made teh screen recessed a bit, and have some sort of piece that can be used to cover the screen.
  • Show us! (Score:3, Interesting)

    by SsShane ( 754647 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @08:34AM (#13643886)
    Nano users! Post big huge pics so we can all see.
  • by jdc180 ( 125863 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @08:38AM (#13643909)
    Read through those comments, some of them are just insane. Like one said they kept it in their pocket with a travel pak of tissues. The reply was "That would mark it no problem.... I think it is just something we will have to live with."

    Another one says "I am not certain apple is responsible for that... freedom of choice"

    My bet is that steve jobs could kill a baby with an ibook, and they'd defend him.
    • by BasilBrush ( 643681 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @08:51AM (#13643972)
      I only touched my Nano whilst wearing white cotton gloves. Unwrapped the shiney thing from it's packaging and wrapped it in bubble wrap and cotton wool, then put it in a titanium case, and left it locked in my desk drawer for 24 hours. When I came back to it, it was horribly scratched. Who'd have believed it possible?
    • by Anonymous Writer ( 746272 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @09:08AM (#13644043)

      My bet is that steve jobs could kill a baby with an ibook, and they'd defend him.

      Current iBooks [] are equipped with Apple's Sudden Motion Sensor to instantly stop hard drive motion and protect data upon impact, so at least your data will be safe.

  • by Ancil ( 622971 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @08:41AM (#13643920)
    Despite being incredibly strong, polycarbonate is actually quite soft. You can try this yourself. Take a pair of polycarb safety glasses.. These things can stop a shotgun pellet, but you can easily scratch them by just using the edge of a quarter.

    They should have used a more brittle (but harder) acrylic for covering an LCD screen. It's not like it has to be particularly strong.

    • by SuperficialRhyme ( 731757 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @09:12AM (#13644062) Homepage
      As a chemist when I read in the register article:

      "When the point was put to the head of Apple's iPod division, Jon Rubenstein - who in the past oversaw the development of the Titanium PowerBook - the one that killed off Wi-Fi reception, because metal cages do that - he replied: 'Nah, you don't really think that? It's made of the hardest polycarbonate... You keep it in a pocket with your keys?'"

      I thought it had to be a joke. Apparently this is made of polycarbonate which scratches easily and this has been known for a long time. Apple probably just asked the supplier for their hardest material without taking scratching into account (basically they asked the wrong questions of their supplier). Admittedly an excellent supplier would have pointed out that a polycarb cover would scratch easily, but it's Apple's responsibility to do the research. I find it difficult to believe that no one noticed this in their tests of the device.

      They'll have to do something to fix this I'd imagine. What a blunder.
    • In my opinion, here [] is the benchmark as to what is resistant to scratching in normal everyday use. They -never- scratch. I like their advertisement where they expand on Timex... after a truck drives over the watch, not only does it "keep on ticking," but it shows no scratching or damage.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday September 25, 2005 @08:41AM (#13643922)
    I will continue to support Steve Jobs in all his endevours. At least it's not a Microsoft product. I'd rather push an Apple than drive a Microsoft.
  • Spray on fix? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by hazee ( 728152 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @08:41AM (#13643923)
    Couldn't some sort of spray-on coating fix the problem? Might require a bit of masking tape around the screen while applying it, but still...

    I seem to recall a few months ago that TDK (I think) developed a new ultra-hard coating to protect either Blu Ray or HD-DVD discs (can't remember which). Sounds like a suitable coating, since it obviously has to be optically clear. While it's probably best applied at the factory, I wonder if they could turn it into an after-market spray for iPods?
    • by saskboy ( 600063 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @11:22AM (#13644784) Homepage Journal
      I found this on the forum linked, it looks like it might work for digital camera displays too, although I'd like to test it before recommending it to my family and friends. If it doesn't remove cleanly after many weeks or months, then it's not a great idea.

      "Jase Roberts
      Joined: Sep, 2005
      Posts: 1 I keep my cell phone in my jeans pocket, and used to have major problems with scratching (to the point where it was very hard to read). I found that a piece of clear packing tape cut carefully to the size of the screen worked great and didn't leave any residue when I removed it. If you trim it to the size carefully, it'll stay on well. Maybe try sticking an oversize piece on, trace the screen with a Sharpie marker, then remove it and trim it exactly. Costs nothing and provides good protection that you can replace easily when you need to. "
  • by Snosty ( 210966 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @08:45AM (#13643940) Homepage
    A response to this [] comment of mine about how to get rid of the scratches suggested toothpaste. I tried it and it actually works reasonably well with a bit of effort. After having scratched the front on the first day and subsequently used toothpaste to fix that I've been more careful since and have not noticed anything really since then.
  • by Brento ( 26177 ) <> on Sunday September 25, 2005 @08:46AM (#13643948) Homepage
    I've had mine in my pockets alongside keys, my cell phone, and my wallet at different times, and it's still as slick and shiny as the day I've bought it.

    What's the secret? Until you get a case (you did order a case, right?) put the display side facing your leg. Hello, that's why one side is metal, for some protection.

    If your hairy legs scratch the screen through your pants pocket, then you've got other problems.

    This whole thing sounds like people who would carry a TabletPC inside a hard briefcase with their pens, calculators, and change jangling around inside, and then complain that the screen got scratched. Hello, it's an MP3 player, not a Rolex Submariner.
  • Nothing new (Score:3, Funny)

    by LinuxInDallas ( 73952 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @08:48AM (#13643958)
    I made the mistake of buying the Generation 4 (The one released just before the iPod photo) iPod shortly after it came out. The screen on that one scratched just as easily. Sad thing was, I would have been more than willing to purchase a protective case when I bought the unit but they were not out yet! I believe the nano owners are in the same boat.
  • no problems here (Score:3, Informative)

    by rnd() ( 118781 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @08:48AM (#13643960) Homepage
    I have had mine for over a week and carry it in my pocket along with a cell phone in the same pocket. No significant wear and tear so far, but the battery life is disappointingly inferior to what was advertised. I'd estimate it gets about 60% of the advertised battery life at best.
  • by SecretAsianMan ( 45389 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @08:53AM (#13643979) Homepage

    Hmm. I have noticed threads in the past discussing similar failure modes with other Apple products: PowerBook paint chips, PowerBook palm stains, PowerBook warping, iBooks getting dirty, iPod battery life, mouse ergonomics. Perhaps with the emphasis on industrial design, Apple has given real-lift usability testing a back seat.

    In their software, too, there are similar issues. For the most part, OS X is an ingenious, very user-friendly operating system, arguably the best implementation out there of a desktop Unix. But there are some rough edges. For instance, keyboard navigation is incomplete and inconsistent across applications (e.g. Cocoa vs Carbon). Perhaps Apple would have noticed that issue in usability testing if they had included more keyboard navigation users, and specifically, people who spent much time doing keyboard navigation in Windows.

    Really, I would like to see Apple succeed, but to do that, they may need to focus more on the usability and reliability of their products.

  • by rocjoe71 ( 545053 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @08:54AM (#13643986) Homepage
    *Sighs with relief after not buying expensive music player*

    How rotter, considering the depth of the market out there, Apple should understand that people buy iPods for the looks more than just about any other reason, and they ought to have made the screen out of something damn-near bulletproof-- now a scratch-resistant screen would be a really nice selling feature.

    ...And has anyone tried getting out their CD repair kit and burnishing in the scratch removal stuff onto the screen by hand? You know, that scratch remover supposed to be good enough not to interfere with CD optics, it must be good enough for your Nano screens.

  • by PollGuy ( 707987 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @08:57AM (#13644000)
    I got an iPod nano last week, and yes, it has been scratching up like mad. And I'm not doing anything remotely bad to it -- just the kinds of things that "respectful" users do.

    I've taken pictures of the damage and written up a log of how I've been using my nano. Here's a picture, [] and here's the full write-up. []

    When's the recall?
  • Brasso (Score:5, Informative)

    by BlightThePower ( 663950 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @09:00AM (#13644012)
    Use Brasso, the light abrasive normally used for cleaning brass. A little Brasso will bring a scratched screen up nicely and will also do for the back of the iPod as well. Don't be conned into buying more expensive preparations and products that people are trying to sell.
    • Re:Brasso (Score:3, Informative)

      by swb ( 14022 )
      Brasso contains ammonia, too, which is why it works so well on brass.

      It's one of those items that rookie ammo reloaders want to use in their tumbler media because it does such a nice job on candelabras, but the ammonia weakens the brass so it's a no-no for cleaning brass ammunition casings.

      I'm not sure what ammonia would do to/for the polycarobonite.

  • No excuses (Score:4, Insightful)

    by John Paul Jones ( 151355 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @09:02AM (#13644022)
    I got a black Nano the day after they were announced. I left the plastic on the front until my Nano cover [] arrived. No muss, no fuss.

    All this bitching is useless. Protect your investment.

  • Pfffff (Score:4, Funny)

    by Reality Master 101 ( 179095 ) <RealityMaster101@gmai l . com> on Sunday September 25, 2005 @09:29AM (#13644153) Homepage Journal
    What, are you people actually using this product? Apple products are not meant to be used, they're meant to be put on a pedastal for proper worship, perhaps occasionally rubbed with a rabbit-skin mitt.

    Obviously, that's how they tested it. :)

  • Alright, so the screen is easily scratchable. Enough with the bitching and finger pointing... what can you do about it?

    Try Brasso. It's available in your supermarket and costs $3-$4 for what will amount to a lifetime supply if you're just cleaning your iPod.

    I managed to drop my iPod Nano on asphault the day after I got it. The player skidded and bounced on the asphault and had some rather nasty scratches on both sides. Naturally, the player still worked perfectly since it doesn't have any moving parts but it looked like hell. Brasso worked like a charm. Here's what you do...

    1. Put a drop or two of Brasso on a soft cloth
    2. Use a lot of elbow grease to buff out the scratches. Brasso isn't a magic potion; it's actually a very gentle abrasive. You are effectively resurfacing the iPod so it's going to take a few minutes of work.
    3. Ta-da!

    Now, since you're effectively resurfacing the iPod, I imagine that there is a finite amount of times you'd want to subject your iPod to this. It will leave your iPod looking great though.

    I've tried this on my iPod Nano (front and back) as well as my 3g 20GB iPod. Worked great. I imagine it would work on other models as well with the possible exception of the aluminum iPod Minis since their surface differs from the polycarbonate used on other models. Should work, but I don't know.
    • Another thing to try is actually an automotive scratch remover. It's made by Meguiar's and is called Plastic Polish. It is designed to removing hazing and microscratches from clear plastics like headlamp lenses. It seems to work okay...just okay. And to clean up the metal on the back, try Mother's Mag Aluminum Polish. It's intended for things like polishing engine bay metal, unfinished wheels, exhaust tips, etc. It should smooth out some scratches and leave it nice and shiny.
  • Get an iPod Shuffle (Score:4, Informative)

    by Feanturi ( 99866 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @10:03AM (#13644342)
    I got a Shuffle for my birthday several months ago, and just love it. It's so small, and so simple. There's almost nothing to break on it, there's just the one 4-position button, and I guess you might be able to break the jack mooring or something if you really tried. It's so light and solid that I'm not worried about dropping it. And if it slips out of my shirt pocket while listening, I have headphones for it that hook over my ears, it's so light that the jack doesn't pull out, it just hangs from my head if that happens. When I eventually have to replace it, I'm positive that the reason will be the battery no longer holding charge. I'm cool with that. I don't need to look at pictures while I'm listening to music, I like my player to be tucked away somewhere. It's so light, and my headphones are so comfortable (the hooks over the ears mean the buds don't have to be jammed deep into the canal to keep them in) that it's like I don't even have a music player at all, there's just this music magically appearing in my head.

    Simplify, it frees your mind.
  • by SumDog ( 466607 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @10:08AM (#13644377) Homepage Journal
    My friend Nick just bought an iPod. He went ahead and got the mini instead of the nano and I'm glad he did after reading this article. I really like the iPod interface, and if it played oggs I'd probably have one myself.

    I think what makes this design flaw so bad is that it really should have been picked up during the testing phase. If you get a group of test subjects to use it for a month, how could they not get feedback when the screens start to scratch and break.

    I've read some post talking about nice cases you can get for your iPod such as this one: ectors.html []

    It's a nice case, transparent and looked like a good solution, however its something that should have come with the unit itself.

    I have a feeling this device was rushed into the market on its coolness factor and not enough time was spent testing and developing it for real world use. It reminds me of those Apple cubes that came out years ago with a touch sensetitive power button that had the tendency to turn of if you waved something warm across them.

    I love Apples. I wish I could affoard an iBook, however they do seem to place a lot in style and looks over actual preformance and cost in many cases, which I think has been one of the short falls of many of their designs.

  • by Animats ( 122034 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @10:23AM (#13644472) Homepage
    Now that was dumb. Polycarbonates are strong, but not hard. The eyeglass lens industry solved this problem years ago. Even the bus window industry [] has solved this problem. Optical polycarbonate surfaces are routinely hard-coated [], and an anti-glare coating is often added at the same time.

    The cool solution, which Apple probably now has to use to get their reputation back, is sapphire []. That's what scratch-resistant high-end watches [] use. Put an 0.15mm sapphire layer on top of the polycarbonate, and you can dump the thing in with your keys without worrying. It's not that expensive for a phone or music player sized screen. Some of Nokia's high-end phones [] have a sapphire screen.

    Of course, doing it right might cut into those 40% profit margins at Apple.

    • by queazocotal ( 915608 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @12:56PM (#13645351)
      It's solid sapphire in mobiles/watches.
      If you put a .15mm coating on a screen, then all you end up with is a horrible crazed mess.
      The sapphire can't flex at all, and the plastic can't support it well enough to stop it
      (not to mention that there are technical problems with depositing sapphire on plastic.
      Solid sapphire is not actually that expensive.
      It takes quite a thickness to make it as resistant to stress as a plastic screen.
      The plastic screen can flex a bit, and that absorbs a lot of energy, the sapphire (or glass)
      one cannot, and smashes.
  • Use Clickie Eraser (Score:5, Interesting)

    by zentec ( 204030 ) * <> on Sunday September 25, 2005 @10:33AM (#13644522)
    One of those Clickie white latex erasers will remove the scratches.
  • Screen protector? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by invisik ( 227250 ) * on Sunday September 25, 2005 @11:01AM (#13644643)

    I looked at a Nano at Best Buy. I understand the point of producing a quality product from the start, but what what buying a screen protector for it? Get one for a Palm Pilot, cut it to fit, and put it on the screen. I put one on my BlackBerry, even though it's not a touch screen device, just to make sure the screen stays nice.

    Just a thought.

  • by bearded_yak ( 457170 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @11:10AM (#13644709) Homepage
    OK, I agree that it is a frustrating thing that every item, from pet rocks to drag-line shovels have flaws when new and, once purchased, get more flaws as they are handled, but somehow through the process of growing up (which I did way too long ago), I quit stressing over it.

    Most of the folks who've chimed in with the ancient history of the Cube hairlines are the same folks who gripe about a hairline scratch nobody else notices on their car. They just have a slightly stronger obsession with perfection, no matter how many times science proves the inability of humans to produce perfection (yes, even Steve).

    These folks are the TRUE AppleFanBoys. They think that Apple is so perfect that Apple can create perfect products. Me, I've gotten enough eMacs and iMacs that were DOA that I know better. Thing is, I realize that every computer manufacturer has DOAs to a point and, unless it goes beyond a empirically-measured statistical point, it is not unusual. Many of the folks griping about the screens on the Nano are the same folks who believe that there should be no DOAs.

    Problem is, most of these folks are just the type to gripe about their iPod getting scratched and funky-smelling on a spelunking trip whereupon they dropped it down a slope of 15 yards of solid rock and then into a 3 foot accumulation of guano. Then they claim they carried it in a lamb's wool pocket equipped with some sort of alien-developed deflector system and air-ride suspension (and their friends are pretty sure of where the funky smell comes from).

    Has anybody stopped to think why 3M and others make money on consumer screen-protection films for PDAs, cell phones, and other everyday-duty plastic screens? Scratched everyday-use screens are not a new occurrence.

    And exactly what are these folks with only a gum wrapper in their pocket REALLY doing to scratch the screens? Although some of them are telling what they believe to be the truth (and may have forgotten that stray piece of agate they popped in their pocket), I'd bet most of them are making up their situations. The Nanos at the Apple Store I visit don't seem to get scratched badly and they are handled rather roughly (esp. by children), slid around face-down, and even intentionally gouged, but they don't look as bad as some of these folks iPods. And no, the units aren't being swapped out with new ones often enough to make a difference.

    I give up, maybe I just need to quit trying to act my age. Never mind the important things to focus on, like my country's lousy economy as of the past couple of years or even those folks who've just been bulldozed by two hurricanes, I think I'll gripe about my chewing gum losing its flavor on the bedpost overnight.
  • Comment removed (Score:5, Informative)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @11:49AM (#13644933)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by xDCDx ( 635101 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @11:57AM (#13644980) .html []

    I wonder how common that is.
  • by Kymermosst ( 33885 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @12:06PM (#13645037) Journal
    It doesn't take a genius to go buy a Palm or PocketPC screen protecter, cut to size, and put over your iPod's screen.

    This is supposed to be "News for Nerds"... you'd think more "nerds" would have figured this out by now.

    I don't even own an iPod, and even I thought of this. (I *do* have a PDA, though.)

  • by eples ( 239989 ) * on Sunday September 25, 2005 @01:11PM (#13645424)
    I got the black one to match my Motorola Razr v3.
    I didn't expect it to look like THIS [] after a week or two!

    It's a joke
  • by J_Omega ( 709711 ) on Sunday September 25, 2005 @06:32PM (#13647078)
    Sorry if this was mentioned earlier, but I've no iPod or care to discuss!

    My Rio Karma's screen is also very susceptible to scratching. The solution we (the Karma fans) found was to use a PDA static-film cut in the shape of the screen. I went even cheaper, and just covered the easily-scratched part with clear packing tape. You only need to smooth the air bubbles out when applying, and removal is easy. Just make sure you cut it to shape BEFORE applying. Either way is inexpensive, easy, and non-obtrusive. Protect your ASAP.

    Aside: From pics of the iPod Nano, does anyone even care about album-art? It looked like they were smaller than an index-fingernail, 32x32 or so? looked nearly useless.

    Mod me down if redundant, but the above two solutions are cheap and easy for people not wanting to deal with a case for their DAP!

If it's not in the computer, it doesn't exist.
