Apple Previewing New Power Mac? 377
dunric writes "CNET.com reports that Apple Computer may be previewing a new Power Mac, complete with dual G5 processors and a more advanced memory configuration." The "previewing" isn't intentional, though -- the report is based on service and repair documents distributed last month and reported on AppleInsider.com. AppleInsider has taken down at least one image from their report, but have added an artist's rendering.
previewing (Score:5, Insightful)
to me, it seems like good advertising... for free, and you know how companies like free adverts
Re:previewing (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:previewing (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:previewing (Score:5, Interesting)
inventory control? (Score:5, Insightful)
the delay on the new powermacs has def been processors. it's possible there are other components, but Apple and IBM admitted there were issues at the IBM chipmaking plant that caused problems for supplies getting to Apple. it was the chip that is in the current Xserves and rumored to have been in the G5 tower revision. now the speculation is that the G5 tower may hop right up to the next chip revision alltogether.
Re:previewing (Score:5, Funny)
Old News (Score:2, Informative)
Big heatsink (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Big heatsink (Score:5, Interesting)
It doesn't have fins, so it's not a heatsink. Apple's long-stated goal with the thermal design of the G5 was to compartmentalize heat sources; the extension of the box(which appears to be one piece of formed metal) seems purely to help compartmentalize the CPU area more. Wouldn't it be interesting if this was done because the heatsinks are taller? Taller but thinner heatsinks would let you put(ahem) more CPUs into that space. I honestly can't say I think they bumped processor speeds; wasn't IBM at a brick wall in that regard with the G5? Seems like we'd be more likely to see a quad box, although for 90% of even high end users, 4 processors wouldn't be terribly useful.
What is also interesting is that the motherboard has shrunk by a few inches, hence the longer connecting cable in one set of photos; it's a few inches back from the front of the case instead of nearly abutting it.
Re:Big heatsink (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Big heatsink (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Big heatsink (Score:5, Funny)
G5 Espresso Machine (Score:5, Funny)
Re:G5 Espresso Machine (Score:5, Interesting)
Also, in the process of looking at the source to figure out how to make the above URL, I found these comments in the HTML starting at line 45:
(some HTML code removed here)
GO FUCK YOURSELF - The Management"
Nice. It's always good to see design arguments that have escalated into profane insults embedded in one's publicly visible HTML source. The least they could do would be to use the scripting language's comment syntax so those little love notes wouldn't be visible to anybody looking at the source code...
Missing picture (Score:5, Informative)
New G5 Picture [blackapology.com]
Re:Missing picture (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Missing picture (Score:2)
Re:Missing picture (Score:2)
Isn't this predictable (Score:5, Insightful)
I mean, they are coming out with 10.4 at the WWDC, why not new hardware to run it on?
Correction... (Score:5, Insightful)
Anything is better... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Anything is better... (Score:2)
Hey (Score:5, Informative)
What I found most interesting (Score:5, Informative)
Re:What I found most interesting (Score:3, Informative)
Re:What I found most interesting (Score:2)
Re:What I found most interesting (Score:2)
That is what this [pricewatch.com] is for
Flashback (Score:5, Informative)
visit http://www.apple.com/quicktime/qtv/wwdc03/ and fast forward to 1:51:50
"We're at 2GHz today. IBM and Apple are today announcing that within 12 months that we'll be at 3GHz. 3GHz processor clock. That's up 50% within 12 months. And so, believe me, this architecture has legs."
Some people dispute what Jobs meant when he said that. At best, it could mean new 3GHz G5 PowerMacs by late June. Or at worst, it could mean that IBM will release a 3GHz G5 Processor by August 2004, since the G5 PowerMac was slated to ship in August of 2003.
Apple Rules (Score:4, Funny)
- Cocoa
- Quartz
- Stylish industrial design.
- Best tech support in the business. They treat you WELL!
I go to the library with my puny little iBook and chicks come talk to me. OVER a freaking computer!!!
You can run all kinds of free software thru Fink.
You can run Windows thru Virtual PC (Dog slow, but it works).
They include X11, Developer tools, all kinds of pretty things....
Can't wait until they put Gianpaolo to good use and get rid of HFS+, though. Case preservation can kiss my ass.
I'm 28, been using computers since 5. Apple is THE SHIT!!!
I had forgot about the fun in computing until I got my first Apple in 2001.
There are a lot of old dogs, who have been through a lot of shit, and they all say that, for example, a Powerbook is what computers should have been all along.
Damn right.
BTW... screw Political Correctness. You all post shit on slashdot like you were waiting a table. You CAN make a valid point and still say the word FUCK. It's OK.
I like this quote by Lenny Bruce (don't know who the hell he is, but anyhow):
'Take away the right to say "fuck" and you take away the right to say "fuck the government.'
Take care! Oh, and get a Mac. You'll see what I'm talking about.
P.S. - It rules when a HOT chick you just hooked up with complains about the breathing led on your sleeping Mac.
Yes, it is possible to write some serious code and still pull ass.
Wasn't Feynman the biggest nerd ever, and still able to pull ass?
Feminists hated the bitch, and he was fucking with quantum physics.
How can you not admire a dude like that, who goes to Brasil to learn how to play the bongos
Some idiot writes 10 lines of PERL and thinks it's OK to have no game. Pathetic.
What's the point of being able to mess (as in write/modify -- not compile) a kernel if you can't walk up to a HOT girl and say:
"Hi! I'm XYZ. You have a beatiful smile. Can I buy you a drink/Hold this for you/Open the fucking door/Give you flowers/whatever the fuck?"
Women are humans. Humans.
Sorry about the offtopicness but half of the blogs I read, from people who write better code than me, are depressing because those dudes can't get laid.
"When I go to a conference, I relate to those people, but how do I talk to girls?"
Geek guides for dating.... WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!
There is NO guide for dating.
Be the fucking man. Be assertive. Be strong. Just fucking do it.
Insecure? Go test your fucking limits: skydive, pump iron, pick a fight... do something fucking manly... and you get women.
That's it. I'm sick of this post. Take care.
Re:Apple Rules (Score:3, Funny)
Damn, that was close. I was worried it was just me.
Re:Apple Rules (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Apple Rules (Score:4, Funny)
Yeah, they do. Except you goddamn fanboys have caused a shortage of parts that means the Dual 2ghz G5 my office bought last month then sent back in 24 hrs. for repair (Google Post 1076 error) won't be fixed in 10 days...oh no.... 20 June! A month! A frickin' month! A month I have to share my machine w/ a student, a month I don't have dual G5 goodness.. Oh please god...let it end...
Here's what's significant... (Score:5, Insightful)
Because Apple doesn't have to create motherboards that fit some standard size and fastener layout, they're free to adjust their designs as parts change, which makes them free to adjust the external design of the machine as the motherboard shrinks.
They also have a strong desire to be able to reuse a motherboard design across multiple products.
In other words, the smaller that G5 motherboard gets, the closer we are to seeing it in a consumer iMac, or even a PowerBook.
Innovation doesn't just grow on trees, and Apple's proprietary designs give them the flexibility needed to produce unique computers.
By contrast, there have been around, what, five? standard PC motherboard sizes since the 386. Commodity parts are great for end user prices, but commodity means "same", and it shows in the final product.
Re:Here's what's significant... (Score:2)
"Innovation doesn't just grow on trees, and Apple's proprietary designs give them the flexibility needed to produce unique computers."
now, thats crap. You telling my they couldn't created a keyboard like this for the PC? of cours they could. What it does is makes it easier to shove it down the customers throat. Of course, you can use other keyboards with the MAC.
Re:Here's what's significant... (Score:3, Interesting)
Get off it, Apple certianly is a company that can claim many innovations but the MOTHERBOARD isn't one of them. They don't even build them (Foxconn does) and have very little to say in their design. Most of it is simply dictated by what they want on it. You want 8 memory slots and 64-bit PCI slots? Ok, that is going to take a certian amount of traces and a certian amount of space to do.
Apple doesn't need any innov
Re:Here's what's significant... (Score:5, Insightful)
Why should you care? Hey, if you want an ugly ass machine, be my guest. I'm not going to waste time convincing you that the soft white corrugated look of the Apple 23" cinema display is the reason why I'd buy one...that's the last of maybe 15 reasons, of which viewing angle, refresh rate and warranty quality being at the top. But think: with all else being equal, wouldn't you choose the interesting case over the bland one?
Don't knock our enthusiasm for new design pictures (Score:4, Insightful)
If I have a full size number keypad, why would I want to switch it off and on? (and for those 12 of you that actually use the diagonal arrows instead of arrows, I don't really care to hear the explanation)
And WTF is "scroll lock" again?
Re:Don't knock our enthusiasm for new design pictu (Score:4, Funny)
Yep. I still own one of the old iMacs. It makes a fine mp3 player in the living room.
I am reminded of the famous Apple design aesthetic each time I try to use that round mouse.
Re:Don't knock our enthusiasm for new design pictu (Score:3, Funny)
But I fail to see how it is useful
4 5 53 6 6 5 5 443.
Scroll lock is used in Excell (Score:2)
I bring this up, because this keyboard will make some features in office unusable.
It is often faster then using the mouse.
Numlock is used in some older games, makes moving diaganol easy.
Re:Scroll lock is used in Excell (Score:5, Informative)
You sure 'bout that? [apple.com]
Now that they've got a bunch of extra space... (Score:3, Interesting)
I'd love to see a small box instead of a tower. Worked great for Sun's "pizza box" and "lunch box" server models, and those are even stackable.
If they really can't design something that size that would be heat efficient with the (expected) speed bump, they could still use that smaller board with slower speed CPUS that use the new die. Surely they've already figured the temperature issue out with their work on the XServes, though?
If Apple doesn't do it, I'll bet someone else will.
Re:Now that they've got a bunch of extra space... (Score:4, Insightful)
It sounds like your want a mini XServe on your desk.
Hate to say it, but I seriously doubt that'll happen. It wouldn't work well with any of the current Apple monitors - namely, LCD's - unless they made it shallow as well. (And isn't the main reason of having a pizza box form factor to put the monitor on top of it?)
And what does making it stackable do for home users? Absolutely nothing - if someone has more than one Mac in their home, it won't be in the same place.
The eMac works out better than the pizzabox-plus-monitor setup, anyway. There wouldn't be any place for such a computer.
Re:Pizzaboxes (Score:4, Interesting)
Oh crap! (Score:3, Funny)
This always happens....
FUD vs HSD (Score:3, Insightful)
The last time Apple announced a top-end speed bump was when they announced the G5, a year ago. Since then, AMD and Intel have announced a plethora of new chips. The average (not always on schedule, but usually) is 3-4 months between top-end speed bumps for the x86/Wintel crowd. There's a constant perception that they're making the fastest faster and they keep inertia from setting in with the regular bumps. Look at how much delaying Prescott and going with the EE chip hurt Intel vs. AMD.
For all Apple tries to claim "FAST", their speed bumps come at a snail's pace. And then, when they announce it, it's still 4-6 weeks (or more) until the first ships to consumers. On top of that, because it's so far between bumps, you're dealing with huge pent-up demand by the time they finally announce a bump. It ensures the newest hot Apple processor will be so backordered, you'll wait another 6-8 weeks for it.
By the time it's on your desk, whatever was the hot new Pentium when you ordered your hot new Apple will already be a generation old. Plus you'll have to show a LOT of patience, waiting 12-14 weeks for your new Mac, when Dell can get you the best Pentium possible in 12-14 days.
Forget about pricing and relative tech merits, Microsoft vs. the world, whatever. If Apple wants to compete with Wintel, IMO, Apple needs to update their top-of-the-line hardware more often, announce it closer to the ship date, and get it out the door in a reasonable time.
Re:Go APPLE !! (Score:5, Interesting)
Honestly, the life of an Apple product is a lot longer than a typical windows PC. I still use my Powermac 9500 (running 10.3.4) but I have retired my 600Mhz Pentium III.
And how many people do you see driving old BMWs compared to Toyotas? Which looks better?
Re:Go APPLE !! (Score:2, Insightful)
Except that while the Toyata might look like a pile of shit, its engine will keep running perfectly for hundreds of thousands of miles needing nothing but regular spark plug and oil changes.
Meanwhile, while the BMW may look nicer, it's going to need costly repairs and engine overhauls every 50,000 miles or so.
Re:Go APPLE !! (Score:5, Funny)
The worst was when two hotties watched me walk up to my car, I heard one say "ooh, he drives a BMW.." - I started it up, and it belched a MASSIVE cloud of exhaust that nearly filled the block. Fortunately I used the smokescreen to escape and evaid their laughter...
So yes, this analogy is appropriate. Give me the Toyota.
Re:Go APPLE !! (Score:2)
Re:Go APPLE !! (Score:2)
Re:Go APPLE !! (Score:2)
For the price you paid for that upgrade, you probably could have bought a new PC.
(Note: I still run a P3 500 as my main system, it works)
Re:Go APPLE !! (Score:2)
That all depends on your uses...I've still got a 7 year old PII chugging along. It's by no means my primary machine, but it still serves a purpose for me.
Re:Go APPLE !! (Score:3, Insightful)
But in general, it seems that Apple's hardware has a longer life than your typical Windows PC.
Re:Go APPLE !! (Score:2, Insightful)
So what? I still use my pentium 200, and I'm fixing up a pentum 90 to use as a firewall. I will admit my computer use habits are not typical, but how many people still use their Powermac 9500s? Maybe you're not a typical user either.
Re:Go APPLE !! (Score:5, Insightful)
Like many things, you can get as much out of it as you are willing to.
Re:Go APPLE !! (Score:5, Insightful)
Fine, then compare resale value. 333 Mhz iMac [macresq.com] vs. 350 Mhz PII Compaq [off-leasecomputers.com].
That's $330 vs. $59 for machines that are about the same age. Given, the Compaq doesn't have a monitor or modem like the iMac. Those two things can hardly make up for that much price difference though. It's simple. A four year old PC is crap. A four year old Mac is still useful. Remember that the next time you bemoan how expensive Macs are ;-)
Re:Go APPLE !! (Score:4, Insightful)
Long story short - the value of the default OS has a huge impact. And 'still useful' depends on what you need to use it for - neither will be good at playing high-res mpeg4 movies, for instance.
Re:Go APPLE !! (Score:3, Interesting)
Let me know next time. I'm looking to replace my circa 1998 PowerBook G3 - 300MHz, 320MB, original 8GB HDD, OS X.3.4 via XPostFacto, loaded to the hilt with Fink, dev tools, Office vX, Virtual PC 6, and more.
There is some lag during some tasks, and when I boot into OS 9 I'm reminded how much of a performance hit OS X incurs, but it's gotten faster with each OS upgrade.
Re:Go APPLE !! (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Go APPLE !! (Score:2)
Re:Go APPLE !! (Score:3, Interesting)
My iBook has had the logic board replaced 4 times. In the first year I owned it, I had a month of downtime. After the OS 10.2.8 update, I had to reboot almost every day, even when I wasn't doing anything more than browsing the web. That's more than windows.
Some people have perfect experiences with Apple. But some don't.
Re:Go APPLE !! (Score:2)
Re:apple is overated (Score:5, Funny)
Re:apple is overated (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Parts and prices.... (Score:3, Informative)
Partwise comparison... here's what you pay for (Score:4, Insightful)
Here's what you're paying for on the mac:
The Mac mobo supports pci-x, serial ata and up to 1ghz fsb. It can also take up to 8 gigs of DDR-400 RAM if you want/need it. Also, what about the gigabit ethernet, optical spdif audio, bluetooth, etc?
Entry level gamers video card
The Mac video card, a GeForce FX 5200, supports two monitors and is rather faster than that entry level card. Still, it's not that much more expensive.
The G5 is probably not as fast, but it has a faster fsb and a comparable vector processing unit. I don't know about you, but in most of the stuff I do, the fsb and vector unit are more important than raw crunching here (not to mention the video card). For compilation, the Athlon would probably win.
Same as you get through Apple, but they mark it up.
hard drive
Apple is using larger drives (yours is only 40gb) and they're SATA rather than IDE... should give you a faster transfer rate there.
DVD-CDRW thingie
Yep, can't beat you there, I have one of those and it's quite a nice drive. Apple is using an older Pioneer drive, which is also unfortunately more expensive.
The G5 case has you beat pretty soundly. It's higher quality if heavier material. It's extremely quiet (to people with a normal hearing range, it's a bit leaky in the 19k area). It's trivial to install drives: open the case door, slide the drive in, fold in the connectors (no cables to mess with). Similarly with RAM. There aren't as many drive bays, though, but Apple is supposedly going to address this in the next revision.
Re:apple is overated (Score:3, Informative)
And how about the other 90% of the population who cannot do that?
People pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for Ferraris and Lamborghinis too you know.
Re:apple is overated (Score:2)
Ferraris are more expensive than the average car, of *lower* quality than the average car, and not leaps and bounds beyond everyone else.
My point was only that people pay for what they think is value, and different people have different values.
I'd rather have a house than a Ferrari; yet I would have a Mac rather than a PC.
Re:apple is overated (Score:4, Insightful)
Oh, by the way: Not necessarily, because MS got it's monopoly before they became the best.
Re:apple is overated (Score:5, Insightful)
The only stretch is whether it's better than a Linux computer, which has the advantage of coming with GCC and Emacs by default, and being the turn-in platform for my homework (we can write it on whatever we want, but it has to compile on RedHat9/x86). However, my Mac's user interface is enough better than Linux's to compensate.
Okay, I have to admit that back then I didn't use OS 7 enough, or understand enough about computers, to know whether it was better or not. However, by that time they had already lost because they wouldn't allow clones, and IBM did. The fact that all the clones could run Windows (and MS-DOS, for that matter) was what allowed MS to get their monopoly in the first place.
Re:apple is overated (Score:4, Informative)
It just so happens that Microsoft has a version of their compiler that is $Free. [microsoft.com]
Okay, I have to admit that back then I didn't use OS 7 enough, or understand enough about computers, to know whether it was better or not.
I did, and it was.
However, by that time they had already lost because they wouldn't allow clones, and IBM did.
Eventually Apple DID allow clones. Power Computing, UMAX, SuperMac, APS et all made nice Mac clones. Power Computing's top of the line was usually faster than Apple's top of the line. The PowerTower Pro series from Power Computing stomped ass all over the Powermac 8500/9500s from Apple.
This is part of the reason why Jobs killed off the clones. People who needed as much speed as possible bought Power Computing. People who needed the lowest price possible bought UMAX. People who wanted the best bang for their buck bought other clones. Only people who were loyal to the Apple brand name bought Apple.
The fact that all the clones could run Windows (and MS-DOS, for that matter) was what allowed MS to get their monopoly in the first place.
That's arguable. I agree that not allowing clones earlier was one of the biggest mistakes in all of the computing industry; but who can say how much different things would have turned out if they had allowed it earlier?
Re:apple is overated (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:apple is overated (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Only apple... (Score:5, Insightful)
The design of Apple computers is one of the things, small and insignificant though it is, that differentiates Apple from its competition.
Like it or not, people do have an affinity for aesthetic design. Compare your average Dell to a G5, and you'll see the difference.
There are some that assume that any 'major change in industrial design' which Apple introduces to its product line will signify a shift in direction for the company. When the tiBooks came out, for example, it was clear that Apple was 'rejuvenating its purpose as a computer designer/manufacturer'
Strange, perhaps, but I believe this has something to do with marketing, not technology. Many computer geeks forget that marketing is the only thing that truly counts in computers these days
Re:Only apple... (Score:5, Interesting)
A good example is the HP I have sitting next to my mac. When the mac is asleep, a small 1 inch circle of dim light slowly and pleasently pulsates. OTOH, the HP has a huge 3 or 4 inch square of bright blue light that blinks to indicate the machine is asleep. The mac pulsing can be ignored. The HP demands the attention of all in the room. Is this some inferiority complex on the part of HP. I mean it is like a child who screams just to get attention.
The pulsing is a good idea. Unfortunately, the designers at HP just haven't a clue of what the idea is.
Re:Only apple... (Score:2)
Re:Only apple... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Only apple... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Only apple... (Score:5, Interesting)
In fact, it's rather difficult to find fans of anything that don't care how their products look - with x86 computers being the only odd exception. Fans of automobiles, home cinema, audio systems, motorcycles, biking, hiking, surfing, wine tasting etc. - they all care very much about the look. They wouldn't accept the ugliness of a plain, nondescript beige-box like your average PC (try selling such a nondescript surfing board or mountain bike!). Why x86 computer fans accepted it, it's actually a very interesting question.
PC enthusiasts are no different. (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Only apple... (Score:3, Interesting)
This time, because there are no specs to go with the pictures. We have an image to pore over, look at, spot the differences in, all in the vacuum before a product release. It gives us something to do
Last year was the opposite. A leak for a few hours on Apple's own site had a picture of the current G4 models, but with the new G5 specs l
Re:Only apple... (Score:5, Funny)
me too.
i'll never understand why people drive jaguars. my 70's chevy impala station wagon was way faster.
Re:Only apple... (Score:5, Interesting)
Apple hardware is supposed to be where form meets function, the state of the art in personal computers. At several times this has been true and these machines may very well represent that principle from a technical standpoint. Early and recently in Macintosh's lifetime it has been the pinnacle of home computing in many ways. Right now, whatever you think of their politics or their price tags, you have to appreciate their technology. And, at the same time, they havr tended to have some of the most functional and attractive cases in the personal computer market.
So, naturally the Macintosh today attracts both people who want a good-looking computer, and those who want a technogically superior (not in every way, obviously, but it has some serious advantages over "the competition". This hasn't really been true for Apple since the days of the Macintosh II family - when it was young, that is. Arguably they reached that point with the dual G4, and equally arguably with the existence of some of the nice shiny hammer-core processors available now they don't have it at this moment, either, but this is my personal perception :P
Re:Only apple... (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Only apple... (Score:2)
Re:Only apple... (Score:5, Informative)
A) that the G5 processors used will almost certainly be of the
B) that there will be room in the case for an additional 2 hard drives, the lack of which space was a big complaint about the Rev. A models.
Please remove parent post (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Only apple... (Score:5, Insightful)
Right, because I've noticed a serious lag between when I make a keystroke and when it appears onscreen.
Computers are no longer a luxury, they are a commodity. And once something becomes a commodity, appearance becomes important. Mankind is vain.
Besides, speed is irrelevant. Computational ability is much more important. To use the beaten-to-death car anology, I have a 6-cylinder Explorer, my brother has a 6-cylinder Dodge Cummins diesel. His Dodge runs at almost 1/3 less RPMs, yet has significantly more towing ability.
The speed masters themselves at Intel have begun de-stressing MHz with their Pentium M proc.
What matters is how well the computer does what you need it to do, not how fast and hot the proc runs, unless thats what you need.
Me, I'm typing this on a 6-yr-old powerbook. Do I want the latest and greatest? Hell yes! But in the meantime I'll still get done what I need on this ol' workhorse.
Re:Only apple... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Only apple... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Only apple... (Score:5, Funny)
Apple is one of the few companies that actually treats computers like a home appliance.
Which is why you can use the G5 as a cheese grater.
Re:Oh boy! (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Oh boy! (Score:2)
If that's even close to true that means 3.0GHz G5s are here. That's exciting.
What'd be more exciting to me is if they come out with an iMac G5. My 800Mhz is long in the tooth for video editing.
Re:QUAD G5 (Score:2)
Re:Apple's missing product (Score:2)
What makes you think that? My 12" iBook (I assume the 14"s are the same) actually can't really do what you suggest. Although you can hook up a monitor, it will only mirror what's on the LCD (so you can't stretch the desktop over multiple displays), and you can't close the cover without it going to sleep (so you have to have the LCD running even with a monitor attache
Re:comparison Athlon64, G5 (Score:5, Funny)
Good for you. You should be very proud of yourself, creating a nice, fast, usable computer for a very decent price. I personally have been scammed into purchasing four of their computers over the past 10 years for prices that were 10-30% higher than their warranty-free open market PC equivalents. I suppose I should be upset about being a victim of Apple's unfair pricing, but I'm not. I like my Apple gear. It's really good stuff.
Incidentally, if your friend was REALLY doing anything serious with databases, he'd have asked you to scrap the fancy graphics card for a RAID setup with dual CPUs.
Re:comparison Athlon64, G5 (Score:5, Insightful)
2) You forgot to add in your expenses for warranty & support.
3) Your base price is wrong - the G5 is $1800, not $1900.
4) Drop the DVD burner & modem from the G5 & it's $1570 - with an OS, AppleWorks, iLife, et. al. Of course, you can always nuke it & run Darwin or Linux.
So, for an extra $275 you get an engineered, warrantied, professionally manufactured machine that you can easily upgrade to dual CPU in the future. Just my 16#0000_0000_0000_0002# cents worth.
Re:comparison Athlon64, G5 (Score:3, Informative)
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Macromedia Dreamweaver
MS Office
Re:comparison Athlon64, G5 (Score:4, Insightful)
Also, and I realize that there is a large crowd for which this is laughable, but I use a Mac for the same reason I drive an automatic. I've got better things to do than telling the computers in my life how to do their job.